Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SA-ISA du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Cor porat e Headqu ar ters Cisco Syst ems, I nc. 170 West Tasm an Drive San Jose, CA 9513 4-1706 USA http ://www .cisco .com Tel: 40 8 526-4000 800 55 3-NETS (6387) Fax: 40 8 526-4100 In tegr ate d Se.
i Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter and Inte grated Services Module I nstal lation an d C onfiguratio n OL-3575-01 B0 CONT ENTS Preface iii Objec tives iii Audien ce iv Installa tion W arning iv Docu ment Organiza tion v Docu ment Conven tions v Term s and Acrony m s vii Relate d Do cument ation vi ii Obta ining D ocum entation x Cisc o.
(DRA FT L ABE L) AL PHA DRAF T - C ISC O C ONFID ENTI AL Cont ents ii Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Interop erabi li.
iii Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter and Inte grated Services Module I nstal lation an d C onfiguratio n OL-3575-01 B0 Preface This p refa ce des crib es t he o bj ect ives an d organ iza tio n o f th is d o cu men t and ex pl ai ns how to fi nd add itio nal i nfo rmati on on r elate d pr oduct s and s ervi ces.
iv Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Audi ence Not e T o ens ure c omplia nce wit h U.S. e xport laws an d regul ati ons , and to pr ev ent pr oble ms late r on, s ee the “Co mpli anc e with U.
v Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter and Inte grated Services Module I nstal lation an d C onfiguratio n OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Document Organi zation Document Organ ization This d o cu men t cont ain s t.
vi Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Docu ment Co nven t ions Not es, cauti on ar y sta tem en ts, and sa fety w ar ni ng s u s e th ese convention s : Not e Mean s r ead er tak e not e .
vii Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter and Inte grated Services Module I nstal lation an d C onfiguratio n OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Ter ms and Acrony ms Terms a nd Acronyms T o ful ly under stand t he cont .
vi ii Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Rel ated D ocu ment ati on • DT E—d ata t er min al equi pmen t •.
ix Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter and Inte grated Services Module I nstal lation an d C onfiguratio n OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Re late d Do cumen tati on • F or con f igura tio n infor m ation and s u.
x Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Ob ta in i n g D o cu me nt at io n – Ci sc o I O S R el ea se 1 2. 0 Se cu r ity C on fig ur at io n G ui de – Cis co IOS Rele ase 12.
xi Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter and Inte grated Services Module I nstal lation an d C onfiguratio n OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Obt ain ing Do cu ment ati on I ntern ati onal Cisc o web si tes can be acc essed fr om this URL : http ://w ww .c isco .com /pub lic/ countr ies_l anguag es.
xi i Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Obt aining Tech nical Assista nce Obtai ning T echnical Assist ance Cis co p rovi des Cis co .
xiii Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter and Inte grated Services Module I nstal lation an d C onfiguratio n OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Obtaini ng A ddi tiona l Publicati ons and Inf or mation All cu s to m er.
xi v Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Pref ace Obta in in g Addi tio n al Pu b lic a tio ns and Info rm a tio n • I n.
C HAP TER 1-1 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 1 Overview Thi s chap ter de sc ribe s the ISA and t he IS M and co ntai.
1- 2 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Cha pter 1 O ver vie w Data En cr ypti on Overv iew Not e The Cisc o 710 0 series VP N rou ters do not supp ort ISM an d ISA i n the sa me c hassis.
1-3 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt er 1 Overvi ew Features • CA—I n addi tion, Cert i fic ate Author ity (C A) in tero pera bili ty is prov ided in sup port of the IPSe c st an dard, usi ng Certi fi cat e Enroll men t P ro to co l (CEP) .
1- 4 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Cha pter 1 O ver vie w Port Ada pter Sl ot Loca tio ns on the S uppor ted Pl at f.
1-5 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt er 1 Overvi ew Port A dap ter Slot Locat ions on the Support ed P latfo r ms Not e The C is c o 71 0 0 se ries V PN ro u ters d o not s upp or t an I SM an d an I SA in th e same ch as si s .
1- 6 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Cha pter 1 O ver vie w LE D s Figur e 1 -3 P ort Adapt e r Slot s in the Cisco 7206 LEDs Th e I SA h as t hre e LE Ds , as s how n in Fi gure 1- 4 .
1-7 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt er 1 Overvi ew LEDs Figur e 1 -4 ISA Fr ont P anel LEDs ( SA - ISA sho wn) T.
1- 8 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Cha pter 1 O ver vie w LE D s The foll owi ng cond it ions m ust al l be m et befor e the enabl ed LED go es on: • The I SM is co rrec tl y con n ect ed to t he b ack p lan e an d r ec eivi ng p ower .
C HAP TER 2-1 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 2 Preparing for Installation This chapte r desc ribe s the g ener al equ ipme nt, saf ety , and si te prep arati on req uirem ents f or inst allin g the ISA an d t h e IS M .
2- 2 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Cha p t er 2 Prepa r i ng fo r In s t alla ti on So ftwar e and Har dware Requi remen ts an d Com patibi lity Not e The Cisc o IOS Rel ease 12.
2-3 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Cha pter 2 Prepa ring for In stalla tion Safe ty Gu i de l in e s • I f ISA and .
2- 4 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Cha p t er 2 Prepa r i ng fo r In s t alla ti on Sa fety G uide lines Warn ing This warning s ymbol means danger . Y ou are in a situation that could caus e bodily injury .
2-5 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Cha pter 2 Prepa ring for In stalla tion Safe ty Gu i de l in e s .
2- 6 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Cha p t er 2 Prepa r i ng fo r In s t alla ti on Co mp lia nce wit h U.
C HAP TER 3-1 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 3 Removing and Ins t alling the ISA and the ISM Thi s cha pte r desc ribe s how to remo ve the I SA or I SM from s uppo rted pla tform s an d al so how to inst all a new o r rep lac eme nt I SA or I SM .
3- 2 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Ch a pt e r 3 R em ov i n g a n d Ins t alli n g th e IS A a nd th e IS M On line.
3-3 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt e r 3 Removi ng and Inst all in g the I SA a nd the I SM W arnin gs and Ca utions Eac h mo d ule ha s a bus conn ect or th at co n ne cts it to the rout er .
3- 4 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Ch a pt e r 3 R em ov i n g a n d Ins t alli n g th e IS A a nd th e IS M ISA or .
3-5 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt e r 3 Removi ng and Inst all in g the I SA a nd the I SM ISA or IS M Re m o .
3- 6 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Ch a pt e r 3 R em ov i n g a n d Ins t alli n g th e IS A a nd th e IS M ISA or .
C HAP TER 4-1 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 4 Configuring the ISA and ISM This c ha pt er co n tai ns th e i nfo rm .
4- 2 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configur i ng the ISA and ISM Using the EXE C Co mm a nd Interp r e ter Con fig urin g I P Sec requ ir es privileged - level acce ss t o t he EX E C c om m an d in ter p r ete r .
4-3 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt e r 4 Confi guri ng the ISA and ISM Co nf igurin g IKE Use the ppp encrypt m.
4- 4 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configur i ng the ISA and ISM Confi g u rin g IPSe c Co nfi gurin g IPSec Af ter yo u ha ve c omplet ed IKE conf igur ati on, co nfi gu re IPS ec at ea ch part ici pati ng I PSec pe er .
4-5 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt e r 4 Confi guri ng the ISA and ISM Configuring IP Sec Later, you w il l a s.
4- 6 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configur i ng the ISA and ISM Confi g u rin g IPSe c I f you c hange a tran sfor m set de f i n iti on, the chan ge is onl y appli ed to cryp to map en tri es t hat re fe renc e the t r ans for m s et .
4-7 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt e r 4 Confi guri ng the ISA and ISM Cr eati ng Cry pto Maps Ta b l e 4 - 1 shows allo wed t ransform combinat ions.
4- 8 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configur i ng the ISA and ISM C re a tin g Cry p to Ma ps For IPS ec to succe ed be twee n two I PSec pee rs, both p eers ’ cr ypto m ap entries mus t con tain c om patib le configu r ati on s t at emen t s .
4-9 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt e r 4 Confi guri ng the ISA and ISM Applying C rypto Maps to Interfaces Apply ing Crypto Maps to Inter faces Y ou ne ed to ap p ly a cryp to m ap s et to ea ch in te rface th r ou g h w hic h IPSe c t ra f fic f low s.
4-1 0 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configur i ng the ISA and ISM Veri fy ing Co nf ig urat i on T o cle a.
4-11 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt e r 4 Confi guri ng the ISA and ISM Verifying Conf igur ati on Peer = Extended IP access list 141 access-list 141 permit ip source: addr = 172.
4-1 2 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configur i ng the ISA and ISM IPSe c Ex a m pl e outbound esp sas: spi.
4-13 Inte gra ted Services Adap ter and Integrat ed Service s Module In stal l ation and Conf ig uration OL-3575-01 B0 Chapt e r 4 Confi guri ng the ISA and ISM IPS e c E x am pl e Not e In th e abo v.
4-1 4 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Inte grated Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configur i ng the ISA and ISM IPSe c Ex a m pl e.
IN-1 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter and Inte grated Services Module I nstal lation an d C onfiguratio n OL-3575-01 B0 INDE X A acc ess- li s t (e n cr y ptio n) c om man d 4-5 access lists Se e al s o.
Index IN-2 Integrat ed Ser vices A dapter an d Int egrate d Services Modul e Instal lation a nd C onfigurat ion OL-3575-01 B0 M ma tch a ddress comm and 4-8 P pa rt s r eq uir ed fo r V I P in s ta ll.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems SA-ISA c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems SA-ISA - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems SA-ISA, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems SA-ISA va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems SA-ISA, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems SA-ISA.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems SA-ISA. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems SA-ISA ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.