Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MWC116ELT du fabricant Crown Boiler
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Models: MWC1 16ENT MWC1 16EL T MWC1 16ENL MWC1 16ELL .
1 T able of Contents I. Product Description 2 II. Speci fi cations 4 III. Before Installing 5 IV . Locating The Boiler 5 V . Mounting The Boiler 7 VI. Air For V entilation 10 VII. V enting 12 A. V ent System Design 12 B. Removing An Existing Boiler From Common Chimney 19 C.
2 I Product Description The MWC Series are gas fi red condensing boilers designed for use in forced hot water heating systems requiring supply water temperatures of 176F or less and return water temperatures greater than 86F . The primary heat exchanger is a copper water tube design.
3 Figure 1.1: MWC Boiler Principle Components.
4 T able 2.2: Ratings MODEL* APPLICA TION MAX. INPUT (BTU/hr) MINIMUM INPUT (BTU/ hr) D.O.E. HEA TING CAPY . (BTU/hr) IBR NET RA TING (BTU/hr) AFUE (%) DHW Output (GPM) HEA TING DHW 77F Rise 90F Rise MWC1 16E*T Combi 1 16,000 75,000 49,500 102,000 89,000 85.
5 III Before Installing Safe, reliable operation of this boiler depends upon installation by a professional heating contractor in 1) strict accordance with this manual and the authority having jurisdiction.
6 Figure 4.1: Clearances T o Combustible Or Non-combustible Material Clearance From Hot Water Pipes To Combustibles = 1”.
7 V Mounting The Boiler CAUTION This boiler weighs approximately 1 10 pounds: T wo people are required to safely lift this boiler onto the wall mounting hook. • Make sure that wall mounting hook is anchored to a structure capable of supporting the • weight of the boiler and attached piping when fi lled with water .
8 Figure 5.1 W all Mounting Hole Locations.
9 Figure 5.2 Boiler Mounting.
10 VI Air for V entilation W ARNING Out door comb ustio n air must be pip ed to the air inta ke. Neve r pipe comb ustio n air from areas con taini ng contaminates such as areas where swimming pool chemicals are stored. Contaminated combustion air will damage the boiler and may cause property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
11 Figure 6.1: Boiler Installed In A Con fi ned Space, V entilation Air From Inside Step 2a (contd.) If the total volume of both the boiler room and the room to which the openings connect is less than • 50 cubic feet per 1000 BTU/hr of total appliance input, install a pair of identical openings into a third room.
12 VII V enting W ARNING Failure to vent this boiler in accordance with these instructions could cause fl ue gas to enter the building resulting in severe property damage, personal injury , or death: Do not attempt to vent this boiler with galvanized, PVC, or any other vent components not • listed in T able 7.
13 2 (contd.) Example: A 60/100mm concentric vent system is planned for a horizontally vented MWC1 16 which has the following components: 60/100mm Elbow Adaptor (supplied with the boiler) • 1 ft Straight Pipe • 90 elbow • Uncut T erminal Section (supplied with the boiler) • The V ent Option #2 column in T able 7.
15 T able 7.3a: Crown Concentric 60/100 V ent Components (V ent Options 1,2) CROWN PN DESCRIPTION SIZE USED ON VENT OPTION # COMMENTS 340509 60/100mm ELBOW ADAPTOR 60/100mm 1,2 INCLUDED WITH ST ANDARD.
16 Figure 7.4a: Location Of V ent T erminal Relative T o Windows, Doors, Grade Figure 7.4b: Location Of V ent T erminal Relative T o Meters And Forced Air Inlets Figure 7.
17 Permitted T erminals for V ertical V enting 6) - Use Crown PN 230532 with the appropriate ashing (T able 7.3b) V ertical V ent T erminal Locations (V ent Option 5) 7) - Obser ve the fo llo win g lim ita tio ns on the l oca tio n o f a ll vertical vent terminals (see Figure 7.
18 Figure 7.7: V ertical Concentric V ent System (V ent Option 5).
19 B. Removing an Existing Boiler From a Common Chimney Read this only if the MWC boiler is replacing an existing boiler that is being removed from a common chimney .
20 C. Assembly of Crown 60/100mm Concentric V enting (IMPORT ANT - Skip to Section D for 80/125mm Concentric V ent Assembly) W ARNING Failure to follow the instructions could result in fl ue gas leakage into the combustion air or indoor air , resulting in unsafe or unreliable operation.
22 If additional pieces of pipe are used, install them starting at the boiler elbow . Support each section of straight pipe 4) at its female end. Use locking bands provided to join adjacent sections of non-cuttable pipe as well as fi ttings.
23 Figure 7.25: Attaching 60/100mm T erminal Section Figure 7.24: Preparing 60/100mm T erminal Section For Installation In The Wall.
24 D. Assembly of Crown 80/125mm Concentric V enting (IMPORT ANT - See Section C for 60/100mm Concentric V ent Assembly) W ARNING Failure to follow the instructions could result in fl ue gas leakage into the combustion air or indoor air , resulting in unsafe or unreliable operation.
25 Figure 7.31a: Cuttable Straight Section Figure 7.31b: Non Cuttable Straight Section Installation of the MWC1 16 with 80/125mm venting requires the use of the 80/125mm appliance adaptor 2) (Crown PN 340523). This adaptor is installed on top of the boiler as shown in Figure 7.
26 3) (contd.) T o cut the straight sections listed above refer to Figure 7.32 and the following instructions: Determine the required length of the a) outer pipe. When doing this allow an additional 1” of length for insertion into the female end of the adjoining pipe.
27 Figure 7.33b: Joining Non-Cuttable Pipe Figure 7.33a: Joining Cuttable Pipe.
28 Figure 7.34a: Dimension “L”, 80/125mm Horizontal T erminal Figure 7.34b: Cutting Outer Pipe Of 80/125mm Horizontal T erminal 80/125mm Horizontal T erminal Installation 5) - Cut a 5-1/2” diameter hole through the exterior wall at the planned location of the horizontal terminal.
29 Figure 7.34c: Cutting Inner Pipe Of 80/125mm Horizontal T erminal Figure 7.34d: Completing 80/125mm Horizontal T erminal Installation.
30 V ertical T erminal Installation 6) - In addition to the vertical terminal, either a Flat Roof Flashing (PN 230533) or Sloped Roof Flashing (PN 230535) is required for this installation. Determine the center line of the terminal location on the roof.
31 Figure 7.35b: Cutting V ertical T erminal Figure 7.35c: Completing V ertical T erminal Installation.
32 Figure 7.36: Chimney Chase Installation W ARNING Do not attempt to construct a vertical vent system inside a chimney that is used to vent a • fi replace or other appliances. Do not attempt to construct a vertical vent system inside a chimney fl ue adjacent to another • fl ue used by a fi replace or other appliances.
33 E. Condensate T rap and Drain Line All condensate which forms in the boiler or vent system leaves the boiler through the condensate trap. This trap allows condensate to drain while retaining fl ue gases in the boiler . This boiler is supplied with a length of drain hose already attached.
34 VIII Gas Piping Gas piping to the boiler must be sized to deliver adequate gas for the boiler to fi re at the nameplate input at an inlet pressure between the minimum and maximum values shown on the rating plate.
35 Figure 8.2: Gas Connection T o Boiler.
36 IX System Piping CAUTION Install boiler so that the gas ignition system components are protected from water (dripping, • spraying, rain, etc) during appliance operation and service (circulator replacement, etc). Operation of this boiler with continuous return temperatures below 86F can cause severe heat • exchanger corrosion damage.
37 Expansion T ank (Included & Required) 4) – This boiler is equipped with a built in expansion tank. This tank is suitable for use on systems having a water content of up to 40.6 Gal. This tank is pressurized to approximately 14.7 psi. On systems having water content in excess of 40.
38 B. Boiler Connections Boiler supply and return connections are located on the bottom of the boiler as shown in Figure 9.4. Copper 3/4” tail pieces are provided in the fi tting bag along with gaskets. Sweat the fi rst copper fi ttings to these tail pieces and then connect the tail pieces to the boiler using the gaskets provided.
39 Figure 9.4: Supply And Return T ailpiece Installation C. Piping for Special Situations Certain types of heating systems have additional requirements. Some examples follow: Primary-Secondary Piping 1) – Primary-secondary piping is required when circulator zoning is used or when the system fl ow rate must be greater than 5.
40 Figure 9.6: Chiller Piping Figure 9.5: Primary-Secondary Piping.
41 Figure 9.7: MWC1 16E*T (Combi) Internal Boiler-Side Piping Schematic.
42 Figure 9.8: MWC1 16E*L (Heat-Only) Internal Piping Schematic.
43 W ARNING Like all domestic water heaters, the MWC is capable of generating water that is hot enough to cause injury or death due to scalding. T o minimize the risk of scalding: Set domestic hot water (DHW) thermostat as low as possible (see the Start-up Section of this • manual for the location of this thermostat.
44 Figure 10.1: DHW Piping Figure 10.2: DHW T ailpiece Installation.
45 Figure 10.3: MWC1 16E*T (Combi) Internal DHW-Side Piping Schematic.
46 XI W irin g W ARNING All wiring and grounding must be done in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction or , in the absence of such requirements, with the National Electrical Code (ANSI/NFP.
47 Figure 1 1.1: Accessing Electrical Connections Figure 1 1.2: “Whip” Boiler End Field Supplied J-Box End.
48 Figure 1 1.3: Location of T erminal Blocks and 7/8 Hole for Whip Figure 1 1.4: Electrical Connections Inside Control Box..
49 Figure 1 1.5: Field Wiring - 120V AC Thermostat Figure 1 1.6: Field Wiring - 24V Thermostat Using Installer-Supplied Fan Center.
50 ye bk wh g y bu r d bk gy gy gy M t COM NO CO M NO NC bk bu bn rd gnye gy wh bu rd bk bu wh gy bu gnye bk bk u b e y n gy g bk bk bu bu bu bu rd bk y gy g L N rd bu bn gnye gnye gny e bu bn bu rd gnye wh gy rd bk bu bn gy ye w h b u rd bk rd Caution : Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing controls.
51 XII Start-up and Checkout Use the following procedure for initial start-up of the boiler: If not already done, fl ush the system to remove sediment and debris. 1) This should be done with the boiler isolated from the system. Fill the boiler and hydronic system with water and purge the system of air .
52 Check all new water and gas piping for leaks and purge piping sections that are fi lled with air . Fix any 3) leaks found immediately . See the National Fuel Gas Code for additional information on testing and purging gas lines. V ent system must be complete and free of obstructions before attempting to fi re boiler .
53 The burner may not light on the fi rst try . The most likely cause of this problem on a new installation • is a gas line that has not been completely purged. Other possibilities include inadequate inlet gas pressure or a boiler that is con fi gured for the wrong fuel.
54 W ARNING The gas valve manifold pressures are factory set and should rarely need to be adjusted. Failure to adjust the gas valve in strict accordance with these instructions could result in unreliable operation, property damage, personal injury or death due to carbon monoxide poisoning.
55 Manifold Pressure Ta p Inlet Pressure Ta p Modulation Leads Figure 12.6: Gas Pressure T aps Low Fire Adjustment (Inner Hex Shaft) High Fire Adjustment (Outer Brass Nut) Figure 12.7: Gas Pressure Adjustments (Pry Off T ransparent Cover to Access) Figure 12.
56 MWC Series Lighting and Operating Instructions W ARNING : If you do not fo llow these instructions exactly , a fire or explosion may result causing property damag e, personal injury or loss of life. A This appliance does not have a pilot. It is equipped with an ignition device which automatically li ghts the bur ner .
57 Remove the monometer and make sure that the inlet and manifold pressure tap screws are closed 9) Check the entire gas train for leaks. Fix any leaks found immediately . 10) Run the gas valve safety shut-down test. With the boiler fi ring, close the gas cock upstream of the boiler .
58 XIII Operation Lamp 2 Lamp 1 Lamp 3 Heating System Knob DHW Thermostat (Combi Only) Flame Lockout Lamp Flame Reset Button Figure 13.1: Control Panel Figure 13.
59 W ARNING The domestic water thermostat on the Maui is not intended to serve as a scald protection device. Under certain conditions, it is possible for the DHW temperature to climb signi fi cantly above the DHW Thermostat set point.
60 Sequence of Operation (Also Refer to Figures 9.7, 9.8, 10.3, 1 1.7) Upon a call for heat from the room thermostat, the circulator is started. 1) If the differential pressure switch connected between the supply and return sees a pressure in excess of 5.
61 Lam p N u m ber 1 2 3 Meani ng (Short pu ls e ev ery 4 sec on ds): H eat i ng Sy s t e m Knob i n “Off” pos it i on. B oil er will not res pond to c al l f or he at or DHW.
62 XIV . Service and Maintenance IMPORT ANT W arranty does not cover boiler damage or malfunction if the following steps are not performed at the intervals speci fi ed. Continuously: 1) Keep the area around the boiler free from combustible materials, gasoline and other fl ammable vapors a) and liquids.
63 W ARNING Soot deposits in the fl ue passages are a sign that the boiler may be operating at high carbon monoxide (CO) levels. After cleaning the boiler of soot deposits, check the CO level in the fl ue gas to insure that the boiler is operating properly .
64 Figure 14.2: Inducer Neg. Pressure Ta p V enturi W ARNING Do not leave the boiler in service with the Inner Cover removed. • Do not attempt to fi re this boiler with the Combustion Chamber Cover (Fig. 14.1) removed • Service Notes Ori fi ce Size 1) – Sea level ori fi ce sizes are: Natural Gas – 1.
65 Figure 14.3: Condensate T rap Removal Condensate T rap Spring Clip Figure 14.4: Location of Pressure Switch T aps and Limit Reset Buttons.
66 XV . T roubleshooting W ARNING T urn off power to boiler before replacing fuses or working on wiring. Figure 15.2: Fuse Location Line V oltage Connections Fuse T able 15.1: No Error Code Displayed CONDITION POSSIBLE CAUSES Boiler does not run, no lights are on or fl ashing • No 120V AC Power at boiler.
67 T able 15.3: Error Codes Lam p N u m ber 1 2 3 Fl a me L.O. Lam p Mea nin g Corr ect ive Actio n Differential Wa ter Pressure Swi tc h F a il e d to C l o s e After 180s Reset the boiler by turni ng the Heating System Knob to “0” for a few s ec o n ds , th e n r e tur n i ng i t to its or igin a l p osi ti o n.
68 Push reset button on Flue Temp Limit (Fig 14.4) Reset Boiler Does Boiler Start? Reset Boiler Push reset button on Supply Temp Limit (Fig 14.4) Does Boiler Start? Flue Temp Limit was open and will probably open again.
69 XVI Parts The following parts may be obtained from any Crown distributor . T o fi nd the closest Crown distributor , consult the area Crown representative or the factory at: Crown Boiler Co. Customer Service P .O. Box 14818 Philadelphia, P A 19134 www .
70 C.h. flow group and three way diverter valve (Model combi) 21 22 23 (upper part ) 20 25* 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 24 24 20 10 7 7 26 27 20 36 18 17 8 9 4 23 (lower part ) 35 * Includes items 23, 28, 29.
71 C.h. fl ow and ret urn groups (Model c. h. only) 2 145 7 8 9 20 36 33 34 35 28 29 30 31 32 8 9 10 147* 7 146 61 7 * Includes items 20, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36 26 27 3.
72 Pump and main circuit a ssembly (Model combi) 45 47 41 57 48 53 52 55 54 50 62 63 7 61 58 56 49 41 41 60 37 39 39 40 42 40 43 44 59 46 38 3 38 44 51 58 7 65 7 64.
73 Pump and main c ircuit assembly (Model c.h. only) 45 47 41 149 48 53 52 55 54 50 62 63 7 61 58 56 49 41 41 60 37 39 39 40 42 40 43 44 59 46 38 3 38 44 51 58 7 7 64 148.
74 Gas a ssembly 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 76 77 78 66 41 7 7 75 74 7.
75 Connect ion pipes 79 7 10* 80* 81 7 7 10* 79 80* * Not for m odel c.h. only.
76 Control panel and ignition devic e (Model combi) 85 53 84 86 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 83 96 97 72 72 72 72 72 77 88 82.
77 Control panel and ignit ion devic e (Model c .h. only ) 85 53 84 86 87 89 150 91 92 93 94 95 83 96 97 72 72 72 72 72 77 88 82.
78 100 99 100 105 106 105 99 104 98 11 3 11 3 11 3 71 107 107 101 102 103 108 11 2 108 77 101 102 103 108 9 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 109 Wiring (Model combi).
79 100 99 100 105 106 105 99 104 98 11 3 11 3 11 3 71 152 101 102 103 151 11 2 151 77 101 102 103 151 9 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 109 Wiring (Model c.h. only).
80 Fan, c ombusti on chamber and c ase panels 129 121 124 125 126 128 121 122 137 123 138 143 11 4 11 9 136 135 132 134 122 127 77 77 77 72 77 11 6 77 11 8 130 144 120 131 139 140 11 7 142 141 140 77 .
81 Key no. Description Spare part code 1 O-ring gasket 1,78x15,6 BI1001 131 2 Drainage valve BI101 1 104 3 O-ring gasket 17,04x4,00 mm BI1212 1 12 4 Screw M5x25 mm - Hexagon socket cap BI1 131 107 5 R.
82 Key no. Description Spare part code 47 Main exchanger connection clip BI1 182 106 48 Condensing heat exchanger inlet pipe BI1262 136 49 Automatic air purger valve BI1212 107 50 Pump connection fork.
83 Key no. Description Spare part code 93 Screw 3,5x16 mm self tap RPH BI1 165 101 94 Electronic control - ignition p.c.b. BI1555 107 95 Fuse 2AF BI1 165 1 12 96 Service panel cover BI1475 1 1 1 97 Co.
84 Key no. Description Spare part code 141 Flue thermostat BI1262 104 142 T win fl ue cover plate BI1366 1 14 143 Gasket - Air intake twin kit BI1016 101 144 Air restrictor d. 45 mm BI1406 129 145 Return group (Model c.h. only) BI1 171 107 146 By-pass pipe (Model c.
85 2. APPROVED CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS. Each carbon monoxide detector as required in accordance with the above provisions shall comply with NFP A 720 and be ANSI/UL 2034 listed and IAS certi fi ed.
Manufacturer of Hydronic Heating Products P .O. Box 14818 3633 I. Street Philadelphia, P A 19134 T el: (215) 535-8900 • Fax: (215) 535-9736 • www .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Crown Boiler MWC116ELT c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Crown Boiler MWC116ELT - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Crown Boiler MWC116ELT, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Crown Boiler MWC116ELT va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Crown Boiler MWC116ELT, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Crown Boiler MWC116ELT.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Crown Boiler MWC116ELT. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Crown Boiler MWC116ELT ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.