Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SFS 3012R du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco SFS 30 1 2 R Multifabri c Se r ver S witc h Hardware Installation Guide R ele ase 2 .
iii Cisco SFS 3012R Multifabr ic Server S witch Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-11187-01 CONTENTS Preface vi i Audienc e vii Organi zation vi i Conv enti ons viii Statemen t 1071—War ning Defi nition ix Relat ed D ocum ent atio n xiv Obtain ing Docu mentati on xv Cisco.
Cont ent s iv Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Power S upply Modules 1-10 Blower Modu les 1-11 CHAPTER 2 Instal ling and Booti ng the Cisco SFS 30.
Content s v Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server S witch Hardware Inst allati on Guide OL-11187-01 CHAPTER 5 Cisco SF S 301 2R Server Switch L EDs 5-1 Cisco SFS 3 012R Serve r Switch Sys tem Status LE .
Cont ent s vi Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01.
vii Cisco SFS 3012R Multifabr ic Server S witch Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-11187-01 Preface Audience The intend ed audienc e is the admi nistrator re sponsible for installing, conf iguring, a nd managing server switch eq uipmen t. This ad ministra tor shoul d have experien ce admini stering si milar netwo rking or stor age equipm ent.
viii Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Preface Conventions Conven tions This docu ment uses the fol lowing conventions : Notes us e the follo wing con ventions : Note Means r eader t ake note . Notes co ntain helpf ul sugg estion s or ref eren ces to materi al not co vered i n the publicatio n.
ix Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server S witch Hardware Inst allati on Guide OL-11187-01 Pre face Conve ntions Cautions use the fol lowing con ventions: Cautio n Means r eade r be car eful . In t his situat ion, you migh t do someth ing that could re sult in equi pment dam age or loss of dat a.
x Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Preface Conventions Atten tion IMPORTANTES IN FORMA TIONS DE S ÉCU RITÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger . V ous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des bl essures ou des dommages corporels.
xi Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server S witch Hardware Inst allati on Guide OL-11187-01 Pre face Conve ntions ¡Advertenc ia! INSTRU CCIONES IMPO RT ANTES DE SEGURI DAD Este símbolo de aviso indica peligro.
xii Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Preface Conventions Avi s o INSTR UÇÕES IM PORT ANTES DE SEG URAN ÇA Este símbolo de aviso signi fica perigo. Você se encontra em uma situação em que há risco de lesões corporais.
xiii Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server S witch Hardware Inst allati on Guide OL-11187-01 Pre face Conve ntions.
xiv Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Preface Rel ate d Docu ment ati on Related Documentation For addit ional inf ormati on abou t the C isco SFS .
xv Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server S witch Hardware Inst allati on Guide OL-11187-01 Pre face Obtaining Documentat ion • Cisco SFS 7000 Se ries Pr oduct F amil y Chassis Manager User Guide • C.
xvi Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Preface Documentat ion Feedb ack Documentatio n Feedback Y o u can provide fe edbac k abo ut Cisco techn ical.
xvii Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server S witch Hardware Inst allati on Guide OL-11187-01 Pre face Product Aler ts and Fi eld Noti ces V ulnerability Polic y page at this URL: http://www /en/US/products/pr oducts_security_ vulnerabilit y_policy .
xviii Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Preface Obtaining Te chnica l Assistance show command output. Search re sults show an illustration of your product with the serial num ber label locati on highl ighted.
xix Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server S witch Hardware Inst allati on Guide OL-11187-01 Pre face Obtaining Additional Publications and Information Se verity 3 (S3)— Opera tional pe rform ance of the ne twork is impa ired while most business oper ation s remain functional.
xx Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Preface Obtaining A dditional Pub lications and Informa tion • W orl d-cla ss networking training is av ailable fr om Cisco. Y ou can vi e w curr ent offerings a t this URL: http://www .
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 1 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch Overview The follo wing sections appear in this cha pter: • Introdu c.
1-2 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch Overview Features Features The Cisco SFS 3012R Se rver Switch pro vides unprec edented lev els of av ailability , scalability , and manageab ility for depl oying se rver clusters a nd on -demand com puting.
1-3 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012 R Server Swi tch Overview Featur es Figur e 1 -2 Full y Redundant S ystem Ar chi tec tu.
1-4 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch Overview Cisco SFS 301 2R Serv er Switch Chas sis Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch Chassis Figure 1-3 di splays the ba ck of the Cisco SFS 3012R Se rver Switch an d number s the slots on t he chassis.
1-5 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012 R Server Swi tch Overview Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch C omponents Figur e 1 -4 Cisco .
1-6 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch Overview Cisco SFS 301 2R Server Sw itch Compon ents Figur e 1 -5 Cis.
1-7 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012 R Server Swi tch Overview Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch C omponents Ethernet and Fibre .
1-8 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch Overview Cisco SFS 301 2R Server Sw itch Compon ents Figur e 1 -7 Fib.
1-9 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012 R Server Swi tch Overview Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch C omponents InfiniBand Switch M.
1-10 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch Overview Cisco SFS 301 2R Server Sw itch Compon ents Power Sup ply M.
1-11 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012 R Server Swi tch Overview Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch C omponents Blower Mod ules The hot- swappable blower modu les (fans) of your Cisc o SFS 3 012R Server Switc h maintain the i nternal tempera ture of your server swi tch.
1-12 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 1 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch Overview Cisco SFS 301 2R Server Sw itch Compon ents.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 2 Installing and Booting the Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch This c hapter expl ains how to mo unt your C isco SFS 3 012R Se rver Switch on a rack, bo ot the Cisco SFS 3012R Server Swit ch, an d con figure basic se rvices .
2-2 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing a nd Booting the Cisco S FS 3012R Server Switch Safety War ni n g This unit is intended for installat ion in restri cted access area s.
2-3 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing and Booting t he Cisco SFS 3012R Server Sw itch Prep aring for Installation Preparing for Installation War ni n g T wo people are required to lift the chassis.
2-4 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing a nd Booting the Cisco S FS 3012R Server Switch Mounting the Ci sco SFS 3 012R Serve r Switch on a Rack Mounting the Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch on a Rack War ni n g T wo people are required to lift the chassis.
2-5 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing and Booting t he Cisco SFS 3012R Server Sw itch Mounting the Ci sco SFS 3012R Server Switch on a Rack Step 3 Attach the shel f ra ils to eit her s ide of the Cis co SFS 301 2R Serv er Sw itch chas sis as f ollo ws: a.
2-6 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing a nd Booting the Cisco S FS 3012R Server Switch Mounting the Ci sco SFS 3 012R Serve r Switch on a Rack e. Secure the shelf en d to the pos t with four screws (not in cluded ) that fit your ra ck, but do not tighten the scre ws.
2-7 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing and Booting t he Cisco SFS 3012R Server Sw itch Mounting the Ci sco SFS 3012R Server Switch on a Rack Step 7 Use 4 stand ard rack screws (no t included) to secure the rack-mounting b rackets to the rack pos ts, as shown in Figure 2 -4 .
2-8 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing a nd Booting the Cisco S FS 3012R Server Switch Attaching a Ser ial Console Cab le to a .
2-9 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing and Booting t he Cisco SFS 3012R Server Sw itch Booting the C isco SFS 3012R Server Switch .
2-10 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing a nd Booting the Cisco S FS 3012R Server Switch Connecting InfiniBand Host s Step 4 Ente r t he interface mgmt-ethe rne t command.
2-11 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing and Booting t he Cisco SFS 3012R Server Sw itch Connecting InfiniBand Hosts Figur e 2-5 In.
2-12 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 2 Installing a nd Booting the Cisco S FS 3012R Server Switch Managing the Cis co SFS 301 2R Server S.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 3 Installing and Removing Se rver Switch Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) This chapte r provides step-b y.
3-2 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Server Switch Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) Inst alling a Contro ller Modu.
3-3 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Serv er Switch Fi eld Replace able Uni ts (FRUs) Adding or Re placing Ethernet or Fibre C hannel Ga teways Step 7 Push the ejector le ver up until it c licks into place, as sho w n in F igur e 3-2 .
3-4 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Server Switch Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) Installing an InfiniBa nd Switch Module Note Y ou can i nstall gat e ways in slot s 2 (second f rom left) through 13 (sec ond fro m right ).
3-5 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Serv er Switch Fi eld Replace able Uni ts (FRUs) Installing an InfiniBand Switch Module Step 6 Press the switch module f irmly into the slot so the faste ners begin to close, as sho wn in Figure 3-3 .
3-6 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Server Switch Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) Installing an InfiniBa nd Switch Module Step 8 T ig hten the scre ws o n either side of the switch module to secure it to the chassis.
3-7 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Serv er Switch Fi eld Replace able Uni ts (FRUs) Removing an InfiniBand Switc .
3-8 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Server Switch Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) Installing a Power Sup ply Modul e T o insert a power supply , perform the follo wing steps: Step 1 Ground yoursel f using an a pproved ground wrist strap .
3-9 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Serv er Switch Fi eld Replace able Uni ts (FRUs) Re moving a Po wer Supply Mo .
3-10 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Server Switch Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) Installing a Blower Module St.
3-11 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Serv er Switch Fi eld Replace able Uni ts (FRUs) Removing a Blower Mod ule Removing a Blower Module T o r emove a bl ower modu le, perf orm t he following step s: Step 1 Ground yoursel f using an a pproved ground wrist strap .
3-12 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing Server Switch Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) Removing a Bl ower Modu le.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 4 Viewing and Updating the Software Image Sections in this chapter provide instruction s on the follo w.
4-2 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 4 V iewing and Updating the Software Imag e Viewing the Softwar e Image Ver sion Viewing the Software.
4-3 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 4 Viewing and U pdating the Sof tware Ima ge Viewing the Software Ima ge Version 1 Tue Nov 25 19:34:08 2003 19228160 TopspinOS-2.0.0/build211 1 Tue Nov 25 19:32:16 2003 15539200 TopspinOS-2.
4-4 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 4 V iewing and Updating the Software Imag e Updat ing the S oftware Ima ge Step 3 V iew the software version on in dividual cards in the ch assis: a. Double-c lick on any mo dule i n the main GUI.
4-5 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 4 Viewing and U pdating the Sof tware Ima ge Updating the Software Image Updating the Softwar e Image with the CLI Use the CLI to update the softw are image as follo ws: Step 1 Copy the image to the cha ssis controller .
4-6 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 4 V iewing and Updating the Software Imag e Updat ing the S oftware Ima ge b.
4-7 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 4 Viewing and U pdating the Sof tware Ima ge Updating the Software Image Step 3 Click the Import bu tton. The Import File window appear s. Figur e 4-3 Copy ing an Imag e File to the Server S witch a.
4-8 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 4 V iewing and Updating the Software Imag e Updat ing the S oftware Ima ge Step 4 Click the Copy b utton to copy the f ile o nto the controller of the se ver swi tch.
4-9 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 4 Viewing and U pdating the Sof tware Ima ge Deleting a S oftware Image b. Click yes in t he Sa ve change s to the s yst em con figuratio n di alog box. c.
4-10 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 4 V iewing and Updating the Software Imag e Dele ting a Soft ware Imag e Deleting an Ima ge with the E lement Ma nager GU I Dele te a s oftwa re im age w ith Elem en t Man ager as fo llows: Step 1 Select Maintenance > File Management .
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 5 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch LEDs The follo wing sections appear in this cha pter: • Cisco SFS 301.
5-2 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch LEDs Cisco SFS 301 2R Server Sw itch System Status LED Cisco SFS 3012.
5-3 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 30 12R Server Switch LEDs Power Su pply LEDs Power Supply LEDs Power supply status LED s are locate d above and below the pull handle, a s shown in Figu re 5- 2 .
5-4 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch LEDs Blower Modul e LEDs Blower Module LEDs Blo wer module LEDs are loc ated immediately to the lef t of the system status LED on the bez el end of the Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch as shown in F igu re 5-3 .
5-5 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 30 12R Server Switch LEDs Controller L EDs Controller LEDs Controll er modu les i nclude modu le stat us LED s as w ell a s Ma nageme nt Et hernet po rt LEDs.
5-6 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch LEDs Controller LEDs Figure 5-5 sh ows the lo cation of th e Ma nagem ent E therne t port L EDs. Ta b l e 5 - 8 exp la in s t he L ED s .
5-7 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 30 12R Server Switch LEDs InfiniBand LEDs InfiniBand LEDs Each In finiBan d switch module in.
5-8 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch LEDs InfiniBand LEDs InfiniBand Port LEDs T wo p ort LE Ds (bot h gr een) a ppear next to ea ch I nfiniBand por t on the swi tch m odule, as sh own in Figure 5-6 .
5-9 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 30 12R Server Switch LEDs Fibre Chann el LEDs Fibre Channel LEDs The loc ation of the Fib re Chann el gateway LEDs and Fi bre Cha nnel po rt LEDs for po rt 1 are shown in Figure 5-7 .
5-10 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch LEDs Fibre Channe l LEDs Fibre Chann el Port LE Ds Fibre Chan nel Port LEDs ar e adjacent t o each Fibre Ch annel port.
5-11 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hardware Installation Gui de OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 30 12R Server Switch LEDs Ethernet Gate way LEDs Ethernet Gateway LEDs Figure 5-8 sh ows the lo cation of the Ether net ga teway LEDs and the E therne t port L EDs.
5-12 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Chapter 5 Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch LEDs Et hernet Gat eway LE Ds Ethern et Gateway LE Ds Ethern et Port LEDs Ethern et port LE Ds are located on the Ethernet po rts.
A- 1 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifa bric Server Switch Hard ware Inst allation Gui de OL-11187-01 APPEND IX A Specifications and Compliance This appe ndix details the Cisco SFS 3012R Server Switch specif ication s and compliance certif ications.
A- 2 Cisco SFS 3012R Multif abric Server S witch Hard ware In stallation Gu ide OL-11187-01 Appendix A Specifications and Compliance Elec trica l Sp ecif ica tion s Electrical Specificat ions Certifications/Regu latory Laser Specificati ons T able A -2 Electr ical Specifications Category Specification A C Power Auto-ran ging 90-264 V A C, 47-63 Hz.
IN-1 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifabr ic Server S witch Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-11187-01 INDEX A arch itec ture 1-2 audie nce vii B basic co nnec tiv ity 2-8 blower mod ules fea tures of 1-11 instal.
Index IN-2 Cisco SFS 3012R Multi fabric Server Switch Hardware In stallation Guide OL-11187-01 F Fibre Cha nnel gat eways fea tures of 1-7 t o 1-8 installing 3-3 to 3-4 LEDs 5-9 Fibre C hannel po rt LE Ds 5-10 fiel d notic es xvii fiel d repl aceable un its fea tures of 1-5 to 1-11 installing 3-1 to 3-1 1 removi ng 3-1 to 3-11 FRU.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco SFS 3012R Multifabr ic Server S witch Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-11187-01 R racki ng the c hassi s 2-4 rack shelf, asse mbling and installing 2-5 redunda ncy 1-2 related m anua.
Index IN-4 Cisco SFS 3012R Multi fabric Server Switch Hardware In stallation Guide OL-11187-01.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems SFS 3012R c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems SFS 3012R - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems SFS 3012R, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems SFS 3012R va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems SFS 3012R, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems SFS 3012R.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems SFS 3012R. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems SFS 3012R ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.