Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit C58 du fabricant Cortelco
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V ersion 1.0 August 14, 2013 C 5 8 / C 5 8 P V o IP P h o n e U s e r M a n u a l Cortelco 1703 S awyer Road Corinth, MS 3 8834 USA Tel: (662)2 87-5281 Fax:(662)287 - 3889.
2 Safety Notices Please read the fol lowing safety notices before installing or using this phone. They are cr ucial for the safe and reliable operation o f the dev ice. Please use th e external pow er supply that is included in the packag e. Other power supplies m ay cause damag e to the device, af fect the behavior or ind uce noise.
3 T able of Cont ents 1 INTRODUCING C58/C58P VOIP PHONE .................................................................... 7 1.1 T HANK Y OU ............................................................................................................
4 4.4 C LICK T O DIAL ................................................................ .................................................... 18 4.5 C ALL BACK .............................................................................................
5 7.1 G ENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 25 7.2 A CCOUNT ...............................................................................................
6 REMOTE CONT ACT ................................................................................................ ....... 60 WEB DIAL ....................................................................................................
7 1 Introducin g C58/C58P VoIP Phone 1.1 Thank you Thank y ou for purchasing the C58/C58 P V oice Over I nternet Protocol (V oIP) telephone. The C58/C58P is a fully fea tured telephone that provid es voice comm unication over the data network.
8 heard. V olume - /+ Adjust the volum e by pressing these two key s. Redial When of f hook, this w ill dial the las t called number . In st and- by mode, it will check the Outgoing Call. Speaker phone Activate speak erphone m ode. Indicato r light This light blinks t o indicate a m iss ed call.
9 LAN 10/100M Connect to PC Headset Po rt type: RJ-9 connec tor Handset Port type: RJ-9 connec tor 1.5 Icon Introduct ion Icon Description Call out Call in Call hold Auto answer Call mute Contact DND(.
10 1.6 LED Introduc tion 1.6.1 Program mable k ey LEDs for BLF LED S tat us Description S teady green The object is idle. Slow blinking red The object is ring ing. S teady red The object is ac tive. Fast blinking red The object has fa iled. Of f No t subscribed.
11 on the back of your p hone to an Ethernet port. The following two fig ures show connection optio ns. a. Direct network connection — This m et hod requi res at least one available Ethernet port. Connect the WAN port on the back of your phone to the Ethernet port.
12 instructions below to change to e ither PPPoE or st atic IP . 2.2.1 PPP oE Mode 1. Press the MENU so ftkey . 2. Scroll down to “ 3. Se t tings. ” 3. Press OK. 4. Scroll down to “ 2. Advanced Set tings. ” 5. Press OK. 6. The LCD will displ ay “I NPUT P ASSWORD”.
13 10. Press OK. 11. Press OK to sele ct W AN Settings. 12. Scroll down to “2 . S tatic IP Settings. ” 13. Press OK. 14. Use the key pad to enter the I P Address. 15. Press SA VE softkey . 16. Press DOWN ARROW . 17. Use the key pad to enter the Subnet Mask.
14 17. Use LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW to enable or disable DHC P T ime. 18. Press SA VE softkey . 19. Press BACK softkey . 20. Press UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to scroll to “ 1. Connection Mode. ” 21. Press OK. 22. Use LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW to sele ct “DHCP .
15 3.3 Do Not Disturb (DND) Press the DND sof tkey to active DN D Mode. New incom ing calls will be rejec ted and the display will show : icon. Press the DN D softkey twice to deactivate DND mode. Incom ing calls will be store d in the Call History . 3.
16 3.8 Mute When the Mute bu tton is pressed during a conversation , the i con will b e shown in the LCD. The distant party w ill not hear the p arty on the C58/C58P , but the dis tant party can still be heard. Press Mute again to return to norm al conversation.
17 4. Press Send and wa it for the other party to answe r . 5. Use the arrow k eys to select a cal l. 4 Advanced Fu nctions 4.1 Call pickup This allows a thi rd party to answer a cal l by dialing a code. For exam ple: A calls B, but there is no answe r .
18 The user can sele ct any prefix as long as it do es not interfere w ith dialing rules. 4.4 Click to dial If User A browses to User B’ s phone number or SI P address i n the contact p age and clicks it, U ser A ’ s phone will ri ng . After he goes of f hook, the phone wi ll call User B.
19 2. Use the navig ation key s to highlight the line for which you want to set voicem ail. 3. Press Edit 4. Use the navig ation keys to enable v oi cemail. 5. Input the num ber . Press 2aB softkey i f necessary to change the inpu t method. 6. Press Save to sav e the chang e.
20 None F_ MWI – Mess age W aiting F_DND – D o Not Disturb F_HOLD – H old F_B_TRANSFER – Blind Trans fer F_PBOOK – Phon ebook F_REDI AL – Redial F_PI CKUP .
21 3. Use LEFT ARR OW or RI GHT ARROW to En able. 4. Use UP ARRO W or DOWN A RROW to access time setting . 5. Use keypad to en ter time in secon ds. 5.2 Auto Handdow n This is the tim e after a cal l ends before the phone retur ns to the idle sta te. 1.
22 5.8 Auto Redial If Auto Redial is enabled, the phon e will continue to retry a bu sy call. T he user se ts the retry interval and the num ber of tim es to redial. The user is also giv en the option to activate this feature on each b usy call. 1. Press Menu - >Features-> Enter ->A uto Redial- > Enter .
23 be set. Example: A call is placed t o 6625551212. Password is set to 662 and length is set to 3. Display will show 662 ***1212. 1. Press Menu - >Features-> Enter ->Passwd D ial-> Ente r . 2. Use LEFT ARR OW or RIG HT ARROW to enab le the feature.
24 6.3 R ing Se tt ing s 6.3.1 Ring Volum e 1. Press Menu - >Settings-> Enter ->Basic Set tings- > Enter- >Ring Settings->Enter- > Ring V olume- >Ent er . 2. Use LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW to sele ct the d esired ring v olume from the 9 choices.
25 4. Press Save. 5. Use BACK or EXI T to return to id le screen. 6.6 Greeting Words This feature shows the words displa yed in the upper lef t of the LCD. Def ault is VOIP PHONE. 1. Press Menu - >Settings-> Enter ->Basic Set tings- > Enter- >Greet ing W ord->Enter .
26 7.2.2 Advanced Sett i ngs 1. Domain Realm – SIP Domain 2. Dial W ithout Registered – Enable or disabl e dialing with n o SIP registration 3. Anonymous – Priv acy Support. C hoose RFC3323, RFC3325 or Non e 4. DTMF Mode – Choo se RFC2833, SI P_Info, In-band, or Auto 5.
27 name must be en tered. 7.6 Factory Rese t Choose Y es to return the ph one t o facto ry default setting s . 8 W eb Configur ation 8.1 Introduction o f configuration 8.
28 After configur ing the IP phone, rem e mber to click SA VE under the Maintenan ce tab. If this is not done, the pho ne will lose t he modificatio ns when it is reboo ted.
29 Field Name Explanation Network Shows the config uration inform ati on for W AN and LAN port, including connec tion mode of W AN port (S tatic, DHCP , PPPoE), MAC address, I P address of W AN port and LAN por t, DHCP server status for LAN port (ENAB LED or DI SABLED).
30 Static IP If S tat ic IP is selected, this screen wi l l be disp layed. Information prov ided by the I SP should be entered. Click Back to retu rn to the Wiz ard screen. Click Next to go to Quick SI P Setti ngs DHCP After selecting DHCP and clicking NEXT , the Quick SI P Settings sc reen will ap pea r .
31 Quick SIP Settings Field Name Explanation Display Nam e The name shown i n caller I D. Server Address SIP server address eithe r IP address or URI . Server Port SIP server port (usually 5060). Authentication Us er Login nam e or Authentication I D.
32 Call Log Outgoing call log s can be seen on t his page. Field Name Explanation S tart T ime S tart time of the outgoing call Duration Duration of the ou tgoing call. Dialed Calls Account, protocol, and line of th e outgoing call. Language Field name Explanation Language Set the languag e of phone.
33 8.3.2 Net work WAN C onfig Field Name Explanation Active I P Address The current I P address of the phone. Current Subnet Ma sk The current Subnet Mask. Current IP Gateway The current Ga teway I P address. MAC Address The MAC address o f the phone.
34 Static IP If S tat ic IP is chosen, the screen below will app ear . Enter values prov ided by the I SP . DHCP If DHCP is chosen, all co nfiguration info rmation wil l be provided by a DHCP server . Contact the ISP to determine if DH CP is used.
35 LAN C onfig Field Name Explanation IP Address LAN static I P . Subnet Mask LAN Subnet Mask . DHCP Service Activate DHCP server for LAN port. The phone must be reb ooted for the DHCP server sett ing to take ef fect. NA T Enable NA T op eration Port Mirror Port Mirror can on ly be activ ated in bridge m ode.
36 Chart 1 shows a ne twork sw itch with no V LAN. Any broadcas t frames wi ll be transmitted to all other port s. For exam ple, and frames broadcas t from Port 1 w ill be sent to Ports 2, 3, and 4. Chart 2 shows an e xample w ith two VLANs ind icated by red and blue.
37 Field Name Explanation Enable LLDP Enable or Disable L i nk Lay er Discovery Prot ocol (LLDP) Packet Interv al The time interv al for sending LLDP Packets Enable Learning Funct ion Enables the telephon e to synchron ize its VLAN data with the Network Switch.
38 Service Port Set the port values for T elnet/HTTP/R TP on this page. Field Name Explanation W eb Server T ype Specify W eb Server T ype – HTTP or H TTPS HTTP Port Port for web brow ser access. Defa ult value is 8 0. T o enhance security , change this from the default.
39 DHCP SER V IC E Field Name Explanation DHCP Client T able IP -MAC mapping table. I f the LAN por t of the phone c onnects to a device, this table will show its IP and MAC address. Leased T able Name Name of the lease t able. S tart IP Address Beginning I P address of the lease table.
40 TIME&DATE Set the time z one and SNTP ( Sim ple Network Tim e Protocol) server on this page. Daylight savings time conf iguration and m anual tim e and date entry are also done on this .
41 Daylight Saving Time Sett ings Enable Enable daylight saving tim e. Of fset(minutes) DST of fset. Default is 60 minutes. Month S ta rt and end m onth for DS T W eek S tart and end week fo r DST Day.
42 Field Name Explanation Choose the sip lin e to config ured (SIP 1 – SIP 2). Click the dropdown a rrow to select the line. Status Shows registrat ion status. Will show “Reg istered” i f registered or “Unapplied” i f not registe red. Server Address SIP server I P address or URI.
43 Display Nam e Set the display nam e. T his nam e i s shown on Ca ller ID. Enable Registra tion Check to subm it registration inform ati on. Domain Realm SIP Dom ain if different tha n the SIP Reg istrar Server.
44 Subscribe For MWI If enabled, the phone w ill send Message Waiting Indication (MWI) Subscribe m essa ge to th e SIP Serv er MWI Num ber Specify the num ber to call to re trieve Voice Me ssages. Subscribe Period Time interv al between MWI Subscri be Messag es.
45 Different VoI P Service pro viders may require different m odes. Local port SIP port. Default is 5060. Ring type Set ring tone. T here are 9 st andard option s and 3 user options. Enable Rport Enable/Disable suppo r t for NA T traversal via RFC3581 (Rpor t) .
46 Registration Fail ure Retry Time Registration failur e retry tim e – If registration fails, the phone wil l attempt to register ag ain after reg istration failu re retry tim e. This will affect all lines IAX2 Field Name Explanation S tatus Shows registrat ion status.
47 non- num eric, this number can be used to replac e the echo test text. This allows dialing a number to perfo rm an echo v oice test. This function i s provided to tes t whether com munication throug h the server . Echo T est T ext Echo test text Refresh Time Expiration tim e of IAX2 serv er regist ra tion.
48 Field Name Explanation STUN NAT Tran sversal Shows whether or no t STUN N AT Transversal was su cc essful. Server Address STUN Server I P addres s Server Port STUN Server Por t – Default is 3478. Binding Period STUN blinding period – STUN packet s are sent at this interval to keep the NAT m apping active.
49 Example 2: Subst itution – T o dial a long distance call to Bei jing requires di aling a rea code 010 before the lo cal phone number . Using this fea ture 1 can be subs tituted for 010. For example, to ca ll 62213123 would only requ ire dialing 162213123 in stead of 0106 2213123.
50 Dial Peer Ex amples Web Interface Explanation Example Set phone num ber, Destination, Alias a nd Delete Length. Phone number is XXXT; Destination is 255.255 .255.255 ( and Alias is del. Any phone num ber that begins with XXX will b e sent via SIP2 after the fir st several digits are deleted de pending on the delete length.
51 The phone will add th e alias to the end of the di aled number if the dialed num ber matches the template in the Ph one Number box. Dial “8309“ The SIP1 serv er will receive “07558309” Set Phone Num ber, Alias and Delete Length.
52 Third Codec The third codec cho ice: G.711A /u, G.722, G.723, G .729, G.726, None Fourth Codec The forth codec cho i ce: G.711A /u, G.722, G.723, G.7 29, G.726, None Fifth Codec The fifth codec c hoice G.711A /u, G.722, G.723, G.72 9 , G.726, None Sixth codec The sixth codec cho ice G.
53 FE ATURE This page config ures various fe atures such as Hotline, Call Transfer , Call W aiting , etc. Field Name Explanation Do Not Disturb If enabled, the phone w ill reject incoming call s. The callers rece ive busy tone. Outgoing calls may be m ade.
54 Auto Redial Times Maximum number of auto r edial attem pts. Auto Headset Automatically answ er s call on head set. Enable I ntercom If enabled, al lows intercom cal ls. Enable I ntercom Tone If enabled, play s intercom ring tone to alert to an intercom call .
55 Ring from H eadset If this is enabled and a headset is connected, r ing tone will be p layed in the headset. Enable I ntercom Mute If enabled, m utes incoming cal ls during an intercom call Enable I ntercom Barge If enabled, the p hone will auto- answer an intercom cal l during an outside call.
56 DIAL PLA N This phone suppo rts 7 dialing modes: 1. End with “#”– Dia l the desired num ber , and press # to send it to the server . 2. Fixed Length – The number will be sen t to the serv er after the spec ified number of digits are dialed.
57 5. Press # to Do Bl ind T ransfe r - Press # after enteri ng the tar get number for the transfer . The phone will transfer the current call to the third party . 6. Blind T ransfer on Onhook - Hang up after entering the targ et number for the transfer .
58 CONTAC T Enter the nam e, phone number and r ing type for each c ontact here. Field Name Explanation Phonebook Tab les Group Dropdown box to select gro up Name Contact name.
59 Office Num ber, Mobile Number, Other Num ber Contact phone num ber s Ring Type Ring type for thi s contact Group Contact group for this contact Add Contact Name Contact name Office Num ber, Mobile .
60 REMOTE C ONTACT Allows access to remote co ntact lists eithe r via XML or LDAP . TFTP example: Set the Pho nebook Nam e as cortelco - Serv er URL is tftp:// admin/phonebook /index.xml. LDAP example: Server UR L is ldap: //192.168.
61 8.3.5 Functi on Key The phone has 4 pr ogrammable DSS / Function k eys with associa ted LEDs. The 4 directiona l arrow keys and the OK button ar e also program mable.
62 Line – Seize a p rogramm ed line (SIP1/SI P2/ IAX2) Memory Key – See Section 4.9.1. URL – Directly access a rem ote XML phonebook V alue Parameters assoc iated with the func tion. For exam ple: The d igits to be dialed by a k ey program med for DTMF .
63 8.3.6 Maintenan ce Auto Provis ion The phone suppor ts PnP, DHCP, and Phone F l ash to o btain configurat ion parameters. They will be queried in the follow ing order when the pho ne boots.
64 Encryption Key Save Autoprovision Information Save the Autoprovision usernam e and password in the phone until the server url chang es DHCP Option S ettings Field Name Explanation DHCP Option Se tting The phone suppor ts configurat ion from Option 43, Option 66, o r a Custom DH CP option.
65 3. Update at tim e i nterval – update a t periodic upda te interval TR069 Settings Enable TR069 Enable/Disable TR069 configuration ACS Server T ype Select Comm on or CTC ACS Serv er T ype. ACS Server URL ACS Server URL. ACS User User name for ACS.
66 Syslog Con figurati on Field Name Explanation Syslog Settings Server IP Syslog serv er IP address. Server Port Syslog serv er port. MGR Log Lev el Set the level of MGR log. SIP Log Level Set the level of SI P log . IAX2 Log Lev el Set the level of I AX2 log.
67 Config Settin g Config Setti ng Field Name Explanation Save Configura tion Save the current phone configuration. Clicking this sav es al l configuration chang es and m a kes them ef fective im mediately . Backup Configura tion Save the phone co nfiguration to a txt or xm l file.
68 Update This page allows up l oading config ur ation files to the phone. Update Field Name Explanation Web Update Web Update Browse to the con fig file, a nd press Update to load it to the phone. V arious types of files can be loaded h ere including firmware, ring to nes, local phon ebook and config files in eit her text or xml form at.
69 T ype Action to be execu t ed by the phone. 1. Application upda te - download system update file 2. Config file expo rt - Upload config f ile to FTP/TF TP server . It can then be nam ed and saved. 3. Config file im port - Download th e config file f rom FTP/ TFTP server .
70 Access User accounts can b e a dded or deleted from this page. T he autho rity of accounts ca n also be changed. Access Con figuration Field Name Explanation LCD Menu Pass word Settings Menu Password Set s the passwo rd for enteri ng the setup menu fr om the phone keypad.
71 Reboot Some configura tion modificat ions require a reboot to becom e effective. Clicking t he Reboot button will caus e the phone to reboot imm e diately . Note : Be su re to save the c onfiguration be fore rebooting . 8.3.7 Security 8.3.7.
72 Firewall Firewall Confi guration Firewall rules can b e used to prevent unau t horized I nternet users from accessing private networks connec ted to this phone (input rule), or p revent unauthoriz ed devices connected to this phone from ac cessing the I nter net (output ru le).
73 When a connec ted device tr ies to access , t he phone w ill deny the re quest because of the ou t_access rule. Acces s to any other I P address will be al lowed.
74 connectivity to specific hosts in th e internal ne twork, althoug h communication with other hosts in the DMZ and t o the extern al network is allowed.
75 Network Address T ranslation (NA T) T able Shows the NA T TCP and UDP mapping tables NA T T able Option T ransfer T ype Select the T CP or UDP protocol.
76 VPN Server Address Set VPN L2 TP Se rver I P address . VPN User Set User Nam e access to VPN L2TP Ser ver . VPN Password Set Password ac cess to V PN L2TP Server . Security Field Name Explanation Update Security File Select Security Fi le Browse to the se curity file to be upd at ed.
V ersion 1.0 August 14, 2013 9 Appendix 9.1 Specification 9.1.1 Hardware Item Specification Power Adapter Input: 100- 240V Output: 5V 1A Port W AN 10/100Base- T RJ-45 1 POR T LAN 10/100Base- T RJ-45 1 POR T Headset RJ9 1 POR T Power Consum pt ion Idle: 2.
- 78 - SIP authentication none bas ic MD5 DNS Peer to Peer / IP call Autom atic line selection 9 S t andard ring tones a nd 3 user -defin ed ring tones DTMF SIP.
- 79 - Incom ing Calls Outgoing Calls Miss ed Calls Max of 300 Records Ea ch Supports vCard/XML/CS V Support I AX2 4 DSS k eys Programm able Soft Keys Programm able.
- 80 - Supports DHC P server on LAN QoS with Dif fServ Network T ools in T elnet Serv er Ping T race Route T elnet Client 9.1.4 Maintenan ce and mana gement Firmw are Upgra.
- 81 - 9.2 Digit-character map table Keypad Character Keypad Character 1 @ 7 P Q R S p q r s 2 A B C a b c 8 T U V t u v 3 D E F d e f 9 W X Y Z w x y z 4 G H I g h i */.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cortelco C58 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cortelco C58 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cortelco C58, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cortelco C58 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cortelco C58, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cortelco C58.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cortelco C58. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cortelco C58 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.