Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 11970-90031 du fabricant Agilent Technologies
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User’s Guide 11970 SERIE S HARMONIC MIXERS (K, A, Q, U , V , and W Model s) Manufac t uring P art Number: 11970- 90031 Supersedes 11970- 90030 Printed in USA Octobe r 2003 © Copyright 1992, 1999, 2001 − 2003 Agi lent T ec hnol ogies , Inc.
2 Notice The informati on contai ned in this document is subje ct to change without notic e. Agilent T ec hnologies makes no w arranty of any kind with regard to this material, including but not limite d to, the implied wa rrant ies of merchantab ility and fi tness for a particular purpose.
3 LIMIT A TION OF W ARR ANTY The foregoin g w arranty shall not apply to def ect s resulting from improper or inad equat e maintenance by Buyer , Buyer -supplied softw are or interfacing, unauthorized modific atio n or misuse , operation out side of the environmental s pecificati ons for the product, or improper sit e pre paration or maintenance .
Con tents 5 T able of Co n tent s 1. General Inf ormation Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Mixers Co vered by Manual . .
6 Con tents T abl e of Contents Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 General I nformatio n 1 General Information.
8 Chapter 1 General Inf or mation Intro duction General In formatio n Introduction The Agilent Models 11970K, 11970A, 11970Q , 11970U , 11970V and 11970W are general-pur pose harmonic mixers with very flat frequenc y response charact eristics and low conversion los s .
Chapter 1 9 General Inf or mation Intro duction General I nformatio n 11970 Serie s Harmonic Mixers F igure 1-1. Options Option 009 , show n in Figure 1-2.
10 Chapter 1 General Inf or mation Intro duction General In formatio n • PSA Series E4440A, E4446A, and E4448A spect rum analyzers requir e Option A YZ (LO OUT and IF IN connectors). The E4443A and E4445A do not supp ort external mixing. F igure 1-2.
Chapter 1 11 General Inf or mation Specifications General I nformatio n Specifications Specific ations for the 11970 Series Mixers are listed in Ta b l e 1 - 1 . Thes e are the per form anc e standards agains t which the mixers are test ed (p erformance tests are provided in Cha pter 3 ,“Performance T ests ,” ).
12 Chapter 1 General Inf or mation Specifications General In formatio n T able 1- 1 1 1970 Series Specifications NOTE Unless otherwise st ated, all speci fications app ly for an IF of 321.
Chapter 1 13 General Inf or mation Specifications General I nformatio n MODEL 1 197 0K MODEL 1 1970 A RF Frequency Range: 18 - 26 .5 GHz RF Frequency Range: 26.5 - 4 0 GHz LO Harmoni c Number: 6 LO Harmonic Number: 8 LO Input F requency Rang e: 2.95 - 4.
14 Chapter 1 General Inf or mation Specifications General In formatio n MODEL 1 1970 V MODEL 1 1970W RF Frequency Range: 50 - 75 GHz RF Frequency Range: 75 - 1 10 GHz LO Harmoni c Number: 14 LO Harmonic Numb er: 18 LO Input F requency Rang e: 3.55 - 5.
Chapter 1 15 General Inf or mation Specifications General I nformatio n T able 1-2 1 1970 Supplemental Characteristics NOTE Supplemen tal c haracteris tics are incl uded only as additional i nformation; they are not s pecifications . 3 dB IF Bandw id th: DC to 1.
16 Chapter 1 General Inf or mation Specifications General In formatio n.
17 Operati on 2 Oper ation.
18 Chapter 2 Operation Intro duction Operati on Introductio n This section provid es inf ormation on how to make effective use of the 11970 mixers . Operating Precautions Refe r to th e se ct ion s be l o w fo r sp ecif ic par a m e te rs to fo llow pr ior to m i xe r oper a tion .
Chapter 2 19 Operation Getting Started Operati on Getting Started The 11970 series of millimet er wa ve mixers have no bias or back-shor t adjustments .
20 Chapter 2 Operation Getting Started Operati on If you ar e using an 119 70Q, 11970U, 11970V o r 11970W Mix er , and the shoulder o f its wa ve guide flange i s not p roperl y a ligned with th e flan ge of t he de vi ce unde r t est, amplit ude measure ment err ors ca n result .
Chapter 2 21 Operation Using a Con version-L oss Data Disk with the ESA or PSA Series Analyzers Operati on Using a Conversion-Loss Data Disk with the ESA or PSA Series Analyzers The conver sio n-loss data f or your mixer ca n be quickly lo aded in the memory of an ESA or PSA series analyzer fr om a fl opp y disk.
22 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with the E4407B Spectrum Anal yzer (Option A YZ) Operati on Using the Mixers with the E4407B Spe ctrum Analyzer (Optio n A YZ) The Agilent T echnologies E4407B spectrum analyzer contains an e xtensive menu of functions that help with millime ter measurements .
Chapter 2 23 Operation Using the Mixer s with the E4407B Spectrum Analyzer (Optio n A YZ) Operati on 2. On the analyzer , press Preset , Factory Pres et , if pr ese nt . 3. Select e xternal m ixing by pr essing Input/Output , Input Mixer , Input Mix er (Ext ).
24 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with the E4407B Spectrum Anal yzer (Option A YZ) Operati on Signal Identif ication The IF output of a harmon ic mixer will con tain a sig nal at t he inte rmed.
Chapter 2 25 Operation Using the Mixer s with the E4407B Spectrum Analyzer (Optio n A YZ) Operati on F igure 2-4..
26 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mix er s with the E4440A, E4446A, or E 4448A PSA S eries Spectrum Anal yzer ( Option AY Z ) Operati on Using th e Mixers with the E44 40A, E4446A, or E4 448A PSA Serie.
Chapter 2 27 Operation Using the Mixer s with the E4440 A, E4446A, or E4448A PSA Series Spectrum Anal yzer (Option AY Z ) Operati on 2. On the analyzer , press Preset , Factory Pres et , if pr ese nt . 3. Select e xternal m ixing by pr essing Input/Output , Input Mixer , Input Mix er (Ext ).
28 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mix er s with the E4440A, E4446A, or E 4448A PSA S eries Spectrum Anal yzer ( Option AY Z ) Operati on Signal Identif ication The IF output of a harmon ic mixer will c.
Chapter 2 29 Operation Using the Mixer s with the E4440 A, E4446A, or E4448A PSA Series Spectrum Anal yzer (Option AY Z ) Operati on F igure 2-7..
30 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 856X Series Spectrum Analyzers Operati on Using the Mixers with the 856X Se ries Spectrum Analyzers External millimeter mixers can be used to extend the fre quency coverage of the 8560 E-Series and EC-Serie s spectrum analyzers.
Chapter 2 31 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 856X Series Spectrum Analyzers Operati on Select the Frequency Band 2. Specify unpr ese lected external mi xi ng by press ing CONFIG , then EXT MXR PRE UNP R until UNPR is selecte d. 3. T o select a frequency above 18 GHz: a.
32 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 856X Series Spectrum Analyzers Operati on In this ex ample, we ’ ll look at U-band, which range s fr om 40 GHz to 60 G Hz, as shown in Figure 2 -9 . The LOCK HARM ONIC function “ lo cks ” the spectrum analyzer in that band, ensuri ng that the sp ectrum analyzer sweeps only the chosen band.
Chapter 2 33 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 856X Series Spectrum Analyzers Operati on F igure 2-10 Store and corre ct for conversion l oss. The second method fo r st oring conversion-lo ss information lets you sa ve individ ual conversion- loss data point s at s pec ific intervals acr oss the harmonic band, using CNV LOSS VS FR EQ .
34 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 856X Series Spectrum Analyzers Operati on F igure 2-11 Signal Responses Produced by a 50 GHz Signal in U Band Identify signals with the fr equency-shift meth od 6.
Chapter 2 35 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 856X Series Spectrum Analyzers Operati on F igure 2-12 Response f or Invalid Signals F igure 2-13 Response fo r V alid Signals.
36 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 856X Series Spectrum Analyzers Operati on Identify signals in wide freque ncy spans 7. SIG ID A T MKR ident ifies si gnals i n wide fr eque ncy spa ns, using har moni c search .
Chapter 2 37 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 856X Series Spectrum Analyzers Operati on F igure 2-15 SIG ID A T MKR P erformed on a T rue Signal.
38 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with MMS Analyzers Operati on Using the Mixers with MMS Analyzers Preliminary Operation NO TE This sec tion provides information f or the Agilent 70907A (or B), however the operation of the Agilent 70909A and Agi lent 70910A is similar .
Chapter 2 39 Operation Using the Mixers wit h MMS Analyzers Operati on Operation Band Selection Use th e fol lowin g key se quen ce to enter t he ex tern al mi xing m ode an d to se lect t he de sired.
40 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with MMS Analyzers Operati on Genera l Desc ripti ons of Agilen t 710 00 Seri es Spe ctru m Anal yzer External-Mixing Functi ons ext mixer Allows access to the f ollowing softkey func tions that contr ol the measurement range whe n an external mixer extend s the spectrum analyzer f requency range .
Chapter 2 41 Operation Using the Mixers wit h MMS Analyzers Operati on CONV LOSS (conversi on loss) Offsets the ref erence level to compens ate for amplitude los se s at the acti ve input po rt. If ne cessary , use select input t o activat e the desi r ed inp u t po r t befo re sp ecify ing its co n v e rs ion- l os s offs et .
42 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with MMS Analyzers Operati on NO TE See th e tabl e below for a vailab le freq uency range s and r ela te d harm oni c num b ers. U se the IMA GE N ST ART and IMA GE N STOP so ftke ys for the image i dentif ication only .
Chapter 2 43 Operation Using the Mixers wit h MMS Analyzers Operati on Conversion Loss V ersus Frequency Correction The Agilent 71000 Series Spectr um Analyzers with the Agilent 70907A (or B) External Mixer Inter face Module installed ha s the am plit ude-corre ction function (AM PCOR) availa ble by remote pro gramming.
44 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with MMS Analyzers Operati on T o print out an existing AMPCOR table, use the progr am listed below: 10 dim A$ (1:20) [30] 20 OUTPUT 718; “ CONVLO SS 0DB; ” 30 OUTPUT 718; “ AMPCOR 50 GHZ, 46 .1DB, 52GHZ , 46.
Chapter 2 45 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 8566B Spectrum Analyzer Operati on Using th e Mixers with the 85 66B Spectrum Analyzer Set up the equipment 1. C o n n ect th e e xter n a l harm o n ic m i x e r to the sp e c tr um a n a ly zer , as sh o w n in Figure 2-17 .
46 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 8566B Spectrum Anal yzer Operati on “ Ha rmonic 6 L ” , where “ L ” stands for locked, or you coul d press Shift+ z to manually harmonic loc k . F igure 2-18 T YPICAL M ILLIMET ER SIGNAL D I SPLA Y A menu of millimeter measurement f uncti ons is accessed by pressi ng SHI FT , 1 , MHz .
Chapter 2 47 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 8566B Spectrum Analyzer Operati on Signal Identification Figure 2 -18 shows a t ypical full-band display o f a single inpu t signal.
48 Chapter 2 Operation Using the Mixer s with the 8566B Spectrum Anal yzer Operati on F igure 2-19 Sample Mixer Cal i b ration T able.
49 P erform ance T ests 3 Pe r f o r m a n c e Te s t s.
50 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests Intro duction P erformanc e T ests Introductio n This section contains instructions for testing the performanc e of the 11970 Series Mixers . P erformance te sts are used to c heck the mixers at incoming inspecti on and for periodic evaluation .
Chapter 3 51 P erformance T ests P erform ance T est Procedures P erform ance T ests P erformance T est Procedures Description Each perfo rmance test procedure is contained in a single paragraph.
52 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests P erform ance T est Procedures P erformanc e T ests T able 3-2. Recommended T est Equipment for 11 970A Instrument Critical Spe cifications Recommended Mode l Spectrum An alyzer LO and IF range s compatible w ith mixer 8566B Synthe sized Sw eeper Freq uency: 8 to 13.
Chapter 3 53 P erformance T ests P erform ance T est Procedures P erform ance T ests T able 3-3. Recommended T est Equipment for 11 970Q Instrument Critical Sp ecifications Recommended Model Spectrum An alyzer LO and IF ranges compat ible with mixer 8566B Synthesized S weeper Frequency: 11.
54 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests P erform ance T est Procedures P erformanc e T ests T able 3-4. Recommended T est Equipment for 11 970U Instrument Critical Specifications Reco mmended M odel Spectrum Analyzer LO and IF ranges compatible with m ixer 8566B Synthe sized Sw eeper Frequency: 13.
Chapter 3 55 P erformance T ests P erform ance T est Procedures P erform ance T ests T able 3-5. Recommended T est Equipment for 11 970V Instrument Critical Sp ecifications Recommended Model Spectrum .
56 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests P erform ance T est Procedures P erformanc e T ests T able 3-6. Recommended T est Equipment for 11 970W Instrument Critical S pecifications Recommended Mode l Spectrum.
Chapter 3 57 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Response P erform ance T ests Conv ersion Lo ss and F requency Re sponse Specifications Conversi on Loss: F or a CW RF input power of l.
58 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Respo nse P erformanc e T ests Description The frequency r esponse and con version loss are checked at four LO powe r level s . A known input po wer is app lied to t he input o f the mixer .
Chapter 3 59 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Response P erform ance T ests 11970V : 50.0 GHz 11970W : 75.0 GHz.
60 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Respo nse P erformanc e T ests 9. Adjust the out put power of the si gna l gene rato r for a r eading of ap prox imately -10 dBm on the power meter for the 11970K, V or W and for approximately -3 dBm for the 11970A, Q or U .
Chapter 3 61 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Response P erform ance T ests Then press CENTER FREQUENCY : 11970K: 1 , 8 , GHz 11970A: 2 , 6 , [ . ] 5 , GHz 11970Q: 3 , 3 , GHz 11970U: 4 , 0 , GHz 11970V : 5 , 0, GH z 11970W : 7 , 5 , GHz 14.
62 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Respo nse P erformanc e T ests or Conversion Lo ss = (-10.03 dBm) - (-0.232) - (-39.78 dBm) - 8.
Chapter 3 63 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Response P erform ance T ests NO TE The convers ion los s indicated on the mixer calibr ation label includes the los s in the IF cable . If other than the spec ified cable is used, the n the loss in that cable must be compensat ed for when making amplitude measurements .
64 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Respo nse P erformanc e T ests F igure 3-1 P erformance T est Setups (1 of 2).
Chapter 3 65 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Response P erform ance T ests F igure 3-2 P erformance T est Setups (2 of 2).
66 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Respo nse P erformanc e T ests T able 3-7 Con ver sion Loss and Fr equency Response T est Record CONVERSIO N LOSS AND FRE QUENCY RESP O.
Chapter 3 67 P erformance T ests Con version Lo ss and Frequency Response P erform ance T ests Marke r Freq uency Marker Amp lit ude P ower Meter Readings Po w e r S e n s o r Cal F actor Directional .
68 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests A VERAGE NOIS E LEVE L TEST P erformanc e T ests A VERAGE NOISE LEVEL TEST Specification 11970K: -110 dBm 11970A: -108 dBm 11970Q: -104 dBm 11970U: - 104 dBm 11970V : .
Chapter 3 69 P erformance T ests A VERAGE NOIS E LEVE L TEST P erform ance T ests 4. On the 1197 5A Amplif ier , set the rear panel ALC swit ch to ON. Then connect th e po wer sensor t o the fre e end of the c able conne cted to t he output o f the amplif ier .
70 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests A VERAGE NOIS E LEVE L TEST P erformanc e T ests CA UTION Make su re the 83 49A Amplifier , used in the si gnal generato r system f or 11970A, Q and U tests , is set for externa l leveling before you turn it on.
Chapter 3 71 P erformance T ests A VERAGE NOIS E LEVE L TEST P erform ance T ests F or 11970V : 5 , 0 , GHz F or 11970W : 7, 5 , GHz 10.Record the center frequency in Ta b l e 3 - 8 . 11.Set t he power mete r CAL F ACTOR to the value s hown on the sensor calibrat ion label for the center f requency i ndicated on the spectr um analyzer .
72 Chapter 3 P erformance T ests A VERAGE NOIS E LEVE L TEST P erformanc e T ests -104 dBm ( for the 11970Q) -104 dBm ( for the 11970U) -92 dBm (for the 11 970V) -85 dBm (for th e 11970W) 18.Enter t he following p ush button commands on the 85 66A/B: MARKER , OFF REFERENCE LEVEL , 0 , dBm 19.
73 Service 4 Ser vice.
74 Chapter 4 Ser vice Maintenance Service Mainte nance The only maintenance requi red for the 11970 Series Mixers is prevent ive maintenance. When you are not using your mixer , cover its waveguide input with its wa veguide cap .
Chapter 4 75 Service Maintenance Service F igure 4-1 11970 Se rie s Mixer Schematic Diagram Ta b l e 4 - 1 Model LP F Fco (GHz) 11970K 4.4 11970A 5.0 11970Q 5.
76 Chapter 4 Ser vice Maintenance Service T able 4-2 Accessories and Re placeable P arts Pa r t N u m b e r Description 5061-546 0: 5061-545 8 8710-051 0 8710-153 9 Mixer Con nector Kit ( Option 009 ).
Chapter 4 77 Service Maintenance Service T abl e 4-3 Agilen t T ec hnol ogies Sale s and Servic e Offices UNITED ST A TES Instrume nt Support Cent er Agil en t T echno lo gies (800) 403-080 1 EUROPEAN FIELD OPERA TIONS Headq uart ers Agil en t T echno lo gi es S .
78 Chapter 4 Ser vice Maintenance Service.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Agilent Technologies 11970-90031 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Agilent Technologies 11970-90031 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Agilent Technologies 11970-90031, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Agilent Technologies 11970-90031 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Agilent Technologies 11970-90031, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Agilent Technologies 11970-90031.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Agilent Technologies 11970-90031. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Agilent Technologies 11970-90031 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.