Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit D14659.03 du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Cisco Tel ePresence ISDN Gatew ay Version 2. 1 Online help ( printable form at) D14659.0 3 March 20 1 1.
Contents Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 2 of 135 Contents Contents ................................................................................................................................... 2 Logg ing into t he web interface .
Content s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 3 of 135 Adding d ial plan ru les .................................................................................................................................. 30 Updating d ial plan r ules .
Contents Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 4 of 135 IP routes configur ation ................................................................................................................................ 62 Adding a new IP ro ute .
Contents Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 5 of 135 Upgrading and backing up the Cisco T elePresence ISDN Gat eway .................................... 91 Upgradin g the m ain ISDN Gatewa y software image .......
Contents Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 6 of 135 Downloa ding ind ividual v oice prom pts ............................................................................................... 115 Deleting c ustom ized voice prom pts .
Logging into the web inter fa ce Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 7 of 135 Logging into the w eb interface The Cisc o TelePres ence ISDN G at eway (ISDN Gatewa .
Failing t o log into t he web int erface Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 8 of 135 Failing to log i nto the w eb interface W hen connecting t o the Cis co TeleP.
Failing t o log into t he web int erface Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 9 of 135 Getting started w ith the Cisco TelePr esence ISDN Ga te w ay Ensure you have.
Failing t o log into t he web int erface Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 10 of 1 35 f. Now go to Dial plan > ISD N to IP , and c lick Add ru le . g. For Rule name , type in a n am e for the new r ule. h. For Condition , select Matc h any calle d number .
Making cal ls with t he Cisco T elePresenc e ISDN G ateway Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 11 of 13 5 Making calls with the Cisco TeleP resence ISDN Gate w ay .
Using the auto attenda nt Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 12 of 1 35 Using the au to atten dant You can us e the aut o atten dant on the C isco T elePres ence ISDN G atewa y to ent er the num ber you want to call d irectl y from your e ndpoint.
Using the Ci sco TeleP resence ISDN G ateway for voice - only c alls Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 13 of 1 35 Using the Ci sco Tel ePresen ce ISDN G a t ew a.
Using the Ci sco TeleP resence ISDN G ateway for voice - only c alls Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 14 of 1 35 Dial pl a n c onfi gur at ion You can c onfigure th e dia l plan to res trict par ticular called num bers to voice - onl y calls.
Using the Ci sco TeleP resence ISDN G ateway for voice - only c alls Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 15 of 1 35 Displa y ing ISDN port util ization For each I SDN port, you ca n view det ails of any port activit y for each I SDN cha nnel.
Displaying t he ISDN c alls list Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 16 of 1 35 Displa y i ng the ISDN calls list The ISDN C alls List displa ys both active ca lls and com plet ed calls o n the C isco Tele Presence ISDN Gatewa y together with the ir basic sett ings.
Displaying t he ISDN c alls list Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 17 of 1 35 Displa y i ng detailed call information Active ca lls are l isted al ong with s ome bas ic details in the ISDN C alls Lis t (see Displa ying the I SDN Ca lls List ).
Displaying t he ISDN c alls list Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 18 of 1 35 Finish ed : t he call is disconn ected ( you might not see th is state). Encryption This f ield tells you whether encr yption is act ive and if so, whether al l or onl y some of the m edia channe ls are encr ypted.
Understand ing the d ial plan Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 19 of 1 35 Understandi ng the di al pl an The Cisc o TelePres ence IS DN Gatewa y uses th e dial plan to det erm ine how to ro ute calls b etween I P and ISDN network s.
Understand ing the d ial plan Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 20 of 1 35 o Restrict (56k) : w hether a c all will use 56k bps.
Displaying a nd test ing the dial plan Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 21 of 1 35 Displayi ng and testing the dial pl an The dial p lan is ac tuall y made up of two, separ ate dia l plans: on e f or IP to IS DN calls and one for ISDN t o IP calls.
Displaying a nd test ing the dial plan Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 22 of 1 35 Acti on W hat will happen if this rule is invoked.
Displaying a nd test ing the dia l plan Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 23 of 1 35 • N x 56kbps : the call is a vi deo call using N x 56k bps (f or legacy ISD N endpoints only) Ports The ISDN p ort(s) on which the ca ll may be pl aced.
Adding di al plan rule s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 24 of 1 35 Adding dial plan rul es The optio ns that are availa ble to you when you are co nfiguring d ial plan r ules dep end on w hether or n ot the Cisc o TelePrese nce IS DN Gateway is in l eased l ine mode .
Adding and updating d ial pla n rules Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 25 of 1 35 Adding and updating dia l plan rules This pa ge d escr ibes how t o add ru les to th e dial plan. It also tells you how to u pdate rul es.
Adding and updating d ial pla n rules Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 26 of 1 35 To includ e any of the incom ing called digits i n the outg oing cal led num ber, enclose eac h subs titution g roup in a se t of pare nthese s.
Adding and updating d ial pla n rules Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 27 of 1 35 Exam ple: for all c alls m atching the co ndition of "55 (DD DD)", s.
Adding and updating d ial pla n rules Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 28 of 1 35 outgoing c all to th at of the incom ing call.
Adding and updating d ial pla n rules Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 29 of 1 35 Updating di al plan rules To update an existi ng dial p lan rule: 1. Go to Dial plan and f ind the r ule you want to m odif y. 2.
Adding and updating d ial pla n rules in leased lin e mode Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 30 of 1 35 Adding and updating dia l plan rules in leased line mode This page d escribes how t o add rules to the d ial plan when t he Cisc o TelePres ence ISD N G a tewa y is in leased l ine m ode.
Adding and updating d ial pla n rules in leased lin e mode Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 31 of 1 35 * matc h zero or m ore tim es. For exam ple, "5+ " means " matc h at least one 5, but p ossibl y more".
Adding and updating d ial pla n rules in leased lin e mode Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 32 of 1 35 To call a s pecif ic extensi on, separate the num ber/addr ess f rom the ex tension b y typing an exclam ation m ark (!).
Adding and updating d ial pla n rules in leased lin e mode Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 33 of 1 35 7. For Codecs allowe d selec t an opti on from the drop - do wn list: < use defa ult choice s >, Cus tom codec choic es or Safe c odec c hoices .
Example dia l plan ru les Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 34 of 1 35 Example dial pla n rules Use the ex amples on this p age to help you conf igure your own d.
Example dia l plan ru les Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 35 of 1 35 1 Called num ber matc hes "553 ( DDDD)" Call th is number "$1 " Video with BONDING 192Kbps This r ule allocates 192k bps (that is, three cha nnels) to any cal l with pref ix 553.
Example dia l plan ru les Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 36 of 1 35 # Condition A ction Call type Bandwidth Description 0 Called num ber matc hes "D+ 00 00" Call th is number "10.
Example dia l plan ru les Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 37 of 1 35 1 Called number matc hes "99555" Call th is n um ber " 01753 548333! 555P,,888 P " Telepho ne None This r ule allows a c aller to connect t o a PIN pr otected audio conf erence on an au dio bridge.
Example dia l plan ru les Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 38 of 1 35 from a Pol ycom endp oint, repl ace the * with ## from Lif eSize and S ony endpo ints, replac e the * with #. For ot her endp oints, p lease r efer to the user m anual.
Example dia l plan ru les Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 39 of 1 35 The f irst (D*) gr oup m atches the num bers before the P ound (hash) sign a nd the s econd (D *) group matc hes the num ber after the Pound s ign.
Example dia l plan ru les Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 40 of 1 35 # Condition A ction Maxim um call bandwidth Descripti on 0 Match ca lls incom ing on port "1" leased line group "2" Call this number "10.
Dial plan syntax Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 41 of 1 35 Dial plan s yntax This page d escribes the s yntax that you can use when adding di al plans. Note: All IPv6 addr ess f ields in the I SDN Gateway req uire the I Pv6 addr ess to be enclose d in squar e brack ets [ ].
Dial plan syntax Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 42 of 1 35 outgoing c alled n umber , enclose them in parenthes es. N ote that if you wish to inclu de the complete num ber, you do not need to enclose the who le expr es si o n i n parent heses.
Dial plan syntax Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 43 of 1 35 empt y number, the c all wil l be rejec ted; in the above exam ple, an inco ming c all to 55 would res ult in a n empt y substitutio n.
Displaying t he built - in g atekee per registr ation list Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 44 of 1 35 Displayi ng the built - in gatekeeper re gistration list The Cisc o TelePres ence ISDN G ateway c ontains a bu ilt - in gat ek eeper with whic h devic es can register multiple I Ds.
Displaying t he built - in gate keeper reg istration l ist Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 45 of 1 35 currentl y have reg istered. T he built - in gatekeeper w ill then us e the inform ation recei ved fr om the neighbor (s) to repl y to the o riginal request.
Displaying t he built - in gate keeper reg istration l ist Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 46 of 1 35 Gatekeeper status The num ber of registered d evices is s hown in th e format X / Y wher e Y is the num ber of r egistered devices th at your built - in g atek eeper is licens ed f or.
Displaying t he built - in gate keeper reg istration l ist Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 47 of 1 35 Registration view This vie w shows a one - line summ ar y for each devic e register ed with the bu ilt - in gatek eeper.
Displaying t he user list Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 48 of 1 35 Displayi ng the user list The Us er list gives you a q uick over view of a l l conf igured users on th e Cisco T elePresenc e ISDN G atewa y and provid es a summary of som e of their s ettings.
Adding and updating u ser s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 49 of 1 35 Adding and updating u s ers You can a dd users to and u pdate users on the Cisco T elePresenc e ISDN G atewa y. Although m ost inform ation is ident ical f or both tas ks, s ome fields dif fer.
Adding and updating u sers Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 50 of 1 35 In advanc ed secur ity mode (conf igured on the Settings > Security page), pas swords .
Adding and updating u sers Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 51 of 1 35 option. For m ore inform ation about advance d securit y mode, r efer to Conf iguring securit y settings . Lock password Prevents us er from changin g password.
Updating y our user profile Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 52 of 1 35 Updating y our user profile You can m ake s ome chang es to your user prof ile. T o do this, go t o User p rofil e . Ref er to the table be low for tips.
Changing your pas sw or d Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 53 of 1 35 Changing y our pass word In advanc ed secur ity mode, passwords m ust have: at least f.
Configuring netw ork sett ing s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 54 of 1 35 Configuring net w ork settings To conf igure the net work settings on the Cisc o TelePr esence I SDN G atewa y and chec k the net work status, go to Netw ork > Port A or Network > Port B .
Configuring netw ork sett ing s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 55 of 1 35 255.255. 255.0 Default gatew ay The IP ad dress of the def ault gatewa y on this sub net, for exam ple 1 92.
Configuring netw ork sett ing s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 56 of 1 35 Ether ne t c onfi gura t i on These s ettings deter mine t he Ethern et settin gs for t he appropr iate por t of the ISD N G ateway. Ref er to t he table for assistanc e with th ese setti ngs.
Configuring netw ork sett ing s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 57 of 1 35 configurat ion selec ted abo ve. M AC address The f ixed hardware MAC ( Media Ac cess Contr ol) address of this por t. This valu e cannot be chang ed and is for inf ormation o nly.
Configuring netw ork sett ing s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 58 of 1 35 A utomatic IPv 6 address prefer ences This table details the addr ess as signm ent preferenc es that ar e applie d for IP v6 addres sing when port configurat ion is s et to Auto mati c .
DNS setti ngs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 59 of 1 35 DNS setti ng s This s ection desc ribes how to conf igure a nd view DN S settin gs for the Cisco T elePres ence ISDN Gatewa y. Configur i ng DNS setti ngs To conf igure DNS settings on the I SDN Gate way, go t o Netwo rk > DNS .
DNS setti ngs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 60 of 1 35 View i ng DNS status Use the D NS status fields t o verif y the curr ent DNS se ttings f or the I SDN .
Configuring IP rout es settin gs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 61 of 1 35 Configuring IP routes se t tings You need to set up o ne or m ore r outing settin gs to contr ol how IP tr affic flows in and out of the Cisco TelePres ence ISDN Gate w ay .
Configuring IP rout es settin gs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 62 of 1 35 IP r outes c onfiguration In this s ection you can cont rol how I P pack ets should b e directed o ut of the ISDN Gatewa y.
Configuring IP rout es settin gs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 63 of 1 35 Viewing a nd deleting ex isting IP routes Configure d routes are liste d below the Add I P route c ontrols.
Configuring IP serv ices Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 64 of 1 35 Configuring IP serv ices To conf igure IP ser vices, go to Network > Serv ices . Use this page to co ntrol th e type of services t hat m ay be acces sed via Et hernet P orts A and B.
Configuring IP serv ices Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 65 of 1 35 certific ate and pr ivate ke y. However, you can upload a n ew priv ate ke y and certific ates if required. F or m ore inform ation about SSL certific ates, ref er to Conf iguring SSL certif icates .
Configuring SNM P settings Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 66 of 1 35 Configuring SNMP set tin gs To conf igure m onitoring usi ng SNM P, go to N etw ork > SNM P . The Cisc o TelePres ence ISDN G ateway sends o ut an SNM P trap when the d evice is shut do wn or started u p.
Configuring SNM P settings Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 67 of 1 35 Configur e d t r ap receiver s Field Field descr iption Usage tips Enable t raps Select th is check box to en able the ISDN Gate way to sen d traps.
Configuring QoS set tings Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 68 of 1 35 Configuring QoS set ting s To conf igure Qual ity of Ser vice (QoS) on the IS DN Gate way for aud io and v ideo, go to Netw ork > QoS .
Configuring QoS set tings Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 69 of 1 35 Au d io Six bit bin ary fie ld for pri oritizing au dio dat a pack ets on the net work . Do not alter th ese sett ings unl es s you need t o.
Networ k connectiv ity testing Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 70 of 1 35 Net w ork c onnecti v ity testing The Net work c onnectivit y page can be used for tr.
Configuring general ISDN set tings Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 71 of 1 35 Configuring general IS D N settings These s ettings ar e global s ettings , which af fect the c onfigurati on of the Cisco T elePresenc e ISDN G atewa y with regard to ISD N network type and options , and allo wed ca ll features .
Configuring general ISDN set tings Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 72 of 1 35 find that ou tbound c alls fai l (and inbound c alls suc ceed), the n try disabling t his sett ing Select th e Legacy capabiliti es option if you exper ience diffic ulties connecti ng your ol der endp oints to the ISDN GW .
Configuring general ISDN set tings Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 73 of 1 35 Allow parallel dialing Para llel d ialin g allo ws all ISDN calls to be bonded t o be di aled sim ultaneously. Enable para llel di aling if your ISDN endpoints support it.
Configuring general ISDN set tings Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 74 of 1 35 or Intern ational. In such cas es sel ect this op tion to set the T ON for out going IS DN calls to Natio nal or I nt ernat io na l as required.
Configuring general ISDN set tings Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 75 of 1 35 Line leng th Line imped ance Line codi n g Transmi t pulse shape National bits (Sa4..Sa 8) custom er suppor t, or if you are an experienc ed ISDN administ rator.
Configuring general ISDN set tings Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 76 of 1 35 codecs allow ed codecs that endpo ints ca lling thro ugh the ISDN Gate way may selec t. Content a llows a se parate presentat ion stream alongs ide the video stre am.
Configuring ISDN port s setti ngs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 77 of 1 35 Configuring IS DN ports s ettings The optio ns that are availa ble to you when you are co nfiguring I SDN port s depen d on whether or not the Cisc o TelePrese nce IS DN G atewa y is in leas ed line mo de .
Configuring ISDN port s setti ngs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 78 of 1 35 calls m ay arrive a t any one of the ports with a shar ed direc tory nu mber. Note that when rec eiving a n incom ing ISDN call, the gat eway ad vertises the director y numbers of the po rts selected in the dia l plan.
Configuring ISDN port s setti ngs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 79 of 1 35 Use Ma x if you are uns ur e of which value to us e here or refer to your ISDN network provider. Also use Max if yo u may switch between E1 and T 1/J1 modes .
Configuring ISDN port s setti ngs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 80 of 1 35 matc h the settings on the s witc h. Configur ing I SDN ports setti ngs in lease d line m ode These s ettings aff ect the p er - port ISD N config uration of the Cisco T elePres ence ISDN Gatewa y when it is lease d line m ode.
Configuring H.323 gat ekeeper setting s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 81 of 1 35 Configuring H.323 gatek e eper settings You can c onfigure th e Cisc o TeleP.
Configuring H.323 gat ekeeper setting s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 82 of 1 35 H.323 gatekeep er address The net work addres s of the gatekeeper to whic h ISDN Gat ewa y registrat ions shou ld be made. This c an be spec ified eith er as a h ost nam e or as an IP a ddress.
Configuring H.323 gat ekeeper setting s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 83 of 1 35 Send resource availabilit y indicati ons Select th is option if you w ant the ISDN Gate way to inf orm the gatekeeper about i ts availa bilit y or non - avail ability.
Configuring H.323 gat ekeeper setting s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 84 of 1 35 Gatekeeper status The ISDN Gate way also di splays brief status inform ation about any re gistered g atek eepers. Field Fi eld descr iption Usage tips H.
Configuring H.323 gat ekeeper setting s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 85 of 1 35 list of 'al ternates ' Note that if the ISDN G ateway regist ers w.
Configuring encry ption settin gs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 86 of 1 35 Configur ing encry ption settings You can c onfigure th e Cisc o TelePres ence I SDN Gateway to encr ypt the IP "leg", the ISDN leg or both legs of a c all.
Displaying and rese ttin g sys tem t ime Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 87 of 1 35 Displayi ng and resetting sy stem time The s ystem date and tim e for the Cisc o Tele Prese nce ISDN Ga teway ca n be set manuall y or using the Net work T ime Protocol (NT P).
Configuring securi ty setting s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 88 of 1 35 Configuring security settings To conf igure sec urit y settings, go t o Settings > Security .
Configuring securi ty setting s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 89 of 1 35 The ISDN Gatewa y wi ll hash pass words bef ore storin g them in the conf iguratio n.
Configuring securi ty setting s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 90 of 1 35 Password forma t In advanc ed secur ity mode, passwords m ust have: at least f i.
Upgrading a nd bac king up the Cisco T elePresence IS DN Gat eway Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 91 of 1 35 Upgrading and backing up t he Cisc o TelePrese nce.
Upgrading a nd bac king up the Cisco T elePresence IS DN Gat ew ay Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 92 of 1 35 7. Click Upload software i mage . The br owser begi ns upl oading the f ile to th e ISDN Gatewa y, and a new browser window opens to indicate the progr ess of the upload.
Upgrading a nd bac king up the Cisco T elePresence IS DN Gat eway Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 93 of 1 35 1. Check the Activat ed featur es ( ISDN Ga teway activat ion is sho wn in th is sam e list) to conf irm that the f eature you requir e is not alr ead y activated.
Shutting d own and re starting t he Cisco T elePrese nce ISDN Gatew ay Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 94 of 1 35 Shutting down and res ta rti ng the Cisco Tel.
Displaying gener al status Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 95 of 1 35 Display ing general status The Gener al Status displa ys an overv iew of the Cisc o T elePres enc e ISDN Gatewa y st atus. To acce ss this inf ormation, go to Status > Genera l.
Displaying ISDN statu s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 96 of 1 35 Displa y i ng ISDN status The ISDN s tatus pa ge displ ays an over view of the curr ent state a nd config uration of the ISDN ports. To displa y ISDN sta tus, go to Status > ISDN .
Displaying h ardw are health status Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 97 of 1 35 Displayi ng hard w ar e heal th status The Healt h Status displa ys inform ation about t he hard ware com ponents of the C isco T elePresence ISDN Gate way .
Displaying sec urity statu s Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 98 of 1 35 Display ing security statu s The Secur ity stat us page d ispla y s a l ist of ac tive secur it y warnings f or the Cis co Tele Presenc e ISDN Gat ewa y .
Working w ith the ev ent logs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 99 of 1 35 Working w it h the ev ent logs If y ou are experienc ing com plex is sues that req uire a dvanced tro ublesho oting, you ma y nee d to collect inf orm ation from the Cisco T elePresenc e ISDN Gate wa y logs.
Working w ith the ev ent logs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 100 of 135 H.32 3 The H.323 log page r ecords ever y H.323 mes sage recei ved or transm itted f rom the ISDN Gatewa y . The log can be expor ted in an .
Working w ith the au dit logs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 101 of 135 Working w it h the audit l ogs The audit log records an y user action on the Cisco T elePres ence ISDN Gat eway which m ight com p rom is e th e securit y of the u nit, of its funct ions, or of the ne twork.
Understand ing se curity w arnin gs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 102 of 135 Understandi ng security w ar nings The Secur ity status pag e displ ays a lis t of acti ve secur ity warnings for th e Cisco TelePresenc e ISD N Gatewa y.
Understand ing se curity w arnin gs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 103 of 135 Unsecured FTP service is en abled Disable FT P in ne twork TCP services Inform ation sent us ing FT P is unencr ypted and sen t in p lain text; therefor e, it is pos sible f or people to discover usernam es and pas swords easil y.
Understand ing se curity w arnin gs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 104 of 135 A udit logs hash check failed , audit system i ntegrity compromised Check system c onfiguratio n for possible s ecurit y changes If audit lo gs chec ks fail, it is poss ible that yo ur ISDN Gate way has been compr omised.
Understand ing se curity w arnin gs Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 105 of 13 5 Encryption no t availabl e on this device Add featur e ke y for encr yption. To use enc ryption on your I SDN Gatewa y you m ust have the Encrypti on feature k ey installed.
Logging using sy slog Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 106 of 135 Logging using sy slog You can s end the E ve nt log to o ne or m ore syslog s ervers on the net work f or storage or a nalysis .
Logging using sy slog Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 107 of 135 17 - local us e 1 (local 1) 18 - local us e 2 (local 2) 19 - local us e 3 (local 3.
Working w ith Call Det ail Recor ds Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 108 of 135 W orking w it h Call Detail Records The Cisc o TelePres ence IS DN Gatewa y can dis pla y up to 20 pages of Call Detail Records.
Working w ith Call Det ail Recor ds Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 109 of 135 CDR log d isplay Downloadi ng and clearing the log The CDR log inclu des all st ored Cal l Detail Rec ords , and all av ailable details, regardless of the cur rent filtering a nd displ ay setti ngs.
Working w ith Call Det ail Recor ds Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 110 of 135 CDR log displa y The CDR log list s hows so me or all of the st ored recor ds, depend ing on the filter ing and d ispla y settings (see Ca ll Detail R ecord log contro ls ).
Customizing the user interfa ce Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 111 of 135 Customizing the user int erface In this s ection: Configur ing user i nterfac e .
Customizing the user interfa ce Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 112 of 135 Configur i ng welcome m e ssa ge s f or the Logi n and Home page s You can c onfigure a m ess age banner to appear on the Login pag e of the ISDN G atewa y.
Customizing the u ser interf ace Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 113 of 135 The def ault voice pr ompts will be ap plied imm ediate ly, although it m ay take a few seconds before ever yone connecte d to the ISDN Gate way is ab le to hear the new pr ompts .
Customizing the user interfa ce Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 114 of 135 Uploading and downloading c ustomized voice prompts Refer to the sectio ns belo w fo.
Customizing the user interfa ce Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 115 of 135 Downloadi ng indiv idual voice prompts You ma y wish to r eview a c ustom ization that has been previous ly uploa ded to the I SDN Gatewa y .
Customizing the user interfa ce Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 116 of 135 Voice prom pt s peci f ic ation Below is a com plete list of the voice prom pts that m ay be custom i zed. The defaul t wordi ng is sho wn for eac h prom pt.
Customizatio n: M ore informat ion Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 117 of 135 Customization: More inf ormation There ar e three cus tom ization levels o n the .
Backing up a nd restor ing the configur ation usi ng FTP Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 118 of 135 Backing up and restorin g the config uration using FTP You can b ack up and restor e the conf iguration of the Ci sco T elePresence I SDN Gateway throu gh its web interf ace.
Configuring SSL cert ificates Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 119 of 135 Configuring SSL certifica tes If the Cisc o Tele Presence ISDN Gat ewa y has the S ecu.
Configuring SSL cert ificates Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 120 of 135 field sho ws 'Ke y matches certific ate' then t he data is secur ely encr ypted in both direct io ns .
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 121 of 135 Contact detai ls and license informa tion Refer to the follow ing secti ons for notices and s oftwar e license inform ation: • TAND BERG • Software licens es TANDBERG TANDB ERG is now part of Cisc o.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 122 of 135 AVC VIDEO THIS PRODUCT IS LICE NSED UNDER T HE AVC PAT ENT PORTFOLIO LICE.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 123 of 135 1. Redistribut ions of sourc e code m ust retain the above copyright notice, t his list of c onditions and the f ollowing d isclaim er.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 124 of 135 1. Redistribut ions of sourc e code (in whole or in part) m ust retain the abov e cop yright notice, definitio n, disclaim er, and this lis t of co nd itions.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 125 of 135 The OpenSS L Project Cop y right ( c) 199 8 - 2007 The O penSSL Project.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 126 of 135 Original SSLeay Li cense C o p yr i g h t (C) 19 95 - 1998 Eric Young ( ea y@cryptsof ) All rights r eserved. This pac kage is an SSL im plementat ion writte n b y Eric Young ( ea y@cryptsoft .
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 127 of 135 The Cisc o TelePres ence IS DN Gatewa y includ es hardw are and sof tware dev eloped b y and us ed under lice nse fr om N.A.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 128 of 135 ALTERNAT IVELY, pr ovide d that this notice is retaine d in ful l, this p.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 129 of 135 THE SO FTW ARE IS PROVI DED "A S IS", W ITHOUT W ARRANTY OF ANY.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 130 of 135 ---- Part 1: CMU/U CD cop yright not ice: (BSD lik e) ----- Copyright 198.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 131 of 135 * Redistrib utions i n binar y form must reproduc e the ab ove cop yright n otice, th is list of conditions and the follo wing disc laimer in the doc umentatio n and/or other m aterials pr o vide d with t he distr ibut ion.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 132 of 135 Redistribut ion an d use in s ource an d binar y forms , with or witho ut.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 133 of 135 Cop y right ( c) Fabas oft R&D Sof tware Gm bH & C o KG, 200 3 oss@f abasoft.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 134 of 135 Cop y right ( c) 200 9, Scienc eLogic, L LC All rights reserved.
Contact det ails and l icense inf ormation Ci sco TelePres ence ISDN Gatew ay 2. 1 Online help (Pr intable for mat) 135 of 135 THE SPECI FICA TIONS AND INFORMATI O N REGA RDI NG THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJE CT TO CHANG E WITHOUT NOTICE.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems D14659.03 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems D14659.03 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems D14659.03, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems D14659.03 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems D14659.03, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems D14659.03.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems D14659.03. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems D14659.03 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.