Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit TWI061 du fabricant Crown Boiler
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1 T el: (215) 535-8900 • Fax: (215) 535-9736 • www .crownboiler .com Manufacturer of Hydronic Heatings Products P .O. Box 14818 3633 I. Street Philadelphia, P A 19134 A WI & TWI Series Gas-Fir.
3 T able of Contents I. Product Description .................................................. 1 II. Specifications ............................................................ 1 III. Before Installing .................................................
5 TABLE 1: SPECIFICATIONS Notes: Suffix E = Intermittent Ignition, Suf fix S = Standing Pilot Add Suffix N for Natural Gas or Suffix L for Propane Gas to basic A WI Boiler Model shown (Example: A WI29.
6 III Before Installing 1) Safe, reliable operation of this boiler depends upon installation by a professional heating contractor in strict accordance with this manual and the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.
7 4 ) The boiler should be located as close to the chimney as possible. 5) Do not install this boiler over carpeting. 6) Do not install this boiler directly on a surface that may get wet. Raise the boiler on a pad. V Air for Combustion and V entilation Sufficient fresh air must be supplied for combustion, ventilation and flue gas dilution.
8 b. Find the volume of the room in cubic feet. The volume of the room in cubic feet is: Length (ft) x width (ft) x ceiling height (ft) In calculating the volume of the boiler room, consider the volume of adjoining spaces only if no doors are installed between them.
9 For Buildings of Unusually Tight Construction 1 ) Openings must be installed between the boiler room and the outdoors or a ventilated space, such as an attic or crawl space, which communicates directly with the outdoors. 2) Two openings are required.
10 VI V enting Vent installation must be in accordance with local building codes, or the local authority having jurisdiction, or Chapters 7 an d 10 of the National Fuel Gas Code , NFPA 54/ANSI Z 223.1. Typical vent installation is illustrated by Figure 8.
11 2 ) Acceptable Vent Connectors - The following may be used for vent connectors: • Listed type B or L Gas Vent • Single Wall Galvanized Pipe - Use 0.018” (26 gauge or heavier). The size and location of the chimney may not permit the use of a single wall connector in some cases.
12 7 ) Do not connect the boiler into a chimney flue serving an open fireplace or other solid fuel appliance. 8 ) Prior to boiler installation, inspect chimney for obstructions or other defects and correct as required. Clean chimney as necessary. 9) Vent pipe should slope upward from draft diverter not less than one inch in four feet.
13 connected to the common venting system are not in operation. a ) Seal any unused opening in the common venting system. b) Visually inspect the venting system for proper size and horizontal pitch and determine there is no blockage or restriction, leakage, corrosion and other deficiencies which could cause an unsafe condition.
14 VIII System Piping Standard Piping Figure 11 shows typical boiler system connections on a single zone system. Additional information on hydronic system design may be found in Installation of Residential Hydronic Systems (Pub. #200) published by the Hydronics Institute in Berkeley Heights, NJ.
15 6) Low Water Cut-Off (Required in some situations) - A low water cutoff is required when the boiler is installed above radiation. In addition, some codes such as ASME CSD-1 require low water cutoffs. Codes may also require that this low water cutoff have a manual reset function.
16 2) Large Water Volume Systems - The piping shown in Figure 13 will minimize the amount of time that the boiler operates with return temperatures below 120°F on these systems. A bypass is installed as shown to divert some supply water directly into the return water.
17 FIGURE 13: BOILER BYPASS PIPING FIGURE 14: ISOLATION OF BOILER FROM SYSTEM WITH A HEAT EXCHANGER 5) Piping with a Chiller - If the boiler is used in conjunction with a chiller, pipe the boiler and chiller in parallel as shown i n Figure 15. Use isolation valves to prevent chilled water from entering the boiler.
18 IX W iring Single Zone Wiring 1) 120 V olt W iring - The boiler should be provided with its own 15A branch circuit with fused disconnect. All 120 volt connections are made inside the L8148E aquastat relay as follows (also see Fig.
20 Wiring V ariations 1) Multiple Circulator Zones – Figure 18 shows wiring for two or more circulator zones using Honeywell R845As. One R845A is required for each circulator zone. Circulator terminals “C1” and “C2” on the L8148E are not used.
21 A WI/TWI Control System – Sequence of Operation (Refer to Figures 16 or 17 for ladder and connection diagrams) Sequence of Operation, Standing Pilot 1) When the boiler is ener gized, 24 volts is immediately applied to terminals “1” (blue) and “4” (yellow) on the vent damper .
22 Sequence of Operation, Intermittent Ignition 1) When the boiler is ener gized, 24 volts is immediately applied to terminals “1” (blue) and “4” (yellow) on the vent damper . Assuming that there is no call for heat, and that the damper switch is in the “automatic” position, the damper will close.
23 X Start-up and Checkout Use the following procedure for initial start-up of the boiler: 1 ) Make sure that the boiler and system are filled with water. 2 ) Check all new gas piping for leaks and purge piping sections that are filled with air. See Part 4 of the National Fuel Gas Code for additional information on testing and purging gas lines.
24 1 3 ) Run gas valve safety shutdown test: • For standing pilot boiler models, disconnect the thermocouple from gas valve. Both pilot burner and main burners should stop firing. • For intermittent ignition boiler models, with main burners firing, disconnect ignition cable from ignition module.
25 20) After the boiler has operated for approximately 30 minutes, check the boiler and heating system piping for leaks. Repair any leaks found at once. 21) Inspect the vent system for flue gas leaks. Repair any leaks found before leaving the boiler in operation.
26 A. This appl ianc e has a pilot wh ich must b e light ed by ha nd . When lightin g t he pilo t, f ollow these in stru ction s exactly. B. BEFO RE LI GHTIN G smel l all a ro und t he app liance ar ea for gas. Be sure to smell ne xt to t he floor bec ause so me gas is heavie r than air and w ill settle on the floo r .
27 A. Th is applian c e is equipp ed w ith an ign ition device w hich automat ic ally li ghts th e pi lot. D o t r yt ol i g h tt h ep i l o tb yh a n d . B. BE FO RE LI GHTING s mell a ll ar ound t he app liance ar ea for gas. Be sure to smel l next to t he floor bec ause so me gas is heavie r than air and w ill settle on the floor .
29 XI Service and Maintenance The following routine maintenance should be performed on an annual basis: 1) T urn of f electrical power and gas supply to the boiler 2) Inspect the flue passages for signs of blockage. If there is any carbon in the combustion chamber or the flue passages, clean the heat exchanger before proceeding further .
30 Heat Exchanger Cleaning Pr ocedur e 1) T urn of f electrical power and gas supply to the boiler 2) Disconnect the damper and vent connector from the boiler . 3) Remove the upper front and top jacket panels. If possible, remove the rear and left side jacket panels 4) Remove the burners.
31 The following four pages contain troubleshooting charts for use in diagnosing control problems. T o use these charts, go to the box marked “Start” at the top of the chart on page 30 and follow the appropriate path though the chart until a box with a list of possible causes is reached.
32 30 A WI/TWI T roubleshooting Chart Caution : Read page 29 before attempting to use this chart T her m os tat c all s f or heat C i r c ulator st a rt ? 120 v ol ts at L1 & L2 ? 120 v ol ts a t .
33 31 Ma i n bur ner s l ight? 24 v olts ac r os s B1 & B2 ? R ef e r t o s t a n d in g p ilo t o r in t e r m it t e n t ig n it io n tr oubles hoot ing c har t ( page 32 or 33) .
34 32 St anding Pilot Ignition System T roubleshooting Chart Pi lo t lit? Ma in burners light ? Y Tu r n c o n t ro l o n gas v al v e t o PIL O T .D e p r e s s red b ut t on and li g h t p il o t .
35 33 Doe s sp a r k sto p w he n pilot lig h ts ? 24 v olt s ac ros s te r m in a ls 2 & 3 at S 860 0? Sp ar k ac ros s ig n ito r /se n s o r ga p? Y Ca n y o u he a r sp a r kin g ? * Fau l t y.
36 XIII P AR TS The following p art s may be obtained from any Crown distributor . T o find the closest Crown distributor , consult the area Crown representative or the factory at: Crown Boiler Co. Customer Service P .O. Box 14818 Philadelphia Pa. 19134 www .
37 35 Base-Block-Hood.
38 36 CAUTION: MAIN BURNER ORIFICE SIZES SHOWN ARE FOR BOILERS INST ALLED A T AL TITUDES BELOW 2000 ft 37 61 95 128 162 195 229 262 295 41 1" BURNER W IT H PILOT BRACKET 150500 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. 42 1" BURNER LESS PILOT BRACKET 150501 1 ea.
40 38 37 61 95 128 162 195 229 262 295 75 LEFT SIDE JACKET PANEL 1 ea. 700301 700301 700301 700301 700301 7003015 7003015 7003015 7003015 76 RIGHT SIDE JACKET PANEL 1 ea. 700300 700300 700300 700300 700300 7003005 7003005 7003 005 7003005 77 REAR JACKET PANEL 1 ea.
41 39 Jacket/Components.
42 T el: (215) 535-8900 • Fax: (215) 535-9736 • www .crownboiler .com Manufacturer of Hydronic Heatings Products P .O. Box 14818 3633 I. Street Philadelphia, P A 19134 CROWN Boiler Co.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Crown Boiler TWI061 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Crown Boiler TWI061 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Crown Boiler TWI061, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Crown Boiler TWI061 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Crown Boiler TWI061, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Crown Boiler TWI061.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Crown Boiler TWI061. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Crown Boiler TWI061 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.