Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MWR 1900 du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco MWR 1 90 0 Mo.
CONTENTS iii Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless E dge Router Har dware Installat ion Guide 78-13982-02 About Th is Guide v Object ives v Audienc e v Organi zation v Conv enti ons vi Obtain ing Documentati on viii World Wide Web viii Orderi ng Documenta t ion ix Document ation Feedba ck ix Obtain ing Technica l Assist ance ix Cisco.
Cont ents iv Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Consol e and Auxiliary Po rt Consi derations 2-6 Consol e Port Connectio ns 2-6 Auxili ary Port Connec.
v Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless E dge Router Har dware Installat ion Guide 78-13982-02 About This Guide This pre face discus ses the obje ctive s, audience, orga nization, and con vent ions of this hardw are installation g uide . Objectives This guid e explain s how to install, mai ntain , and troub leshoot your route r hardware .
vi Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 About Thi s Guide Conv entions Conven tions This guid e uses the fol lowing con ventions to conv ey instruct ions and infor mati on: Note Means r eader tak e note .
vii Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Abo ut T his G uide Conve ntion s Safety warnings a ppear thro ughout this pu blica tion i n proce dures that, i f per forme d inco rrect ly , may harm yo u. A warning symbol pre cedes each warnin g state ment.
viii Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 About Thi s Guide Obtain ing Do cument ation Obtaining Documentation The follo wing sections pro vide sources for obtain ing documentati on from Cisco Sy stems.
ix Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Abo ut T his G uide Obtainin g Technica l A ssistan ce Ordering Docume ntation Cisco do cumentation i s av ail.
x Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 About Thi s Guide Obtain ing Techni cal Ass istance Customers and partners can self-re gister on to obtain additional personalize d information and services.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless E dge Router Har dware Installat ion Guide 78-13982-02 1 Overview of the Cisco MWR 1900 Router The M WR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Edge Router is a n etworking plat form optimize d for use in mobil e wireless netw o rks.
1-2 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 1 Overvie w of the Cisco MWR 1900 Router Hardwa re Feature s Figur e 1 -1 MWR 1 90 0 in an IP -RAN Solution In the IP-RAN solu tion, t he BTS site con sist s of a pair of MWR 1900 rout ers.
1-3 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 1 Overv iew of the Cisco MWR 1 900 Router Hardwa re Featu res Figur e 1 -2 Fr ont P anel of the Cisco.
1-4 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 1 Overvie w of the Cisco MWR 1900 Router Fast Ether net Interf aces • Redunda ncy support vi a a two .
1-5 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 1 Overv iew of the Cisco MWR 1 900 Router Compact Flash Compact Flash One e xtern al Compact Flash (CF) de vice is used o n the MWR 19 00 router . The CF memory s ize can v ary with a mini mum siz e of 32Mbyte and a maxi mum size o f 128 Mbytes.
1-6 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 1 Overvie w of the Cisco MWR 1900 Router Environ mental Monitoring Te mpe rature Senso r Environme ntal Monitoring Temperature Sensor The MWR 1900 ro uter ha s a temperatur e senso r to detect o ver -temperatur e conditions in side th e chassi s.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless E dge Router Har dware Installat ion Guide 78-13982-02 2 Preparing to Install the Router This cha pter de scribes site requi rement s and eq uipment needed to insta ll your Cisc o MWR 190 0 router .
2-2 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapt er 2 Prepa ring to Instal l the Rou ter Safety Recomm endations Safety with Electricity War ni n g Before performing any of the following proc edures, ensure that power is removed from the DC circuit.
2-3 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 2 Pr eparing to Install the Rout er General Site Requirements – If possi ble, s end a nother per son to g et medical aid. Otherw ise, determ ine t he con ditio n of the victim and then ca ll for help .
2-4 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapt er 2 Prepa ring to Instal l the Rou ter Inspect ing the Rou ter • #6, ri ng-style ground lug. • 18-A WG co pper w ire for th e power cord. • W i re-stripp ing tool(s) for stripp ing both 6- and 18- gauge wire s.
2-5 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 2 Pr eparing to Install the Rout er Installation Checklist Installation Check list The sample Installation Checklist lists items and p rocedures for installing a ne w router .
2-6 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapt er 2 Prepa ring to Instal l the Rou ter Console a nd Auxiliary Port Considera tions Console and Auxiliary Port Considerations The router includ es an asynchro nous serial c onsole port and an auxiliary po rt.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless E dge Router Har dware Installat ion Guide 78-13982-02 3 Installing the Router This c hapter d escrib es how to inst all yo ur Cisc o MWR 1900 router and connec t it to network s and external devices.
3-2 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Installing the Router Connecti ng the Conso le Terminal and Modem Attaching the Brackets Attach t he mou nting brackets t o the chassis a s shown, us ing th e screws provide d in t he bra cket kit .
3-3 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Ins talling th e Router Connect ing the Console Te rminal and Mod em These port s prov ide adminis trati ve acces s to your route r either locally (with a co nsole term inal) or remotely (with a modem).
3-4 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Installing the Router Connecti ng the Netwo rk Cables Note Because har dware flow control is not possibl e on th e cons ole port , Cisco does not recom mend that m odems be connected to the conso le port.
3-5 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Ins talling th e Router Connect ing th e Network Cables Figur e 3-3 RJ-45 P ort and P lug T able 3-1 li sts the pinou ts and signal s for t he RJ-45 port.
3-6 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Installing the Router Connecti ng the Netwo rk Cables Note If you choose to use the T1/E 1 Multif lex VWIC in a non -redunda nt con figuration, you must clo se the relays o n the card using the standalo ne subcommand.
3-7 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Ins talling th e Router Connecting the MWR 1900 Router to a DC- Input Power Supply This sec tion describ es the specif ications of the Y -cable.
3-8 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Installing the Router Connecti ng the MWR 19 00 Rou ter to a DC-Input Power Suppl y • 18-A WG co pper w ire for th e power cord. • W i re-stripp ing tool(s) for stripp ing both 6- and 18- gauge wire s.
3-9 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Ins talling th e Router Connecting the MWR 1900 Router to a DC- Input Power Supply Step 6 Use the scre w to attach the ground lug and wire assembly to the rear panel of the switch .
3-10 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Installing the Router Replacing or U pgrading t he CF War ni n g After wiring the DC power supply , remove the tape from the circuit breaker switch handle and reinstate power by moving the handle of the circuit breaker to the ON position.
3-11 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Ins talling th e Router Repla cing or Upgradin g the CF Note Ensur e that the I OS image is the fi r st f ile on th e CF . Otherwise, the router will no t boot.
3-12 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Installing the Router Replacing or U pgrading t he CF Forma tti ng Pr ocedu res fo r C F Mem ory Car.
3-13 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Ins talling th e Router Repla cing or Upgradin g the CF The following exampl e shows output for copying a Cisco IOS f ile from an external CF memor y card to a TFTP server : Router# copy slot0:mwr1900-i-mz.
3-14 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Installing the Router Replacing or U pgrading t he CF The fo llowing example shows output for displa.
3-15 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Ins talling th e Router Repla cing or Upgradin g the CF Display File Content T o display the content of a file in a CF memory card, use the more slot0: filen ame comman d.
3-16 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Chapter 3 Installing the Router What to Do After Inst alling t he Hardwa re Router# cd slot0:/config Router# d.
A-1 Cisco MWR 1900 Mobile Wireless Edge R o uter Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-13982-02 APPENDIX A Troubleshooting Y our Cisc o MWR 1900 r outer goe s through extensive testing before leaving the factory .
A- 2 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Appendi x A Troubleshoo ting Problem Solving Troublesho oting the Po wer and Cooling Systems Both the power LED and the fans ca n help you trou blesh oot a p ower problem.
A-3 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Append ix A Troubles hooting Readi ng the LEDs Troublesho oting M odules, Ca bles, an d Conn ections Netw ork.
A- 4 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Appendi x A Troubleshoo ting Reading t he LEDs Figur e A -1 Fr ont P anel of the MWR 19 0 0 T abl e A -1 Chassis L EDs LED Co lor Statu s Pow er Green Operati ng vol tages on the mainboa rd are within ac ceptable ranges .
A-5 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard ware Installatio n Guide 78-13982-02 Append ix A Troubles hooting Readi ng the LEDs T able A -3 VWIC LEDs Note In a redu ndant configur ation, w hen the r elays of th e VWI C ope n, th e Carr ier D etect LED on the T1 port s will remain lit and the Alar m LED will also come on.
A- 6 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 Appendi x A Troubleshoo ting Reading t he LEDs.
IN- 1 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard w are Installati on Guide 78-13982-02 INDEX Numerics 2-por t T1/E1 VWIC connect ing 3-5 descript ion 1-4 pinout sp ecifi cations 3-6 A audie nce.
Index IN-2 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02 G general site requi rements 2-3 H hardware featu res 1-2 installing 3-1 troublesh ooting proc edures A-.
Index IN- 3 Cisco MWR 1900 Mob ile Wireless Ed ge Router Hard w are Installati on Guide 78-13982-02 system installation procedures 3-4 system spec ificat ions 1-6 T tools require d for inst allation 2.
Index IN-4 Cisco MWR 1900 Mo bile Wireless Edge Router Har dware Installation Guide 78-13982-02.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems MWR 1900 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems MWR 1900 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems MWR 1900, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems MWR 1900 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems MWR 1900, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems MWR 1900.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems MWR 1900. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems MWR 1900 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.