Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 15454M6DC du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisco System s, Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95134 -1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation and Operat ions Gu ide Pr oduct and Documenta tion Release 3.
iii Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 CONTEN TS About This Manu al xxxi ii Audienc e xxxii i Organi zation xx xiii Relat ed Do cume ntatio n xxxiv Convent ions xxxv Ob.
Cont ent s iv Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Proced ure: Open th e Front Cabinet Compartment (Door) 1-12 Proced ure: Re move t he Fro nt Door 1-13 1.5 Backp lane Acces s 1-14 Proced ure: Remove t he Back plane Sheet Metal Co vers 1-15 1.
Content s v Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Proced ure: I nstall DS-1 AMP Champ Cables on the AMP Ch amp EIA 1-4 3 1.
Cont ent s vi Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 1.16.1 4 Po wer S pecif icatio ns 1-67 1.16. 15 Environment al Specif icati ons 1-67 1.16 .16 Di mens ions 1-67 1.17 In stalla tion Chec klist 1-67 1.18 ONS 15454 Sof tware and Har dware Co mpatibili ty Matrix 1-68 CHAPTER 2 Softw are Insta llati on 2-1 2.
Content s vii Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Proced ure: Modif y the Netw ork or Domai n Backgrou nd Color 2-19 2.6. 2.5 Cha nging the Net work View Backg rou nd Im age 2-19 Proced ure: Ch ange the Net work Vie w Backgr ound Image 2- 20 Proced ure: Ad d a Node to the Cur rent Sess ion 2-21 2.
Cont ent s viii Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 4.2 ONS 15454 IP Address ing Scenar ios 4-2 4.2. 1 Scena rio 1: CTC an d ONS 15454s on Sa me Subnet 4-2 4.2. 2 Scena rio 2: CTC an d ONS 15454s Conn ected to Ro uter 4-3 4.
Content s ix Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Proced ure: Add a UPSR No de 5-34 Proced ure: Re move a UPSR Nod e 5-35 5.4 Subte nding R ings 5-36 Proced ure: Subt end a UPSR from a BL SR 5-38 Proced ure: Subt end a BLSR from a UP SR 5-38 Proced ure: Subt end a BLSR from a BL SR 5-40 5.
Cont ent s x Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 7.2.2 DS-3 Car d Para meters 7-6 Proced ure: Mod ify Line and Thresho ld Set tings for the DS-3 Card 7-6 7.2. 3 D S3E C ard P aram eters 7-8 Proced ure: Mod ify Line and Thresho ld Set tings for the DS3E Card 7-9 7.
Content s xi Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 8.1.5 Usi ng the Base line B utton 8-7 Proced ure: Us e the Basel ine Butto n on the Perf ormanc e Monitori ng Screen 8-7 8.1. 6 U sing th e Clea r Butto n 8-8 Proced ure: Us e the Clear Button on th e Perfo rmance Moni toring Sc reen 8-8 8.
Cont ent s xii Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 9.4.1 Q-Tag ging (IE EE 802.1Q) 9-22 9.4.2 Pri ority Queu ing (IE EE 802. 1Q) 9-23 9.4. 3 V LAN Me mbe rship 9-24 Proced ure: Pr ovisio n Etherne t Port s for VLA N Membership 9-24 9.
Content s xiii Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 10.3.1 .4 Row Di spla y Optio ns 10-11 10.3. 2 Applyi ng Alar m Profi les 10-11 Proced ure: Appl y an Alarm Pro file at the Ca rd View 10-1 3 Proced ure: Appl y an Alarm Pro file at the Nod e View 10-13 10.
Cont ent s xiv Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Power S upply Discon nection Warni ng B-6 Outsid e Line Co nnectio n Warnin g B-7 Class 1 La ser Produ ct Warni ng B-.
FI GURES xv Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 Figu re 1-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 dimensi ons 1-6 Figu re 1-2 Reversi ng t he mount ing br acket s (23- inch p ositio n to 19-.
Figures xvi Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 Figu re 1-32 Attachi ng a fiber boot 1-54 Figu re 1-33 Managing cable s on the fron t panel 1-55 Figu re 1-34 Routin g fi.
Figu res xvi i Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 Figu re 3-7 Editi ng protec tion groups 3-11 Figu re 3-8 An ONS 1 5454 timing example 3-13 Figu re 3-9 Setti ng Up ONS.
Figures xviii Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 Figu re 5-21 A UPSR wit h a fiber br eak 5-27 Figu re 5-22 An OC-3 UPSR 5-28 Figu re 5-23 Layout of Node ID 0 in th e O.
Figu res xix Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 Figu re 6-16 Select ing DCC t unnel end po ints 6-23 Figu re 7-1 Provi sioning line pa rameters on the DS1- 14 card 7-3 .
Figures xx Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 Figu re 9-4 A Sing le-c ard Eth erSwit ch conf igurat ion 9-5 Figu re 9-5 A Mult icard Et herSw itch po int -to-po int cir.
Figu res xxi Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 Figu re 11-3 Exam ple of the prim ary SN MP com pone nts 11-3 Figu re 11-4 Setti ng up SNMP 11-4 Figu re 11-5 Viewing tr.
Figures xxii Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001.
TABLES xxiii Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 Ta b l e 1 - 1 Instal lati on Ta sks 1-3 Ta b l e 1 - 2 Extern al T iming P in Assi gnments for BITS 1-3 4 Ta b l e 1 - .
Tables xxiv Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 Ta b l e 5 - 2 Two- Fibe r BLSR Capaci ty 5-7 Ta b l e 5 - 3 Four-F iber BLSR Ca pacit y 5-7 Ta b l e 6 - 1 ONS 1 5454 Ca.
Tabl es xxv Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 Ta b l e 8 - 1 9 Near-En d SONET Path PMs f or the DS3-1 2E and DS3N- 12E Cards 8-27 Ta b l e 8 - 2 0 Far-En d CP-bi t Pa.
Tables xxvi Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 T able 10-4 Condit ions Colu mns Descr iption 10-6 T able 10-5 Alarm Profile Button s 10 -10 T able 10-6 Alarm Prof ile E.
PROCEDURES xxvii Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 Hardware Installation Reverse the Mount ing Brack et to Fit a 19 -Inch Rac k 1-7 Mount the Sh elf Assembl y in a Rac.
Procedures xxvii i Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 Route th e Coaxi al Cables 1-57 Route DS- 1 Twisted- Pair Cabl es 1-58 Instal l the BI C Rear Cover 1-59 Attach F .
Proced ures xxi x Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 Set Up Int ernal Ti ming 3-17 IP Networking Create a St atic Route 4-8 Set up OSPF 4-12 SONET Topologies Instal l t.
Procedures xxx Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 Provi sion a DCC Tunn el 6-22 Card Provisioning Modify Li ne and Th reshold Setting s for th e DS-1 Card 7-3 Modify Li.
Proced ures xxxi Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 Provi sion Ethe rnet Port s for VL AN Membership 9-24 Enable Spanni ng Tree on Ethernet Ports 9-26 View the Sp annin.
Procedures xxxii Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001.
xxxii i Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 About This Manual Thi s sectio n explains who shou ld read th e Cisco ONS 15 454 Insta llation a nd Opera tions Guid e , how .
xxxiv Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 About Th is Manual Relate d Document ation Related Documentation Cisco ONS 15 454 T r oubleshoot ing and Ma intena nce G uide, Re leas e 3. 1 Cisco ONS 15 454 TL1 Com man d Guid e, R elease 3.
xxxv Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 About Thi s Manu al Convent ions Cisco ONS 15 216 E DF A1 Operat ions Guide Installing the Cisco ONS 15 216 DWDM Filters Installi.
xxxvi Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 About Th is Manual Obtain ing Docume ntation World Wid e Web Y ou ca n ac cess the mo st c urr ent Ci sco doc um ent ation on the W or ld Wide W eb at th e follow ing sit es: • http://www .
xxxvi i Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 About Thi s Manu al Obtainin g Technica l Assistan ce Obtaining Tech nical Ass istance Cisc o provid es Cisc o.
xxxviii Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 About Th is Manual Obtain ing Technical Assista nce Contacting TAC by Telephone If you have a priority lev el 1(P1) or prio rity leve l 2 (P2) probl em, contac t T A C by telepho ne and immedi ately o pen a case .
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 1 Hardware Installa tion This c ha pter prov id es pr oc ed ures for inst al lin g th e Cisco O NS 1 545 4.
1-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Instal lation Ove rview War ni ng The ONS 15454 is intended for i nstallation in restrict ed access areas.
1-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Installation Equ ipment The O NS 15454 i s p ower ed u s ing -48 V D C p ower . Ne gativ e, ret urn, a nd ground p ow er t erm inal s are acces sible on the b ackplane.
1-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Instal lation Equi pment 1.2.1 Inclu ded Materials The follow ing m ate ria ls are r equi red an d a re s hi pped w ith the ON S 1 545 4. Th e num be r in p aren t heses gives the quantity of the ite m included in the pac kage.
1-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Rack Installation • W ire strip pe rs • Crimp tool Test Equipment • V olt meter • Power me ter (for use wit h fiber opti cs only) • Bit Error Ra te (BER) teste r , DS-1 and DS -3 1.
1-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Rac k Inst allat ion Figur e 1 -1 Cisco ONS 15454 dimensi ons 1.
1-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Rack Installation Procedure: Reverse the Mounting Bracket to Fit a 19-Inch Rack Step 1 Remove the screws that atta ch the mounting brack et to the side of the shelf assembly .
1-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Rac k Inst allat ion Figur e 1 -3 Mounting an ON S 15454 in a r ack T wo people sh ould i nstall the sh elf a ssembly; however , one person ca n in stall it using the te mporary set screws inc lude d.
1-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Rack Installation Procedure: Mount the Shelf Assembly in a Rack (Two People) Step 1 Ensure that the s helf as sem bly is s et fo r the de sired r ack size (eit her 19 or 23 in ches ).
1-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Rac k Inst allat ion but not m erge m ultiple nodes i nto a single ONS 15454. Y ou can lin k nodes with OC- 12 or OC-48 fib er spans as you would link any other two network nodes.
1-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Front Door Ac cess Figur e 1 -5 A four -shelf O NS 15454 Bay A ssembly 1.
1-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Front D oor Access Figur e 1 -6 The fr ont-door e ras able label Note Th e front do or label also includes the Class I and Class 1M la ser warnin g shown in the lase r warning on the front- door label ( Figure 1-7 ).
1-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Front Door Ac cess Figur e 1 -8 The ONS 15454 fr ont door Procedure: Remove the Front Door Step 1 Open the door . Step 2 Lift t he door fr om it s h ing es a t t he to p le ft-h an d cor ner of th e d oor ( Figure 1-9 ).
1-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Backpl ane Acc ess Figur e 1 -9 Remo ving the ON S 15454 fr ont door 1.5 Backplane Access T o acc ess t he ONS 1 5454 b ackplan e, rem ove th e two st anda rd shee t met al cove rs on eac h side of t he backpl ane ( Figu re 1-10 ).
1-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Backplane Ac cess Figu re 1 -1 0 Backpl ane sh eet m etal covers Procedure: Remove the Backpla.
1-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Backpl ane Acc ess Figur e 1 -1 1 Remo ving the l ow er bac kplan e cov er Procedure: Remove the Lower Back plane Cover Step 1 Unscrew the five r etaini ng scre ws tha t hold the cle ar plasti c co ver in place.
1-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n EIA Installation 1.6 EIA Installation Optiona l EIA backp lane co vers are t ypically pr e-inst alled wh en ordere d with the ON S 15454. EIA s must be order ed when using DS-1, DS-3 , DS3XM- 6, or EC-1 c ards.
1-18 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation EIA Inst allati on Figur e 1 -12 A BNC bac kplane fo r use in 1:1 pr ote ction sc hemes The EIA si de mar ke d “ A ” has 24 pai rs of BNC connect ors.
1-19 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n EIA Installation T o inst all coaxial cable with High-Den sity BNC conne ctors, see t he “ High-D ensity BNC Conn ector Installation ” section on page 1 -37 .
1-20 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation EIA Inst allati on Figur e 1 -14 An SMB EIA backplane The SMB E IA has 84 tra nsm it a nd 84 rece ive con ne ctor s o n e ach side of t he O NS 15 454 for a tot al of 168 SMB conne ctors (84 circuit s).
1-21 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n EIA Installation For inform ation about AMP cha mp cable managem ent, see the “ AMP Ch amp C able Mana geme nt ” section on page 1-59 .
1-22 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation EIA Inst allati on Procedure: Install a BNC, High-Density BNC, or SM B EIA See the “ Install the AMP Cha mp EIA ” procedur e on page 1-24 if you a re usi ng a n A MP C ham p EIA .
1-23 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n EIA Installation Figur e 1 -17 Installing the Hig h-Density BNC E IA Figur e 1 -18 Installing .
1-24 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation EIA Inst allati on Procedure: Install the AMP Champ EIA Step 1 T o rem ove the l owe r ba ck pl ane c over , loose n th e f iv e s c rew s th at s e cu re it to the ON S 1 545 4 an d pu ll i t away f rom the shelf a ssembly .
1-25 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Fan-Tray Asse mbly Installation 1.7 Fan-Tray Assembly Installation The fan-tra y assembly is located at the bottom of the ONS 15454 front compar tment.
1-26 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Fan-Tray Assembl y Install ation Procedure: Install the Bottom B rackets and Air Filter The shelf a ssembly ships with bottom brackets tha t you should u se to insta ll the ai r filter .
1-27 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Fan-Tray Asse mbly Installation Step 4 Slide the air filt er into t he shelf a ssembly . Procedure: Install the Fan-Tray Assembly T o install the fa n-tray assembly , it is n ot necessary to move any of th e cable-manag ement faciliti es.
1-28 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Power and Ground Insta llation Figur e 1 -21 Installing the f an-tr ay ass embly 1.8 Power and Ground Insta llation This se ction e xpla ins how t o c onn ect the ONS 154 54 assem bl y to the pow er su pply .
1-29 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Power an d Ground Inst allat ion War ni ng Connect the ONS 15454 only to a DC power source that complies with the safety extra-low voltage (SEL V) requirements in IEC 60950-based safety standards.
1-30 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Power and Ground Insta llation Procedure: Install Redundant Po wer Feeds Ground only on e cabl e t o groun d t he she lf a ssemb ly . T erminate the othe r end o f th e gro und cab le to ground a c cordi ng t o loc al s ite pra cti ce.
1-31 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Power an d Ground Inst allat ion Step 3 Remove or loosen t he #8 powe r termin al screw s on the O NS 15454.
1-32 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Alarm, Timing , LAN, and Craft Pin Connections 1.9 Alarm, Timing, LAN, and Craft Pin Con nections Cautio n Alway s use th e suppli ed ESD wristband when wo rking wi th a powe red ONS 15454.
1-33 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Alarm, Tim ing, L AN, and Cra ft Pin Conn ections Note Th e X.
1-34 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Alarm, Timing , LAN, and Craft Pin Connections Note Re fer to T elcordia SR- NW T -002224 f or ru les about provi sioni ng timi ng r ef eren ces Procedure: Install Timing Wires on the Backpl ane Step 1 Use #22 or #24 A W G wire.
1-35 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Alarm, Tim ing, L AN, and Cra ft Pin Conn ections *The Cis co ONS 1 5454 is DC E. Procedure: Install LAN Wires on the Backplane Step 1 Use #22 or #24 A W G wire.
1-36 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Coax ial Cabl e In stal lati on Procedure: Install Craft Inter face Wires on the Backplane Step 1 Use #22 or #24 A W G wire. Step 2 W rap the cr aft in terface wires on the a ppropr iate wi re-wrap p ins a ccording to lo cal site pract ice.
1-37 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Coaxial Cable Installation Step 3 Gently push the co nnecto r down unti l the notc h back plane co nnecto r slides i nto the slot on the cabl e conn ector .
1-38 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Coax ial Cabl e In stal lati on Procedure: Install Coaxial Cab le With High-Density BNC Connectors Step 1 Place t he B NC cab le co nne cto r o v er th e de sire d co nne cti on p oin t o n t h e back pl an e.
1-39 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n DS-1 Cable Installation Figur e 1 -26 Installing coaxial cable with SMB conn ect ors War ni ng Metallic interfaces for connection to outside plant li nes (such as T1/E1/T3/E3, etc.
1-40 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation DS-1 Ca ble In stallation Cautio n Alway s use th e suppli ed ESD wristband when wo rking wi th a powe red ONS 15454. Pl ug the wristband cable into the ESD jack locat ed on the lower -right outsi de edge of the shelf assembly .
1-41 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n DS-1 Cable Installation c. T ermi nat e t he shie ld gro und wi re on th e D S- 1 ca bl e t o ground a ccor di ng to loca l si te p ract ice.
1-42 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation DS-1 Ca ble In stallation Ta b l e 1 - 6 shows the pin assignment s for the AMP Cham p connecto rs on the ONS 15454 A MP Champ EIA fo r a shie lded DS1 cable .
1-43 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n DS-1 Cable Installation Cautio n Alway s use th e suppli ed ESD wristband when wo rking wi th a powe red ONS 15454. Pl ug the wristband cable into the ESD jack locat ed on the lower -right outsi de edge of the shelf assembly .
1-44 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Car d Inst allat ion Step 3 Use the clips on th e male A MP Champ connector to se cure the connectio n. The fe ma le c onnec tor ha s g roove s on the out side edg e for sn ap ping the cl ips in to pla ce.
1-45 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Card Installation War ni ng Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from the end of the unterminated fiber cable or connector . Do not stare into t he beam or view directly with opti cal instruments.
1-46 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Car d Inst allat ion Slots 7 and 1 1 are dedica t ed to TCC+ cards. Sl ots 8 and 10 are ded icated to cro ss-connec t (XC, XCV T , XC10 G) c ards.
1-47 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Card Installation * When used as a pr otect card, the c ard does n ot h ave a physic al exte rnal con nectio n. The protect c ard connects to the w or kin g card(s) thr ough the backplan e and becomes acti ve when the working card fails.
1-48 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Car d Inst allat ion Note If th e F AIL LED is lit continuou sly on the TCC+ card, see the tip belo w about the TCC+ automatic u pload.
1-49 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Card Installation Step 2 Slid e the card alon g th e guide ra ils i nto th e corr ect slo t. Step 3 Close th e ejectors. Step 4 V er ify that power is applied to the shelf assembly .
1-50 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Car d Inst allat ion 1.12.2 Gigabit Inte rface Conv erter GBICs are hot-swapp able input/ output de vices that plug into a Gig abit Etherne t (E1000- 2 or E1000-2 -G) card to li nk the card with the fiber-optic netw ork.
1-51 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Card Installation Figur e 1 -30 Installing a GBIC on an E1 00 0-2 car d Step 4 Slide the GBIC thr ough the co ver fl ap unti l you hear a c lick.
1-52 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Fiber-Opt ic Cabl e Install ation Procedure: Remove a Gigabit Interface Con verter Step 1 Disconne ct the ne twork fiber cab le from th e GBIC SC conne ctor .
1-53 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Fiber-Optic Cable Installation Cautio n Do not user fib er loopbac ks with th e O C192 LR 1550 c ard unless yo u are usin g a 20 dB att e ntuator .
1-54 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Cable Routing and Manageme nt Step 1 Position th e open slot of t he fiber boot undern eath th e fiber cabl e. Step 2 Push the fiber cable down into the fiber boot.
1-55 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Cable R outing a nd Manag ement Note T o remove t he reels, tak e out the scre w in the center of each re el.
1-56 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Cable Routing and Manageme nt Figur e 1 -34 Routing fiber -optic cables on the optical-car d f aceplate Procedure: Rout e Fiber-Optic Cables in th e Shelf Assembly Step 1 Open the fol d-down front door on t he cable- manageme nt tray .
1-57 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Cable R outing a nd Manag ement Figur e 1 -35 Fold -do wn fro nt door of the cable-mana gemen t tra y (disp la ying the cable r outing cha nnel) 1.
1-58 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Cable Routing and Manageme nt Figur e 1 -36 Routing coa xial cable thro ugh the SMB EIA b ackp lane 1.
1-59 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Cable R outing a nd Manag ement 1.14.4 AM P Champ Cab le Manage ment EIAs have cable managem ent ey elets to ti ewrap or lace ca bles to the co ver pa nel.
1-60 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Cable Routing and Manageme nt Figur e 1 -38 Bac kplane at tac hment f or BIC co ve r Figur e 1.
1-61 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Ferrite Installation 1.15 Ferrite Installation Place third-par ty ferr ites on ce rtain ca bles t o dampen electro magnet ic interf eren ce (EM I) from th e ONS 15454.
1-62 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation Ferr ite In stall ation Figur e 1 -41 At tachi ng f er rit es to AMP Champ connec tors Figure 1-42 shows the suggested method f or attach ing ferrite s to balu ns.
1-63 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Ferrite Installation Figur e 1 -43 At tachi ng f er rit es to SMB/BNC co nnect ors Procedure: .
1-64 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation ONS 15 454 Asse mbly S pecific ation s 1.16 ONS 15454 Assembly Specifications This se ctio n c onta ins hardw a re a nd sof t ware spe cific atio ns f or t he O NS 1545 4.
1-65 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n ONS 15454 Assembly Sp ecifications • OC12 LR 1 550 • OC48 IR 1310 • OC48 LR 1 550 • OC.
1-66 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation ONS 15 454 Asse mbly S pecific ation s • Back plan e acces s: LA N pin fi eld 1.16.7 TL1 Craft Interface • Speed: 96 00 bps • TCC+ acc ess: RS-232 DB-9 type conne ctor • Back plan e acces s: CR AF T pin fi eld 1.
1-67 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n Installation Checklist • Holdover St abil ity: 3.7 x 10 -7 /day , including te mperatur e (< 255 slips in firs t 24 hours) • Refere nce: Ex ternal BITS, l ine, in ternal 1.
1-68 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation ONS 1545 4 Soft ware and Hardwar e Compatib ility Matri x 1.18 ONS 15454 Software and Hardware Compatibility Matrix Ta b l e 1 - 1 2 provides a matr ix showing software and hardware com patibility for ONS 1 5454 Releases 2.
1-69 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 Hardwar e Inst allatio n ONS 15454 Software and Hardware Compa tibility Matrix DS3- 12 Full y Compatible Fully Compatib.
1-70 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 1 Hardware In stallation ONS 1545 4 Soft ware and Hardwar e Compatib ility Matri x If an upgr ade is r equired for com patibility , call the Cisco T echnical Assistan ce Center a t 1-877-323 -7368.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 2 Software Installation Cisco Transport Con troll er ( CTC ), t he C isco ON S 15 454 ’ s software interf ace, is stor ed o n the TCC + card a nd do wnl oad to yo ur w ork stat ion e ach tim e yo u l og int o t he O N S 1 545 4.
2-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Computer Req uirements 3. If the computer d oes not ha ve CTC inst alled, or if the instal led rel ease is ol der than th e TCC+ version, t he launch er downlo ads the CTC p rogram files from th e TCC+.
2-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Comput er Requi rements T able 2-2 Comput er Requir ements f or CTC Area Requirements Notes Proces sor Pentium II 300 MHz, Ult raSP A RC, or equi valent 300 M hz is the reco mmen ded processor spee d.
2-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Running the CTC Se tup Wizard Note On PC s, the mouse poi nter scheme shou ld be set to W indow s Standard (Windows 95/98) or None (W indows NT or Windows 2000).
2-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Connecting P Cs to the ONS 15454 Procedure: Reference the JR E (Solaris installations only) Step 1 Run the Control Panel by typing: [ JRE ]/j2rel1_3_ 0_01/bin/ControlPane l Step 2 Click the Advanced tab.
2-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Connecting PCs to the ONS 15454 • DHCP (D ynami c Host Conf igurati on Proto col) is no t enable d on the ONS 15 454 or th e ONS 1 5454 is not connect ed to a DHCP server .
2-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Connecting P Cs to the ONS 15454 b. Enter the Cisco ONS 15454 IP ad dress in th e web address (U RL) fie ld.
2-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Connecting PCs to the ONS 15454 Step 3 From th e Inte rn et Prop er ties di alog bo x, cl ick Connections > LAN Se ttin gs .
2-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Logging into the ONS 15454 For inf orm ation a bou t using T L1 c om mands w ith t he O NS 1 5454, se e t he Cisc o ONS 15454 TL1 Command Guide . 2.
2-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Logging into t he ONS 15454 Note The CISCO15 user is pr ovided with eve ry ONS 15454. CISCO 15 has superu ser privileg es, so you can create o ther users.
2-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Logging into the ONS 15454 Figur e 2-2 A lo gin node gr oup Procedure: Create a Lo gin Node Group Step 1 From the CTC Edit menu, choose Pr efer ences .
2-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Logging into t he ONS 15454 2.5.2 Acce ssing ONS 1 5454s Behind Firewalls If an ONS 154 54 or C.
2-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Working with the CTC Window Step 2 In no de vie w , se lect the Provisioning > Networ k tabs.
2-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Working with t he CTC Window Figur e 2-5 CTC windo w eleme nts in the node view (def ault login view) 2.6.1 Node View The C TC node vie w , sho wn i n Figur e 2-5 , is th e fi rst vi ew displa ye d afte r yo u log i nto a n ON S 154 54.
2-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Working with the CTC Window Node View Card Shortcuts If you move your mouse over cards .
2-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Working with t he CTC Window Figur e 2-6 A f our -node ne twor k display ed in CT C netwo r k view CTC N ode Colors The co lors of nodes disp layed in net work view indicat e the status of t he node 2.
2-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Working with the CTC Window Creating Domains Domains ar e ico ns wh er e you can add a gr oup of O NS 1 5454s or O NS 153 27s. Add ing dom ain s t o the network v ie w ma p make s net work s with m an y nod es easi er to mana ge .
2-18 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Working with t he CTC Window Figur e 2-7 A dding nodes to a domain After you add a n ode to a domain, the span lines lead ing to no des with in the dom ain become thicker ( Figure 2- 8 ).
2-19 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Working with the CTC Window Changing the Network View Background Color Y ou ca n c hang e the co lor of the networ k view back gro und and t he do ma in v i ew bac kg round (t he ar ea displaye d when you o pen a domain).
2-20 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Working with t he CTC Window Note Y ou can obtain the lo ngitude a nd latitud e for cities and Zip Codes f rom the U. S. Census Bu reau U.S. Gazettee r website (ht tp://www .
2-21 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Working with the CTC Window Figur e 2-1 1 Networ k view with a custo m map im age Step 7 At the.
2-22 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation CTC Navigation Note CT C displays a c ard view for all ON S 15454 car ds except the TCC+, XC, XCVT , and XC10G card s.
2-23 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation CTC Navig ation Figur e 2-1 3 CTC node vie w sho wing popup inf or mation Ta b l e 2 - 9 de scribe s d ifferen t m etho ds for na vig ating w ithi n the CTC w indo w .
2-24 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Viewing CTC Ta ble Data 2.8 Viewi ng CTC Table Data Much of th e ONS 1 545 4 da ta that C TC displ ays, suc h as ala rms , al arm hist ory , circuits, and i n vent ory , is disp layed i n ta ble s.
2-25 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Viewin g CTC T able Dat a Figur e 2-1 4 T able shor tcut menu tha t cust omiz es table appear ance Ta b l e 2 - 1 0 lists the options that you can use to custom ize information that is displayed in CTC tables.
2-26 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Printing and Exporting CTC Data 2.9 Printing and Expo rting CT C Data Y ou ca n print CTC windo ws and table d ata such as alar ms and inventor y .
2-27 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Printi ng and Ex portin g CTC Data Procedure: Print CTC Window and Table Data Use the fo llowing procedure to print CTC w indows and ta ble data .
2-28 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Printing and Exporting CTC Data • T able Cont ent s — Prints CTC data in table format; this optio n is only available for CTC table data (see the “ V iewing CTC T able Da ta ” sectio n on pa ge 2-24 ).
2-29 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 2 Softwar e Instal lation Displayin g CTC Data in Other Applicati ons Step 5 Navigate to a dir ectory w here you w ant to store the file.
2-30 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 2 Software Installation Display ing CTC Data in Oth er Applicati ons.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 3 Node Se tup This c hapt er e xplai ns how to se t u p a Ci sco O NS 15454 n ode us ing the Cisc o Transport Con trol ler (CTC).
3-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 3 Node Setup Sett ing Up Basic Node Inf orma tio n 3.2 Setting Up Basic Node Information Setting basic informatio n for each Cisco ONS 15454 node is one of the first provisioning tasks you perform.
3-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 3 Node Setup Setting Up Network Information Subnetting enables LAN admi nistrators to create subnetworks that a re transparent to th e Internet.
3-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 3 Node Setup Sett ing Up Ne twork In forma tion Figur e 3-1 Se ttin g up ge ner al networ k info r mation Step 3 Click Apply . Step 4 Click Ye s on the confirmation dialog box.
3-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 3 Node Setup Setting Up Network Information Figur e 3-2 Se lecting the IP addr ess op tion Step 3 Press the Status button to disp lay th e nod e IP addr ess ( Figure 3-3 ), the node su bnet m ask le ngth , o r default r oute r IP add ress.
3-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 3 Node Setup Creating Users and Settin g Security Saving the ne w config uration causes t he T CC+ cards t o reboot. Durin g the reb oot, a “ Sa vi ng Ch an g e s - TCC R eset ” message display s on the L CD.
3-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 3 Node Setup Creating Users and Setting Security Each ONS 15 4 54 u s er ha s a s p ecif ie d amount o f tim e th at he or she ca n le av e th e s y ste m idle be fore th e CTC window is locked .
3-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 3 Node Setup Creating Users and Settin g Security Procedure: Create New User s Step 1 In net work vie w , select t h e Provisioning > Securi ty tabs. Step 2 On the Security pan e, click Cre ate .
3-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 3 Node Setup Creat ing Prot ectio n Groups Step 5 Click OK a nd click Apply .
3-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 3 Node Setup Creating Protection Groups Based on t hese select ions , a list of ava il able w ork ing car ds or ports is di spla yed un der A vailable Car ds or A vaila ble Port s.
3-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 3 Node Setup Creat ing Prot ectio n Groups Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Line tabs.
3-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 3 Node Setup Sett ing Up ONS 15454 Timi ng Step 2 V e rify that working traf fic is not running on the protec t card: a. In the Prot ect ion Grou ps sect ion, choo se the grou p y ou want to d ele te.
3-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 3 Node Setup Setting Up ONS 15454 Timing 3.6. 1 Network Timing Example Figure 3-8 show s an ONS 15454 net work timing setup exam ple. Node 1 is set to external timi ng. T wo timing refe rence s are set to BITS.
3-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 3 Node Setup Sett ing Up ONS 15454 Timi ng 3.6. 2 Sync hroniza tion Statu s Mess aging Synchroniz ation Status Me ssaging (SSM) is a SONET protocol tha t communica tes informa tion about the qua lity of th e timing source.
3-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 3 Node Setup Setting Up ONS 15454 Timing • T imi ng Mode — Set to External if the ONS 15454 derive s its timing from a BITS source wired to the backplane pins; set to Lin e if timin g is derived fr om an OC-N card th at is optical ly connect ed to the timing n ode.
3-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 3 Node Setup Sett ing Up ONS 15454 Timi ng – T iming Mo de se t to Li ne — op tio ns are t he node ’ s working optic al card s and Intern al Clock.
3-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 3 Node Setup Setting Up ONS 15454 Timing Procedure: Set Up Internal Timing If no BITS sourc e is availabl e, you can set up intern al timing by t iming all nodes in th e ring from the inte rnal clo ck of one nod e.
3-18 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 3 Node Setup Viewing ON S 15454 Inventory Step 11 Re peat Steps 7 – 10 at each nod e that will be timed by the node in Step 3.
3-19 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 3 Node Setup Viewing CTC Software Versions • HW Part # — Card part num ber; this number is printed on the top of the .
3-20 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 3 Node Setup Viewing CTC Softw are Versions.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 4 IP Networking This ch apt er e xp lains h ow to se t up Cisc o O NS 154 54s i n in ter net p roto co l (IP) netw orks .
4-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 4 IP N etworking ONS 15454 IP A ddressi ng Scenarios 4.2 ONS 15454 IP Addressing Scenarios ONS 15454 IP ad dressing generally ha s seven commo n scenari os or configur ation s.
4-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 4 IP Networking ONS 15454 IP Addres sing Scenarios Figur e 4-1 Sc enar io 1: CTC and ONS 1545 4s on same subnet 4.2.2 S cenario 2: CT C and O NS 15454s Connecte d to Router In Scena ri o 2 th e CTC com put er re si de s on a subn et (1 9 2.
4-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 4 IP N etworking ONS 15454 IP A ddressi ng Scenarios Figur e 4-2 Sc enar io 2: CTC and ONS 1545 4s con nected to ro ute r 4.
4-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 4 IP Networking ONS 15454 IP Addres sing Scenarios Figur e 4-3 Scena r io 3: U sing Pr o xy ARP ARP matches hi gher-level IP add resses to the physi cal addr esses of the dest ination host .
4-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 4 IP N etworking ONS 15454 IP A ddressi ng Scenarios 4.2.4 Sce nario 4: Default G ateway on CTC Compute r Scenario 4 is similar to Sce nario 3, bu t nodes #2 and #3 resi de on different subne ts, 192 .
4-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 4 IP Networking ONS 15454 IP Addres sing Scenarios Figur e 4-5 Sc enar io 5: Static r out e with one CTC c omput er used a.
4-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 4 IP N etworking ONS 15454 IP A ddressi ng Scenarios Figur e 4-6 Sc enar io 5: Static r out e with multiple LAN destina tions Procedure: Create a Stati c Route Use the following steps to create a sta tic route.
4-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 4 IP Networking ONS 15454 IP Addres sing Scenarios • Mask — Enter a subnet mask. If the de stination is a host route (i. e ., one CTC com puter), enter a 32-bit subnet mask (25 5.
4-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 4 IP N etworking ONS 15454 IP A ddressi ng Scenarios Figur e 4-7 Scena r io 6: Static rout e for multiple CTCs 4.2.7 S cenario 7: Us ing OSPF Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link state Internet routing protocol.
4-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 4 IP Networking ONS 15454 IP Addres sing Scenarios the nee d to manuall y ente r static r outes for ONS 1 5 454 su bnetwo rks. Figure 4-7 shows the same network enab led for OS PF .
4-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 4 IP N etworking ONS 15454 IP A ddressi ng Scenarios Figur e 4-9 Scena r io 7: O SPF not enable d Use the foll owing procedure to enable OSPF on each O NS 15454 node that you want included in the OSPF network topology .
4-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 4 IP Networking ONS 15454 IP Addres sing Scenarios Figur e 4-1 0 Enabling O SPF on the O NS 15454 Step 3 On the t op left sid e, complete the f ollowing: • DCC OSPF Ar ea ID — Enter the number that identifies the ONS 15454s as a unique OSPF area .
4-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 4 IP N etworking ONS 15454 IP A ddressi ng Scenarios The OSPF priority and inte rvals default to va lues most commonly used by OSPF r outers.
4-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 4 IP Networking Viewing the ONS 15454 Routing Ta ble Dead In t (sec ) — Sets the number of sec onds that will pass while an OSPF ro uter ’ s pack ets are not visible be fo re i ts n eig hbo rs dec la re the rout er dow n.
4-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 4 IP N etworking Viewing th e ONS 1545 4 Routing Tab le Figur e 4-1 1 V iewing the O NS 15454 routing ta ble Ta b l e 4 - 2 sho ws sample r outing ent ries f or an O NS 1545 4.
4-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 4 IP Networking Viewing the ONS 15454 Routing Ta ble • Mask (255 .2 55.255 .0) is a 24 - bit mask , mean i ng al l a dd resse s wi thi n th e 172.20 .2 14. 0 subn et ca n be a destination.
4-18 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 4 IP N etworking Viewing th e ONS 1545 4 Routing Tab le.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 5 SONET Topologies This c hapt er e xp lains ho w to set u p th e Cisco ON S 1 545 4 in differe nt SONE T t opo logi es,.
5-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Note T wo-fiber BLSRs can supp ort up to 24 ONS 154 54s, but switch times are slight ly longer for rings conta ining more t han 16 nodes.
5-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs The SONET K 1 and K2 byte s carry the informatio n that governs BLSR protecti on switches.
5-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Figur e 5-3 F our -node, tw o-fiber BL SR traf fic p at ter n follo wing line br eak 5.2.2 Four-F iber BLSRs Four-fiber BLSRs double t he bandw idth of tw o-fiber BLSRs.
5-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs Figur e 5-4 A f our -node, f our -fiber B LSR Four-fiber BLSRs provid e span and ring switc hing: • Span swi tchin g ( Figure 5-5 ) occurs when a working span fails.
5-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Figur e 5-5 A f our -fiber BLSR s pan switc h Figur e 5-6 A .
5-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs 5.2.3 BLSR Bandwidth BLSR n odes ca n t e rmi na te tr affi c t hat i s f ed fr om e ith er si de of t he rin g.
5-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Figur e 5-7 BLSR ban dwidth r euse 5.2.4 Sample BLSR Application Figure 5-8 sho ws a samp le two-fi ber BLSR imp lemen tation.
5-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs Figur e 5-8 A fiv e-nod e BLSR Figure 5-9 show s the shel f assem bly l ayou t for Node 0, whi ch ha s one f ree sl ot.
5-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Figu re 5-9 Sh elf as sem bly l ay out fo r Node 0 in Figur e 5-8 Figur e 5-1 0 Shelf ass embly la you t for Nodes 1 – 4 in Figur e 5-8 5.
5-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs • Create t he BLSR DCC term inations. See the “ Create the BLSR DCC T erminations ” procedure on page 5-13 .
5-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Figur e 5-1 1 Connecting fiber t o a fo ur -node, tw o-fibe.
5-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs Procedure: Create the BLS R DCC Terminations Step 1 Log into the first nod e that will be in the BLSR. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Sonet DCC tabs.
5-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Figur e 5-1 3 Enabling a n optical po rt Step 5 Repeat Steps 2 – 4 for the other o ptical card config ured as a DCC terminat ion.
5-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs • East Port — Assign the east BLSR por t for t he node from t he pull-down menu. (In Figure 5-11 , th is is Slot 12.
5-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Step 9 On th e BLSR Ri ng Ma p d ialog bo x, veri fy th at the ri ng m ap cont ai ns al l t he node s you pr ovisi on ed i n the expect ed order .
5-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs c. Click Status and choose In Service . d. Click Apply . e. Repeat St eps a – d for each new OC -N card at eac h BLSR node .
5-18 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs 5.2.7 Addin g and Remov ing BLSR No des This sect ion expla ins how to add a nd remove BL SR nodes.
5-19 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs Step 2 Log into CTC an d display the BLSR nodes in net work view . V erify the follo wing: • All BL SR sp an s on the net wor k map a re gre en.
5-20 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Figur e 5-1 6 A BLSR with a n ewly -added fo urth node Step 11 Log out of CTC and then log back into any node in the BLSR.
5-21 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs Procedure: Remove a BLSR Node Cautio n The follow ing proc edur.
5-22 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Step 7 Use inf ormatio n record ed in Step 1 to switch t ra.
5-23 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs Figure 5-17 sh ows a fo ur node OC-48 BL SR using tru nk card s in Slots 6 a nd 12 at a ll four n odes. Trunk cards will be moved at Node 4 from Slots 6 and 12 to Slots 5 and 6.
5-24 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Bidi rect iona l Li ne Swi tch ed Ri ngs Figur e 5-1 8 A four -node BLSR af ter the tr unk card s ar e switc hed a t one node Procedure: Move a BLSR Trunk Card Use the followin g steps to mov e one BLSR trun k card to a different slot .
5-25 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Bidirec tional Li ne Swit ched Ri ngs When you per form a manu al switch, a manual switc h request equ ipment al arm (MAN UAL-REA ) is generated. T his is norma l.
5-26 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Unidirectio nal Path Switched Rings Step 7 Disable t h e ri ng on the cur rent n ode: a. Click the Provisioning > Ring tabs. b. Highli ght the ring and click Delete .
5-27 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Unidire ctio nal Pat h Swit ched Ri ngs Figur e 5-2 0 A basi c four -node UPSR Figur e 5-21 A U PSR w.
5-28 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Unidirectio nal Path Switched Rings 5.3.1 Exam ple UPSR Ap plication Figure 5-22 show s a comm on UPSR applic ation. OC -3 optic s provide re mote sw itch conne ctivity t o a host TR-303 swi tch.
5-29 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Unidire ctio nal Pat h Swit ched Ri ngs Figur e 5-2 3 Lay out of Node ID 0 in the O C-3 UPSR exa mple (Figur e 5-15) In the Figure 5-22 on page 5-28 e xample, N odes ID s 1 - 3 ea ch conta in two DS 1-14 ca rds and tw o OC3 4 IR 1310 cards .
5-30 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Unidirectio nal Path Switched Rings 5.3.2 Setting Up a UPSR T o set u p a UPSR , you perf orm f our b asic p roce dur es: • Install th e UPSR trunk c ards.
5-31 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Unidire ctio nal Pat h Swit ched Ri ngs Figur e 5-25 C onnecting fiber t o a fo ur -node UPSR Procedure: Configure the UPS R DCC Terminations Step 1 Log into the first nod e that will be in the UPSR.
5-32 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Unidirectio nal Path Switched Rings Procedure: Enable the UPSR Por ts Step 1 Log into the first UPSR node. Step 2 Double-c li ck on e of t he c a rds t hat you c on figu red a s an SDCC t ermina ti on.
5-33 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Unidire ctio nal Pat h Swit ched Ri ngs Figur e 5-2 6 Using the span sho rtcu t menu t o displa y cir.
5-34 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Unidirectio nal Path Switched Rings Figur e 5-27 S witching UPSR circui ts Step 4 Clic k Ap ply . Step 5 When the conf irmation di alog box appe ars, click OK to confir m the prot ection sw itchin g.
5-35 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Unidire ctio nal Pat h Swit ched Ri ngs b. Remove the w e st fi ber co nnect ion fr om the n ode tha t wi ll con ne ct t o th e e as t por t of t h e new n ode.
5-36 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Subtending Ri ngs d. Click Ye s when prompted. Step 4 From the node that will be delete d, remove the ea st and west span fibe rs. At this point, th e node should no longer be a part of th e ring .
5-37 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Subten ding Ri ngs Figur e 5-2 8 An ONS 1545 4 with mu ltiple subt ending r ings Figure 5-29 sh ow s a U PSR s ubtendi ng from a BLSR. In thi s exa mple , No de 3 is t he onl y node ser ving both the BLSR and U PSR.
5-38 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Subtending Ri ngs Procedure: Subtend a UPS R from a BLSR This pr oced ure requ ires an establi shed B LSR and o ne BLSR no de with OC- N cards and fib ers to car ry the UPSR.
5-39 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Subten ding Ri ngs c. Click Apply . d. Repeat steps a – c for the se cond BLSR trunk car d. Step 9 Use the “ Provision th e BLSR ” proc edure on page 5-14 to configure th e BLSR.
5-40 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Subtending Ri ngs Procedure: Subtend a BLSR from a BLSR This pr oced ure requ ires an establi shed B LSR and o ne BLSR no de with OC- N cards and fib ers to car ry the BLSR.
5-41 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Linear ADM Con figurati ons Figur e 5-3 2 Configur ing two BLSRs on the same node 5.
5-42 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Linear AD M Configurati ons Procedure: Create a Linear ADM Complete t he follo wing steps fo r each n ode that will be in cluded in t he line ar ADM. Step 1 Comple te the gene ra l se tup info rma tion fo r th e nod e.
5-43 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Linear ADM Con figurati ons Figur e 5-3 4 V eri fying w or king slots in a pr otection gr oup Step 3 Under Prote ction Gr oups, sele ct the 1+1 pro tectio n group (tha t is, the grou p supporti ng the 1+1 span card s).
5-44 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Linear AD M Configurati ons c. Click Ye s on the con firm ation di alog box . d. V erify that no traffic disru ptions are i ndica ted on the test set. If disrupt ions occu r , do not procee d.
5-45 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Linear ADM Con figurati ons Figur e 5-36 Con vert ing a linear ADM to a U PSR Step 8 Physically reroute t he other prot ect fib er to connec t the two e nd no des.
5-46 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Linear AD M Configurati ons Step 15 In the SDCC T erminations section, clic k Creat e .
5-47 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Linear ADM Con figurati ons Figur e 5-3 7 A UPSR disp lay e d in ne two rk view Procedure: Convert a Linear ADM to a BLSR The follow ing pr oc ed ures des cr ibe how to c onv ert a t hr ee-n ode lin ear AD M to a BLSR .
5-48 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Linear AD M Configurati ons c. V eri fy that the workin g slot is carrying tra ffic. If i t is, continue to Ste p (d). If not, cle ar the conditions that prev en t the card fro m carr ying wor king tra ffic before proceedi ng.
5-49 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Linear ADM Con figurati ons Step 9 In the middle node, plac e the card s in Slots 5 and 13 out of servic e: a. Displa y the first card in card view , then select the Provisioning > Line tabs.
5-50 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Path-Prot ected Mes h Networks Be sure to a ssign the same Ring ID and di fferen t nod e ID s to all node s in th e BL SR. Do no t acc ept the BLSR ring map until all nodes are p rovisioned.
5-51 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 5 SONET Topologi es Path-Protected Mesh Networks Figur e 5-39 A p ath-pr ot ected mesh netw or k PPMN also allows spans of dif ferent SONET line ra tes to be mixed together in “ virtu al ri ngs.
5-52 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide 78-13453-01 Chapte r 5 SONET To pologie s Path-Prot ected Mes h Networks Figur e 5-4 0 A PPMN vi rt ual r ing OC-48 UPSR OC-12 OC-12 32137 ONS.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 6 Circuits and Tunnels This cha pter expla ins how to crea te and adm inister Cisco ONS 15454 cir cuits an d tunnels , which includ es: • Creating st andard STS and VT1.
6-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Creating Circu its and VT Tunne ls Note In th i s ch ap t er, “ cro ss-co nnect ” and “ c.
6-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Crea ting Cir cuit s and VT Tunnels • Size — Sel ect the c ircu it s ize ( STS c ircu its only ).
6-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Creating Circu its and VT Tunne ls Opti on s inc lud e nod e, s lot , por t, S TS, and VT /DS -1. The op tio ns that disp lay de pend on t he ci rcu it t ype and circui t properties yo u selected in Step 3 an d the cards insta lled in the node.
6-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Crea ting Cir cuit s and VT Tunnels • Using Req uir ed No des/Spans — If selec ted, cl ick Nex t to displa y the Cir cuit Route Co nstraints pa nel ( Figure 6- 3 ).
6-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Creating Circu its and VT Tunne ls Procedure: Create a Manua lly Routed Circuit Note If yo u wa nt to r out e c irc uit s o n p rote cted dro ps, cre ate th e card pr ote cti on group s b ef ore c r eat ing circ uits.
6-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Crea ting Cir cuit s and VT Tunnels • Revertive — Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the p rotect pa th are repair ed.
6-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Creating Multiple Drops for Unidirec tional Circuits c. Click Add Span . The span is added to the Incl uded Spans list an d the span ar row turns bl ue.
6-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Creat ing Monit or Circ uits 6.4 Creating Monitor Circuits Y ou can set up sec ondary circuit s to mon itor tr affic on pr i mary bidi rectio nal cir cuits.
6-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Sear chi ng f or C irc uits 6.5 Searching for Circuits CTC provides the abilit y to search for ONS 15454 circui ts based on circuit name. Search es can be condu cte d at the ne two rk, n ode, a nd ca rd le ve l.
6-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Editing UPSR Circuits Figur e 6-6 Editing UPS R selectors Procedure: Edit a UPSR Circu it Step 1 Log in to t he s ource o r dro p node o f the U PSR ci rcui t.
6-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Creating a Path Trace FORCE TO PR OTECT — Forces tr aff ic to s witch t o the prot ect ci rcuit p ath, r egardl ess of wh ether the pa th is erro r fre e.
6-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Creati ng a Path Trace Procedure: Create a J1 Path Trace T o perfor m this proce dure, you must h.
6-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Creating a Path Trace Figur e 6-7 Selec ting the Edit P ath T race option Step 5 On the Circui.
6-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Cross-Connect Card Capacities Step 8 On the c ircui t ma p, rig ht- click th e dr op por t for the ci rcuit an d sel ect Edit Path T r ace from the shortcut menu.
6-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Cross-Connec t Card Capacitie s 6.8.1 VT1 .5 Cross-C onnects XCVT s and XC 10Gs can map up t o 24 STSs for VT1.5 traffic. Beca use one STS can carry 28 VT1.
6-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Cross-Connect Card Capacities Figur e 6-9 Ex ample #1: A VT1 .5 cir cuit in a BLSR In Figure 6- 10 , a second VT1 .5 circuit is created f rom the EC-1 card .
6-18 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Cross-Connec t Card Capacitie s • 21 ST Ss are av ailabl e for VT 1.5 ci rcuit s. Figur e 6-1 1 Example # 3: VT1 .5 circuit in a UPSR or 1+1 p ro tection s che me Figure 6-12 shows a seco nd VT1.
6-19 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Cross-Connect Card Capacities • In the Figur e 6-10 exam ple, three STSs are used a t the source an d drop nod es and four STSs are used at pass-thr ough nodes.
6-20 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Cross-Connec t Card Capacitie s Figur e 6-1 4 A six -node r ing with tw o VT1 .5 tunnels When planning VT1.5 circu its, weigh the benefits of using tu nnels with the need to maximize STS capac ity .
6-21 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Creat ing DCC Tunn els sufficient cap acity , CTC displays a di alog box asking whe ther you wan t to crea te a tunnel . Before you create the tu nnel, review the existing tunn el availability , keeping in mind future bandwid th needs.
6-22 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Creating D CC Tunne ls Figur e 6-15 A DCC t unne l When y ou creat e DCC tunnels, keep th e followin g gui delines in mind: • Each ONS 15454 can ha ve up to 32 DCC tunne l connect ions.
6-23 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 6 Circuits and Tunne ls Creat ing DCC Tunn els Figur e 6-16 S electing DCC t unnel en d points Step 5 Click OK . Step 6 Put the po rts hosting the DCC t unnel in ser vice: a.
6-24 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 6 Circuits and Tun nels Creating D CC Tunne ls.
C HAPTER 7-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 7 Card Provisioning This chapt er provides Ci sco ONS 15454 pro cedure s for: • Changi ng the default trans missio n p.
7-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Prov is ioni ng El ectri cal Card s 7.2 Provisioning Elec trical Cards The O NS 154 54 e lectr i.
7-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provisioning Electrical Cards 7.2.1 DS-1 Card Parameters The ONS 154 54 DS-1 card s (DS1-14 and DS1N -14) provide 14 DS-1 ports. Ea ch port operat es at 1.
7-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Prov is ioni ng El ectri cal Card s Step 3 Dependi ng on the settin g you need to mo dify , click the Line , Line Thrshld , Elec t Path , or Sonet Thrshld subtab.
7-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provisioning Electrical Cards Elect Pa th Thrs hld ES Erro red se cond s Numer ic. Def ault s: • 65 ( 15 minu tes) • 648 (1 day) SES Severely errored secon ds Numer ic.
7-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Prov is ioni ng El ectri cal Card s Step 5 Click Apply . Step 6 Repeat Steps 4 – 5 for eac h subtab that has paramete rs you want to pr ovision. 7.
7-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provisioning Electrical Cards T a bl e 7 -3 DS -3 C ard Parame ter s Subtab Parameter Description Options Line Port # P or t nu mb er 1 - 12 Port Port name T o enter a name for the port , click the cell and typ e the name .
7-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Prov is ioni ng El ectri cal Card s Step 5 Click Apply . Step 6 Repeat Steps 4 – 5 for eac h subtab that has paramete rs you want to pr ovision. 7.
7-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provisioning Electrical Cards Note If the DS3E is inst alled in an ONS 15454 slot that i s provi sioned for a DS- 3 card, the DS3 E enha nced perform ance monit oring para meter s are not availa ble.
7-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Prov is ioni ng El ectri cal Card s Line Thrsho ld C V Coding vio lat ions Numeric . De faul ts: • 387 (15 min utes) • 3865 (1 d ay) ES Errored s econd s Nume ric.
7-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provisioning Electrical Cards Step 5 Click Apply . Step 6 Repeat Steps 4 – 5 for eac h subtab that has paramete rs you want to pr ovision.
7-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Prov is ioni ng El ectri cal Card s Procedure: Modify Line and Threshold Settings for the DS3XM-6 Card Step 1 Displa y the DS3XM-6 in CTC card view .
7-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provisioning Electrical Cards Elect Pa th Thrs hld CV Coding violations Numeric. Defaul ts (DS3, Pbit Near End only; DS3 CPbit, Near and Far End): • 382 (15 minute s) • 3820 (1 day ) ES Erro red se cond s Numeri c.
7-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Prov is ioni ng El ectri cal Card s Step 5 Click Apply . Step 6 Repeat Steps 4 – 5 for eac h subtab that has paramete rs you want to pr ovision.
7-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provisioning Electrical Cards Step 2 Click the Pro visionin g tab. Step 3 Dependi ng on the settin g you need to mo dify , click the Line , Thresholds, or STS subtab.
7-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Prov is ioni ng El ectri cal Card s Thresholds - Line CV Coding v iol ati ons Numer ic. De fa ults : • 1312 (15 mi nutes) • 13120 (1 d ay ) ES Erro red se cond s Numeri c.
7-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provisioning Electrical Cards Step 5 Click Apply . Thresholds - Sectio n CV Coding v iol ati ons Numer ic.
7-18 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Provis ioning Op tical Card s Step 6 Repeat Steps 4 – 5 for eac h subtab that has paramete rs you want to pr ovision.
7-19 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provis ioning Op tical Ca rds Step 4 Click Apply . Procedure: Provisio n Threshold Settings for OC-N Cards Step 1 Displa y the OC-N card in CTC card vi ew ( Figure 7-2 on p age 7-19 ).
7-20 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Provis ioning Op tical Card s T able 7 -8 OC-N Car d Thr eshold Sett ings on the P ro visio nin.
7-21 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provis ioning Op tical Ca rds FC Fail ure co unt Numeri c.
7-22 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Provis ioning Op tical Card s PSD Protec tion Switch Duration ( Line) Numeric.
7-23 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provis ioning Op tical Ca rds Click Apply . 7.3.2 Pro visioning O C-N Cards for S DH Y ou ca n provision the ONS 15454 O C-3, OC -12, and OC-48 c ards to su pport e ither SON ET or SDH over SONET si gnal s.
7-24 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Provisioning IPPM 7.4 Provisioning IPPM Interme diate-Path Performance M onitoring (IPPM) allow.
7-25 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provi sioning the Alarm I nterfac e Contr oller Procedure: Enable Intermediat e-Path Performance Mon itoring Step 1 If the STS circuit does not exis t, create th e circuit.
7-26 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Provisioning the A larm I nterface Co ntroller Figur e 7 -4 AIC alar m input and output 7.
7-27 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provi sioning the Alarm I nterfac e Contr oller Figur e 7 -5 Exter nal a lar ms an d contr ols us ing a vir tual wir e When usi ng A IC vir tual wir es, y ou ca n: • Assign different e xte rn al dev ice s to the sam e virt ual w ire .
7-28 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Provisioning the A larm I nterface Co ntroller • Severity — Sele ct a severi ty . The severity determines how the ala rm is displayed in the CTC Alarms and Histo ry tabs an d whethe r the LEDs are ac tivated.
7-29 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Provi sioning the Alarm I nterfac e Contr oller • Description — Ent er a desc ri ption . Step 4 T o prov is ion a dd itio nal co ntro ls, com ple te Step 3 for e a ch a dditi onal d evice .
7-30 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Converting DS-1 and DS-3 Cards From 1 :1 to 1:N Protec tion Figur e 7 -7 Pr ovis ioning loca l .
7-31 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Convert ing DS-1 and DS-3 Ca rds From 1:1 to 1:N Pro tecti on T o cr eate 1: 1 prot ection for DS-1 and DS-3 c ards, s ee t he “ Creating Prot ect ion Grou ps ” section on page 3-9 .
7-32 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Converting DS-1 and DS-3 Cards From 1 :1 to 1:N Protec tion Figur e 7 -8 V iewing slot p ro tection statu s Step 4 Repeat Steps 1 – 3 for e ach prote ction gro up that you need to conv ert .
7-33 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 7 Card Pro visioning Convert ing DS-1 and DS-3 Ca rds From 1:1 to 1:N Pro tecti on Step 14 Physically insert a DS1N-1 4 card i nto the same slot. Step 15 V eri fy that the card boots up pro perly .
7-34 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Cha pter 7 C ard Pr ovisi oning Converting DS-1 and DS-3 Cards From 1 :1 to 1:N Protec tion Note Deleting the 1: 1 protec tion gro ups will not disrup t servic e.
C HAPTER 8-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 8 Performance Monitoring Perfor man ce monito ri ng par ame ters (PMs ) ar e used b y serv ice pr ovid ers to g ather , store, thre sho ld, an d report pe rforma nce da ta for e arly d et e ction of prob le m s.
8-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Using the Pe rformance M onitoring Scre en Figur e 8-1 V iewing p erfo r mance m onit or ing inf or mation 8.
8-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Using th e Perf ormance Mo nitorin g Screen Figur e 8-2 Ti me int erv al butt ons o n the car d .
8-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Using the Pe rformance M onitoring Scre en Note If a compl ete 15-m inute i nterval count is n ot poss ible, the value displays w ith a ye llow bac kground.
8-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Using th e Perf ormance Mo nitorin g Screen Figur e 8-3 Nea r End and F ar End but t ons on the .
8-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Using the Pe rformance M onitoring Scre en 8.1.4 Using the S ignal-T ype Menu Use the sig nal-typ e menus to monitor PMs for near -end or fa r-e nd signal s on a selecte d port.
8-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Using th e Perf ormance Mo nitorin g Screen 8.1.
8-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Using the Pe rformance M onitoring Scre en 8.1.6 Using the Clear Button The Cle ar button located o n the far rig ht of th e Performa nce Moni toring screen clea rs cert ain PM coun ts depending o n t h e opt ion se lect ed .
8-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Changi ng Thresho lds • All i nterfaces o n port x : Cl earing all interf aces on port x eras es from th e card and th e screen display all PM counts associ ated with all comb inations of the radio butto ns on the selected p ort.
8-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Enablin g Intermediat e-Path Performan ce Monito ring Figur e 8-7 Th r eshold tab f or set ting thr eshold v a lues Change the thr eshold i f the d ef ault val ue do es no t sa tisfy your err or mo ni torin g n eeds.
8-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Enablin g Interm ediate -Path Per forma nce Moni toring Figu re 8-8 STS tab for enab lin g IPPM Software R3.0 and higher a llows L T E card s to monitor near-end PM da ta on ind ividual STS payloads by enabling IPPM.
8-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Poin ter Ju stif icat ion C ount P aram eters 8.4 Pointer Justificat ion Count Parameters Pointers ar e used to comp ensate for freq uency and phase var iations.
8-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Pointer Justification Count Parameters On CTC, the count fie lds for PPJC an d NPJC PMs appear white and b lank unles s they are en abled on the Provision ing > Line tabs.
8-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Electrica l Cards 8.
8-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Performance Monitoring for Electrical C ards Note SONE T path PMs will not co unt unless IPPM is enabl ed. For addition al information, see the “ Enable Interm ed iat e-P at h Pe rfor ma nc e Mo ni tori n g ” proc ed ure o n pa ge 7- 25 .
8-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Electrica l Cards UAS-L N ear -End L ine Un availabl e Seco nds (UA S-L) is a c ount of the s econd s when the line is unavailable.
8-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Performance Monitoring for Electrical C ards T able 8-5 Near -End SONET P ath BIP PMs fo r the .
8-18 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Electrica l Cards 8.5.2 DS1 and DS 1N Card Pe rforman ce Monitor ing Para meter s Figure 8-13 show s th e signal typ es that suppor t f ar-end PM s.
8-19 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Performance Monitoring for Electrical C ards T able 8-7 DS1 Line PMs f or the DS1 a nd DS1N Car ds Parameter Definiti on DS1 CV -L Code V i olati on Line (CV - L) ind icates the number of codi ng viol ations occurri ng on th e lin e.
8-20 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Electrica l Cards T able 8-9 DS1 T ransmit P ath PMs f or the .
8-21 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Performance Monitoring for Electrical C ards SES-V Severely Erro re d Seconds VT Layer (SES - V) is a cou nt of secon ds when K (600) or mor e VT Path BIP erro rs were dete cted.
8-22 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Electrica l Cards 8.5.3 DS3 and DS 3N Card Pe rforman ce Monitor ing Para meter s Figure 8-15 sh ow s the signa l t ypes tha t sup port far-end PMs.
8-23 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Performance Monitoring for Electrical C ards Figur e 8-1 6 PM r ead points on the DS3 and DS3 N.
8-24 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Electrica l Cards 8.5.4 DS3-1 2E and DS3 N-12E Card Perfor mance M onitoring Parame ters Figure 8-17 sh ow s the signa l t ypes tha t sup port far-end PMs.
8-25 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Performance Monitoring for Electrical C ards Figur e 8-1 7 Monit or ed sig nal types f or the DS3-12 E and DS3N -12E car ds Note The XX in the illustration above r e presents all PMs listed below with th e given prefix an d/or suffix.
8-26 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Electrica l Cards T able 8-16 Near -End DS3 Line PMs f or the .
8-27 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Performance Monitoring for Electrical C ards DS3 S ESCP- P Severe ly Er rored Sec onds Path (SESCP- P) is a c oun t of sec onds containi ng more than 44 C P-bit par ity err ors, one or more SEF de fects, or one or more AIS defe cts.
8-28 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Electrica l Cards 8.5.5 DS3X M-6 Card Perform ance Monitorin g Paramete rs Figure 8-19 sh ow s the signa l t ypes tha t sup port far-end PMs.
8-29 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Performance Monitoring for Electrical C ards Note The XX in the illustration above r e presents all PMs listed below with th e given prefix an d/or suffix.
8-30 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Electrica l Cards T able 8-22 Near -End D S3 P ath PMs for the.
8-31 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Performance Monitoring for Electrical C ards T able 8-24 Near -End D S1 P ath PMs for the DS3XM -6 Car d Parameter Definition DS1 A ISS-P Alarm Indica tion Signal Pa th (AIS-P) mea ns an AIS occurr ed on the pa th.
8-32 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Electrica l Cards T able 8-26 Near -End SONET P ath PMs for th.
8-33 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Perfor mance Monitor ing for Op tical Ca rds 8.6 Performance Monitoring for Optical Cards The fol lowing sections define perfor mance mo nitoring param eters and defin itions fo r the OC-3, O C-12, OC-4 8, and OC-19 2.
8-34 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Optical Cards Figur e 8-2 1 PM r ead points on the OC-3 c ard Note For PM locations relating to protec tion switch counts, see the GR-253- CORE document.
8-35 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Perfor mance Monitor ing for Op tical Ca rds T able 8-30 Near -End Line L ay er PMs f or the OC-3 Car d Parameter Definition CV-L N ear -End Line Co de V iol ation (C V -L) is a co unt of B IP err ors de tected at the line- layer (i.
8-36 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Optical Cards T able 8-32 Near -End SONET P ath H-byte PMs f o.
8-37 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Perfor mance Monitor ing for Op tical Ca rds 8.6.2 OC-12 , OC-48, and OC -192 Ca rd Perfo rmance Monito ring Parame ters Figure 8-22 sh ow s the signa l t ypes tha t sup port far-end PMs.
8-38 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Optical Cards Note PMs on the protec t STS are not supported f or BLSR. Th e XX in the illustration ab ove repres ents all PMs li sted be low wit h the give n pr efix and/ o r s uffix.
8-39 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Perfor mance Monitor ing for Op tical Ca rds SES-S S ectio n Severely Er rored Sec onds (SES-S).
8-40 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Optical Cards PPJC-Pgen Positive Pointer Justification Count, .
8-41 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 8 Performance M onitoring Perfor mance Monitor ing for Op tical Ca rds PSC- S In a 4-fibe r BLSR, Prote ction Switch ing .
8-42 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapt er 8 Performanc e Monit oring Performanc e Monitor ing for Optical Cards T able 8-40 F ar -End Line Lay er PMs f or the O.
C HAPTER 9-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 9 Ethernet Operation The Cisc o ON S 1 545 4 in tegr ate s E the rn et i n to a SON ET tim e- divi sion mu ltipl exi ng (TD M ) pl atf orm .
9-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Ethernet Cards 9.1.1 E 100T-12/E 100T -G E100T - 12/E 100 T - G c ards pro vide t we lve switc hed, IEE E 802 .3- c omplia nt 10/10 0 B ase-T Et herne t ports.
9-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Ether net Ca rds For GBIC in stallation and c abling instructio ns, see the “ Fiber- Optic Cable Installati on ” sect ion on page 1-52 .
9-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Multicard and Single-Card Et herSwitch Step 3 From the Port screen , choose th e appro priate mo de for eac h Ethernet p ort. V a lid choic es for the E100T -12/E 100T - G car d are A uto, 10 Ha lf, 10 Full, 100 Ha lf, or 10 0 Fu ll.
9-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Multica rd and S ingle- Card Ethe rSwit ch Cautio n Whenever yo u drop two STS- 3c multic ard Ethe r.
9-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Ethernet Circuit Configura tions . 9.3 Ethernet Ci rcuit Configuratio ns Ether net circu its can li nk ONS nodes thro ugh poi nt-to- point, shar ed packe t ring, or hu b and spoke config urati ons.
9-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Ethern et Circ uit Con figurati ons Figur e 9-5 A Multic ard EtherS witch point-t o-point cir cuit F.
9-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Ethernet Circuit Configura tions Step 5 Navigat e t o t he ot h er O NS 15454 E the rnet ci rcui t e nd point. Step 6 Repeat Steps 2 – 5. Step 7 Click the Circuits tab and clic k Crea te .
9-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Ethern et Circ uit Con figurati ons Step 14 If you are building a Multicard Eth erSwitch ci rcuit , choose Ethergroup from th e Slot menu and cl ick Next .
9-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Ethernet Circuit Configura tions 9.3.2 Shar ed Packe t Ring Etherne t Circuits This se ction pr ovides ste p s fo r creatin g a shared packet ring ( Figure 9-9 ).
9-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Ethern et Circ uit Con figurati ons For shared pack et ring Ethernet , valid circu it sizes are STS- 1, STS-3C and STS- 6c. Step 14 V eri f y t h at th e Bidirectional checkbox i s ch ec ked.
9-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Ethernet Circuit Configura tions Figur e 9-1 1 Selecting VLANs e. Highligh t the VLAN name and click the >> tab to move t he VLAN( s) from th e A vailable VLANs column to the Circuit VLANs colu mn (Figur e 9-1 1) .
9-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Ethern et Circ uit Con figurati ons Step 27 Click the green span leading to the next node. The span t urns white . Step 28 Click Add Spa n . The span tu rns blue.
9-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Ethernet Circuit Configura tions 9.3. 3 Hub an d Spoke E therne t Cir cuit Prov isioni ng This se cti on pr ovi des step s f or cr eati ng a hu b and sp oke Et herne t c irc uit con figur ati on .
9-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Ethern et Circ uit Con figurati ons Step 12 From t he N ode m en u, choo se the ci rcui t sou rc e.
9-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Ethernet Circuit Configura tions Step 25 D isplay the C TC nod e vie w . Step 26 Click the Circuits tab and click Cr eate . Step 27 Cho ose STS fr om the T ype pul l-down me nu.
9-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Ethern et Circ uit Con figurati ons Figur e 9-1 5 Ether net manual cr oss-co nnects Procedure: Provisio n a Single-card EtherSwitch Manual Cross-Connect Step 1 Display CTC for on e of t he O NS 1545 4 E the rn et circ uit end point s.
9-18 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Ethernet Circuit Configura tions The Circuit Creation ( Circuit Destination ) dialog box opens. Step 13 From t he N ode m en u, choo se th e c urr ent no de a s t he circ ui t destin at ion.
9-19 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Ethern et Circ uit Con figurati ons Note I f the circ uit infor matio n is not correct u se the Back b utton , th en red o the proce dur e with the correct inf ormation.
9-20 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Ethernet Circuit Configura tions Note The types V T and V T Tunnel d o not app ly t o Eth erne t c irc uits . Step 10 Choose the size of the circuit from the Size pull-down menu.
9-21 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation VLAN Su pport • Circuit name • Circuit type • Circuit size • VLANs on this circuit • ONS .
9-22 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on VLAN Supp ort 9.4.1 Q-Tagg ing (IEEE 80 2.1Q) IEEE 802.1Q allows th e same physical port to host multiple 802.1Q VLANs. Each 802.1Q VLAN represen ts a dif feren t logical network.
9-23 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation VLAN Su pport Figur e 9-20 A Q -tag mo ving thr ough a VL AN 9.4.2 Priority Queuing (IEEE 802.1Q) Note IEEE 802. 1Q w as f or merl y IEEE 8 02. 1P . Networks without prior ity queuing handle all p ackets on a first-in-first- out basis.
9-24 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on VLAN Supp ort Figur e 9-2 1 The pr ior ity queuing pr ocess 9.4.3 VLAN M embership This section exp lains how to provision Ethern et ports for VLAN membership.
9-25 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation VLAN Su pport Step 1 Displa y the CTC card view for th e Ethernet car d.
9-26 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Spanning Tree (IEEE 8 02.1D) Note If T agged is ch osen, the atta ched e xternal device s must recogni ze IEEE 802. 1Q VLANs. Note Both po rts o n i ndi vidua l E 1000- 2/E1 000 -2- G c ards ca nnot be me mbers of the s ame VLA N.
9-27 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Spanning Tre e (IEEE 802.1D) Step 2 Click the Pro visionin g > Port tabs. Step 3 In the left -hand col umn, fi nd the applic able por t number and ch eck the Stp Enabled checkbox to en able STP for that port.
9-28 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Ethe rnet Performa nce and Mai ntenance Scr eens 9.5. 4 Sp anni ng Tr ee Map The Ci rcui t sc ree n show s forwa rdi ng spa ns an d bl ocked sp an s on the spa nning tre e m ap.
9-29 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Ether net Per formanc e and Main tenanc e Scre ens 9.6.1 Statistics Screen The Eth ernet statistics scr een lists Ethernet p arameters a t the line level.
9-30 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Remote Mon itoring Spe cification A larm Thresho lds 9.6.4 MA C Table Sc reen A MAC address is a hardw are addre ss that ph ysically i dentifies a network device.
9-31 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Remote Mon itori ng Specif icati on Alarm Thr esholds One of the ONS 154 54 ’ s RMON M IBs is the A larm gr oup. The alarm gr oup consi sts of th e alarmT able.
9-32 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Remote Mon itoring Spe cification A larm Thresho lds Procedure: Creating Ether net RMON Alarm Threshold s Step 1 Display t he C TC nod e vi ew . Step 2 Click the Pro visionin g > Etherbridge > Thresholds tabs .
9-33 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 9 Ethernet Oper ation Remote Mon itori ng Specif icati on Alarm Thr esholds Figur e 9-26 Cr eating RMON thr esholds Step 4 From the Sl ot menu, ch oose the a ppropriat e Ether net card.
9-34 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 9 Ethernet Operati on Remote Mon itoring Spe cification A larm Thresho lds.
C HAPTER 10-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 10 Alarm Monitoring an d Management This chapte r explains how to manage alar ms with Cisco T ransport Controlle r (CTC.
10-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapte r 10 Alarm Monit oring and Ma nagement Viewing ON S 15454 Alarms Figur e 1 0-1 V iewing alar ms in the CT C node view T able 1 0-1 Alar ms Column Descr iptions Column Information Recorded New I ndicat es a n ew alarm .
10-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 0 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent Viewing ONS 15454 Alar ms Alarms di splay in o ne of five backgrou nd colors, l isted in T able 10-2 , to quickly communi cate the al arm severity .
10-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapte r 10 Alarm Monit oring and Ma nagement Viewing ON S 15454 Alarms Figur e 1 0-2 Selecting the Aff ected Cir c uits op tion Procedure: View Affe cted Circuits for a Speci fic Alarm Step 1 Under the Alarm tab, right-clic k the Cond column of an activ e alarm.
10-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 0 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent Viewing ONS 15454 Alar ms Figur e 1 0-3 Highlighted cir cuit app ears 10.2.3 Conditions Tab The Conditi ons tab disp lays retrie ved fault c onditions.
10-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapte r 10 Alarm Monit oring and Ma nagement Viewing ON S 15454 Alarms Figur e 1 0-4 View ing f ault cond itions r etr ie ved under th e Conditions tab s 10.
10-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 0 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent Viewing ONS 15454 Alar ms 10.2.4 Viewing History The Hi st ory tab di splays his torical a larm d ata. It al so display s event s, which a re non-a larmed a ctivitie s such as timi ng change s and thresh old crossings .
10-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapte r 10 Alarm Monit oring and Ma nagement Alarm Profil es 10.2.5 Viewing Alarms on the LCD The Critical, Major and Minor alarm LEDs on the fan-tr ay assembly front pane l indicate whether a critic al, major, or minor alarm is present an ywhere on the ONS 15 454.
10-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 0 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent Alarm Profiles 10.3.1 Creating and Modifying Alarm Profiles Alarm prof iles are c reated at th e network vie w using the Provisi oning > A larm Profile s tabs (Fi gure 1 0-7.
10-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapte r 10 Alarm Monit oring and Ma nagement Alarm Profil es Profile na mes mu st be uni que. I f yo u try t o imp ort or na me a pr ofil e th at ha s the sam e nam e as an ot her profile , CTC adds a suffix to c reate a new nam e.
10-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 0 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent Alarm Profiles Alarm Severity Option Y ou chang e or assign alarm severity using a me nu. T o view this menu, right-c lick the ala rm you want to change in its alar m profile column.
10-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapte r 10 Alarm Monit oring and Ma nagement Alarm Profil es Figur e 1 0-8 Node vie w of a DS1 ala r m pr ofile At the car d level , yo u c an a pp ly p rofi le chang es on a po rt-b y-p ort ba sis or set al l po rts on that ca rd at once.
10-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 0 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent Alarm Profiles Procedure: Ap ply an A larm Profile at the Card View Step 1 In CTC, displa y the card vi ew of the desi red card . Step 2 Click the Pro visionin g > Alarm Behavior tabs.
10-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapte r 10 Alarm Monit oring and Ma nagement Suppre ssing Alarm s 10.4 Suppressing Alarms Suppressi ng alarms causes alar ms to appear und er the Cond itions tab in stead of the Alarms tab .
10-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 1 0 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent Suppre ssing Ala rms Note When you u nche ck the Su ppress A larms c hec kbo x and cl ick A pply , the node send s o ut autono mou s m essages to rais e a ny a ctive ly supp re ssed a lar ms.
10-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapte r 10 Alarm Monit oring and Ma nagement Suppre ssing Alarm s.
C HAPTER 11-1 Cisco ONS 15454 I nstallation an d Operations Gu ide November 2001 11 SNMP This chapte r explain s Simple Netwo rk Managemen t Protocol (SNMP) as implemen ted by the Cisc o ONS 15454. 11.1 SNMP Overview SNMP is an ap plicatio n-layer co mmuni cation protocol th at allow s netwo rk devices to exchange manage ment info rmation .
11-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 11 SNMP SNMP Basic Co mponents Figur e 1 1 -1 A basi c netw or k m anage d by SN MP 11.2 SNMP Basic Components An SNM P-m an ag ed ne t work c ons ists of thr ee p ri mary c om pon ents: mana ged d ev ice s, age nt s, and manage ment syst ems.
11-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 11 SNMP SNMP Su pport Figur e 1 1 -3 Example o f the pr imary SNMP componen ts 11.3 SNMP Support The ONS 15454 supports SNMP v1 and v2c traps and get requests. The SNMP MIBs in the ONS 15454 define a larms, t raps, an d status.
11-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 11 SNMP SNMP Support Figur e 1 1 -4 Settin g up SNMP Step 4 T ype the IP a dd ress o f your NM S in the IP Add ress f ield. Step 5 T ype the SNMP community na me in the Community Name field.
11-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 11 SNMP SNMP Manag ement In forma tion Bases Figur e 1 1 -5 View ing tr ap destination s 11.4 SNMP Management Informatio n Bases A manag ement informatio n base (MIB ) is a hierar chical ly-or ganized collectio n of informat ion.
11-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 11 SNMP SNMP Traps A mana ged obje ct ( som eti mes ca lle d a MI B o bjec t) is one o f a ny spec ifi c ch ar ac ter istic s of a m an aged device . Mana ged obje cts consi st of one or more obje ct inst ances (var iable s).
11-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 11 SNMP SNMP Tr aps is service af fecting or non-servi ce affecting. The traps also contain a date/tim e stamp that shows the date and time the alarm oc curred. Th e ONS 15454 also generat es a trap for ea ch alarm wh en the alarm conditi on clears.
11-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 11 SNMP SNMP Community Names 11.6 SNMP Community Names Y ou can provi sion commu nity names for al l SNMP request s from the SNMP Trap Destination dia log box in CTC (see the “ SNMP Support ” section on pa ge 11-3 ).
11-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Chapter 11 SNMP SNMP Remote Network Monitoring typical CTC user , because RMON interope rates with an NMS. However , with CTC you can provision the R MON al arm thre sholds (see the “ SNMP Remote N etwork Mon itoring ” section on page 1 1-8 ).
11-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Chapter 11 SNMP SNMP Remote Network Monito ring.
A-1 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 APPENDIX A Circuit Routing This app endix provi des an in- depth expla nation of ONS 15454 ci rcuit ro uting and VT tunneli ng in mixe d protec tion or meshe d enviro nments, such as the one shown in Figure A-1 .
A- 2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix A Circuit Routing Automati c Circui t Routi ng Circuit Routing Characteristics The followin g list provides principles.
A-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix A Circuit Routing Manual Circui t Rout ing Figur e A -2 Secondary sou rc es and drops Several rule s app ly t o seco nda.
A- 4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix A Circuit Routing Manual Circu it Routing • If you e nabled Fully Pat h Protecte d, choo se a di verse pro tect (a lternat e) path for eve ry unpro tected segment ( see Figure A-3 ).
A-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix A Circuit Routing Manual Circui t Rout ing Figur e A -5 Ether net shared p ack et rin g r outing • Multicar d EtherS witch circu its can ha ve virtual U PSR segmen ts if the so urce or d estination is not in the UPSR domain.
A- 6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix A Circuit Routing Manual Circu it Routing - 2 2 - Double U PSR 11- - T w o W a y 0 or 1 0 or 1 Eth erne t Node Source .
A-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix A Circuit Routing Constr aint-Base d Circui t Routi ng Although virtual UPSR segments are possible in VT T unnels, VT tunnels are still considered unprote cted.
A- 8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix A Circuit Routing Constraint -Based Circuit Ro uting.
B-1 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 APPENDIX B Regulatory and Compliance Requiremen ts This a ppend ix li sts c ustom e r, industry , and gove rn ment req ui reme nts me t by the C is co O NS 15454 . Installa tion warn ings are als o included .
B-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 Appendi x B Regulato ry and Com pliance Requir ements Japan A pproval s Japan Ap provals Label Information Env ironme ntal Can ad.
B-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix B Regulatory and Com pliance Requ irements Installation Warnings Class A Notice Installation Warnings Install the ON S 1.
B-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 Appendi x B Regulato ry and Com pliance Requir ements Installa tion Warnings DC Power Discon nection Wa rning ¡ Advertenc ia! V er las instrucciones de instalaci ó n antes de conectar el sistema a la red de alimentaci ó n.
B-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix B Regulatory and Com pliance Requ irements Installation Warnings DC Power Conn ection Warnin g Avi s o Antes de executar um dos seguintes procedimentos, certifique-se que desligou a fonte de alimenta çã o de energia do circuito de corrente cont í nua.
B-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 Appendi x B Regulato ry and Com pliance Requir ements Installa tion Warnings Power Supply Disconnec tion Warnin g ¡ Advertenc ia.
B-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix B Regulatory and Com pliance Requ irements Installation Warnings Outside Line Connection Warning War ni ng Metallic interfaces for connection to outside plant li nes (such as T1/E1/T3/E3 etc.
B-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 Appendi x B Regulato ry and Com pliance Requir ements Installa tion Warnings Class 1 La ser Product W arning Class I and Class 1M Las er Warning War ni ng Class 1 laser product. Waarschuwing Klasse-1 laser produkt.
B-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix B Regulatory and Com pliance Requ irements Installation Warnings Restricted Area Warning Warnung Laserprodukte der Klasse I (21 CFR 10 40.10 und 1040.11) und Klasse 1M (IEC 6082 5-1 2001-01).
B-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 Appendi x B Regulato ry and Com pliance Requir ements Installa tion Warnings Ground Con nection Warn ing Advars el Denne enheten er laget for installasjon i omr å der med beg renset adgang.
B-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix B Regulatory and Com pliance Requ irements Installation Warnings Qualified Personnel Warning Invisible Laser Radiation Warning (other versions available) ¡ Advertenc ia! Al instalar el equipo, conectar la tierra la primera y desconectarla la ú ltima.
B-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 Appendi x B Regulato ry and Com pliance Requir ements Installa tion Warnings More Than One Powe r Sup ply Va r oi t u s Kun porttiin ei ole kytketty kaapelia, portin aukosta voi vuotaa n ä kym ä t ö nt ä lasers ä te ily ä .
B-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix B Regulatory and Com pliance Requ irements Installation Warnings Unterminated Fiber Warning Avvertenza Questa unit à h.
B-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 Appendi x B Regulato ry and Com pliance Requir ements Installa tion Warnings Warnung Eine unsichtbare Laserstrahlung kann vom Ende des nicht angeschlossenen Glasfaserkabels oder Steckers ausgestrahl t werden.
B-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix B Regulatory and Com pliance Requ irements Installation Warnings Laser Activation Warning War ni ng The laser is on when the card is booted and the safety key is in the on position (labeled 1).
B-16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 Appendi x B Regulato ry and Com pliance Requir ements Installa tion Warnings.
C-1 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 APPENDIX C Acronyms Numerics 10Ba seT standard 1 0 megabit per second local area network over unshielded twisted pair co pper wir.
C-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Append ix C Acronyms AIS-L Line Alarm I ndicat ion Sign al AMI Altern at e M a rk Inv er si on ANSI American National St andards.
C-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix C Acronyms BNC Bayonet Neill- Concel man (coa xial cabl e bayone t locki ng conn ector ) BPDU Bridge Pro toco l D ata Un.
C-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Append ix C Acronyms CTC Cisco T ransport Controller D DCC Data Communicatio ns Channel DCN Data Communica tions Network DCS Dis.
C-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix C Acronyms E EDFA Erbium Dop ed Fi ber Am plifi er EFT Electric al Fast T rans ient/Burst EIA Electrical In terface Asse.
C-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Append ix C Acronyms F FC Failure Count FDD I Fiber D istri bu ted Da ta Int erfa c e FE Frame Bit Err ors FG1 Frame Gro und #1(pin s are labele d “ FG1, ” “ FG2, ” etc.
C-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix C Acronyms IEEE Institute of Elec trical a nd Electr onics Engin eers IETF Intern et Engi neerin g T ask Force IP Intern.
C-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Append ix C Acronyms LOW Loca l O rd er w ir e LTE Line T erminating Equipm ent LVD S Low V oltage Dif fer ential Si gnal M MAC .
C-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix C Acronyms NMS Network M a nage ment Sy st em O OAM&P Operatio ns, Admin istrat ion, Mai ntena nce, and Pro visionin.
C-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Append ix C Acronyms PM Performa nce Moni tor ing PPMN Path-P ro tec ted M esh N e two rk PSC Protection Sw itch ing Cou nt PSD.
C-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix C Acronyms S SCI Serial Com muni cation Int erfac e SCL System Commun ications Link SDCC Section Data Communica tions C.
C-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Append ix C Acronyms SSM Synchrono us Status Messaging STA Spanning Tree Algor ith m STP Shi e ld ed T wiste d P ai r STS-1 Syn.
C-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix C Acronyms TL1 T ransa ction Lang uage 1 TLS T ransp arent LAN ser vice TMN T elecommu nica tio ns Mana geme nt Net wor.
C-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Append ix C Acronyms VLAN V ir t ual Lo ca l A r ea Ne t wo rk VPN V irtual Pr ivate Ne twork VT1.5 V irt ual Tributary equa ls 1 .54 4 mega bit s per se cond W WAN W ide Area Net wor k W W atts X XC Cross Conn ect XCVT Cross Connect V irtual Tributary X.
D-1 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 2001 APPENDIX D Glossary Numerics 1:1 pr ot ecti on A card prot ection sche me that pairs a wor king car d wit h a pr otect c ard of the same type i n an a djacent slot. If the workin g card fails, the tra ffic from the working card switc hes to the protect card.
D- 2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix D Glossa ry AID Access Iden tifier . An a ccess code used in TL1 messaging that identifies and a ddresses specif ic objects within t he O NS 1545 4. The se obje cts inc lude ind ivi dual pie ces of e quipm e nt, transpo rt sp an s, acc ess tributari es, and ot hers.
D-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix D Glossa ry Bridge Devi ce that conne cts and pa sses pac kets be tween two net work segm ents tha t use the same communica tions p r otocol. In g en eral, a b ri dge wi ll f ilte r , forward, or floo d an inc omin g fra me ba sed on the MAC addr ess of that fram e.
D- 4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix D Glossa ry CTC Cisco T ranspor t Controller . A Java-based graphical use r interface (GUI) that allows oper ations, administ ration, maintene nance , and provis ioning (OA M&P) of the ON S 15454 using a n Interne t browser .
D-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix D Glossa ry EIA Electr ical Inte rface Assembli es. Provide s connec tion p oints for t he ON S 15454 and DS-1 , DS- 3, or EC-1 units. EMI Elec tromagne tic Interf erence .
D- 6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix D Glossa ry G GBIC Gigab it Interfac e Converte r . A hot-swappa ble inpu t/output de vice that plugs into a Gig abit Ethe rnet por t to link the port with the fibe r optic network.
D-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix D Glossa ry L LAN Local Area Netw ork. High-sp eed, low error data network covering a relativ ely small geogr aphic area. LANs connect workst ations, peripherals, terminals, and other devices in a single buildin g or other geograp hic all y lim i ted area .
D- 8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix D Glossa ry Manag ed device A netw ork no de tha t c onta ins an SNM P age nt a nd resi des on a ma na ged netwo rk. Ma nage d d evice s include routers, access servers, switches, bridge s, hubs, computer hosts, and printers.
D-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix D Glossa ry Node Endpo int of a net wor k con ne ctio n or a ju nction c om mon t o tw o or mor e l ines in a ne two rk. N od es c an be processors, controll ers, or wor kstatio ns.
D-10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix D Glossa ry Ping Packet i nte rn et gro uper . ICMP ec ho messa ge a nd it s r eply . Often used in IP net work s t o t est the reachability of a n etwork dev ice. PPJC positive pointer j ustification c ount PPMN Path Protecte d Mesh Network.
D-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix D Glossa ry RMON Remote Networ k Monitoring. Allows ne twork operat ors to monitor the health of the networ k with a Networ k Ma nage me nt Sy stem ( NMS).
D-12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix D Glossa ry Static route A rou te that is manu ally en tered i nto a ro uting table. Static route s take prece dence over r outes chosen by all dynam ic routin g protoco ls.
D-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Installa tion and Oper ations Guide November 2001 Append ix D Glossa ry Telcordia T elcord ia T ech nologies, Inc., f ormerl y named B ellcore. E ighty pe rcent of the U.S. t elecomm unication s network de pends on soft ware inve nted, deve loped, implem ented, o r maintaine d by T elcor dia.
D-14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installation a nd Operation s Guide November 20 01 Appendix D Glossa ry V Virtual fiber A fibe r that carri es signal s at dif feren t rates and us es the sam e fiber optic ca ble.
IN- 1 Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 INDEX Numerics 1+1 optica l card prot ection descript ion 3-9 creat ing a protec tion gr oup 3-9 creat ing li near ADMs 5-41 1:.
Index IN-2 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 viewing 10-1 wire s 1-33 alarm setti ngs DS-1 ca rd 7-6 DS-3 ca rd 7-8 DS3E ca rd 7-11 DS3XM- 6 card 7-14 DS-N car ds, ge .
Index IN- 3 Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 PSC 8-40 removi ng a node 5-21 rin g swit chi ng 5-5 set up proc edures 5-10 span switching 5-5 sub tendi ng a BLSR 5-40 .
Index IN-4 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 hub-and- spoke Eth erne t circuit 9-14 manua l Etherne t cross- connec ts 9-16 manual routin g detail A-3 monitori ng 6-9 .
Index IN- 5 Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 OC-3 ca rd 8-34 CV-V p aram eter DS-1 ca rds 8-20, 8-22 DS3XM- 6 card 8-31, 8-33 D database MAC a ddr ess 1-16 version 3-.
Index IN-6 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 DS1 R x ES -P pa rame ter 8-19 DS1 Rx SAS-P parameter 8-19 DS1 Rx SES-P parameter 8-19 DS1 Rx UAS-P paramete r 8-19 DS1 SA.
Index IN- 7 Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 DS3XM- 6 card alarm setti ngs 7-14 export dat a 2-27 path trace 6-12 perform ance m onitor i ng 8-28 provision lin e and .
Index IN-8 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 router a ggr eg ati on 9-1 spannin g tr ee prot ect ion 9-26 statistics scree n 9-29 thr eshol d vari able s (MIB s) 9-31 .
Index IN- 9 Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 H hello inter val 4-14 high-densi ty BNC EIA atta chin g co axia l cab le 1-37 attachi ng ferrites 1-62 descript ion 1-18 installing 1-22 hop 4-7, 4-9 hosts 3-2 hub-and- spoke 9-14 I idle ti me 3-7 IEEE 8 02.
Index IN- 10 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 J1 pat h trace 6-12 to 6-15 Java and CTC , overvie w 2-1 console wind ow 2-9 java.
Index IN-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 N navigat ing in CTC 2-22 Nets cape Comm unic ator obtaining 2-2 runn ing th e CTC setup w izard 2-4 Nets cape Navi gat o.
Index IN- 12 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 OSPF connec ting n ode s to CT C 4-6 definition 4-10 to 4-13 rou tin g ta ble 4-5 P passwords 2-9, 3-8 path-p rotecte d .
Index IN-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 count 7-21 count see PS C duration 7-22 duration parame ter (PSD) 8-35 duration see PSD editing a UPSR circuit 6-11 rever.
Index IN- 14 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 SD threshold 6-3, 6-7 seco ndary sour ces A-2 security setting up 3-6 tasks per level 3-6 viewing 2-14 SEFS parameter 7-.
Index IN-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 spannin g tr ee p rot ocol configuratio n 9-27 descript ion 9-26 multi-inst ance 9-26 parame ters 9-27 SPE see synchr ono.
Index IN- 16 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 acces s to node s 4-7 creat ing a st atic r oute 4-9 destinati on ho st or n etw ork 4-15 subnetting 3-3 subtendin g r i.
Index IN-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Install ation and Oper ations Gui de November 2001 time z one 3-2 timing 7-18 BITS se e BITS installati on 1-33 internal 3-17 parame ters 3-12 setting up 3-14 specifi catio.
Index IN- 18 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Installati on and Opera tions Guide November 2001 provisi onin g E the rnet p orts 9-3 spannin g tr ee 9-26 VT1.5 see also circuits cross-co nne ct capa c ity on X CV T a.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems 15454M6DC c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems 15454M6DC - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems 15454M6DC, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems 15454M6DC va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems 15454M6DC, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems 15454M6DC.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems 15454M6DC. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems 15454M6DC ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.