Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MGX 8220 du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Cor porat e Headqu ar ters Cisco Syst ems, I nc. 170 West Tasm an Drive San Jose, CA 9513 4-1706 USA http ://www .cisco .com Tel: 40 8 526-4000 800 55 3-NETS (6387) Fax: 40 8 526-4100 Cisco MGX 822 0 Installa tion and Conf ig urat ion Rel ease 5.0 November 20 03 Custom er Order Number : DOC-7864 30= Text P art Number: 78 -6430-03 R ev.
Noti ce to U sers of T1 Ser vices 1. The devi ce must onl y be con nected to the T1 network con nec te d behind an FCC P art 68 regist ere d channe l service unit . Dire ct c onnection i s not a llowed. 2. Befo re connecti ng your unit, y ou must inform the te le phone compa ny of t he followi ng informati on: SOC:6.
T1 SYSTEM S AFF IDA VI T RE QUIRE MENT FOR CO NN ECTI ON T O DIGI T AL SERVICES An af fi dav it is requ ired t o serve d to t he te lepho ne comp any whe n ev er digi tal term ina l equi pment without.
AFFIDA VIT FOR CONN ECTI ON OF CUST OMER PREM ISES EQUIPMENT T O 1 .544 MBPS AND/ OR SUBRA T E DIG IT A L SER VI CE S For the work t o be per f orm e d in t he ce rt if ied te rrit ory of __ ____ ___ ____ ____(Te lc o N am e) Stat e of _ _______ ____ ____Coun ty of ____ ___ ________ ___ _______ __ I.
EQUIPM ENT A TT ACH MENT LI MIT A TIO NS NOTICE: The Indu st ry Ca nada lab el i dentifi es certi fied equi pment. Th is cer tif ica tion mean s that the equipm ent m eets telec ommunic ations network.
Cisco R eader Comment Car d Genera l Informat ion 1 Y ea rs of net w or ki ng e xp eri en ce Y ea rs of e xperi ence w it h Cisco pr oduct s 2 I h a ve these netw or k typ es: LAN Back bone W AN Ot he.
CONTENTS vii Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Objec tives xxi i i Audien ce xxiii Cisco WA N Switchin g Prod uct N ame Ch.
Co ntents vi ii Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Config uration Rel ease 5.0, Part Number 78- 6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Typica l Cis co MGX 8220 Hardwar e W eights 2-4 Power Ent r y O ption s 2-4.
Con tents ix Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Conn ecting u sing an In-B and Conn ecti on 3-11 Conn ecting u sing t h e L.
Co ntents x Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Config uration Rel ease 5.0, Part Number 78- 6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 AUS M Co nnectio ns 5-6 Via Cis co W AN M anager 5-6 Via the Com mand- Line Int.
Con tents xi Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Mainta ining Safe ty with Ele ctricity 7-2 Grou nding 7-2 Site Pr epar atio.
Co ntents xi i Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Config uration Rel ease 5.0, Part Number 78- 6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Mak ing th e Servic e Inter face Conn ect ions 7-29 Alarm Out put Con nectio.
Con tents xiii Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 DC P ower Cabling A-6 AC P ower Cabling A-7 Contr ol and Clock Cabling A-.
Co ntents xi v Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Config uration Rel ease 5.0, Part Number 78- 6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Serv ice Inte rface B- 20 Sys t em In te rfac e B- 2 1 Virt ual Circu its B-.
Con tents xv Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Proced ure 9— Stan dard U pgrade, 1-Co re Card S et C-16 Proced ure 10 .
Co ntents xv i Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Config uration Rel ease 5.0, Part Number 78- 6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Com patibi lity C-46 clrallc nf C-47 resets ys or cl rallcnf C-47 Save/ Rest.
FI G U R E S xv ii Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Figure 1- 1 Cisco MGX 82 20 S h elf 1-2 Figure 1- 2 Cisc o M G X 8220.
Figure s xv iii Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Config uration Rel ease 5.0, Part Number 78- 6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Figure 4- 4 Exam ple F R SM -HS1 F ront Card 4-10 Figure 4- 5 Usin g FRAS M.
Figures xix Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Figure 7- 18 Routin g Po wer Ca bles at the She lf 7-24 Figure 7- 19 Routin .
Figure s xx Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Config uration Rel ease 5.0, Part Number 78- 6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003.
TABLES xxi Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 T abl e 1 Orga nizati on xxiv T abl e 2-1 ASC LED In dicators 2-14 T abl e 2-.
Tabl es xx ii Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Config uration Rel ease 5.0, Part Number 78- 6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 T abl e A-9 Pin outs f or X.
xx iii Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Preface W elcom e t o t he r ef er en ce m an u al for th e Cis co M GX 822 0 e dg e co nc en tr ato r R ele ase 5.
xx iv Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Config uration Rel ease 5.0, Part Number 78- 6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 - Org anizat ion wide -are a swit ch. The IGX 16 swit ch is now c alled the Ci sco IGX 84 20 wi de-are a switc h, a nd the IGX 32 s witc h is now ca lled th e Cis co I GX 843 0 wi de-a rea sw itch.
xx v Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 - R ela te d D ocu me nt at io n Re lated Document ation The foll owi ng Cis co pub lic ati ons cont ain addit iona l info rmati on rel ate d to the operat io n of the Cisc o W A N s w it ch ing ne tw or k : • Rel ease 9.
xx vi Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Config uration Rel ease 5.0, Part Number 78- 6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 - Obt ai ning D ocum ent ati on • El ement s in squ are br ack ets ([ ]) are op ti onal . • Alt ernat i v e but requ ire d ke yword s are groupe d in bra c es ({ } ) a nd are separa ted b y v erti cal ba rs ( | ).
x xvii Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 - Obt ain ing Technical Assista nce Or der ing Documen tation Cis co do cument at.
xxv iii Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 - Obt ai ning Te chnic al Assist ance • Do wnload a nd test softwa re pa ckages .
xx ix Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 - Obt ain ing Technical Assista nce Ci sco TA C Es cal ati on Ce nte r The C is c .
xx x Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 - Obt ai ning Te chnic al Assist ance.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 1 Introducing the Cisco MGX 8220 Shelf i s c o M G X 8 2 2 0 E d g e C o n c e n t r a t o r Th is c hapt e r in clud es th e f o ll owin g to p ics : • Ne w in Rele as e 5.
1- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cisc o MGX 8220 Sy stem O v e rview Thi s chap ter desc ribe s the featur e s and fu nction s of Re leas e 5.0 of th e Cisc o MGX 8220 edge conc entr ator .
1-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cisco MGX 8220 System Overview Thu s, the Cisc o MGX 8220 sh elf sup ports.
1- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cisc o MGX 8220 Sy stem O v e rview • Fram e forward ing – 56 kbp s, n x 6 4 kb p s, T1 , E1 , H S SI , X .
1-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cisco MGX 8220 System Overview Traffic Man agement T r af fic manageme nt is prov ided by the Cisc o MGX 8220 Co nnec tion Cong e sti on Manage ment (ACCM) fe atu r e.
1- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cisc o MGX 8220 Sy stem O v e rview The f r ont car d co m mu n ica tes with t he b ack ca rd u si ng a ba ck pl an e.
1-7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cisco MGX 8220 System Overview • Frame serv ice modul e for E1 (AX- FRSM.
1- 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cisc o MGX 8220 Sy stem O v e rview • A TM U N I s e rv ic e m o d ul e f o .
1-9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cisco MGX 8220 System Overview Ci sco MG X 822 0 Management The f unction s and ope ratio n of t he Cis c o MGX 82 20 shel f a r e a c hi ev e d through dow nloa ded f irm wa re.
1-1 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cisc o MGX 8220 Sy stem O v e rview.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 2 Common Equipme nt Description Thi s chap ter de scri bes the requi red c ommon equi pment har dwar e that fo rms the core of th e Cisc o MGX 8220 shelf.
2- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cisc o MGX 8 220 Sh elf • Mai n c ool ing as sem bly Cool ing bo oster a sse.
2-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cisco M GX 8220 Shel f Figur e 2-1 F r ont View of the Cisco MGX 822 0 She.
2- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Po wer Entr y Op tion s Typi ca l Cisc o MGX 8 220 H ardware Wei ght s The t y.
2-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Po w e r Ent ry Op ti o ns Ea ch po wer e ntry m odule cont ains i t s o wn ci rcui t brea ke r, whic h also a c ts as a n ON/OFF swit ch.
2- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cool i n g Assem bl y DC Po we r Drai n and Circu i t Prote ction Each car d in an C is c o M GX 822 0 sh el f draw s an averag e o f 2 1W with a wo r st- case sh elf c urr en t o f 14.
2-7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cooling Asse mbly Figur e 2-7 Ci sco MG X 8220 Sh elf Co nfigurat i on Mai.
2- 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cool i n g Assem bl y Boos ter Cooli ng A sse m b l y The boos ter cool ing as sembl y is us ed in r a cks wi th mor e tha n two Ci sc o MGX 8220 s hel ves.
2-9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Optional Cisco-Suppl ied Cab i net Opti onal C i sco- Sup plied Cabi net A.
2-1 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er C ore Mo d ul e Ov er v i ew Core Modul e O verview Cis c o MGX 8220 modu les.
2-1 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cor e Module Overview Figur e 2-1 0 Cisco M GX 8220 T op Lev el Block Di.
2-1 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er C ore Mo d ul e Ov er v i ew Ci sco M G X 822 0 ASC Sh el f Co ntrolle r The Cisc o MGX 8220 sh elf c ontro lle r (ASC ) is a tw o-card s et co nsi sti ng of a n ASC f ront c ard a nd an AS C-B C b ac k car d .
2-1 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cor e Module Overview Con sol e Por ts Ther e a re th r ee ha rd wa re co n sol e p o rts lo ca ted o n th e ASC b ac k c ard.
2-1 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er C ore Mo d ul e Ov er v i ew ASC L E D I n di c ato rs The A SC LE D in dicat o rs are l oc ate d o n th e fac ep lat e o f th e fro nt ca rd .
2-1 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cor e Module Overview BN M-T3/E3 The broad band n etwo rk module s-T 3E3 (BNM- T3E3) is a tw o-card s et c onsis ting of a BNM-T 3 or E3 front ca rd a nd a T3 E3 -D- B C o r T3 E3 -B- B C b ac k car d .
2-1 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er C ore Mo d ul e Ov er v i ew Th e ma jor fu n cti on of th e B NM is t o pr ov id e a T3 or E3 A TM in te rf ace to a B NI or B X M -T3/ E 3 car d in a Cisco BP X 8600 se rie s node .
2-1 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cor e Module Overview I n this fo rmat, the virt ual c ircui t is de fin.
2-1 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er C ore Mo d ul e Ov er v i ew BNM -T3 /E3 LED In di cat ors The BNM-T3 /E3 LE D ind icato rs are des cri bed in T abl e 2-2. All LED s are lo c at ed on th e fa cepl ate of the f r ont card .
2-1 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cor e Module Overview BN M-155 The broa dban d net wor k modul e (BNM-15 5) is a tw o-card s et consi st ing of a BNM-15 5 front card and a SMF -15 5 back car d.
2-2 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er C ore Mo d ul e Ov er v i ew The m ajor func tion of t he BNM-15 5 is t o pr ovi de a 155 Mbps SONE T A TM int e r face to a BXM-8-15 5 port or a BXM-4-1 55 por t in a Cisco BPX 860 0 s erie s node .
2-2 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cor e Module Overview BNM -155 LE D Ind ica tors The BNM-155 L ED in dicato rs ar e d es c ribe d in T able 2-3 . All L EDs are loca ted on th e fac e plat e o f th e fro nt c a rd .
2-2 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er C ore Mo d ul e Ov er v i ew IMATM The in vers e mult iple xing fo r A TM trun k module (IMA TM) i s house d in th e Cisc o MGX 8220 s hel f in a s ervi ce modul e slot .
2-2 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cor e Module Overview Rules for Ins ta llation of SRMs Th e inst allati on o f an SRM i s op tiona l. If SRM s are ins talle d in a shelf wi th re dun dant ASCs and BNMs , the she lf mus t a lso ha ve r e dund ant SRMs.
2-2 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er C ore Mo d ul e Ov er v i ew SR M-T1/E1 LED I ndica tors All LED s ar e lo cat ed on the fac ep lat e of the fron t card . The SRM - T1 /E 1 LED in di cat ors ar e desc ribe d in T ab le 2-4 .
2-2 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cor e Module Overview Figur e 2-18 AX-SRM-3T3 Car ds BNM 3T3 M S6181 ACT.
2-2 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er C ore Mo d ul e Ov er v i ew.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 3 Managing th e Cisco MGX 822 0 Shelf Thi s cha pter d e sc ribe s the co nnec tion me thods u sed to conf igur e and co ntrol the C isco MG X 8220 .
3- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Sum mary of User I nt erf ace Con nection s • Con figure an d c olle ct statis tica l inf orm ation A wo r ks t at io n is u sed t o c on figu re sta ti s tic ty pes a nd co l lec t t he s ta tis tic s file s.
3-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r User Interface A ccess P orts Matrix of U s er Interface Comb inations A m at r ix o f p er m i s sib le us er in te rface co m b in at ions is p r ovi de d in T ab le 3- 1 .
3- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er User In ter fa ce Acce ss Ports Figur e 3-1 Maint enance P ort Acc ess Cont ro l and L A N Port s The co ntrol port is the mid dle RS-2 32 conne ctor on the ASC li ne m o dule.
3-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r User Interface A ccess P orts Fig ure 3 -2 Co ntro l Port Ac ces s Figur e.
3- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er User In ter fa ce Acce ss Ports Figur e 3-4 LAN P ort Access t o the Cisc o MG.
3-7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r User Accounts a nd Privilege Levels User Ac count s and Pr iv ilege L evels The Cis co MGX 8220 incl ud es bui lt -in s ec urity fe atur es t o pre v ent una utho ri zed u se of the sys te m.
3- 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Sett i ng - U p Ma nagemen t Co nnect ivi ty t o t he Cisc o MGX 8 220 S h elf.
3-9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Setting- Up Man agement C onnectivity t o the Cisco M GX 8220 S helf F or .
3-1 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Sett i ng - U p Ma nagemen t Co nnect ivi ty t o t he Cisc o MGX 8 220 S h elf Conne cting Usi n g the Cont r ol Port The re ar e two meth ods of co nnec ting t o the c ontro l port .
3-1 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Comman d- Line In t erf ace Conne cting usi n g an I n -Band Co nne ction Be f or e you ca n acce ss C isco M GX 8220 u sing th e in- band m etho d, yo u mu st set u p or ad d a co nnectio n acro ss th e ne twor k .
3-1 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Estab lish i ng the Cisc o MG X 8220 to Cisco BPX Con necti o n Eac h CLI com man d and its synta x and pr i vil ege level is prov ide d i n the Cis co M GX 8 220 Command Reference .
3-1 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Struct ure of the MIBs Str uct ur e of t he MIBs The MIB resi des wit h an obje ct ID of ax is under the strataCom b ran ch of t he S N M P tr ee s tru ct ur e (1.
3-1 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er S tr u ct ure of th e MI Bs 2. The c ardIn ter fa ce co nt ain s a li s t of p hy sica l in ter fa ces a nd se rvic e t yp es av ai lab le o n a ca rd .
3-1 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r TFTP Use r In terface Figur e 3-7 Services T ree The M I B is d ist ri buted as a tex t fil e (A S N .1 ) on a dis kette that can b e p r in ted a nd u sed to co m p il e t he MIB in to an S N M P ma na ge r .
3-1 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er TFTP Us er Inte rfa ce The c on te nt s o f th e k it are: • ASC • FRSM .
3-1 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r TFTP Use r In terface Configuring and Collecting Statis tics Con fig ur in g s ta ti s tic s s p eci fies to th e she lf w he r e st atis ti c co u nt er s ar e to b e c ollec ted.
3-1 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er TFTP Us er Inte rfa ce Statistics Co lle ction File Form a t Conf i gu ratio n Sav e and Res t ore The Cisco MGX 8220 s hel f pro vides sa ve a nd re stor e func tio ns, whic h are perf ormed usi ng the TFTP fac il ity .
3-1 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r TFTP Use r In terface Save TF TP C omma nd Fo rmat This m ech an is m allows co py in g a F R S M co nfigu r at io n file (saved o n th e P C M CI A h ard d rive) to a net work f ile system using a T FTP f ile co mmand .
3-2 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er TFTP Us er Inte rfa ce.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 4 MGX 8220 Service Modules Intr odu ction The MGX 8220 she lf co ntai ns 16 sl ots. Each slot c an ac commod ate a fro nt card and a bac k card .
4- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Fra me Re lay S ervice Modu les (FR SMs) Frame R elay Ser vice Mod ules (F RSMs) The primar y functi on of the FRS M is to c on ver t be tween th e Frame R elay for m at ted dat a and A TM /AAL 5 cel l-f ormatte d da ta.
4-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Frame Re l ay Serv ice Mo dules (F RSMs) Figur e 4-1 BPX 8620 Networ k wit.
4- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Fra me Re lay S ervice Modu les (FR SMs) PVC St at us Mana gemen t The manag ement of th e A TM la yer and F R PVC St atu s Mana geme nt ca n operat e inde pend entl y .
4-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Frame Re l ay Serv ice Mo dules (F RSMs) Fr ame Re la y – to – ATM D i.
4- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Fra me Re lay S ervice Modu les (FR SMs) ATM to Frame Relay Dire ction The l eas t -s ig ni fica nt b it of t he CP C S -U U is m a p pe d to th e C / R b it o f th e F r am e Rela y fr am e.
4-7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Frame Re l ay Serv ice Mo dules (F RSMs) ATM-to-FUN I Direction If t he EF CI fi eld in the la st A T M ce ll of a received s egm ented f rame is set to 1 , the CN b it i n the F UNI he ad er is s et to 1 .
4- 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Fra me Re lay S ervice Modu les (FR SMs) Figur e 4-3 Example of T1/E1 FRSM Fr .
4-9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Frame Re l ay Serv ice Mo dules (F RSMs) F RSMs for High Spee d Serial Li n es Ther e a re th r ee F RSM s fo r hi gh s p ee d se rial li ne s.
4-1 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Fra me Re lay S ervice Modu les (FR SMs) Figur e 4-4 Example FRSM- HS1 F ront Car d MG X-FR SM -HS2 Feat ures The MGX-FRSM-HS2 is a two -card set consi sting o f a front card and a ba ck card that suppo rts tw o HSSI l ines .
4-1 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Frame Re l ay Serv ice Mo dules (F RSMs) • The v ery high-speed FRSM (MGX-FRSM-HS2) supports a ll the feature s of the standard FRSM (s ervi ce i nter wor kin g, F R/A TM net wor k, FU NI, a nd so on ) .
4-1 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Fra me Re lay S ervice Modu les (FR SMs) An ap pl ic ati on of a ST U N co n ne cti on is s hown in Fig ur e 4 - 5. An SNA/SD LC de v ic e is co nn ect ed to a FR AS M po rt usi ng SD LC pro to col.
4-1 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Frame Re l ay Serv ice Mo dules (F RSMs) An app li cat ion of a BST UN conn ect io n is sho wn in Fig ure 4-6. A Bi sync de vi ce, such as an IBM 3270 , is conn ected to a F RASM po rt u sing Bisy nc prot ocol .
4-1 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Fra me Re lay S ervice Modu les (FR SMs) Figur e 4-7 Using FRA SM for a FRAS BNN Connection Usi ng FRAS BNN, th e FRASM suppo rts • Po int- to- point SDLC/Fr ame Re lay l ines .
4-1 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Frame Re l ay Serv ice Mo dules (F RSMs) Figur e 4-8 Example FRA SM Fr o.
4-1 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Fra me Re lay S ervice Modu les (FR SMs) Fra me Re lay to A TM Co nver sion The con ver sio ns are c ell loss prio rity (C LP), Cong esti on Indica tio n, and PVC S tat us Mana gement .
4-1 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r ATM U NI Se rvice Modul e ATM U NI Se rvi ce Module Th e A TM UNI S ervi.
4-1 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er AT M UNI Se rvi ce M odu le Figur e 4-9 A USM Cards AUSM 4T1 PORT 1 PORT 2 PO.
4-1 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r ATM U NI Se rvice Modul e AU SM LE D I n dicator s The AUSM LED indicat ors are d escri bed in T ab le 4- 1. Al l LE D ind icato rs ar e lo cated o n th e facepl ate o f th e fr ont car d.
4-2 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er AUS M-8 T1/ E 1 AUS M-8T 1/E1 The A USM-8T 1/E1 is a mult ipurpos e card tha t s u pport s up t o 8-T1 or E 1 ports and c an be us ed fo r the f ollo wing four MGX 822 0 appl ica tion s: 1.
4-2 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r AUS M-8 T1/E 1 AUS M-8 T1/ E1 LE D In dica tors A US M-8T 1/E1 LED ind icat ors are desc ribe d in T able 4- 2. All LED s are lo cated on t he f a cepla te of the fro nt c a rd .
4-2 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er AUS M-8 T1/ E 1 Figur e 4-1 0 A USM -8T1/E1 F ront Card Front card PORT 1 POR.
4-2 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Inver se Mult ip l exe r for ATM Trunk Module Inver s e Mu ltiplexer f or A TM T r un k Module An ill ustr ati on of the I MA TM car ds is pr ovi ded in Figu re 4- 11.
4-2 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Inver se M ultiple xer f or ATM Trunk Modul e The I M A TM is a tw o- ca rd set co ns i sti ng o f a fun c ti on m o d ul e f ron t ca rd an d a li ne m o dule ba ck card .
4-2 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Inver se Mult ip l exe r for ATM Trunk Module Figur e 4-13 IMA TM Used w.
4-2 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cir cuit Emul ati on S ervice Modul es Cir cui t Emulat ion Service Mo dules .
4-2 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Circ uit Emul ation Se r vice Modules Figur e 4-14 CESM Car d • • .
4-2 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cir cuit Emul ati on S ervice Modul es C ESM 4 -Por t L ED I ndi c ator s The C E SM 4 - po r t L ED in d ica tor s ar e d es c ri be d in T ab le 4 -4.
4-2 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Circ uit Emul ation Se r vice Modules Ci rcuit E m ula tion S ervi c e M.
4-3 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cir cuit Emul ati on S ervice Modul es • T1 (1 .544 Mb ps) and E1 (2 .048 Mb ps) physi cal in terf a ces usin g eithe r synchr onous or as ynch ronous t iming.
4-3 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Circ uit Emul ation Se r vice Modules C ESM 8 -Por t L ED I ndi c ator s The CE SM 8-p o rt LED in di cat o rs ar e d escr ib ed in T a bl e 4 - 5.
4-3 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Se r v ic e Mod ul e Back Ca rds Servi ce Modul e Back C ards The availab le M G X 82 20 b ac k c ar ds ar e a s f ol lows.
4-3 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Servi ce Modul e Back Cards HSSI B ack Card s The H S SI ( H ig h-S p eed Se rial In te r face ) ba ck ca rd s u pp o rts t wo H S SI po r ts usi ng a fe m al e S C SI -I I conn ecto rs.
4-3 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Se r v ic e Mod ul e Back Ca rds Figur e 4-16 T1 /E1 Backca rds T1 Back Card .
4-3 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Servi ce Modul e Back Cards Figur e 4-1 7 T1/E1 Redunda ncy Back Car ds .
4-3 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Se r v ic e Mod ul e Back Ca rds.
CH A P T E R 5-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 5 Service Configuration Se tt ing up a Frame Rela y Connection A F rame R elay c onnec tio n can be setu p e ith er fro m Ci sco W AN Manage r ( CWM) or v ia t he MGX 822 0 com man d line inte rfa ce.
5- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Sett ing up a Fra me Re l ay C onnec tion Figur e 5-1 Cisco W AN Manag er Conn.
5-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Sett ing up a Frame Relay Connec tion “ B, ” is a tta ch ed to t he ot h er M G X 82 2 0 she lf .
5- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Sett ing up a Fra me Re l ay C onnec tion For li ne numb er, sp eci fy t he F RSM l ine us e d t o co nn ec t t o th e F r am e R ela y eq ui pm en t ( 1 to 4, wi th 1 be in g the t op lin e).
5-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Sett ing up a Frame Relay Connec tion Mini mum Ce ll Ra te (MCR ) is o nly use d with F oreS ight (A T FST ).
5- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er AUS M Con necti ons AUSM Conne ctions A USM connec t ion s can be setup e ithe r thro ugh CWM or via the CLI.
5-7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r CE SM Connec tions 5. Enter t he cnfportq comma nd t o s etu p egres s qu eu es .
5- 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er FRAS M Con nection s Vi a t he C om ma nd-Lin e Interf ace Set t i ng up a C ESM c onn e c tio n is pe rform e d thro ugh the command -lin e int e rface (C L I ).
5-9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r FRASM C onnecti ons F RAS BNN Connec tions T o co m pl et e t he F RA S BNN c onn ect io n, pr o cee d as fo llow s: 1.
5-1 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er FRAS M Con nection s addls < port_ num><ls addr ess> <xid > 4. The a dd ch ann el ( addchan ) co mm a nd i s u sed to sp ec ify th e F ram e R ela y en d o f th e conn ec tion .
5-1 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r FRASM C onnecti ons 3. Enter t he a ddpo rt com mand t o spe cify a po rt num ber for the co nnec tion and to sp eci fy its para me t er s.
5-1 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er FRAS M Con nection s 6. Enter th e a dd ch an ne l ( addchan ) c omma nd to sp e ci fy the Fr ame Re lay por tion of the con necti on.
5-1 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r FRASM C onnecti ons addport <p ort_n um> <line _num > <line _ s pee d> <be gin_s lot> <port _typ e> <port _rol e > <enc odin g> <int erface> 4.
5-1 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Conf i g uring IMA TM Conne ct ions addbstunr oute <po rt_nu m > <cua ddr ess><c han _num>< lsap> Co nfi gurin g IMATM Connecti ons Downl oad procedure T o dow nlo ad ge ne ric fi rm ware -tftp x.
5-1 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r C onfiguring IMATM Connec t i ons Check ing th e Al a rm s on a ds1 L i ne On th e sa mpl e d isp lay s ho wn ab ove , line n umber 1, 2 , 3 , 4 a re out of alar m.
5-1 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Conf i g uring IMA TM Conne ct ions Sample Display LineNum: 1 LineAlarmState: No Alarms LineStatisticalAlarmState: Alarm(s) On -- UAS24hrAlarm The dspalm di splay sh o ws t hat t here is a n UAS s tatist ica l alarm on ds3.
5-1 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r C onfiguring IMATM Connec t i ons Sample Display LineNum: 1 LineType: ds.
5-1 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Conf i g uring the C l o ck Source Co nfi gurin g the C l ock Source IMA TM ha s a T3 /E 3 i nt er fac e an d m ul ti pl e T1 /E1 in t er faces .
5-1 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Confi gurin g the Clock S ource Thu s, when we conf igure clo ck s our c.
5-2 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Conf i g uring the C l o ck Source Comman ds Relat ed to AIM Group Add AIM gr oup The c omm an d to d o t h at is addaimgrp. Make sure th a t li nes are adde d and ou t o f alar m.
5-2 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Confi gurin g the Clock S ource Possi ble erro rs are • IMA g rou p is.
5-2 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Conf i g uring the C l o ck Source Conf i gu ring t he Po rt Queue cnfpo rtq "QueueNo.
5-2 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Confi gurin g the Clock S ource Dis pl a y the P ort Co un ters dspport .
5-2 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Conf i g uring the C l o ck Source.
CH A P T E R 6-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 6 MGX 8220 in Stand-alone Applications A s tand -alon e a pplic ati on i s de fi ned a s o ne i n whic h th e MGX 8 220 s hel f is conn ected to so me de vice ( route r or A TM swit c h) ot her th an a BPX 8620 .
6- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er LMI Inte rfa c e In -ban d Access T o cr eat e a n in -ban d acc ess t o th e M G X 8 2 20 s h el f 1. Use an out- of-ba nd met hod to c onf igu re the MGX 8220 IP a ddre s s to 37 .
6-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Setting Trap Manager s Use t he f ol low in g syn ta x to co nfi gur e t he BNM in ter fa ce: shelf.
6- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er VPI /VCI M appin g VC Co nnecti ons For F RASM and A U SM V C co nnectio ns, t he u ser ass oci ates a logi cal chan nel numb er (L CN) with t he conn ec ti on D LC I f or a ser vi ce m o dule in a pa rtic ular slo t.
6-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Provi sionin g FRSM C hannels Provi s i oning FRS M Channels T o pr ovi sio n a FRS M channe l in a st and-al one appl icati on: 1.
6- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Pro vis ioni ng A USM Chann els 4. Enter t h e a ddchan to ad d a A TM end point. Then en ter the dspchans co mm and to ve r i fy the c hann el is a dd ed .
CH A P T E R 7-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 7 Installation and Start-Up Thi s chap ter desc ribe s the s ite r equir e ment s and th e proced ures for the Cisco MGX 8820 she lf.
7- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Safe t y R ecom mend ations • W ear s afe ty gl ass es if you are working under a ny c ondi tions that might be haz ardo us t o your eyes.
7-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Site P r e par atio n Site Pre par ation Sit e p r epa rati on i nv o lv es rack s p ac e, pow er, and c oo li n g c ons i dera tion s .
7- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Unpac king cus tome r-s uppl ied ter minal block must be pro vide d.
7-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Rack- Mounting the MGX 8220 Units Unpa cking Eac h Cont ai ne r Use t he f ol lowin g s teps t o unp ack ea ch co n tai ne r .
7- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Rack- Mount ing the MGX 8220 U nits Horizontal P ositioning MGX 822 0 modul es are des i gned to be mou nte d to two v ert ica l rack-moun ting ra ils.
7-7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Rack- Mounting the MGX 8220 Units The equi pment s houl d be mount ed in the ra c k to pre ven t any ha zard ous con dition du e to une ven mec ha ni cal lo ad in g .
7- 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Rack- Mount ing the MGX 8220 U nits Figur e 7 -3 Rack-Mount ed MGX 82 20 — Thre e- She lf , Fo ur -Shelf , and Si x -Shelf Confi gurat ions 17.
7-9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Rack- Mounting the MGX 8220 Units Rack- M o unt i ng the Modules St art by m ounti ng th e low est modu le fi rst an d work upwards .
7-1 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Rack- Mount ing the MGX 8220 U nits Note The s hel f wei ghs 30 lb to 60 l b ( 13.6 kg to 27. 2 kg) d ependi ng up on th e number o f inst all ed c ards .
7-1 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Rack- Mounting the MGX 8220 Units Figur e 7 -5 Ke yhole S tyle B rac ket.
7-1 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Rack- Mount ing the MGX 8220 U nits the a dh esive su rfac e a nd a t ta ch th e c li p to th e f ro nt of t he uni t a bove th e ri ng l ug .
7-1 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Connect ing Power for DC Systems Fig ure 7 -8 Mult isy stem Rack s Connect ing Power f or DC S ystems Thi s sect ion des cribes ho w to c onne ct DC po wer to t he MGX 8220 s helf.
7-1 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Co nne cting Po wer f o r D C Syste ms Figur e 7 -9 48V DC M a le Po w er Rec.
7-1 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Connect ing Power for DC Systems DC P o wer to th e Fan Coo lin g Asse m.
7-1 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Co nne cting Po wer f o r D C Syste ms Figur e 7 -12 D C Cabl ing fo r Thre e.
7-1 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Connect ing Power for AC Systems Connect ing Power f or AC S ystems Thi s sec tion descr i bes ho w to c onne ct A C po wer to th e MGX 8220 sh elf.
7-1 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Co nne cting Po wer f o r A C Syste ms Figur e 7 -13 A C Po we r Assembl y B .
7-1 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Connect ing Power for AC Systems Re pe at Ste ps 1 an d 2 for any oth er shel ves in the rack that ar e power ed from th e sam e power asse mbl y .
7-2 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Co nne cting Po wer f o r A C Syste ms Figur e 7 -15 A C Cabling for Thr ee-S.
7-2 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cable M anagement Cable Manage ment A f ul ly lo ad ed mu l ti- M G X 8 22 0 r ack ca n have b et w een 1 5 0 a nd 2 0 0 cab le s at tac he d to th e r ac ks mod ules.
7-2 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Cabl e Manage m ent Figur e 7 -16 C ab l e Manag ement Kit on the Plenum Cham.
7-2 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Cable M anagement Perf orm the fol lo wing ste ps t o insta ll the ca ble m a nage ment ki t on the coo ling m od ule and th e boos t e r coo ling mod ule (see Figu re 7-17 ).
7-2 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Ca bl e Rout i n g Ca ble Routin g Use t he f ol lowin g gu id el in es t o rou te the c ables . Powe r Cab le Rout i ng The re ar e two kin ds of po wer cabl es on an MGX 822 0 shelf.
7-2 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Ca ble Rou ting Figur e 7 -19 Rout i ng P ow er Ca bles a t the Cooling .
7-2 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Re ady ing the Car d s Re adyin g the Car ds Syst ems can be shipp ed wit h emp ty sl ots w ith fill er ca r ds or with plug- in ca rds inst alled .
7-2 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Readying t he Car ds T o inst all a fr ont ca rd, perf orm the f ollo wing steps: Step 1 Posi ti on t he r ear ca r d gu id es over th e a ppr opr iat e s l o t at t he to p an d bo tt om o f t h e ca rd c ag e.
7-2 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Makin g t h e B NM Tr unk Co nnecti on Mak ing the BN M T run k Connect ion C.
7-2 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Making the Se r vi ce Int er face Connec tions Figur e 7 -23 Cabli ng f or Redundant BNM Card s Making the Servi ce Int erface Conn ections The custo mer dat a is co nnec ted t o the MGX 8220 s hel f throu gh T1, E1, X.
7-3 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Ala rm Out put Co nne ction Alarm O utpu t Connecti on Dry co ntact relay clo sure s are available fo r forwar ding M GX 8220 ala rms to a us er off ice ala rm sys tem.
7-3 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Ini tial Sta rt-U p o f th e MGX 8 220 She lf Initi al Start- Up of t he MGX 8220 Shel f Bef ore ap plyi ng po wer to the MGX 8220 s helf , chec k the fo llo wing it e ms: 1.
7-3 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Init ia l Sta rt- Up of the M GX 8220 Sh el f Step 4 Whil e you a re using the ter minal, you ca n ass ign a node name f or the sh elf ent e ring the cnfna me command.
CH A P T E R 8-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 8 Repair and Replacement Thi s chap ter desc ribe s perio dic maint enanc e proc edure s, tro ubles hooti ng pr ocedur es, and th e repl ac em en t of m ajor p ar ts fo r th e M GX 8 22 0 .
8- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Trou blesh ooti ng t he MGX 8220 Shelf Gene ral Trouble shooting P rocedure s The MGX 8220 she lf run s elf- te st s cont in uou sly to ensure pr oper f unc tio n.
8-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Pro cedur e for All Errors Proce dure f or All Error s The fir st acti on .
8- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Pro ced ur e fo r A l l Erro r s The A XIS shelf con troll er (A SC) m ain tain s a s et of l og file s, w hich co ntai n th e mes sages logg ed by the ASC a nd t he indi vidu a l serv ice modu les.
8-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Log C odes Sample log messages: Searching .
8- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Log C odes 1108 Msg qu eue r cv/se nd Fail ed to re cei ve /s end mess age from/t o the messa ge queue . 110 9 U n know n c ar d Invali d ca r d s lo t nu mb er c onvey ed by the sl ave.
8-7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Log C odes 1213 NULL Stand by card fi rmwar e update , as a cti ve car d fir mware re vision is highe r than th e stan dby r ev ision.
8- 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Log C odes 123 1 BE R T in f o rmat iona l E rror occu rred i n a B ER T -rel ated mo dule . A dditi onal inf o r m at io n d es c r ib in g th e s p ec ific ins ta nc e o f erro r is disp laye d.
8-9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Log C odes 1310 se ndto - call err , or did n ot xmt al l da ta F ai led t o t r an sm it th e IP d at a p ac ket . S y ste m ca ll er r or or fa ile d to tr an sm i t a ll th e d at a.
8-1 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Log C odes 1504 Bad Sl ot number Message rec ei ve d from anot her t ask re fers to an in v alid slot numb er . 150 5 I nv a li d m e ss ag e Invalid mes s a ge r ece ived f r om an ot he r tas k.
8-1 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Log C odes BN M Lo g Co des 1606 A CR ED: Do wnload BRA M Fa ile d Fa ile d to do wnlo ad BRAM fr om ASC t o SM.
8-1 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Log C odes 2032 Erro r in aumAd dConn whi le reb uil ding fr om BRAM Err o r oc cu rr e d w h il e r ebu il di ng co nnecti ons fr om th e BRAM.
8-1 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Log C odes 2070 HW Error . ADC Mid -range Cal ibrat ion E rror ADC mi d-r a n ge vo lta ge ca lib r ati o n e rro r oc curre d.
8-1 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Log C odes SRM Log C ode s 212 0 B NM F PG A D ownlo ad Err or, Erro r oc cu rred w h il e d ownl oa di ng i mag e f rom FPGA. Addit iona l info rmatio n regard in g th e s pe cifi c i nst an ce is dis pla yed.
8-1 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Log C odes 501 6 Inv a li d P I O N u m b er I nv a li d d evic e I /O po r t sp ec ifie d to r ead f r om a de vice. 5017 In v alid PIO POR T Number Inv a lid PIO por t spec ifi ed to rea d from a de vic e.
8-1 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Log C odes AUSM Lo g Co des 5040 F ail t o get a n SRM Ima ge from GRAM Failed to d own lo ad t he SR M im a ge fro m t he G RAM .
8-1 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Log C odes 6054 Lin e ala rm of f Line ha s come out of an a larm . The l i ne nu mbe r is dis pla ye d. 605 5 Li ne R x LO S al arm o n Li ne n um be r dis play ed is in r ece ive LOS al ar m.
8-1 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Log C odes 6105 F ailed t o delet e a ch annel Fai led t rying to de let e cha nnel . Addi tion al inf orma tion de scrib ing t he spec ific inst ance of fail ure is d ispl aye d.
8-1 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Log C odes 6155 Rat e Cont rol feat ure cha nged t o Rat e cont rol fe atur e is ch anged. Whethe r it i s turned on or off is dis pla ye d.
8-2 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Repl acing P arts Re placing Par ts Af te r an ala rm o cc ur s, use th e MGX 8220 she lf s oft ware to is ol a t e the pro blem.
8-2 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Repl acing P arts P arts s houl d be repl ac ed b y pers on nel who ha ve ta ke n Cis co tra ining c our s es or ha ve been tra i ned by a qual ifie d s yst em man ag er.
8-2 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Repl acing P arts T o re m ove a b ack c ar d, pe rfo r m th e foll o wi ng st ep s : Step 1 Re move any cab l es co n ne cte d to th e ba ck ca rd.
8-2 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Chap te r Repl acing P arts Repl ac ing the Co oling, B oos ter, Ple num, and AC P.
8-2 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Chapt er Repl acing P arts.
A-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 APPE NDIX A Cabling Summary Intr odu ction Thi s appe ndix pr ovi des det ail s on t he cabl ing re quire d to in stall the MGX 8220 sh elf.
A- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Appe ndi x A Cabli ng Sum m ar y Frame Rel ay Ca bling Figur e A- 1 IMA TM T1/ E1 P igta.
A-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Ap pen dix A C abli ng Sum mar y Frame R elay Cabli ng Not e Transm it di re cti on i s tow ar d th e T 1 t ru n k.
A- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Appe ndi x A Cabli ng Sum m ar y Frame Rel ay Ca bling Not e Transm it di re cti on i s tow ar d th e E 1 t ru n k. X. 21 Po rt Connec tors The X.
A-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Ap pen dix A C abli ng Sum mar y Frame R elay Cabli ng Cabl i ng f or R J-48 C onnec.
A- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Appe ndi x A Cabli ng Sum m ar y D C Pow er Cab ling Figur e A- 2 RJ-48 Connect or s DC P ower Cablin g DC pow er co nne cti ons a re m ad e to th e DC p ow er en tr y mo du le s at th e re ar o f th e M G X 8 22 0 s h elf.
A-7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Ap pen dix A C abli ng Sum mar y AC Po w e r C a bl in g AC P ower Cablin g A C p ower c a b le s can b e p r ovi de d by the c ust om e r o r o r de r ed fr om C isc o.
A- 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Appe ndi x A Cabli ng Sum m ar y Co nt rol and Cl ock Ca bl ing Modem C abl e Figu re A-4 sho ws a mode m cabl e that i s used for c onne cting m odems to t he MGX 8220 co ntrol an d ma inte nanc e p orts.
A-9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Ap pen dix A C abli ng Sum mar y Co ntrol an d Clock Cabling T1/ E 1 Cloc k Cabli ng Th e D B -1 5 c l oc k po r t c an b e u s ed f or a cce pt in g a T1 o r E1 B IT S c l oc k in pu t.
A-1 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Appe ndi x A Cabli ng Sum m ar y Ex ter na l A la rm Ca bl i ng Exter nal A lar m Ca bling Thi s cabl e (s ee T able A-1 9) connec ts net wor k alarm outp uts t o the LM-BNM a larm out put c onnect or onl y .
A-1 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 Ap pen dix A C abli ng Sum mar y Standar d MGX 8220 Cables Standa rd MGX 8220 Cables T abl e A- 21 l is t s the v ario us cabl es tha t ca n be orde re d dire ctly from C is co.
A-1 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003 Appe ndi x A Cabli ng Sum m ar y Redun dancy Y-C ables.
B-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 APPE NDIX B Specifications BNM-T3 Speci ficat ion Intershelf Link T3 li ne in te rface con ne cto r : BN C co nne ctor p e r A N SI T 1 .
B- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s B NM- T3 S pec if ica tion Card G ene ral A TM la yer co.
B-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons BNM-E3 Spec i f ica tion BNM-E3 Speci ficat ion Intershelf Link E3 Li ne I nter fac e C onn ect or : BNC co n ne cto r p er A N SI T1 .
B- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s B NM- E3 S pec if ica tion Card G ene ral Sy nchro nizat.
B-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons BNM - 155 Spec ifica tions BNM-155 S peci ficat ions Intershelf Link Sp ecifications Common Specifications SMF Specifi c Specifications Fr aming: SONET STS-3c pe r ANSI T1.
B- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s B NM -155 Sp ec ifi cati on s General C a rd Specifications SMF Line Sign al: Op t ical, SONET OC-3c per ANSI T1.
B-7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons ASC Spec i f icati on ASC Speci ficat ion Main te na n.
B- 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s SRM -T 1 /E1 Sp e cif ic at ion SRM-T 1/E1 Speci ficat i.
B-9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons FRSM-4T1 Spec i f icati on FRSM-4 T1 Specif icati on S.
B-1 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s FR SM- 4 T1 Sp eci f ica ti on Syst em Int e rface Fr a.
B-1 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons FRSM-4T1 Spec i f icati on Vi rtual C i rcui ts Cha .
B-1 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s FR SM- 4 T1 Sp eci f ica ti on Card G ene ral Numb er o.
B-1 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons FRSM-4E1 Spec i f icati on FRSM-4 E1 Specif icati on.
B-1 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s FR SM- 4 E1 Sp eci f ica ti on Syst em Int e rface T r .
B-1 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons FRSM-4E1 Spec i f icati on Vi rtual C i rcui ts Cha .
B-1 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s FR SM- 4 E1 Sp eci f ica ti on A T M c ell s: Nu m b er.
B-1 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons FRSM-8T1 Spec i f icati on FRSM-8 T1 Specif icati on Service Interface Li ne Int erfa ce conn e ct or: RJ-48 when us ed wit h LM-RJ -48-8T 1 lin e module Li ne R ate : 1.
B-1 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s FR SM- 8 T1 Sp eci f ica ti on Syst em Int e rface Vi r.
B-1 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons FRSM-8T1 Spec i f icati on Coun ters: Serv ice Coun .
B-2 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s FR SM- 8 E1 Sp eci f ica ti on Card G ene ral FRSM-8 E1.
B-2 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons FRSM-8E1 Spec i f icati on Syst em Int e rface Fra m e Re lay I nte r fa ce R at es: Eit he r 56 Kb ps or n * 64 kbps ; n as def ined pr ev iousl y Fra me Re lay I n ter fa ce: P er A N SI T1 .
B-2 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s FR SM- 8 E1 Sp eci f ica ti on Vi rtual C i rcui ts AA L La yer: A AL 5 per dr af t CCI TT I.3 63 FR -Cel l Inte rwork ing: Per dr aft CC ITT I.
B-2 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons FRSM-8E1 Spec i f icati on A T M c ell s: Nu m b er .
B-2 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s FRSM- H S2 Specif i cati on FRSM-H S2 Specifi cation Er.
B-2 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons FRS M-HS2 S p e c ifica tion FRSM-HS2 Lin e • Numb.
B-2 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s FRSM- H S2 Specif i cati on St a t i s t i c s Service:.
B-2 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons AUS M Sp e cific atio n (4 Por t ) AUSM Specifi cati.
B-2 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s A USM Spec if ic ati on ( 4 Po rt ) ATM Inte rface Vi rtual C i rcui ts Outp ut Jitt er Ge nerati on: As spec if ied in IT U G.
B-2 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons AUS M Sp e cific atio n (4 Por t ) Card G ene ral En.
B-3 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s CES M-4T1 /E1 S pecific ation CE SM-4T1/E1 Spec ificat .
B-3 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons CESM -4T1 / E1 Spec ificati on Vi rtual C i rcui ts .
B-3 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s MATM Sp ecifi cat ion Not e Al l se rv ice s p eci fic ala rms, e xce pt red , ar e pas se d thr ou gh t ra nspa re nt ly .
B-3 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons MATM Specif ica tion Physi c al La yer I n terface E.
B-3 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s MATM Sp ecifi cat ion Physi c al La yer I n terface E3 AI M Grou ps and Link s Li ne Rat e: 3 4.368 Mbps ±20 p pm (T3 ) Li ne Code: HD B3 for E3 Fr aming: Per ITU-T Re comm endati on G.
B-3 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix B Specif icat i ons MATM Specif ica tion Card G ene ral A TMize r (cell .
B-3 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x B Sp eci ficat ion s MATM Sp ecifi cat ion.
C-1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 APPE NDIX C Firmwa re Upgrade and Do wngrade Proc edures Intr odu ction Thi s appe ndix de scri bes the pro cedu res for up grading or do wngr adin g from one MGX 8220 fir m ware r ev isi on to anot her f ir mwar e re vi sio n.
C- 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Usin g the Pr oc edure Tab l .
C-3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Findi ng the Right Procedur e Findi ng the Right Pr ocedure T o f ind whi ch proc edur e to use , per for m the fol l o wing ste ps.
C- 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Stan dard Upg ra de and Do wngrade Pr o cedures Pr oce dure 1 — Standard Upgrade , 1-Co re Card Se t Pr oced ure 1 is us ed fo r 1.
C-5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Stand ard Upgrade and Downg rade Procedur es d. En ter th e ve rs ion comma nd.
C- 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Stan dard Upg ra de and Do wngrade Pr o cedures Step 6 Enter t he ve rsio n command .
C-7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Stand ard Upgrade and Downg rade Procedur es Fir st re s et th e c ard, th en u s e T F TP g et to s ave t he car d ’ s curre nt co nfi gur atio n in th e workst ation .
C- 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Stan dard Upg ra de and Do wngrade Pr o cedures d. En ter th e ve rs ion comma nd.
C-9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Stand ard Upgrade and Downg rade Procedur es d. En ter th e ve rs ion comma nd.
C-1 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Stan dard Upg ra de and Do wngrade Pr o cedures Use th is ste p t o exa min e t he n u mbe r o f lines , p ort s , an d chan n els aft er the upgr ad e o r downgr ad e.
C-1 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Stand ard Upgrade a.
C-1 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Stan dard Upg ra de and Do wngrade Pr o cedures Step 4 For all s t an d-al one and p r ima ry S M s a.
C-1 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Stand ard Upgrade and Downg rade Procedur es c. Enter t he dspfwre vs comman d to veri fy the correc t fi rmware re visio n.
C-1 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Stan dard Upg ra de and Do wngrade Pr o cedures c. En ter th e ve rs ion comma nd.
C-1 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Stand ard Upgrade and Downg rade Procedur es c. En ter th e ve rs ion comma nd.
C-1 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Stan dard Upg ra de and Do wngrade Pr o cedures Pr oce dure 9 — Standard Upgrade , 1-Co re Card Se t Pr oced ure 9 is us ed fo r 4.
C-1 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Stand ard Upgrade and Downg rade Procedur es g. Enter t he reset sy s co mma nd.
C-1 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Stan dard Upg ra de and Do wngrade Pr o cedures h. En ter th e ve rs ion comma nd.
C-1 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Stand ard Upgrade a.
C-2 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Stan dard Upg ra de and Do wngrade Pr o cedures Use th is ste p t o exa min e t he n u mbe r o f lines , p ort s , an d chan n els aft er the upgr ad e o r downgr ad e.
C-2 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade and Downg rad e Proc edur es f. Ent er th e tftp put < ASC_BT_ f ile > AXI S_AS C_B A CKUP .
C-2 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Gra cef ul Up gr ade and Dow.
C-2 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade and Downg rad e Proc edur es b. En ter t he tf t p put <SM_FW_fi le> AXIS_SM_1_$sl ot.
C-2 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Gra cef ul Up gr ade and Dow.
C-2 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade and Downg rad e Proc edur es Step 3 Enter t he dspa dr c x at co m ma nd.
C-2 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Gra cef ul Up gr ade and Down grade Pr oc edures c. Enter t he chkflash com mand .
C-2 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade and Downg rad e Proc edur es Step 5 Fo r all S Ms a.
C-2 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Gra cef ul Up gr ade and Down grade Pr oc edures e. Enter t he res etcd <a ctive_A SC> com m an d.
C-2 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade and Downg rad e Proc edur es Step 5 Fo r all S Ms a.
C-3 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Gra cef ul Up gr ade and Down grade Pr oc edures Step 4 F or al l pr imary a nd st and-a lone SMs, ente r the dspto tals comma nd.
C-3 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade and Downg rad e Proc edur es Pr oce dure 19 — Gracef u l Upg r ade , 2-Core Ca rd Se t Pro c e du re 1 9 is us e d fo r 1.
C-3 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Gra cef ul Up gr ade and Dow.
C-3 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade a.
C-3 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Gra cef ul Up gr ade and Dow.
C-3 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade and Downg rad e Proc edur es Step 2 Save th e curre nt servi ce m odule (S M) co nfigur ation f or each prim ary a nd stand -alon e SM .
C-3 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Gra cef ul Up gr ade and Down grade Pr oc edures e. Enter t he reset cd < stand by_A SC > c omma nd.
C-3 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade and Downg rad e Proc edur es c. En ter th e ve rs ion comma nd.
C-3 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Gra cef ul Up gr ade and Down grade Pr oc edures b. Ent er th e tftp put < ASC_BT_ f ile > AXI S_AS C_B A CKUP .
C-3 9 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade and Downg rad e Proc edur es Pr oce dure 24 — Gracef u l Dow ng rade, 1-Co re Card Se t (SM onl y ) Pr oced ure 24 i s used for 4 .
C-4 0 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Gra cef ul Up gr ade and Down grade Pr oc edures Step 9 F or al l pr imary a nd st and-al one SMs in a ll re dunda nc y groups, enter t he ds pt ot al s command.
C-4 1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Graceful U pgrade and Downg rad e Proc edur es d. En ter th e ve rs ion comma nd.
C-4 2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Descr i pti on of Upgr ad e/.
C-4 3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Description of U pg.
C-4 4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Descr i pti on of Upgr ad e/Downg rade Te rmin ology dspfwrevs The dspfwr evs c omma nd w as f irs t i ntr odu ced i n R ele ases 2.
C-4 5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Description of U pg.
C-4 6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Descr i pti on of Upgr ad e/.
C-4 7 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ation and Conf igurati on Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mb er 2003 App endix C Fir mw are Up gr ad e and Down gr ad e Procedu res Description of U pg.
C-4 8 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 Appendi x C Firmwar e Upgrad e and Dow ngrade Procedu res Descr i pti on of Upgr ad e/.
IN -1 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ati on and Conf ig uration Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mber 2003 INDE X A AAL sta nda rds 1-4 AAL1 1-4 AAL5 1-4 AC p o we r assembly 2-5, 7-17 ad d.
Inde x IN-2 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 BST UN co nnectio ns loc al ackn owl edgme nt me thod 4-12 pas sthr ough me thod.
Index IN -3 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ati on and Conf ig uration Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mber 2003 CW M AUSM conn e ct ion 5-6 des crip tion 1-9 st atisti cs, co llecti ng 3- .
Inde x IN-4 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 in- band c onnect ion 3-11 ma na gem ent 3-6 inte rfac e co n ne ct ivity 3-8 I .
Index IN -5 Cisco MG X 8220 Install ati on and Conf ig uration Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, N ove mber 2003 p rivil ege l evel 3-7 pr otoc ols CLI 3-2 SNMP 3-2 TFT P 3-2 PV C Stat us M.
Inde x IN-6 Cisco MGX 8220 Install ation and Configuration R elease 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 R ev. D0, November 2003 FRSM-8T1 B-1 7 FRSM-HS2 B- 24 IMATM B- 32 SRM-T1/E1 B-8 SRM car d s 1-8 core mod.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems MGX 8220 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems MGX 8220 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems MGX 8220, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems MGX 8220 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems MGX 8220, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems MGX 8220.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems MGX 8220. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems MGX 8220 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.