Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 15454-FTF2 du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco ONS 1 5454 Reference Manual Pr oduct and Docume ntation Re lease 8.
iii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 CONTENTS About t his Manual xli Revisi on Hist ory xli Docume nt Obje ctiv es xliv Audienc e xl v Relat ed D ocum ent atio n xlv Document Con.
Cont ent s iv Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 1.5. 6 SMB EIA 1-28 1.5. 7 AMP Champ EIA 1-29 1.5. 8 UB IC-V E IA 1-32 1.5. 9 UBIC-H EIA 1-34 1.5. 10 EIA Replacement 1-38 1.6 Coax ial Ca ble 1-38 1.7 DS-1 Cable 1-38 1.7. 1 Tw isted Pa ir Wi re-W rap Ca bles 1-38 1.
Content s v Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 CHAPTER 2 Common C ontrol Card s 2-1 2.1 Common Con trol Card Over view 2-1 2.1. 1 Cards Summar y 2-1 2.1. 2 Car d Comp ati bility 2-3 2.1. 3 Cross-C onnect Car d Compatib ili ty 2-3 2.
Cont ent s vi Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 2.7. 6 Data Communi cations Channel 2-33 CHAPTER 3 Electri cal Cards 3-1 3.1 Elec trical Card Over view 3-1 3.1. 1 Card Summary 3-1 3.1. 2 Car d Comp atibil ity 3-3 3.2 Bit Er ror Rate Testin g 3-4 3.
Content s vii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 3.9 DS3-12 E and DS3N-12 E Cards 3-21 3.9. 1 DS3-12E and DS3N- 12E Slo ts and Conne ctor s 3-22 3.9. 2 DS 3-1 2E F acepl ate and Blo ck D iag ram 3-22 3.9. 3 DS3-12E and DS3N- 12E Car d-Level Indicat ors 3-24 3.
Cont ent s viii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 4.6 OC12 LR/ STM4 LH 1550 Card 4-13 4.6. 1 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1550 Card -Level I ndic ators 4-14 4.6. 2 OC12 LR/S TM4 LH 1 550 P ort- Level I ndicat ors 4-15 4.7 OC12 IR/S TM4 SH 131 0-4 Ca rd 4-15 4.
Content s ix Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 4.18.2 Ports and Li ne Rate s 4-43 4.18.3 15454_MRC-12 Card -Level Ind icators 4-45 4.18.4 15454_MRC-12 Port- Level Indi cator s 4-46 4.19 MRC-2.5G-4 Mul tirat e Card 4-46 4.19.1 Slot Compatib ili ty by Cross- Conne ct Card 4-48 4.
Cont ent s x Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 5.5. 2 E1000-2 -G Port-L evel I ndicato rs 5-13 5.5. 3 Cross-Conn ect Compa tibilit y 5-13 5.6 G1000- 4 Card 5-14 5.6. 1 STS-24c Re strict ion 5-15 5.6. 2 G1000-4 Ca rd-Level Indica tors 5-15 5.
Content s xi Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 5.14.3 Cross-Con nect and Sl ot Compat ibili ty 5-36 5.15 Ethe rne t Car d GBI Cs and SF Ps 5-36 5.15.1 Co mpa tibil ity by Car d 5-37 5.15.2 GBIC Descript ion 5-38 5.15.3 G1K-4 DWDM and CWDM GBICs 5-39 5.
Cont ent s xii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 7.3. 1 1+1 Prote ction 7-13 7.3. 2 Optimized 1+ 1 Prot ection 7-1 3 7.4 Unpr otec ted Card s 7-14 7.5 Exter nal Switc hin g Com man ds 7-14 CHAPTER 8 Cisco T ranspor t Contr oller Op erati on 8-1 8.
Content s xiii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 9.2. 2.2 Idle U ser T imeo ut 9-7 9.2. 2.3 User Passwo rd, Lo gin, and Ac cess Po licies 9-7 9.2. 2.4 Secure Acc ess 9-8 9.3 Audit Tr ail 9-8 9.3. 1 Audit Trai l Log Ent ries 9-8 9.
Cont ent s xiv Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 11.11 BLSR STS and VT Squel ch Tabl es 11-22 11.11. 1 BLSR STS Squ elch Tabl e 11-22 11.11. 2 BLSR VT Squ elch Ta ble 11-23 11.12 IEEE 802.17 Re silien t Packe t Ring Circuit Display 11- 23 11.
Content s xv Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 12.2.4 BLS R A ppl icatio n Ex am ple 12-10 12.2.5 BLSR Fiber Co nnect ions 12 -13 12.3 Path Prot ecti on 12-14 12.4 Dual-R ing In terco nnect 12-19 12.4.1 BLSR DRI 12-19 12.4.2 Path Pr otec tion DRI 12-23 12.
Cont ent s xvi Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 13.4 Exter nal Fir ew alls 13-25 13.5 Open GNE 13-27 13.6 TCP/IP and OSI Net working 13-2 9 13.6.1 Poin t-to -Po int Pr otoc ol 13-30 13.6.2 Li nk Ac ces s Pr otoc ol on the D C hann el 13-31 13.
Content s xvii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 14.3 Alarm In formati on 14-2 14.3.1 Viewing Ala rms With Each Node’s Time Zo ne 14-4 14.3.2 Controll ing Alar m Displa y 14-4 14.3.3 Fi lterin g Al arms 14-4 14.3.4 Vi ewin g Al arm-A ffe cte d Ci rcui ts 14-5 14.
Cont ent s xviii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 15.5.3 .1 D S-1 Facili ty D ata Link Perf orm ance Moni tori ng 15-18 15.5.4 DS3 -12 and D S3 N-12 Car d Pe rfor manc e Mo nito ring Pa ramet ers 15-18 15.5.5 DS3-12E and DS3 N-12E Ca rd Perf ormance Moni tori ng Paramet ers 15- 19 15.
Content s xix Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 16.3 SNMP E xter nal In terf ace R equiremen t 16- 4 16.4 SNMP V ersion Suppo rt 16-4 16.5 SNMP Mes sage Ty pes 16-4 16.6 SNMP Manag ement Info rmati on Bases 16-5 16.6.1 IETF-Sta ndard MIBs for t he ONS 1545 4 16-5 16.
Cont ent s xx Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 APPENDI X A Hardware Speci ficati ons A-1 A.1 Shelf Spec ificat ions A-1 A.1.1 Ban dwidth A-1 A.1.2 Con figurat ions A-2 A.1.3 Cisco Tran spo rt Co ntrolle r A-2 A.1.4 External LA N Inte rfa ce A-2 A.
Content s xxi Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 A.6 Optica l Card Specif ica tions A-27 A.6.1 OC3 I R 4/STM1 SH 13 10 Card Speci fic ations A-28 A.6.2 OC3 I R/STM1SH 13 10-8 Ca rd Specif icat ions A-29 A.6.3 OC12 IR/ STM4 SH 13 10 Ca rd S pecif icatio ns A-30 A.
Cont ent s xxii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 B.3 Servi ce S tate Tr ansi tions B- 3 B.3.1 Car d Servi ce State Transi tions B-3 B.3.2 Po rt and Cr oss-C onnect Ser vice State Tran sition s B-5 B.3.3 Plugga ble Eq uip ment S ervi ce Sta te Tr ansi tion s B-10 APPENDI X C Network Element Defaul ts C-1 C.
FIG U R ES xxiii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Figu re 1-1 Cisco ONS 15454 ANSI Dimens ions 1-4 Figu re 1-2 Mounting an ONS 15 454 in a Rack 1-5 Figu re 1-3 The ONS 15454 Fro .
Figures xxiv Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Figu re 1-31 Crossov er C able 1- 53 Figu re 1-32 Managing Cables on the Fr ont Panel 1-54 Figu re 1-33 Fiber C apa city 1-54 Figu .
Figures xxv Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Figu re 3-12 DS3X M-12 Fac epl ate and Block Di agra m 3-31 Figu re 4-1 OC3 IR 4/ST M1 SH 1310 Fac eplate an d Block Diagra m 4-6 Fig.
Figures xxvi Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Figu re 5-7 ML100T-12 Fac epla te and Block Diagr am 5-20 Figu re 5-8 ML100X-8 Facepl ate and Blo ck Di agram 5- 22 Figu re 5-9 ML1.
Figures xxvii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Figu re 11-4 Two VT1. 5 Circui ts in a BLSR 11-1 4 Figu re 11-5 Tradit iona l DCC Tunn el 11-17 Figu re 11-6 VT1.
Figures xxvii i Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Figu re 12-16 Layout of Node ID 0 i n the OC-3 Pat h Prot ection Ex ample in Fi gure 12 -15 12-18 Figu re 12-17 Layout of Node I.
Figures xxix Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Figu re 13-16 IP Scena rio 9: ONS 15454 GNE an d ENEs on the Sa me Subnet with Secure Mode Enabl ed 13-22 Figu re 13-17 IP Scena rio.
Figures xxx Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Figu re 15-8 Monitor ed Signal Types fo r the DS3-1 2 and DS3N- 12 Cards 15-18 Figu re 15-9 PM Read Po ints on the DS3-12 an d DS3N-.
TABLES xxxi Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ta b l e 1-1 EIA Ty pes Compa tible with t he 15454 -SA-ANSI Onl y 1-16 Ta b l e 1-2 EIA Co nfigu ration s Compatibl e with the 15454.
Tables xxxii Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ta b l e 1-31 Craf t Int erface Pi n Assignmen ts 1-71 Ta b l e 1-32 Slot and Car d Symbols 1-73 Ta b l e 1-33 Ca rd Por ts, Line R.
Tables xxxii i Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ta b l e 3-9 DS 3/EC1-48 Slot Restr iction s 3-16 Ta b l e 3-10 DS 3/EC1-48 Card -Leve l Indi cato rs 3-19 Ta b l e 3-11 DS 3i-N-1.
Tables xxxiv Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ta b l e 5-1 E thernet Cards fo r the ONS 15 454 5-2 Ta b l e 5-2 E thernet Card Sof tware Comp atib ility 5-3 Ta b l e 5-3 E 100T-.
Tables xxxv Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ta b l e 7-2 Su pported 1:N Protec tion b y Electri cal Card 7-3 Ta b l e 7-3 EIA Conn ecto rs Pe r Side 7-5 Ta b l e 7-4 Ele ctrical.
Tables xxxvi Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ta b l e 11-12 Bidi rect ional ST S/VT/R egula r Multica rd Ethe rSwit ch/Poin t-to -Poi nt (Stra ight) Etherne t Circ uits 11-31 T.
Tables xxxvi i Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ta b l e 14-5 Conditi ons C olumn Desc rip tion 14-6 Ta b l e 14-6 Hist ory Col umn Descri ptio n 14-8 Ta b l e 14-7 Alarm Pr ofil.
Tables xxxviii Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ta b l e 16-2 IET F Standa rd MIBs Impl emente d in the ONS 1 5454 Sys tem 16-5 Ta b l e 16-3 ONS 1 5454 Propr ieta ry MIBs 16-6 .
Tables xxxix Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ta b l e C-17 OC-192 Card De fault S ett ings C-5 4 Ta b l e C-18 OC 192-XFP Def ault Sett ings C-59 Ta b l e C-19 MRC- 12 C ard D efault Sett ings C-65 Ta b l e C-20 MRC-2.
Tables xl Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01.
xli Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About this Manual Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature. These t erms do not refer t o using Cisc o ONS 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path sw itched ring configuratio n.
xlii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About this Manual November 2 007 Updated 1+1 Protectio n sec tion in Card Protec tion chap ter . Updat ed Shel f Configuratio ns secti on in Elect rical Cards ch apter . Januar y 2008 Updated cabling deta ils for ONS- SE-ZE-E L SFP .
xliii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About thi s Manua l July 2 008 • Updated the 15454_ MRC-12 Port-Le vel Indicators sectio n, in the Optical Cards ch apt er to sh ow the corr ect n umber and stat us of the Rx in dicat or .
xliv Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About this Manual Document Objectives This m anual provides r eferen ce in formatio n for the C isco O NS 15454 . June 2 009 • Updated t he Figu re AE P W ire-Wra p Conn ections to B ackplane Pi ns in Chapter 1, Shelf and B ackplane Har dw are.
xlv Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About thi s Manua l Audience T o use this public ation , you should be familiar with Cisco or equivalent optical tr ansmission hardware and c.
xlvi Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About this Manual Note Means r eader ta ke no te . No tes contain helpf ul suggestions or referen ces to material not co ver ed in the documen t.
xlvii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About thi s Manua l Atten tion IMPORTANTES IN FORMA TIONS DE S ÉCURI TÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un dan ger . V ous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des bl essures ou des dommages corporels.
xlvi ii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About this Manual ¡Advertenc ia! INSTRU CCIONES IMPO RT ANTES DE S EGURIDAD Este símbolo de aviso indica peligro.
xlix Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About thi s Manua l Avi s o INSTR UÇÕES IM PORT ANTES DE SEG URAN ÇA Este símbolo de aviso signi fica perigo.
l Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About this Manual.
li Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About thi s Manua l Obtaining Optical Ne tworki ng Information This sec tion con tains info rmation tha t is specif ic to optical networ king produ cts. F or info rmation that pertain s to all o f Cisco, refer t o the Obtaining Documentatio n and Submitting a Se rvice Reque st sectio n.
lii Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 About this Manual Obtaining Do cumentation an d Submitting a Service Reque st For informat ion on obtai ning docu menta tion, sub mittin g a s.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 1 Shelf and Backpla ne Hardware Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature. These t erms do not refer t o using Cisc o ONS 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path sw itched ring configuratio n.
1-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.1 Overvi ew Cautio n Unused c ard slots sh ould be f i lled with a detecta ble f iller card (Ci sco P/N 1 5454-FILLER) o r a non-detectable filler card (Cisco P/N 15454-BLANK).
1-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.2 Rack Installation • United States: Nati onal Fire Protection Association (NFP A) 70; United States National Electr ical Code • Canada: Canadia n Elec trical Code, Part I, CSA C22.
1-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.2.1 Reversibl e Mounti ng Bracket Figur e 1 -1 Cisco ONS 15454 ANSI Dimen sions 1.
1-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.2.2 Mo unting a S ingle No de Cautio n When mo unting the O NS 1 5454 in a f rame w ith a noncon .
1-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.2.3 Mounti ng Multip le Nodes 1.2.3 Mounting Multiple Nodes Most sta ndard (T elco rdia G R-63- CORE, 19-inch [482 .6 mm ] or 23-inc h [58 4.2 m m]) seven-foot (2,133 mm) racks c an hold four ON S 15454 sh elves and a fuse an d alar m panel .
1-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.3 Front Door Figur e 1 -3 The O NS 15454 Fr ont Door The ON S 1545 4 ship s with a stan dard door.
1-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.3 Front Door Figur e 1 -4 Cisco ONS 15454 Deep D oor . The ONS 15 454 door loc ks with a pin ned hex key that ships with the ON S 15454. A b utton on the righ t side of the she lf assembl y releases t he door .
1-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.3 Front Door Figur e 1 -5 ONS 15 454 F ro nt Door Gr ound Str ap Figure 1-6 shows how to remove th e front door .
1-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.3 Front Door Figur e 1 -6 Re mo ving the ON S 1545 4 Fr ont Door An erasa ble label is pasted on th e inside of the front door ( Figur e 1-7 ).
1-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.4 Ba ckp lan e C ove rs Figur e 1 -7 F r ont-Door Er asab le Label Note Th e fr ont door label also in cludes the Cl ass I a nd Cla ss 1M l aser warni ng ( Figure 1-8 ).
1-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.4.1 Lo wer Bac kpla ne Co ver Figu re 1 - 9 Backp lane Covers 1.
1-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.4.2 Rear Co ver 1.4.2 Re ar Co ver The ONS 154 54 has an opti onal cle ar plast ic rea r cover . This clear pl astic cover pro vides additi onal protec tion for the cable s and connec tors on the backpla ne.
1-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.4.3 Alarm I nterface Panel Figu re 1 - 12 Inst alli ng the P last ic R ear C over with S pac ers 1.4.3 Alarm Interface P anel The AIP is located abo ve the alarm conta cts on the low er section of the backpl ane.
1-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5 Electrical Interface Assemblies Y ou can repla ce the AIP on an in- service s ystem without af fectin g traf f ic (e xcept Eth ernet tr af f ic on nodes runn ing a software r elease earl ier than R eleas e 4.
1-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.1 EI A Insta llatio n 1.5.1 EIA Installation Optiona l EIA ba ckpla ne covers ar e typica lly p reinstal led wh en or dered w ith th e ONS 15454.
1-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.2 EIA Configu rations Ta b l e 1 - 2 shows the E IA type s suppo rted by bo th the 15454- SA-ANSI a nd the 15454 -SA-HD ( high density) shelf assemblies.
1-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.3 BNC E IA 1.5.3 BNC EIA The ONS 154 54 BNC EIA sup ports 24 DS-3 circuit s on each side of th e ONS 15454 (2 4 transmit and 24 receive connectors).
1-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.3 BNC EIA type. Use RG-59/U ca ble to co nnect to the ONS 15 454 BNC EI A. These cab les are re commen ded to connec t to a patch pa nel and are designed for long runs.
1-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.4 High-Dens ity BNC EI A BN C Insertion and Removal Tool Due to the lar ge numb er of BNC connectors on the h igh-density BNC EIA, you might require a special tool for insert ing and removing BN C EIAs ( Figure 1-14 ).
1-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.5 MiniBNC EIA Figur e 1 -15 High-Dens ity BNC Ba ckpl ane f or Us e in 1: N Pr ot ection Schem es The EIA side marked “ A” hosts 48 pairs of BNC co nnecto rs.
1-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.5 Min iBNC EIA • DS3/ EC 1-48 MiniBNC s support av a ilab le high-de nsity ca rds in unprot ected an d 1:N prote ction (whe re N < 2) protect ion groups.
1-23 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.5 MiniBNC EIA Figur e 1 -16 MiniBNC Bac kplane f or Use in 1:N Pr ot ection Sc heme s.
1-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.5 Min iBNC EIA Ta b l e 1 - 4 and Ta b l e 1 - 5 sh ow the J-lab eling a nd co rrespondi ng ca rd po rts for a shel f ass embly conf igured with lo w- density electr ical cards.
1-25 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.5 MiniBNC EIA Ta b l e 1 - 6 and Ta b l e 1 - 7 sh ow the J-lab eling a nd co rresp onding c ard po rts f or a she lf as sembl y conf igured with high- density 48-port DS-3/E C-1electrical cards.
1-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.5 Min iBNC EIA T able 1 -6 J-Labeling P or t A ssignments for a Shelf Co nfigur ed wit h High-.
1-27 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.5 MiniBNC EIA MiniBNC Insertion and Removal Tool Due to t he large num ber o f MiniBNC c onne ctors on the Min iBNC EIA , you might re quire a sp ecial t ool for in serting a nd r emoving Mi niBNC EIA s ( Figu re 1- 17 ) .
1-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.6 SMB E IA Figur e 1 -1 7 MiniBNC Inser tion a nd Remo v al T ool This t ool ca n be o btain ed w ith P/N 227- T1000 from : Amphen ol US A (w ww .
1-29 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.7 AMP Cham p EIA Figur e 1 -18 SMB EIA Backpla ne The SMB EIA has 84 transm it and 84 rece iv e connec tors on each side of the ON S 15454 fo r a total of 168 SMB conne ctors (84 circuit s).
1-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.7 AMP C hamp E IA Because each DS1-14 ca rd suppo rts 14 DS-1 ports, only 56 pi ns (28 pairs) of the 64-pi n connec tor are used. Prep are one 56-wir e cable for each DS-1 f acility installe d.
1-31 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.7 AMP Cham p EIA Ta b l e 1 - 9 shows the p in assign ments f or the AMP Ch amp conne ctors on the ONS 15 454 A MP Cham p EIA fo r a shie lded D S-1 cab le.
1-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.8 UBIC- V EI A When using DS-1 AMP Cha mp cab les, yo u must equ ip the ONS 1 5454 wi th an AMP Cha mp conn ector EIA on each side of the backpla ne where DS-1 ca bles will ter minate.
1-33 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.8 UBIC-V EIA Y ou can i nstall UBIC- Vs on one or both si des of the ON S 15454.
1-34 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.9 UBIC- H EI A When insta lled with t he deep door and cablin g on the back plane, the ONS 15454 she lf measu res appro ximat ely 17.5 in ches (4 45 mm) de ep w hen pa rtiall y popul ated w ith ba ckpl ane cab les, 17.
1-35 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.9 UBIC-H EIA Figure 1-2 1 shows the A- and B-side conn ector labeling.
1-36 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.9 UBIC- H EI A Ta b l e s 1-13 and 1-14 show the J-label ing and corresp ondin g card p orts for a shelf a ssembly configured with hi gh-d ensity 48-po rt DS- 3/EC- 1 or 56- port DS-1 elect rical card s.
1-37 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.5.9 UBIC-H EIA If you are installing UBIC-H EIAs aft er the shelf assembly is installed, plug the UBIC-H EIA into the backpla ne. The UBI C-H backp lane must r eplace th e standar d sheet met al cov er to provi de access to the cable conn ectors.
1-38 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.5.10 EIA Replacem ent The A and B sides eac h host 16 high-de nsity , 50-pin SCSI connect ors. The A-s ide maps to Slots 1 thr ough 6 and t he B-side maps to Slots 1 2 throug h 17.
1-39 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.7.2 Electrical Interface Adapters Cautio n Always use the supp lied ESD wri stband when wor king w ith a p owered ONS 1 5454. Plug t he wrist band cable into the ESD jac k located on the lower -right outside edge of the shel f assembly .
1-40 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.8 UBIC-V Cables 1.8 UBIC-V C ables Note Cisco Sy stems announced the end-o f-sale and e nd-of- life dates for the Cisco ONS 15454 MSPP Uni ve rsal BackPl ane Inter face Adapter , V ertical Orie ntation ( UBIC-V), an d its DS1 an d DS3 Cables.
1-41 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.8 UBIC-V Cables T able 1 -16 UBIC-V DS-1 SCSI Connect or Pin Out Port SCSI Pin SCSI Pin Port #1 .
1-42 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.8 UBIC-V Cables Figu re 1 - 24 UBIC- V DS -1 Ca ble Schemat ic D iagram T a ble 1 -17 shows the UBIC-V DS-1 Tip/Ring co lor codi ng.
1-43 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.8 UBIC-V Cables T a ble 1 -18 iden tifies the UBIC-V SCSI connect or p in assign ments f or t he DS-3 /EC-1 cable s as referen ced fr om the EIA b ackplane to the SCSI co nnector .
1-44 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.8 UBIC-V Cables Figure 1-2 5 shows t he UBIC-V DS-3/EC- 1 cable schematic diagram.
1-45 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.9 UBIC-H Cables Figu re 1 - 25 UB IC- V DS- 3/EC -1 C able S chemat ic Di agram 1.9 UBIC-H Cables The U BIC-H EIA is desi gned to suppo rt DS-1 , DS -3, o r EC-1 s igna ls.
1-46 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.9 UBIC- H Cable s T o suppo rt DS- 3 or EC-1 signals, selec t the DS-3 /EC-1 U BIC-H cable assembl y ( part nu mber 15454-CA DS3-H-< length> ).
1-47 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.9 UBIC-H Cables Figur e 1 -26 Cable Conne ct or Pins T a ble 1 -19 identif ies the UBIC-H SCSI conn ector pin assi gnments for the DS- 1 cables as re ferenc ed from the EI A backpl ane to the SCSI co nnecto r .
1-48 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.9 UBIC- H Cable s Figu re 1 - 27 UBIC- H DS -1 Ca ble Schemat ic D iagram T a ble 1 -20 shows the UBIC-H DS-1 Tip/Ring co lor codi ng.
1-49 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.9 UBIC-H Cables T a ble 1 -21 iden tifies the UBIC-H SCSI connect or p in assign ments f or t he DS-3 /EC-1 cable s as referen ced fr om the EIA b ackplane to the SCSI co nnector .
1-50 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.9 UBIC- H Cable s Figure 1-2 8 shows t he UBIC-H DS-3/EC-1 cable schematic diagram #5 1 7 42 #11.
1-51 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.10 Et hernet Cables Figu re 1 - 28 UB IC- H DS- 3/EC -1 C able S chemat ic Di agram 1.10 Eth ernet Cables Ether net ca bles u se RJ- 45 co nnecto rs, and are straigh t-thro ugh or cro ssove r, depending on w hat is connect ed to t hem.
1-52 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.10 Ethernet Cables Figure 1-2 9 shows the pin locations on 100BaseT co nnecto r . Figu re 1 - 29 1 0 0 Bas eT Co nne ctor Pi ns Figure 1-3 0 shows the straight-th rough Et hernet cable sche matic.
1-53 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.11 Cable Rout ing a nd Managem ent Figure 1-3 1 sho ws t he cr osso v er Et hern et ca ble sc hemat ic. Us e a cr osso v er cab le when co nnectin g to a switch or hub.
1-54 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.11. 1 Fi ber M anagem ent Figur e 1 -32 Managing C ables on the F r ont P anel 1.11.1 Fiber Manage ment The j umper routing fins are designe d to r oute fiber jumper s out of both sides of the shelf .
1-55 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.11.2 Fib er Managem ent Using th e Tie-Do wn Bar T a ble 1 -23 pro vide s the ma ximu m capa city of the fi ber chan nel for one side of a shelf, depen din g on fiber size and numbe r of Ether net cable s runni ng through t hat fiber channel .
1-56 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.11.3 Coaxial Cable Manage ment 1.11.3 C oaxi al Cable Mana gement Coaxia l cab les co nnec t to EIA s on the O NS 1 5454 b ackp lane u sing cable conn ector s.
1-57 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.12.1 Wir e-Wrap an d Pin Conn ections Figur e 1 -35 AEP Pr int ed Cir cuit Boa rd Asse mbly Figure 1-3 6 shows the AEP block diag ram. Figu re 1 - 36 AEP B lock Di ag ram Each AE P alarm input port has provis ionable l abel an d sev erity .
1-58 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.12.1 Wire-Wrap and Pin Connec tions Figur e 1 -37 AEP Wir e-W r ap Connections t o Back plane P ins T a ble 1 -24 shows the backplan e pin ass ignment s and corre spondi ng signal s on the AIC-I an d AEP .
1-59 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.12.1 Wir e-Wrap an d Pin Conn ections Figu re 1 - 38 Alarm In put C ircui t Dia gram T a ble 1 -25 lists the connections to the e xternal ala rm sources.
1-60 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.12.1 Wire-Wrap and Pin Connec tions Figure 1-3 9 is a circui t diagram of the ala rm output s (Outputs 1 an d 16 are shown in the exam ple) .
1-61 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.13 Filler Card 1.13 Fill er Card Filler cards are de signed to occup y empty multiservic e and AIC-I slots in the Cisco ONS 15454 (Slots 1–6, 9, and 12 – 17).
1-62 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.14 Fan- Tray Assemb ly Figu re 1 - 40 Detecta ble F ille r Card F acepl ate 1.14 Fan-Tray Assembly The fan -tray assembly is locate d at the bottom of the ONS 15454 bay assem bly .
1-63 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.14.1 Fan Tray Uni ts for ONS 15454 Cards The fr ont of the f an-tr ay assem bly has an LCD screen that pro vides slot- a nd port -le v el infor mation fo r all ON S 15454 c ard slots, includ ing the number o f Criti cal, Major, and Minor a larms.
1-64 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.14. 1 Fan Tray Units f or ONS 15454 Cards DS3/E C1-48 Y es Y es DS3i-N-12 Y es Y es DS3-12E Y es.
1-65 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.14.2 Fa n Speed 1.14.2 Fan Speed Fan speed is contro lled by TCC2/TCC 2P card tem perature sensors. The sensors me asure th e input air temper ature at th e fan- tray asse mbly .
1-66 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.14. 5 Pil ot F use Cautio n Do no t ope rate an ON S 15 454 wi thout the m andato ry fan- tray a ir filter . Cautio n Inspect the air f il ter e very 30 days, and clean the f ilte r ev ery three to six months.
1-67 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.16 Alarm, Timing , LAN, and Craft P in Connecti ons The ONS 154 54 has redund ant –48 VDC #8 power terminals on the shelf-asse mbly backpl ane.
1-68 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.16 Alar m, Timing, LA N, and Cra ft Pin Connec tions Figur e 1 -42 ONS 15 454 Bac kplan e Pinouts (Rel ease 3.
1-69 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.16.1 Alarm Conta ct Connecti ons Figur e 1 -43 ONS 15 454 Bac kplane Pi nouts 1.
1-70 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.16.2 Timing Con nections V isual an d audi ble ala rms are ty pically wired to trigge r an alar m ligh t or be ll at a c entral al arm co llecti on point whe n the corr espon ding cont acts ar e close d.
1-71 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.16.4 TL1 Craft Interface Installation 1.16.4 TL1 Craft Interf ace Installation Y ou c an use the.
1-72 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.17. 1 Car d Sl ot Re quire ment s Figur e 1 -44 Installing Card s in the ONS 1545 4 1.17.1 Card Slot Requiremen ts The ONS 154 54 shelf assem bly has 17 card slo ts number ed sequent ially from left to righ t.
1-73 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.17.1 Card Slot Requir ements Note Protection schemes and EI A types can af fect slot compa tibility .
1-74 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.17. 1 Car d Sl ot Re quire ment s DS3/EC1- 48 48 2.
1-75 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.17.2 Card Replacement 1.17.2 Card Replac ement T o replace an ONS 1545 4 card with anot her car d of the sam e type, you do not nee d to make any chang es to the datab ase; remov e the old ca rd and replace it with a ne w card.
1-76 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.18 Softwa re and Hardware Compatibi lity 1.18 Software and Hardware Compatibility T a ble 1 -34 shows ONS 15454 softw are and hardwa re compatibility for nodes con figu red with XC or XCVT cards f or Re lease s 4.
1-77 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.18 Software and Hardware Compatibility DS3X M-12 SA-HD a nd SA-ANSI Not support ed Fully compati.
1-78 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.18 Softwa re and Hardware Compatibi lity OC12 LR 1310 All Fully compatible Fully compatible Full.
1-79 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.18 Software and Hardware Compatibility T a ble 1 -35 shows ON S 15454 software and har dware compatibil ity for systems conf ig ured with XC10G or XC-V XC-10G card s for Relea ses 4.
1-80 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.18 Softwa re and Hardware Compatibi lity DS3/E C1-48 1 SA-HD Not supported Fully compatible Full.
1-81 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 Shelf and Ba ckplane H ardware 1.18 Software and Hardware Compatibility OC12/STM4-4 SA-HD and SA-ANSI Fully compatible Fully comp.
1-82 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 1 Shelf an d Backpl ane Hard ware 1.18 Softwa re and Hardware Compatibi lity If an upgr ade is required for compa tibility , contact the Cisco T echnical Assistance Center (T A C) . For contact info rmation, go to http://w ww .
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 2 Common Cont rol Cards Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature. These t erms do not refer t o using Cisc o ONS 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path sw itched ring configuratio n.
2-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.1.1 Car ds Summ ary T able 2-1 Common Contr ol Car d Fu nctions Card Description For Additional Information.
2-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.1.2 Card Compatibility 2.1.2 Card Compatibility Ta b l e 2 - 2 lists the Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller (CTC) softwa re release comp atibility for eac h comm on-co ntro l car d.
2-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.1.3 Cross-C onnect Card Com patib ility Ta b l e 2 - 4 lists the cross-c onnect car d compat ibility for ea ch electr ical card. F o r electr ical card so ftware compatiblilt y , see T able 3- 2 on page 3- 3 .
2-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.1.3 Cross-Connect Card Compatibility Ta b l e 2 - 6 lists the cross-connect car d compatibility for ea ch Ethernet card. For Ether net card softwa re compatibilit y , see T able 5- 2 on page 5- 3 .
2-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.2 TCC2 Card Ta b l e 2 - 7 lists the cross-conn ect card compa tibility for eac h storage area n etwor k (SAN) card. F or SAN card software com patibility , see the “6.
2-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.2.1 TCC2 Card Functionality Figur e 2-1 TCC2 Car d F a ceplat e and Bloc k Diagr am 2.2.1 TCC2 Car d Functionality The TCC2 card s upports m ultichannel, high-level data link control (HDLC) processing f or the DCC.
2-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.2.2 TCC 2 Car d-Le vel I ndi cator s The TCC2 car d also orig inates and terminat es a cell bu s carr ied ov er th e module . The cell b us supp orts links b etween any two card s in the nod e, w hich is essenti al fo r peer-to- peer c ommunic atio n.
2-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.2.3 Network-Level Indicators 2.2.3 Network-Level Indic ators Ta b l e 2 - 8 describe s the six netwo rk-level LEDs on the TCC2 facep late. T able 2-8 TCC2 Car d-Lev el Indicator s Card-Level LEDs Definition Red F AIL LED This LE D is on dur ing reset.
2-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.2.4 Powe r-Le vel I ndi cator s 2.2.4 Po wer-Lev el Indi cator s Ta b l e 2 - 9 describe s the two power-lev el LEDs on the TC C2 faceplat e. 2.3 TC C2P Card Note For hard ware sp ecif ications , see th e “ A.
2-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.3.1 TCC2P Functionality Figur e 2-2 TCC2P F a ceplat e and Block Diagr am 2.3.1 TCC2P Functionality The TC C2P card sup port s mult ichann el, hig h-level data link c ontrol (HDL C) pr ocess ing for the D CC.
2-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.3.1 TCC2 P Func tio nality The TCC 2P card also or iginates and terminat es a ce ll bu s carrie d o v er the modu le. T he cell b u s suppor ts links b etween any two card s in the nod e, w hich is essenti al fo r peer-to- peer c ommunic atio n.
2-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.3.1 TCC2P Functionality refere nce a s the system -timin g ref erence. Y ou can provisi on any o f the clo ck inpu ts as prima ry or secondary timing sources.
2-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.3.2 TCC2P Card-Level Indic ators 2.3.2 TC C2P Card -Level In dicat ors The TC C2P face plat e has ten LE Ds. T able 2 -10 describes th e two card-level LEDs on the TCC2P face plate.
2-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.3.4 Power- Level Indicat ors 2.3.4 Po wer-Lev el Indi cator s T a ble 2 -12 des cribe s the tw o po wer-le vel LEDs on the TCC2 P face plate. 2.4 X CVT Card Note For hard ware sp ecif ications , see th e “ A .
2-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.4.1 XCVT Functionality Figur e 2-3 X CVT F a ceplat e and Bloc k Diagr am 2.4.1 XCVT Funct ionality The STS-1 swi tch matr ix on the X CVT card consists of 28 8 bidire ction al ports and ad ds a VT ma trix that can mana ge up to 336 bi direc tional VT1.
2-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.4.2 VT Mapping The XCVT card wor ks with the TCC2/TCC2P cards to maintain connection s and set up cross-connects within t he node .
2-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.4.3 XCVT Hosting DS3XM-6 or DS3XM-12 2.4.3 XC VT Hosting DS3X M-6 or DS3XM-12 A DS3XM card can demul tiple x (map do wn to a low er rate) M13-map ped DS-3 signals into 28 DS-1s that are then mappe d to VT1.
2-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.5 XC10G Card 2.5 XC10G Ca rd Note For hard ware sp ecif ications , see th e “ A .4.4 XC10G Card Specificati ons” sectio n on page A-14 . The 10 Gi gabit Cros s Connect (XC1 0G) card establis hes conne ctio ns at the STS-1 and VT lev els.
2-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.5.1 XC1 0G Func tio nalit y Figur e 2-5 X C1 0G F aceplat e and Block Dia gra m 2.5.1 XC10G Functionality The XC 10G ca rd mana ges up t o 672 bidirec tional VT1.
2-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.5.2 VT Mapping Cautio n Do not opera te the ONS 15 454 w ith o nly one XCVT or XC1 0G c ard. T wo c ross-conne ct c ards of the same type (ei ther two XCVT or two XC 10G cards) must always be installed.
2-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.5.3 XC1 0G Host ing DS3XM-6 o r DS3XM -12 2.5.3 XC10G Hosting DS3XM-6 or DS3XM-12 A DS3XM card can demul tiple x (map do wn to a low er rate) M13-map ped DS-3 signals into 28 DS-1s that ar e the n mappe d to VT 1.
2-23 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.5.5 XCVT/XC10G/XC-VXC-10G Compatibility 2.5.5 XCVT/XC10G/XC-VX C-10G Compatibility The XC10G and XC -VXC-10 G cards supp ort th e same feat ures as the XCVT car d.
2-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.6.1 XC-VXC-10G Functional ity Figur e 2-7 X C-VX C-1 0G F aceplat e and Blo c k Diagr am 2.6.1 XC-VXC-10G Functionality The XC-V XC-10G card manage s up to 1152 bid irectiona l high- order STS-1 po rts.
2-25 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.6.1 XC-VXC-10G Functionality At the STS level (high-orde r cr oss-conne ct), the X C-VXC-1 0G is a lways n.
2-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.6.2 VT M apping Figur e 2-8 X C-VX C-1 0G Cr oss-Connec t Matr ix 2.6.2 VT Mapp ing The VT struc ture is desi gned to tran sport and switch payloa ds below the DS-3 rate .
2-27 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.6.3 XC-VXC-10G Hostin g DS3XM-6 or DS3XM-12 2.6.3 XC -VXC-10G Hostin g DS3XM-6 or DS3X M-12 A DS3XM card can demul tiple x (map do wn to a low er rate) M13-map ped DS-3 signals into 28 DS-1s that are then mapp ed to VT1 .
2-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.6.5 XC-VXC-10G Compatibility 2.6.5 XC-VXC-10G Compatibility The XC-VX C-10G c ard suppor ts the same featur es a s the X C10G card. Eith er th e XC10G or XC-VX C-10G ca rd is requi red for OC-192, OC 3-8, and OC12-4 operat ion and O C-48 AS ope ration.
2-29 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.7.1 AIC-I Card- Level Indicat ors Figur e 2-9 AIC-I F acep late and Bloc k Dia gram 2.7.1 AIC-I Card-Level Indica tors T a ble 2 -19 des cribe s the eight c ard-le vel LE Ds on the AI C-I ca rd f acepl ate.
2-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.7.2 External A larms and Co ntrols 2.7.2 External Alarms an d Controls The AIC- I card provides input/out put al arm cont act clo sures . Y ou c an define up to t welve external alarm inputs and 4 external a larm i nputs /output s (user configurab le).
2-31 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2. 7.3 O rde rw ire The ou tput con tacts can be pro vis ioned to close on a trigger or to close ma nual ly .
2-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.7.4 Powe r Mon itori ng The AIC- I supports selective dual tone multifre quen cy (DTMF) dial ing for tel ephony connec tivity , which c auses one AIC-I c ard or all ON S 15454 AIC-I c ards on t he orde rwire su bnetwork to “ring .
2-33 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.7.6 Data Communications Ch annel 2.7.6 Data Communic ations Ch annel The DCC fe atures a dedicated da ta chan nel of 576 kbps (D 4 to D12 bytes) betw een two nodes in an ONS 15454 network.
2-34 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chap ter 2 Comm on Con tro l Card s 2.7.6 Data Co mmunica tions Chan nel.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 3 Electrical Cards This ch apter d escr ibes Cis co ONS 1 5454 ele ctrica l car d featu res a nd functi ons. For insta llation and c ard turn-up proc edures , ref er to the Cisco ONS 1 5454 Pr ocedu r e Guide .
3-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.1.1 Card Summary T able 3-1 Cisco O NS 15454 Electr ical Car ds Card Name Des cription For Additional Information EC1-12 The EC1 -12 c ard prov ides 12 T el cordi a-co mplia nt, GR-25 3 ST S-1 elec trical ports per card .
3-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.1.2 Card Compatibility 3.1.2 Card Compatibility Ta b l e 3 - 2 lists the CTC so ftware co mpatibility f or each e lectrical card. S ee T able 2-4 on page 2- 4 for a list of cro ss-conn ect cards t hat are compa tible with each ele ctrica l card.
3-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.2 Bit Error Rat e Testing 3.2 Bit Erro r Rate Testing The bit error r ate testin g (BER T) f eature ca n be used to test th e connecti vity , error rat e, and error count of the traffic runnin g on an e lectri cal in put/out put (I/O ) card port.
3-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.3 EC1-12 Ca rd BERT A larms The BER T featur e can rais e the f ollo wing two alarms in CT C: • BER T_ENABL—S pecifies t hat BE R T fe atu re is en able d.
3-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.3.3 EC1-12 Hosted by XCVT, XC10G, or XC-VXC-10G Figu re 3-1 EC1 -12 Facepl ate and Bl ock Diag ram 3.
3-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.3.5 EC1-12 Port- Level Indi cators 3.3.5 EC1-12 Port-Level Indicators Y ou c an obtai n the stat us of the EC1- 12 ca rd ports by using the LCD scr een on t he ONS 1 5454 fan tray .
3-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.4.2 DS1- 14 and DS1N-1 4 Sl ot Com patib ility If you us e the DS 1N-14 as a standar d DS-1 ca rd in a 1:1 pr otect ion group , you c an install the DS1N -14 card in Sl ots 1 to 6 or 12 t o 17 on the O NS 15454.
3-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.4.4 DS1-14 and DS1N-14 Host ed by XCVT, XC10G, or X C-VXC-10G Figur e 3-3 DS1N -14 F aceplat e and B lock Diagr am 3.4.4 DS1-14 and DS1N-14 Ho sted by XC VT, XC1 0G, or XC-VXC-10 G All 14 VT1.
3-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.4.6 DS1-1 4 and DS1N -14 Port -Level Indi cators 3.4.6 DS1-14 and DS1N-1 4 Port-Lev el Indicators Y ou ca n obtain the stat us of the DS1- 14 and DS1N -14 card por ts by using the LCD scree n on the ONS 15454 fan-t ray assemb ly .
3-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.5.2 DS1/E1-56 Facepl ate and Block Dia gram Note The DS1/E1-56 card supports an error less software-in itiated cross-co nnect card switch when used in a shelf equi pped with XC-V XC-10G and TCC2/TCC2 P cards.
3-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.5.3 DS 1/E1 -56 Card-L eve l Indi cato rs Figur e 3-4 DS1 /E1 -56 F ace plat e and Blo ck Dia gra m 3.5.3 DS1/E1-56 Card -Level Indic ators The DS1/E 1-56 card has thre e card-le vel LED indica tors ( T able 3- 7 ).
3-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.5.4 DS1/E1- 56 Port-Leve l Indicat ors 3.5.4 DS1/E1-56 Port-L evel Indica tors Y ou can obt ain th e st atus of the D S1/E1-5 6 ca rd po rts by usi ng the LCD screen on t he ON S 15454 fan-tray assemb ly .
3-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.6.1 DS3-12 an d DS3N -12 Slots and Co nnecto rs 3.6.1 DS3 -12 a nd DS3N-12 Slots and Co nnecto rs Y ou c an install the D S3-12 or DS3N-12 card in Slots 1 to 6 o r 12 t o 17 on the ONS 154 54.
3-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.6.3 DS3-12 a nd DS3N-12 Car d-Level Ind icators Figure 3-6 sho ws the DS3N -12 f acepla te and a blo ck diagr am of the card. Figur e 3-6 DS3N -12 F aceplat e and B lock Diagr am 3.
3-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.6.4 DS3-1 2 and DS3N -12 Port -Level Indi cators 3.6.4 DS3-12 and DS3N-1 2 Port-Lev el Indicators Y ou ca n f ind the stat us of the 12 DS3- 12 and 12 DS3N -12 card por ts by using the LCD scr een on the ONS 15454 fan-t ray assemb ly .
3-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.7.2 DS3/EC1-48 Facepl ate and Block Diagr am Cautio n Do not i nstall a DS3/ EC1-48 c ard in Slots 1 or 2 if y ou have installe d an MX P_2.5G_ 10G ca rd in Sl ot 3.
3-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.7.3 DS 3/EC1 -48 C ard -Lev el I ndica tors Figu re 3-7 DS3/ EC1-48 Facepl ate and Bl ock Diag ram 3.7.3 DS3 /EC1 -48 Card -Lev el Indi cators The DS 3/EC1-4 8 card has thr ee card -lev el LE D indicato rs ( T abl e 3 -10 ).
3-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.7.4 DS3/EC1-48 Port- Level Ind icators 3.7.4 DS3/EC1-48 Port-Lev el Indica tors Y ou ca n obtain the st atus of the DS3/ EC1-48 ca rd ports by using t he LCD scree n on the ONS 15454 fan-tray assemb ly .
3-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.8.1 DS3i- N-12 Slot s and Connect ors Figu re 3-8 DS3i- N-1 2 Faceplate a nd Bl ock Dia gram The follo wing list.
3-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.8.2 DS3i-N-1 2 Card-Level Ind icators 3.8.2 DS3i-N-12 Card-Lev el Indicators T a ble 3 -11 descri bes the th ree LED s on the DS3i-N -12 card face plate.
3-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.9.1 DS3-1 2E and DS 3N-12E Slots and Con nector s • FEBE monitoring • FEA C status and lo op code det ection.
3-23 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.9.2 DS3-12E Facepl ate and Blo ck Diagram Figur e 3-9 DS3- 12E F aceplate and Bloc k Di agr am Figure 3-1 0 shows the DS3N-12E fac eplate and a bl ock diagra m of the card.
3-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.9.3 DS 3-12E and DS3N-1 2E C ard- Level I ndi cat ors Figu re 3-1 0 DS 3N-12 E Facepl ate and B lock Di agram 3.
3-25 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.9.4 DS3-12E and DS3N-12E Port-Leve l Indicat ors 3.9.4 DS3-12E and DS3 N-12E Po rt-Level Ind icato rs Y ou can find the status of t he DS3- 12E and DS3N -12E card ports by usi ng the LCD screen on t he ONS 15454 fa n-tr ay a ssemb ly .
3-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.10.3 DS3XM-6 Hosted By XCVT, XC10G, or XC-V XC-10G Figur e 3-1 1 DS3 XM-6 F acepla te and Bloc k Diagr am 3.10.3 DS3XM- 6 Hosted By XCVT, XC10G, or XC -VXC-10G The DS3XM-6 ca rd works in co njunction with th e XCVT card.
3-27 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.10.5 DS3XM-6 Port- Level Ind icators 3.10.5 DS3XM-6 Port-Lev el Indica tors Y ou ca n f ind the stat us of the six DS3X M-6 card ports by using the LCD scre en on the ONS 154 54 fan -tray as sembl y .
3-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.11. 2 P orted Mode The D S3XM- 12 sup ports t hree d ifferent b ackpl ane th roughp ut con figurations: • STS-48 wh en an XC10G or XC-VX C-10G c ard is use d. Thi s configurati on supp orts the O C-48 r ate in any slot.
3-29 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.11.5 P rotecti on Modes 3.11.5 Pr otectio n Modes The DS 3XM-12 c ard support s 1:1 and 1: N protect ion group s, where N <= 5. Howe ver , N <= 7 if one of the follo wing conditi ons is true: • Only port less co nnectio ns are us ed.
3-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.11.7 DS3 XM-12 Slot s and Conn ectors 3.11.7 DS3XM-12 Slots and Conn ectors The DS3X M-12 car d can be used with BNC, SMB, SCSI (UB IC), or MiniB NC EIA con nectors.
3-31 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.11.9 DS3XM-12 Card-Leve l Indicat ors Figur e 3-1 2 DS3XM -12 F aceplate and Bloc k Diag r am 3.11.9 DS3XM-12 Card-Lev el Indica tors T a ble 3 -16 descri bes the thre e card -le v el LEDs on the DS3XM- 12 card facepl ate.
3-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 3 Electrical Cards 3.11.10 DS3XM-12 Port-Lev el Indicator s 3.11.10 DS3XM-12 Port-L evel Indi cators Y ou c an find the status of the twel ve DS3XM-12 ca rd ports by using t he LCD scr een on th e ONS 154 54 fan -tray as sembl y .
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 4 Opti cal Car ds Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature. These t erms do not refer t o using Cisc o ONS 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path sw itched ring configuratio n.
4-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.1 Optica l Car d Ove rview • 4.20 O C192SR1 /STM64I O Short R each a nd OC 192/STM 64 Any Re ach Ca rds, page 4- 50 • 4.21 Optical Ca rd SFPs and XFPs, page 4-52 4.
4-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.1.1 Card Summary OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1550 The OC12 LR/ST M4 LH 1550 card p rovides one long- range O C-12 port and operat es a t 1550 nm . See the “4.6 OC1 2 LR/STM4 LH 15 50 Ca rd” section on pa ge 4-13 .
4-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.1.2 Car d Compa tibili ty Note The Cisco OC3 IR/ST M1 SH, OC12 IR/STM4 SH, and O C48 IR/STM 16 SH inte rface o ptics, a ll working at 131 0 n m, a re opt imized for the most w idely used SMF-28 fiber , av ailable from m any suppliers .
4-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.1.2 Card Compatibility T able 4-2 Optical C ard Sof tw ar e Release Compatibility Optical Ca rd R3.3 R3.4 R4.0 R4.1 R 4.5 1 1. DWDM-only releas e. R4.6 R4.7 1 R5.0 R6.
4-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.2 OC3 IR 4 /STM1 SH 1 310 Ca rd 4.2 OC3 IR 4/STM1 SH 1310 Card Note For hardwa re spec ifications, se e the “ A.6.1 OC3 IR 4/STM 1 SH 131 0 Car d Speci fications” secti on on page A-2 8 .
4-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.2.1 OC3 IR 4/STM1 SH 1310 Card- Level Indicat ors Y ou ca n install the OC3 IR 4/STM 1 SH 1310 ca rd in Slots 1 to 6 an d 12 to 17. Th e card ca n be provisione d as part of a pa th protec tion or a lin ear ad d/drop mu ltiplexer (ADM ) configur ation.
4-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.3 OC3 IR/ STM1 S H 13 10-8 C ard 4.3 OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1310-8 Card Note For hard ware sp ecif ications , see th e “ A .6.2 OC3 I R/STM 1SH 131 0-8 Ca rd Sp ecifications ” secti on on page A-2 9 .
4-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.3.1 OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1310- 8 Card-Level Ind icators Y ou can install the OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1 310-8 card i n Slot s 1 to 4 an d 14 t o 17 . Th e card can be provisione d as part of a pa th prote ction or an A DM co nfiguration .
4-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.4 OC12 I R/STM4 SH 1310 Card The OC12 IR /STM 4 SH 1310 card pr ovides one inte rmedia te or short ra nge SONET OC -12 port comp liant w ith IT U-T G.707, ITU-T G. 957, and T e lcordia GR- 253-CORE .
4-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.4.1 OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310 Card-Leve l Indicat ors The OC12 IR /STM 4 SH 1310 detect s LOS, LOF , LOP , AIS-L, and RDI- L conditi ons. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 T r oubl eshooting Guide for a d escription of the se con ditions.
4-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.5 OC12 LR/ STM4 LH 1310 C ard War ni n g The laser is on when the optical card is booted. T he port does not have to be in service for t he laser to be on. Statement 293 Note Th e OC12 LR 1310 and OC12 LR /STM 4 LH 1310 cards are fu nction ally t he same.
4-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.5.1 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1310 Card-Level Indicators 4.5.1 OC12 LR/STM4 L H 131 0 Card-Leve l Indic ators Ta b l e 4 - 6 describe s the thre e card- lev el LEDs on the OC12 LR /STM 4 LH 1310 card.
4-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.6.1 OC12 LR/ STM4 LH 1 550 Ca rd-Le vel In dica tors Figur e 4-5 OC12 LR/S TM4 LH 1550 F aceplat e and Bloc k Diagr am Y ou ca n install th e OC12 LR /STM4 LH 1550 card in Slots 1 to 4 and 14 to 17.
4-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.6.2 OC12 LR/STM 4 LH 1550 Port-Level Ind icators 4.6.2 OC12 LR/STM4 L H 155 0 Port-Lev el Indica tors Y ou can find the sta tus of the O C12 L R/ST M4 L H 1550 card port by u sing the LC D sc reen on the ONS 15454 fan-t ray assemb ly .
4-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.7 OC12 I R/STM4 SH 1310 -4 Car d Figur e 4-6 OC12 IR/S TM4 SH 131 0-4 F ace plat e and Bl ock D iagr am Y ou ca n install th e OC12 IR/STM4 SH 13 10-4 card in Slo ts 1 to 4 and 14 to 17.
4-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.7.1 OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310- 4 Card-Level Ind icators 4.7.1 OC1 2 IR/STM4 S H 1310-4 Card-Level Ind icators Ta b l e 4 - 8 describe s the three card-level LEDs on the O C12 IR/STM 4 SH 1310-4 card.
4-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.8.1 OC 48 IR 1 310 Ca rd-L evel Indic ato rs Figu re 4-7 O C48 I R 131 0 Faceplate and Bl ock Dia gram Y ou can i .
4-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.8.2 OC48 IR 1310 Port-Leve l Indicat ors 4.8.2 OC48 IR 1310 Port-L evel Indica tors Y ou ca n f ind the stat us of the OC4 8 IR 1310 card por t by using the LCD scree n on the ONS 15454 fan-tray assemb ly .
4-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.9.1 OC 48 LR 1 550 Ca rd-L evel Indic ator s Figur e 4-8 OC48 LR 1550 F ace plat e and Bl ock Dia gr am Y ou can i.
4-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.9.2 OC48 LR 1550 Port-Leve l Indicat ors 4.9.2 OC48 LR 1550 Port-Leve l Indicators Y ou can find the stat us of t he OC4 8 LR 1550 c ard po rt by usin g th e LCD screen on t he ON S 1 5454 fan-tray assemb ly .
4-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.10. 1 OC48 IR /STM16 S H AS 1 310 Ca rd-Le vel In dicat ors Figur e 4-9 OC48 IR/S TM16 SH AS 131 0 F acep late and.
4-23 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.10.2 OC48 IR/STM 16 SH AS 1310 Port-Level Ind icators 4.10.2 OC48 IR/STM16 SH A S 1310 Port-Lev el Indicato rs Y ou can find t he stat us of the OC 48 I R/STM16 SH AS 131 0 card port by us ing t he LCD sc reen on the ONS 15454 fan-t ray assemb ly .
4-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.11 .1 OC48 LR /STM 16 LH A S 1550 Card -Leve l Indicat ors Figur e 4-1 0 OC48 LR/ S TM16 LH A S 15 50 F aceplate a.
4-25 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.11.2 OC48 LR/STM16 LH AS 1550 Port-Leve l Indicat ors 4.11.2 OC48 LR/STM16 LH AS 1550 Po rt-Level Ind icator s Y ou ca n find the status of the OC48 LR /STM16 L H AS 1550 card port by using the LCD sc reen on th e ONS 15454 fan-t ray assemb ly .
4-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.12 OC48 E LR/S TM16 E H 100 GHz Car ds Figur e 4-1 1 OC48 ELR/S TM16 EH 1 00 GHz F aceplate a nd Bloc k Diagr am Ninete en o f the card s ope rate in the blue band with sp acing of 10 0 GH z on t he ITU gr id ( 1528.
4-27 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.12.1 OC48 ELR 100 GHz Card-Leve l Indicat ors ONS 15216 100-GHz fil ters, the link b udget is reduced by the inser tion loss of the filte rs plus an additional 2-dB po wer penalty .
4-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.13 OC48 E LR 20 0 GHz Ca rds Figur e 4-1 2 OC48 ELR 200 GHz F aceplat e and Blo c k Diagr am Nine of the cards oper ate in the blue band with spa cing of 200 GHz on the ITU gri d (1530 .
4-29 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.13.1 OC48 ELR 200 GHz Card-Leve l Indicat ors The OC48 ELR 200 GHz c ards suppo rt extended long -rea ch applic ations in conjunct ion with optical amplificat ion.
4-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.14. 1 OC19 2 SR/ STM64 IO 13 10 Ca rd-Le vel In dicat ors War ni n g The laser is on when the optical card is booted. T he port does not have to be in service for t he laser to be on.
4-31 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.14.2 OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 Po rt-Level Ind icators 4.14.2 OC19 2 SR/ST M64 IO 131 0 Port-Lev el Indica tors Y ou ca n find the status of the OC1 92 SR/STM 64 IO 1310 ca rd port s by using the LCD sc reen on the ONS 15454 fan-t ray assemb ly .
4-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.15. 1 OC19 2 IR/S TM64 SH 1550 Card -Leve l Ind icato rs Figur e 4-1 4 OC1 92 IR/S TM64 SH 1550 F aceplat e and Bl.
4-33 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.15.2 OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 Port- Level Ind icators 4.15.2 OC19 2 IR/STM64 SH 1550 P ort-Lev el Indicat ors Y ou ca n find the status of the OC1 92 IR/ST M64 SH 155 0 card ports by using the LC D screen on the ONS 15454 fan-t ray assemb ly .
4-34 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.16 OC192 LR/S TM64 LH 1550 Card Note Y o u can differenti ate thi s OC-192 /STM-64 card (15 454-OC19 2-LR2, 15454E -L64.2-1 ) from th e OC-192/ STM-64 c ard wit h the pr oduct ID 15 454-O C192L R1550 by looki ng at t he facepl ate.
4-35 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.16 OC192 LR/STM64 LH 1550 Card Figur e 4-1 6 Enlar ged Sectio n of the O C192 LR/S TM64 LH 1550 (15 454-OC1 92LR 1550) F aceplat e Figure 4-1 7 shows the OC192 LR/ STM64 L H 1550 (1545 4-OC1 92-LR 2) faceplat e and a bloc k diagra m of the card .
4-36 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.16 OC192 LR/S TM64 LH 1550 Card Figur e 4-1 7 OC1 92 LR/S TM64 LH 1550 (15454-O C192-L R2) F aceplate a nd Bloc k Diagr am Figure 4-1 8 shows an enlarged view of the faceplat e warning on 15454-OC19 2LR155 0.
4-37 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.16 OC192 LR/STM64 LH 1550 Card Figur e 4-1 8 Enlar g ed Sectio n of the O C1 92 LR/S TM64 LH 1550 (15 454-OC1 92-.
4-38 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.16. 1 OC19 2 LR/S TM64 LH 155 0 Card- Lev el I ndicato rs The card p ort featur es a 1550- nm la ser and cont ains a tran smit a nd re ceive conne ctor ( labele d) on the card face plate.
4-39 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.17 OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.xx Card Sixteen dist inct OC- 192/ST M-64 ITU 100 GHz DWDM cards co mprise t he ONS 154 54 DWDM chan nel plan. Eac h OC192 L R/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.
4-40 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.17. 1 OC19 2 LR/S TM64 LH ITU 1 5xx. xx Car d-Lev el Ind icato rs Figur e 4-2 0 OC1 92 LR/ ST M64 LH IT U 15x x.xx Bloc k Dia gra m Note Y o u must use a 20-d B fiber at tenuat or (1 5 to 25 dB) when working wit h the OC192 L R/STM 64 L H 15 xx.
4-41 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.17.2 OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15 xx.xx Port-Leve l Indicat ors 4.17.2 OC19 2 LR/STM6 4 LH ITU 15xx.x x Port-L evel Indic ators Y ou ca n find the status of the OC1 92 LR/ST M64 LH ITU 15xx.
4-42 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.18. 1 Sl ot C ompatib ili ty by Cros s-Conn ect C ard Figur e 4-2 1 1545 4_MRC-12 Card F acep lat e and Blo c k Diagr am 4.
4-43 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.18.2 Ports and Line Rates The ma ximum bandw idth of the 15454_M RC-12 card is de termin ed by t he cro ss-connec t ca rd, as shown in T able 4 -19 .
4-44 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.18. 2 Por ts an d Line Rate s – If Port 10 is use d as an OC-3 , Ports 9, 11, an d 12 can be used as an OC-3 or OC-12. – Any port can be used as an OC-12 or OC- 3, as long as all of the abo v e rules ar e follo wed.
4-45 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.18.3 15454_MRC-1 2 Card-Level Ind icators 4.18.3 15454_MR C-12 Card-L evel In dicators T a ble 4 -21 descr ibes the three c ard-l e vel LEDs on the 15454 _MRC-12 card.
4-46 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.18. 4 15 454_ MRC-12 Port -Leve l In dicat ors 4.18.4 15454_MR C-12 Port-Leve l Indicato rs Each p ort has an Rx i ndicato r . The LED fl ashe s gree n if t he port is rec ei ving a signal, and it flashes red if the p ort is not recei v ing a sig nal.
4-47 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.19 MRC-2.5G-4 Multirate Card Note 1+ 1 protec tion m ust be configured b etween the sa me eq uipment type, using the sam e por t numbe r and line rate . Note Lo nger distan ces ar e possibl e in an ampli fied system using dispersion co mpensat ion.
4-48 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.19. 1 Sl ot C ompatib ili ty by Cros s-Conn ect C ard 4.19.1 Slot Compatibility by Cross-Connect Card Y ou ca n install MRC -2.5G-4 cards in Slots 1 throu gh 6 and 12 th rough 17 wi th an XCVT , X C10G, or XC-VXC- 10G.
4-49 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.19.3 MRC -2.5G-4 Card-Leve l Indicat ors T a ble 4 -23 shows th e 15454_MRC-4 por t av ailability and line ra te for each po rt, based on to tal a v ailable bandwidth .
4-50 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.20 OC19 2SR1/STM6 4IO Short Reach and OC192/S TM64 An y Reach Car ds 4.20 OC19 2SR1/STM64IO Short Re ach and OC192/STM64 Any Reach Cards Note For hard ware sp ecif ications , see th e “ A .
4-51 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.20 OC192SR1/STM6 4IO Short Reach a nd OC192/STM64 Any Reach Cards Figu re 4 -23 OC192SR1 /STM64 IO S hort Re ach .
4-52 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.20.1 OC1 92SR1/STM 64IO Sho rt Reach and O C192/STM 64 Any Re ach Card-L evel Indic ators 4.
4-53 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.21.1 Compatibility by Card SFPs that are LED based d o not s upport the Optical power transmitted (OPT) a nd laser bias c urrent (LBC) op tical parame ters. T able 4-27 lists the LED based SFPs.
4-54 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.21. 2 SFP Descr ipt ion 4.21.2 SFP Description SFPs are i ntegrated f iber optic transceiv ers that pr ovide high-speed serial links from a port or slot to t he networ k.
4-55 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.21.3 XFP Description • Heigh t 0.03 in. (8 .5 mm) • W idth 0.
4-56 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 4 Optical C ards 4.21. 4 PP M Provi sion ing • W idth 0.72 i n. (18 .3 mm) • Depth 3.
CH A P T E R 5-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 5 Ethernet Cards Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature. These t erms do not refer t o using Cisc o ONS 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path sw itched ring configuratio n.
5-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.1 Ethernet Card Overvie w 5.1 Eth ernet Card Ove rview The card overview section summ arizes the Eth ernet c ard funct ions and prov ides the software compatibilit y for e ach car d.
5-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.1.2 Card Compatibility 5.1.2 Card Compatibility Ta b l e 5 - 2 lists the CTC software compatibilit y for each Ethernet car d. Note “Y es” indicates that this card is ful ly or partially supporte d by the indicate d software rele ase.
5-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.2 E100 T-12 Card 5.2 E100 T-12 Card Note For hard ware sp ecif ications , see th e “ A .7.1 E100T -12 Card Specificati ons” sectio n on page A-48 . The ONS 15454 uses E100 T -12 card s for Et hern et (1 0 Mbp s) and Fast Ethe rnet (100 M bps).
5-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.2.1 Slot Compatibility Figur e 5-1 E1 00T -12 F ace plat e and Blo c k Diagr am The E100T -12 E therne t card pro.
5-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.2.2 E100 T-12 Card-L evel Indi cators Note When making an STS-1 2c Ethern et circuit, the E-Serie s cards mu st be conf igur ed as single- card Ether Switch. 5.2.
5-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.3 E100T- G Card The ONS 15454 uses E10 0T -G card s for Ethern et (10 Mbp s) and Fast Eth ernet (100 Mbps).
5-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.3.1 Slo t Compat ibil ity 5.3.1 Slot Compatibility Y ou ca n install the E100T -G car d in Slots 1 to 6 and 12 to 17. Multip le E- Series Ethe rnet cards insta lled in an ONS 15 454 c an act indepe ndently or a s a sing le Et hernet switc h.
5-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.4 E1000-2 Card 5.4 E100 0-2 Card Note For hard ware sp ecif ications , see th e “ A .7.3 E1000-2 Card Spe cifications” sect ion on page A-49 . The ON S 1 5454 us es E10 00-2 car ds for Gi gabit Et hern et (100 0 Mbps).
5-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.4.1 Slo t Compat ibil ity Each E1000- 2 card suppor ts standa rds-b ased, L ayer 2 Ethe rnet swit ching betwee n its Ethern et int erfaces and SONE T interfac es on the ONS 15454.
5-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.4.4 Cross-Connect Compatibility 5.4.4 Cross-Connect Compatibility The E1 000-2 is compatib le wit h XCVT ca rds. Th e XC10G and XC- VXC-10 G cards re quire th e E100 0-2-G ca rd.
5-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.5 E100 0-2-G Card Figur e 5-4 E1 00 0-2-G F aceplate an d Bloc k Dia gram The E1 000-2- G Gigabit Et hern et c.
5-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.5.1 E100 0-2-G Card-Leve l Indicat ors Y ou can create logical SONET ports b y prov isioning STS channels to th e packet switch enti ty within the ONS 15454. Logica l ports can be cre ated with a ba ndwidth granul arity of STS-1 .
5-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.6 G1000- 4 Car d 5.6 G1000-4 Card The G1 000-4 card requir es the XC10G c ard. T he ON S 15454 uses G 1000- 4 cards f or Giga bit Et hernet (1000 Mbps) . The G 1000-4 car d provides fo ur ports of IEE E-comp liant, 1000-Mb ps interface s.
5-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.6.1 STS-24c Restr iction switches (such as 1+1 au tomatic pro tectio n switching [A PS], path protection c onfiguration , or bidirect ional line switch ring [BLS R]).
5-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.6.4 Slo t Compat ibil ity 5.6.4 Slot Compatibility The G 1000-4 card require s Cisco ON S 1545 4 Rele ase 3.2 or l ater sys tem sof tware and th e X C10G cross-connect card.
5-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.7.1 STS-24c Restr iction Figur e 5-6 G1K-4 F ace plat e and Blo ck D iagr am The G1K -4 Gigabit Ethern et card p.
5-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.7.2 G1K- 4 Comp atibi lity If STS-24c ci rcuits ar e not being dro pped on th e card, the ful l 48 STSs bandwid th can be used with no restric tions (fo r example , usin g eithe r a singl e STS-48 c or 4 STS- 12c circ uits).
5-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.8 ML1 00T-12 Ca rd 5.8 ML100T-12 Card Note For hard ware sp ecif ications , see th e “ A .7.9 ML 100T -12 Car d Spec ifications” section on p age A-51 . The ML10 0T -12 card provide s 12 ports of IEE E 802.
5-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.8.1 ML100T-1 2 Card-Leve l Indicat ors Figur e 5-7 M L1 0 0T -12 F acepla te and Bloc k Diagr am The card fe ature s two vi rtual p acket over SONE T (POS ) por ts with a maxi mum combin ed ba ndwidt h of STS-48.
5-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.8.2 ML100T-12 Port- Level Ind icators 5.8.2 ML 100T-1 2 Port -L evel Indica tors The ML1 00T -12 card pro vides a pair of LE Ds for eac h Fast Ethe rnet por t: an amber LED for acti vity (A CT) and a green LE D for LI NK.
5-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.9.1 ML10 0X-8 Card-L evel Indi cators Figu re 5-8 ML1 00X -8 Facepl ate and B lock Di ag ram The card fe ature s two vi rtual p acket over SONE T (POS ) por ts with a maxi mum combin ed ba ndwidt h of STS-48.
5-23 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.9.2 ML100X-8 Port- Level Ind icators 5.9.2 ML100X-8 Port-L evel Indicators The ML100X -8 c ard prov ides a pair of LE Ds f or eac h Fast E thern et po rt: an amb er L ED fo r activity (A CT) and a gree n LED fo r LINK.
5-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.10. 1 ML 1000- 2 Card -Leve l In dicat ors Figu re 5-9 M L1 00 0- 2 Faceplate and Bl ock Dia gram The card fe ature s two vi rtual p acket over SONE T (POS ) por ts with a maxi mum combin ed ba ndwidt h of STS-48.
5-25 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.10.2 ML1000-2 Port- Level Ind icators 5.10.2 ML1000-2 Port-L evel Ind icators The ML 1000- 2 card has thr ee LED s for each of the two Giga bit Eth ernet ports, descr ibed i n T able 5 -20 .
5-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.11 ML-MR-10 Card T o configure a ML- MR-10 card SONET STS circuit , refer to the “Creat e Circuits and T unnels” cha pter in the Cisco O NS 15 454 P r ocedur e Guid e.
5-27 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.11.1 ML-MR-1 0 Card-Leve l Indicat ors The ML-M R-10 car d support s an Ether net V i rtual Conne ction (EVC), wh ich is an inst ance of an associa tion of two or mo re user network interfac es (UNI ) for Ethe rnet servic es.
5-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.12 CE-100 T-8 Card 5.12 CE-100 T-8 Card Note For hard ware sp ecif ications , see th e “ A .
5-29 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.12 CE -100T-8 Card Figur e 5-1 1 CE-1 00T -8 F aceplate an d Bloc k Diag ram The following pa ragrap hs de scribe the g ener al fun ctions of the CE- 100T -8 card and relate to the b lock diagram.
5-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.12. 1 C E-100 T-8 Card- Level Indi cat ors For informa tion on the CE-100T -8 Qo S features , refer to the “CE- 100T -8 Oper ation s” cha pter of th e Cisco ONS 15454 and Cisco O NS 15 454 SDH Etherne t Card Software F eature and Configuration Guide.
5-31 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.13 CE-1000-4 Card The CE -1000- 4 card uses pluggable GBIC s to t ransport Ethe rnet tr aff ic over a SON ET n etwork. T he CE-1000- 4 provid es fo ur IE EE 802. 3-com plian t, 100 0-Mbp s Gigab it Et hernet por ts at t he ing ress.
5-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.13 CE-100 0-4 Card Note Thi s is possible with CTC as it assumes the force command mode b y default. Ho weve r , to put me mbers i nto or out of serv ice u sing TL 1, the forc e com mand mo de m ust be set.
5-33 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.13.1 CE-1000-4 Card- Level Indi cators 5.13.1 CE-1000-4 Card-Lev el Indicators The CE -1000- 4 card facepl ate ha s two c ard-level LED in dica tors, descr ibed i n T abl e 5 -25 .
5-34 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.14 CE- MR-10 C ard 5.14 CE-MR-10 Card Note For hard ware sp ecif ications , see th e “ A.7.7 CE-MR -1 0 Card S pecif i cati ons” se ctio n on pa ge A-5 1 . The CE-M R-10 card pr ovides ten IE EE 802.
5-35 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.14.1 CE-MR-1 0 Card-Leve l Indicat ors Figur e 5-13 CE-MR-1 0 F acepla te and Bloc k Diagr am Note Th e backpl ane capa city of the CE-M R-10 car d is 10 Gigabi t Eth ernet Port s in slots 5, 6, 12, and 13 a nd 2.
5-36 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.14. 2 CE- MR- 10 Por t-Lev el I ndi cator s 5.14.2 CE-MR-10 Port-Lev el Indica tors The CE -MR-10 card pr o vides a pair of LEDs f or each port: an amber LED fo r acti v ity ( A CT) and a green LED for lin k status (LIN K).
5-37 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.15.1 Compatibility by Card For all Ethernet ca rds, the type of GBIC or SFP plugged into the card is d isplayed in CTC and T L1. Cisco of fers SFPs and GBICs as separ ate orderable products.
5-38 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.15. 2 GBI C Descr iptio n 5.15.2 GBIC Description GBICs are in tegr ated f ib er optic trans cei v ers th at pro vide high -spee d serial link s from a port or slot to the network.
5-39 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.15.3 G1K-4 DWDM and CWDM GBICs Figur e 5-1 4 GBICs with Clips (lef t) and with a Handle (r ight) 5.15.3 G1K-4 DWDM and CWDM GB ICs D WDM ( 15454-G BIC-xx. x, 15454 E-G BIC-xx.
5-40 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.15. 3 G1 K-4 DWDM a nd CWDM GB ICs CWDM or D WDM GBICs for the G-Ser ies card come in set wa vel engths and are not p rov isiona ble. The wav elength s are printe d on each GBI C, for exampl e, CWDM- GBIC-149 0.
5-41 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 5 Ethernet Cards 5.15.4 SFP Description Figu re 5-16 G- Series wi th C WDM/DWDM GB ICs in Cab le Network 5.15.4 SFP Description SFPs are inte grated fiber - optic transcei vers that pro vide high-speed serial links from a port or slot to the network.
5-42 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Ch apter 5 Eth ern et C ards 5.15. 4 SFP Descr ipt ion Figur e 5-1 8 A ctuat or/But t on SFP Figu re 5-19 B ail C las p SFP 63066 63067.
CH A P T E R 6-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 6 Storage Access Networking Cards Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature. These t erms do not refer t o using Cisc o ONS 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path sw itched ring configuratio n.
6-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 6 St orage Ac cess Netw orking Ca rds 6.1 FC_MR- 4 Card Over view – Dual rate (1 G/2G) : MM (550 m) and SM (10 km) – Single rate (1G ): SX (550 m) and LX (10 km) • SONET/SDH support – Four 1.
6-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 6 Storage Acces s Networ king Cards 6.1.1 FC_MR-4 Card- Level Ind icators Figur e 6-1 F C_MR-4 F a ceplat e and Bl oc k Diagr am 6.1.1 FC_MR-4 Ca rd-Lev el Indica tors Ta b l e 6 - 1 describe s the two card-l e vel LEDs on the FC_MR- 4 card.
6-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 6 St orage Ac cess Netw orking Ca rds 6.1.2 FC_MR-4 Port-Leve l Indicators 6.1.2 FC _MR- 4 Port-L evel In dicators Each FC _MR-4 po rt ha s a corres pondi ng A CT/LNK LED.
6-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 6 Storage Acces s Networ king Cards 6.2.2 Enhan ced Car d Mode – STS-1-Xv wh ere X is 37 to 48 – STS-3c-X v where X is 12 to 16 – VC4-Xv wher e X is 12 to 16 6.2.2 Enhanced Card Mode The fea tures a vailable in enha nced car d mode are gi ven in t his sectio n.
6-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 6 St orage Ac cess Netw orking Ca rds 6.2.2 Enhance d Card Mod e • Negotiation me chan ism to ident ify whet her a far-end FC-over -.
6-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 6 Storage Acces s Networ king Cards 6.2.3 Link Integrity 6.2.3 Link Integrit y The li nk i nteg rity featur es are as follo ws: • .
6-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 6 St orage Ac cess Netw orking Ca rds 6.4 FC_MR-4 Card GB ICs • Path protection • BLSR • Unprot ected • Protect ion channe l a.
CH A P T E R 7-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 7 Card Protection This chap ter explains the Ci sco ONS 154 54 card prote ction con figurations. T o provision card prote ction, refer t o the Cisco ONS 15454 P r ocedur e Guid e .
7-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.1.1 1:1 Prot ecti on 7.1.1 1:1 Protection In 1:1 protectio n, a wo rking ca rd is pair ed with a p rotect card of the same ty pe. If th e wo rking card fails, the traf fic from th e work ing card switches to the prot ect card.
7-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 Card Protection 7.1.2 1:N P rotection 7.1.2 1:N Protection 1:N prote ction al lows a single ele ctri cal card to pr otect up to fi ve working cards of t he sam e speed. 1:N cards have added circ uitry to act as the pr otect card in a 1:N protection gr oup.
7-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.1.2 1: N Pr otect ion Revertive Switching 1:N protecti on supports re ve rti v e switching. Re v erti v e switching sen ds the electrica l interf aces (traf fic) back to the o riginal w orking card af ter the card c omes back o nline.
7-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 Card Protection 7.2 Electr ical Card Protect ion a nd the Backpl ane • W orking c ards c an sit o n eit her or both si des of the pr otect card.
7-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.2 Electrica l Card Protect ion and the Bac kplan e Ta b l e 7 - 4 shows the electr ical car d protec tion for each EIA type acc ord ing to shelf si de and slo ts.
7-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 Card Protection 7.2 Electr ical Card Protect ion a nd the Backpl ane Figure 7-3 shows unprot ected low-densi ty elec trical ca rd sche mes by E IA ty pe.
7-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.2 Electrica l Card Protect ion and the Bac kplan e Figure 7-4 shows u nprotec ted hig h-den sity el ectri cal card sche mes by EIA ty pe.
7-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 Card Protection 7.2 Electr ical Card Protect ion a nd the Backpl ane Figure 7-5 sho ws 1:1 lo w-dens ity ca rd pr ote cti on by EIA ty pe.
7-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.2 Electrica l Card Protect ion and the Bac kplan e Figure 7-6 sho ws 1: N pr otecti on fo r lo w- dens ity el ectr ica l car ds.
7-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 Card Protection 7.2.1 Standard BNC Protect ion Figure 7-7 shows 1:1 hig h-den sity car d pro tection by E IA ty pe. Figur e 7 -7 1:1 Pr ot ection Sc hemes for Hig h-Density Elec tr ical Car ds with UBIC or MiniBNC EIA Ty p e s 7.
7-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.2.3 MiniBNC Prot ection 7.2.3 MiniBNC Protection When used w ith the MiniBNC EIA , the ONS 15454 su pport s unpr.
7-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 Card Protection 7.3 OC-N Card Protect ion 7.3 OC-N Card Protection The ONS 154 54 provides two op tical card protecti on metho ds, 1+1 pr otecti on and opti mized 1+1 protectio n. This section c ov ers th e gener al concep t of op tical c ard protec tion.
7-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.4 Unprotect ed Cards Optimi zed 1+ 1 is fu lly c ompli ant w ith Ni ppon T e legraph and T elephone C orpora tion (NTT) specifications.
7-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 Card Protection 7.5 Extern al Switchi ng Comma nds A Forc e switch has a higher prior ity than a Manual switch. Lock out s, which pre v ent traf f ic fro m switching to the pr otect port und er any ci rcumst ance, can o nly be applie d to protect cards (in 1+ 1 configurati ons).
7-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.5 External Switchi ng Comman ds.
CH A P T E R 8-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 8 Cisco Transp ort Controller Op eration This chapter descr ibes Cisco Tr ansport Controller (CTC), the softw are interfa ce for the Cisco ONS 1 5454. For CTC set up and login inf ormat ion, refer t o the Cisco ONS 15 454 P r ocedur e Guide .
8-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.1.1 CTC Software Installed on the TCC2/TCC2P Card When you upgr ade CT C software, th e TCC2/T CC2P cards s tore the new CTC version as the prot ect CTC version.
8-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller O peration 8.1.2 CTC Software Installed on the PC o r UNIX Workstation Select th e Maintenan ce > Softwa re tabs in n etwork vie w to display the softwa re v ersions instal led on all the networ k nodes ( Figure 8- 2 ).
8-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.2 CTC In stal latio n Over view Note Upgrading the CTC software will ov erwrite your existing softwa re. Y ou must restart CTC after the upgrade is complete .
8-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller O peration 8.3 PC and UNIX Wor kstatio n Re quire men ts Ta b l e 8 - 2 lists the requiremen ts for PCs and UNIX wo rkstations. In add ition to the JRE, the Ja v a plug -in is incl uded on the O NS 1 5454 soft ware CD.
8-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.3 PC and UNIX Works tation Requi rements Op erat ing System • PC: W indows 98 (1st and 2nd edi tions), W indows ME, W indows NT 4.
8-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller O peration 8.4 ONS 15454 Conn ection 8.4 ONS 1545 4 Connection Y ou can co nnec t to th e ON S 15454 in mu ltiple ways.
8-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.5.1 Le gal Dis claim er The CTC Logi n wind ow pro vides the fo llo wing op tions to accel erate the login pr ocess.
8-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller O peration 8.6.1 Node View Figur e 8-3 Node Vi ew (Def ault Login V iew) 8.6.1 Node View Node view , shown in Fi gure 8-3 , is the first view that appe ars afte r you l og into a n ONS 15454.
8-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.6.1 No de Vi ew The wordi ng on a card in node view shows the stat us of a card (A ctive, Standby , Loading , or Not Provisio ned). Ta b l e 8 - 5 lists the card statuses.
8-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller O peration 8.6.1 Node View Figur e 8-4 T er minal Loopbac k Indicat or Figur e 8-5 F acility Loopb ack Indicat or 8.
8-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.6.2 Netwo rk Vie w 8.6.2 Network View Network v iew allow s you to view and ma nage O NS 15454s that have DCC connecti ons to t he node that you logge d into and any login node groups you ha ve selected ( Figure 8-6 ).
8-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller O peration 8.6.2 Network View Figur e 8-6 Net wor k in CTC Ne tw or k V iew Note Node s wit h DCC c onne ctions to t he login node do n ot appe ar if you checked the D isable Networ k Discovery check box in the L ogin dialog box.
8-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.6.2 Netwo rk Vie w CTC Node Colors The co lor of a node i n net work view , sh own in Ta b l e 8 - 9 , indicates the no de alar m statu s.
8-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller O peration 8.6.3 Card Vie w Link Consolidation CTC provide s the ability to consolid ate the .
8-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.6.3 Car d View Figur e 8-7 CTC Card Vie w Show ing a DS1 Car d Note CT C provides a car d view for all ONS 15454 car ds except the TCC2 , TCC2P , XCVT , XC10G, and XC-VX C-10G c ards.
8-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller O peration 8.6.4 Pri nt or Ex port CT C Data 8.6.4 Print or Export CTC Data Y ou can use the File > Print or File > Export optio ns to print or expo rt CTC provisio ning information for rec ord keepi ng or tr oublesho oting.
8-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.7 Using the CTC Lau ncher Appl ication to M anage M ultiple ONS Node s The T abl e Cont.
8-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller O peration 8.7 Using the CTC Launcher Application to Manage Mu ltiple ONS Nodes Figu re 8-8 Stat ic I P - Over -CLN S T unne ls Figure 8-9 shows the same n etwork using TL1 tunne ls.
8-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.7 Using the CTC Lau ncher Appl ication to M anage M ultiple ONS Node s Figu re 8-9 TL1 T un nels TL 1 t un n e ls p r ovi d e s ever al ad van ta ge s ove r s ta ti c IP -ove r- CL NS t un ne ls .
8-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller O peration 8.8 TC C2/T CC2P Ca rd R eset TL1 tunnel specifications and general capabilities include: • Each tu nnel ge neral ly supp orts betwee n six to eigh t E NEs, de pendin g on the num ber of tunn els at the ENE.
8-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope rati on 8.10 Soft ware Re vert operati on should be pa rt of a regular O NS 15454 mai ntenance pr.
CH A P T E R 9-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 9 Security This chapte r provides information about Cisco ONS 1 5454 users and security . T o provi sion security , refer t o the Cisco ONS 15454 P r ocedur e Guid e . Chapter topics include: • 9.
9-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 9 Sec urity 9.2.1 User Pri vilege s by CTC Acti on 9.2.1 User Privileges by CTC Action Ta b l e 9 - 1 shows the a ctio ns th at ea ch u ser p rivilege level can perf orm in node view .
9-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 9 Secur ity 9.2 .1 User Pri vile ges by CTC Act ion Security Users: Create /Delete /Clear Security I ntrusion Alarm — ——X User.
9-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 9 Sec urity 9.2.1 User Pri vilege s by CTC Acti on WDM- ANS Provision ing: E dit — — — X Provisioning: Reset X X X X Interna l P.
9-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 9 Secur ity 9.2 .1 User Pri vile ges by CTC Act ion Ta b l e 9 - 2 shows the act ions that each user pri vile ge le vel can perform in networ k view .
9-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 9 Sec urity 9.2.2 Sec urity Polic ies 9.2.2 Security Policies Users with Superuser sec urity pri vile ges can provision security policies on the ONS 15454. These security polic ies include idle user ti meouts, password ch anges, password aging, and user lock out paramet ers.
9-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 9 Secur ity 9.2.2 Security Policies Idle User Timeout Each ONS 154 54 CTC or TL 1 user can b e idle durin g his or her l ogin sessi on for a spe cified amou nt of time be fore t he CTC window is l ocked.
9-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 9 Sec urity 9.3 Audit Tra il Secure Access Secure access is ba sed on SSH and SSL pro tocols . Secure ac cess can be enabled fo r EMS (app licable to CTC). Whe n access is set to secure, CTC provid es enhanced SFTP and SSH secur ity when communica ting with the node.
9-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 9 Secur ity 9.3.2 Audit Trail Capacities • Connection Mode—T elnet, Console , SNMP • Category—T yp e of change (Hardwa re, S.
9-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 9 Sec urity 9.4.2 Sha red Secre ts 9.4.2 Sh ared Sec ret s A shared secr et is a text string tha t serves as a password be tween: •.
CH A P T E R 10-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 10 Timing This chapte r provid es information ab out Cisco ONS 15 454 SONET timing. T o provision timin g, refer to the Cisco ONS 1545 4 Pr ocedure Guide . Chapter topics include: • 10.
10-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 10 Timin g 10.2 Networ k Timing Cautio n Mixed timing allows you to selec t both external and line timing sou rces. Howev er , Cisco does not recomme nd its use be cause it can create timi ng loops .
10-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 0 Timing 10.3 S ynch roni zat ion S tat us M essa gin g Figur e 1 0-1 ONS 15454 Timing E xample 10.
10-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 10 Timin g 10.3.1 SONET SSM Messages 10.3.1 SONET SSM Messa ges SSM messages are ei ther Genera tion 1 or Gen eration 2. Generatio n 1 is the first and most widely deployed SSM mess age set.
10-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 0 Timing 10.3.2 SD H SSM Me ssages G812T 3 Transit nod e clock tracea ble G812L 4 Loc al no de clock trac eable SETS 5 S ynch ron.
10-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 10 Timin g 10.3.2 SDH SSM Messages.
CH A P T E R 11-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 11 Circuits and Tunnels Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature. These t erms do not refer t o using Cisc o ONS 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path sw itched ring configuratio n.
11-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.1 Overview • 11.20 Merged Circ uits, pa ge 11-46 • 11.21 Recon figured Circui ts, page 11-47 • 11.2 2 VLAN Manage ment , page 11 -47 • 11.23 Server Trails, pag e 11-47 11.
11-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.2 Circuit Properties • Size—Th e cir cuit si ze. V T cir cuits are 1.5. ST S circ uit siz es are 1, 3 c, 6c, 9c, 12 c, 2 4c, 36c, 48c , and 192c . OC HNC s izes a re Equ ippe d non specific, Mu lti-rat e, 2.
11-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.2.1 Concaten ated STS Time Sl ot Assignm ents Figur e 1 1 -1 ONS 15454 Circuit W indo w in Netw or k View 11.
11-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.2.1 Concatenat ed STS Ti me Slot Assi gnments 40 Y e s Y e s Y e s N oN oN oN oN oN o 43 Y es Y es No .
11-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.2.2 Circ uit Status 11.2.2 Circuit Status The cir cuit stat uses that appear in the Circu it window Status co lumn are generate d by CTC based on conditi ons a long t he ci rcuit pa th.
11-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.2.3 Circuit States 11.2.3 Circuit States The circ uit service state is an agg regate of the cross-co nnect state s within the cir cuit.
11-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.2.3 Circ uit States • If all cros s-connec ts in a circuit ar e in an Out-of -Servic e (OOS) s ervice.
11-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.2.4 C ircuit Protect ion T ypes Note Alth ough M L-Ser ies ca rds do not us e th e T elc ordia GR -1093- CORE st ate mode l, you can also se t a so ak timer for ML-Ser ies cards port s.
11-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.2. 5 Circui t Info rmation in the E dit Cir cuit Window 11.2.5 Circuit Information in the Edit Circuit Window Y ou c an edi t a sel ected c ircuit using t he Edi t button on the Circuit s window .
11-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.2.5 Circuit Information in the Edit Circuit Window • Alarm st ates of node s on t he circu it rout .
11-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.3 Cross-Conn ect Card Bandw idth Figur e 1 1 -2 BLSR Circuit Di splay ed on the Detailed Circuit M ap 11.
11-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.3 Cross-Conne ct Card Bandwidth For example, if you creat e a VT1.5 circuit fro m an STS- 1 on a drop card, two VT ma trix STS po rts are used, as s hown in Figur e 11 -3 .
11-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.3 Cross-Conn ect Card Bandw idth Figur e 1 1 -4 T wo VT1 .5 Circui ts in a BLSR Note Circ uits wi th DS1- 14 and DS1N-1 4 circ uit sourc es or des tinations use on e STS p ort on the VT ma trix.
11-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.4 Portless Transm ux Cross -conn ect card re sour ces can be vi ewe d on the Mai ntenan ce > Cross- Connect > Resource Us age tab . This tab shows: • STS-1 Matri x—The percent of STS matrix re sources t hat are used .
11-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.5 DCC Tunn els T able 11-7 li sts the por tless tr ansmux for XC VT trunk port s and for XC10G o r XC- VXC-10G a ny-slot ports.
11-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.5.1 Traditional DC C Tunnels 11.5.1 Traditional DCC Tunnels In trad itional DCC tunnels, you can use th e thre e LDC Cs and t he SDC C (w hen no t used for ONS 154 54 DCC termin ations).
11-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.5.2 IP-En capsul ated Tunne ls • All DCC t unnel connec tions are bidir ectiona l. 11.5.2 IP-Encapsulated Tu nnels An IP-enc apsula ted tunn el puts an SDCC in an IP packet at a source nod e and dyna mically route s the packet to a d estination node.
11-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11. 8.1 Monito r Circu its usi ng portl ess ports as a sourc e on DS3XM-12 Figur e 1 1 -6 VT1 .
11-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.9.1 Open-Ended Path Protection Circuits Note Th e XC -V X C-1 0 G cross-conne ct card supports VT switching ba sed on SF and SD bit error rate (BE R) thresho lds.
11-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.9.2 Go- and-Ret urn Pa th Protect ion Rout ing 11.9.
11-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.11 BL SR STS and VT Sque lch Tables • If BLSR s are pr ovisioned as nonrevertive, PCA circui ts ar e not rest ored au tomat ical ly afte r a ring or span switch.
11-23 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.11.2 BLSR VT Squelch T able 11.11. 2 BLSR VT Sque lch T able BLSR VT squelc h tables onl y appear on the nod e dropping VTs from a BLSR an d are use d to perfor m VT -le vel squelchi ng whe n a node i s isol ated.
11-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.13 Se ction and Pa th Trace • Circuit name • T ype • Size • OCHNC Wlen • Directio n • Prot.
11-25 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.14 Pa th Sign al Lab el, C2 By te If the s tring r eceived at a ci rcuit dr op port doe s not mat ch the string the port expects to rece iv e, an a larm is raised.
11-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.14 Path Signal Label, C2 Byte (LLC) /Subne two rk Acces s Protoc ol (SN AP) header f iel ds on an Ethernet netwo rk; it allow s a singl e interf ace to transport mult iple payload ty pes simultaneousl y .
11-27 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.15 Automatic Circuit Routing 11.15 Auto matic Circuit Routing If you sele ct auto matic rou ting duri ng circ uit crea tion, CT C routes th e circu it by dividing the entire circu it route i nto segment s based on pro tectio n domains.
11-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.15. 1 Bandwi dth Allo cation an d Routin g • Circuit routin g does not use links that ar e down . If you want all links to be considered for routing, do not cre ate circ uits whe n a link is dow n.
11-29 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.16 Manual C ircuit R outing Figur e 1 1 -9 Secondary Sources and Dest inations Se veral rule s apply .
11-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.16 M anual Circuit Routin g Figur e 1 1 -1 0 Alt er nate P aths for V ir tual P ath Pr ot ection Segme nts • For multicard EtherSwitc h circuits, the Fully P ath Protected optio n is ignore d.
11-31 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.16 Manual C ircuit R outing Figur e 1 1 -12 Ether net Sh ar ed P ac ket Ring Routin g • Multica rd Ether Switch c ircuit s can have virtual path protec tion segments i f the sour ce or dest ination is not in the p ath protecti on domain.
11-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.16 M anual Circuit Routin g Doubl e path prot ecti on 2 — — 2 Doubl e path prot ecti on — 2 2 .
11-33 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.17 Constraint -Based C ircuit R outing Although virtual path protection segments are possible in VT tunnels, VT tunnels are still considered unprote cted.
11-34 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.18 Virt ual Concate nated Circu its 11.18 Virtu al Concatenate d Circuits V irt ual concat enat ed (VC.
11-35 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.18.2 VCAT Member Rout ing Figur e 1 1 -14 V CA T Common F iber Routing CE-Series ca rds also support split fiber routing, which allo ws the indi vid ual members to be routed on different fiber s or each membe r to have different ro uting constra ints.
11-36 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.1 8.3 Link Ca pacit y Adj ustm ent Note The switch time va lues sho wn in T able 11-16 does not incl ude dif feren tial delay . Th e maximum differentia l delay f or CE10 0T -8 is 122m s.
11-37 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.18.4 VCAT Circui t Size Note Prote ction sw itchin g for LCA S, SW -LCAS, and non-LC AS VCA T circui ts migh t exceed 60m s. T raff ic loss for VT VCA T cir cuits is app roximately two tim es more t han an ST S VCA T circuit.
11-38 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.18.5 Open-End ed VCAT • FC_MR-4 ( line mode) card —All VCA T circ uits usin g FC_M R-4 (li ne mod e) car ds have a fixed number of me mber s; you cann ot add or dele te members .
11-39 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.18.5 Open-E nded VCAT Figur e 1 1 -16 Open-End ed V CA T Open-e nded VC A T circ uits ca n orig inate or termina te on any pair of OC-N port s and you can route open-en ded VC A T circui ts us ing any of the ca rds a nd por ts suppor ted by V CA T .
11-40 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.19 B ridge and Ro ll 11.19 Bridge a nd Roll The CT C Bri dge and Rol l wiza rd re route s live traff ic with out in terr upting service .
11-41 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.19.1 Rolls Windo w Figur e 1 1 -1 7 Rolls Window The Rolls w indo w informat ion includes: • Roll From Circuit—The cir cuit that has connect ions that will no longer be used when the roll process is complete.
11-42 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.19.2 Ro ll Status • Roll From Circuit—The circuit that has connecti ons that will no longer be used when the proce ss is comp let e. • Roll From Path— T he old pat h that is be ing re routed .
11-43 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.19.3 Single and Dual Rolls Note Y o u can only re rout e circui ts in the DISCOVERED status. Y ou cann ot reroute circuit s that are in the R O LL_PENDING st atus.
11-44 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.19.3 Si ngle and Dual Rolls Figur e 1 1 -20 Single Roll fr om One Cir cuit to Another Cir cuit (Destination C hang es) Figure 11- 21 shows one circuit rolling onto another circuit at the sourc e.
11-45 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.1 9.4 Two C irc uit B ridg e an d Ro ll Figur e 1 1 -22 Dual Roll t o Rer out e a Link Figure 11- 23 illustrates a dual roll in volving tw o circuits.
11-46 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.19.5 Protected Circuit s 11.19. 5 Protec ted Circ uits CTC allows you to ro ll the workin g or prote ct path regardle ss of which pa th is ac ti ve.
11-47 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.21 Reconf igured C ircuits 11.21 Recon figured Circuits Y o u can reco nf igure m ultiple c ircui ts, w hich is typicall y nec essary when a la r ge numb er of ci rcuit s ar e in the P A R TIAL status.
11-48 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.23.1 Server Trail Protec tion Type s 11.23. 1 Server Trail Pr otection Ty pes The serv er trail protection ty pe determines the protect ion type for an y circuits tha t tra ver se it.
11-49 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 1 Circuits and Tunnel s 11.23.2 VCAT Circuit Routing over Server Trails Shared Resource Link Group The Share d Resour ce Link G roup (SRL G) attri bute can be assigne d to a server tr ail link using a commonl y shared re source suc h as port, fiber or span .
11-50 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 11 Circui ts and Tunnel s 11.23.2 VCAT Circuit Routing over Se rver Tra ils.
CH A P T E R 12-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 12 SONET Topologies and Upg rades Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature. These t erms do not refer t o using Cisc o ONS 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path sw itched ring configuratio n.
12-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.1 SONET Rings and TCC2/TCC2P Car ds T able 12-1 ONS 15454 Ring s with Re dundant TCC2/TCC2P Ca.
12-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.2 Bidi rectional Line Swit ched Ri ngs 12.2 Bidirect ional Line Switc hed Rings The O NS 154.
12-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.2.1 Two-Fiber BLSRs Figur e 12 -1 Fou r -N ode, T wo- Fiber BLSR The SONET K1, K2, and K3 b ytes ca rry the infor mation th at go ver ns BLSR protect ion swit ches.
12-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.2.1 Two-Fibe r BLSRs Figur e 12 -2 Fou r -Node, T wo-Fibe r BLSR T ra ff ic P atter n Sample Figure 12- 3 sho ws how tra ff ic is reroute d follo wing a line break between Node 0 and Node 3.
12-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.2.2 Four-Fi ber BLSRs Figur e 12 -3 Fou r -Node, T wo-Fibe r BLSR T ra ff ic P atter n F ollowi ng Line Br eak 12.2.2 Four-Fiber BLSRs Four-f iber BLSRs doubl e the ba ndwidth o f two-fiber BLSRs.
12-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.2.2 Four -Fiber BLSR s Figur e 12 -4 Fou r -Node, Four -Fiber BLSR Fou r -f iber BL SRs pro vide span and ring switchin g: • Span swit ching ( Figure 12 -5 on page 12-8 ) occurs when a wo rking span fails.
12-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.2.2 Four-Fi ber BLSRs Figur e 12 -5 Fou r -Fiber BLSR Span S witc h • Ring switch ing ( Figure 12-6 ) occurs whe n a span swi tch cann ot reco ve r traf fic, such as when bot h the worki ng an d prote ct fibers fail on the same span.
12-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.2.3 BLSR Bandwidth Figur e 12 -6 Fou r -Fib er BLSR Ring Sw itch 12.2.3 BLSR Bandwidth BLSR nodes c an ter minate tr af fi c coming f rom either side of the ring .
12-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.2.4 BLS R Applicatio n Exampl e Figure 12- 7 shows an example of BLSR ba ndwidt h reuse .
12-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.2.4 BLSR Application Example • The ONS 15454 OC-3 card support s a total of fo ur OC-3 ports so that two additiona l OC-3 span s can be added at little co st.
12-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.2.4 BLS R Applicatio n Exampl e Figur e 12 -9 Shelf Asse mbly La y out for N ode 0 in F igur e 12-8 Figure 12- 10 shows the shelf assembly layout for the remaini ng sites in the ring.
12-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.2.5 BLSR Fiber Conn ections 12.2.5 BLSR Fiber Connec tions Plan your fiber connect ions and u se the sam e plan fo r all BLSR nod es.
12-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.3 Path Pro tection Figur e 12 -12 Connecting Fibe r to a F our -Node, Four -Fiber BLSR 12.3 Path Protection Path Protect ion Configurati ons(PPC) p rovide duplica te fiber paths ar ound t he ring.
12-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.3 Path Prot ection The path protect ion circuit limit is th e sum of the opt ical band widt.
12-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.3 Path Pro tection Figur e 12 -14 Pa th Pr ot ection w ith a Fibe r Br eak Figure 12- 15 shows a common path pro tectio n applica tion. O C-3 optics provide remo te switch connec tivity to a hos t T elco rdia T R-303 swi tch.
12-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.3 Path Prot ection Figur e 12 -15 Four -P or t, OC-3 P ath Prot ection Node I D 0 ha s four D S1-14 cards to provide 5 6 ac tiv e DS-1 ports.
12-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.3 Path Pro tection Figur e 12 -16 Lay out of Node ID 0 in the O C-3 P ath Prot ection Exam ple in Figu re 12-15 In the Figu re 12-1 5 on p age 12- 17 exam ple, Nodes I Ds 1 t o 3 eac h cont ain two DS1-14 c ards and t wo OC3 IR 4 1310 cards.
12-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.4 Dual-Ring Interconnect 12.4 Dual -Ring Interc onnect Dual-rin g interconnect (DRI) top ologies prov ide an extra le vel of path protectio n for circuits on interconnect ed rin gs.
12-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.4.1 BLSR DRI Figure 12- 18 shows ONS 15454 nodes in a tradit ional BLSR-D RI topology w ith same-sid e routin g. In Ring 1, Nodes 3 an d 4 a re th e int erconne ct nod es, a nd in Ring 2, Nod es 8 an d 9 a re th e in terconne ct nodes.
12-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.4.1 BL SR DRI Figure 12- 19 shows ONS 1545 4 node s in a tr adition al B LSR-DRI to pology w ith opp osite-side routi ng.
12-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.4.1 BLSR DRI Figur e 12 -20 ONS 15454 Int egrat ed BLSR D ual-Ring I nter connec t Figure 12- 21 s hows an example of an i ntegra ted B LSR DRI on t he Edit Circ uits wind ow .
12-23 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.4.2 Path Protec tion DRI Figur e 12 -21 Integr at ed BLSR DRI on the Edit Cir cuits Window 12.4.2 Path Prot ection DRI Figure 12- 22 shows ONS 1 5454 no des i n a tradi tional drop-and -conti nue path protec tion DRI topolo gy .
12-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.4.2 Path Protect ion DRI Figur e 12 -22 ONS 15454 T r aditional P ath Pr otection Dual-R ing Int er connect Figure 12- 23 shows ONS 15454 nodes in an integrated DRI topology .
12-25 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.4.2 Path Protec tion DRI Figur e 12 -23 ONS 15454 Int egrat ed P a th Pr ote ction Dual-Rin.
12-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.4 .3 Pa th Pr ote cti on /BLSR DR I Han dof f Co nfig ura tion s 12.4.3 Path Protection/BLSR DRI Handoff Configurations Path protec tion configurati ons and BLSRs c an also be int erconn ected .
12-27 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.4.3 Path Protection/BLSR DRI Handoff Configurations Figur e 12 -25 ONS 15454 P ath Prot ection to BLSR Int egr at ed DRI Hand of f Figure 12- 26 shows a path protec tion to BLSR integrated DR I handoff on the Edit Circ uits wind ow .
12-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.5 Compariso n of the Protection Schemes Figur e 12 -26 Pa th Pr ot ection t o BLSR Inte grat ed DRI Han dof f on the Detailed Cir cuit Ma p 12.
12-29 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.6 Subtending Ri ngs 12.6 Subten ding Rings The ONS 1 5454 sup ports up t o 84 SONET SDCCs or 28 SO NET LDC Cs with TCC 2/TCC2P c ards. See T able 12-1 on pa ge 12-2 for ring, SDCC, and LDCC in format ion.
12-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.6 Subtending Rin gs Figur e 12 -28 Pa th Pr ot ection Su bten ding fr om a BLSR The ON S 15454 can su pport two BLSRs on the sam e node .
12-31 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.7 Linear ADM Configu rations After su btending two BLSR s, you can ro ute c ircuits from no des in one ring to n odes in the se cond r ing. For ex ample, in Figure 12-29 y ou can ro ute a circ uit fro m Node 1 to Node 7.
12-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.8 Path-Protected Mesh Networks Figur e 12 -31 Pa th-Pr ot ect ed Mes h Netw or k PPMN also allows spans with different SONET spee ds to be mixed toget her in “virtu al rings.
12-33 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.9 Four-Sh elf Node Configu rations Figur e 12 -32 PPMN Vir tual Ring 12.
12-34 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.10 ST S around the Ri ng Figur e 12 -33 Four -Shelf Node Config ura tion 12.
12-35 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.11 OC- N Spee d U pgrad es Figur e 12 -34 STS Ar ound the Ring 12.11 OC-N Sp eed Upgrades A span is the optic al fiber conn ecti on betwee n two ONS 15454 n odes.
12-36 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.11 O C-N Spee d Upgra des • Four-port OC-3 to MRC -2.5G-4 • Single-po rt OC-12 to fou r-port OC-12 • Single-po rt OC-12 to OC -48 • Single-po rt OC-12 to OC -192 • Single-po rt OC-12 to MR C-12 • Single-po rt OC-12 to MR C-2.
12-37 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.11 OC- N Spee d U pgrad es Note Replacing cards that are th e sam e spe ed are not con sidere d span upgra des.
12-38 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.11.1 Span Upgrad e Wizard Note Spa n upgrade s do not upgrad e SONET topologie s (for examp le, a 1+1 grou p to a two-fiber BLSR). Re fer to the Cisco O NS 15 454 Procedur e Guide for topology up grade proce dures.
12-39 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.12.1 Unprotected P oint-to-Point or Linear ADM to Path Protection Circuit typ es supported .
12-40 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.12.2 Point-to-Poi nt or Linea r ADM to Tw o-Fi ber BLSR Figur e 12 -35 Unprot ect ed P oint-to-P oint ADM to P ath Prot ection Conv ersion 12.12.
12-41 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 2 SONET Topologi es and Upgr ades 12.12.4 Two-Fiber BLSR to Four-Fiber BLS R 12.12. 4 Two-F iber BL SR to Four- Fiber BLS R CTC provides a wiza rd to co n vert two-fiber OC-48 o r OC-1 92 BLSRs to fo ur-f iber BLSRs.
12-42 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 12 SONET Topol ogies and Upgrade s 12.12.5 Add or Remov e a Node fr om a Topology.
CH A P T E R 13-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 13 Managemen t Network Connectivity This c hapter provid es an overview of ONS 154 54 da ta co mmuni cations network (DC N) con nectivity .
13-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2 IP Addr essing Sce narios • They can be con necte d to L ANs t hrough direct conn ections or a r outer . • IP subnettin g can cr eate multip le logica l ONS 15 454 networ ks within a single Class A, B, or C IP network.
13-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.1 IP Scena rio 1: CTC an d ONS 15454s on Same Subnet 13.2.1 IP Scenario 1: CTC an d ONS 15454s on Sam e Subne t IP Scenario 1 shows a basic O NS 15454 LAN configuration ( Fi gure 13 -1 ) .
13-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2.3 IP Scen ario 3: Using Pro xy ARP to Ena ble an ONS 15 454 Gatew ay Figur e 13 -2 IP Sce nar io 2: CTC and O NS 15454 Nodes Connect ed t o a Rou ter 13.
13-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.3 IP Scenario 3: Using Proxy ARP to En able an ONS 15454 Ga teway IP Scenario 3 is similar to IP Scena rio 1, bu t only one ONS 15454 (1) connec ts to the LAN ( Figure 13-3 ).
13-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2.4 IP Scen ario 4: Defa ult Gatew ay on a CTC Comp uter In Figur e 13-4 , Node 1 annou nces to Node 2 and 3 that it can reac h the CTC host .
13-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.5 IP Scenario 5: Using Static Rou tes to Connect to LANs Figu re 13-5 IP Sc enario 4: Default Gateway on a CT C Co mp uter 13.
13-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2.5 IP Scen ario 5: Using St atic Routes t o Connect to LA Ns Figu re 13-6 I P Sc enar.
13-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.5 IP Scenario 5: Using Static Rou tes to Connect to LANs Figur e 13 -7 IP Scenar io 5: Static Route With Multipl e LAN Destina tions CTC Workstation IP Address 192.
13-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2.6 IP Scenario 6 : Using OSPF 13.2.6 IP Scenario 6: Using OS PF Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link state Internet routing protocol.
13-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.6 IP Scen ario 6: Using OSP F Figur e 13 -8 IP Sce nar io 6: O SPF En abled CTC Workstation IP Address Subnet Mask 255.255.
13-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2.7 IP Scenario 7: Provisi oning the ONS 15454 SOCKS Proxy Server Figur e 13 -9 IP Scenar io 6: OSPF N ot Enable d 13.
13-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.7 IP Scenar io 7: Provision ing the ONS 15454 S OCKS Proxy Server The O NS 154 54 gate.
13-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2.7 IP Scenario 7: Provisi oning the ONS 15454 SOCKS Proxy Server • Exte rnal N etwo rk El emen t (EN E)—If set a s an ENE, th e ON S 1 5454 ne ither ins tall s nor ad vertise s defau lt or static routes .
13-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.7 IP Scenar io 7: Provision ing the ONS 15454 S OCKS Proxy Server Figur e 13 -1 1 IP S.
13-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2.7 IP Scenario 7: Provisi oning the ONS 15454 SOCKS Proxy Server Figur e 13 -12 IP Scenar io 7: ONS 1 5454 SOCKS Pr o xy Server wi th GNE and ENEs on Dif f erent Subnets 71674 Remote CTC 10.
13-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.7 IP Scenar io 7: Provision ing the ONS 15454 S OCKS Proxy Server Figur e 13 -13 IP Sc.
13-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2.8 IP Scen ario 8: Dual GNEs on a Sub net If you imple ment the SOCKS proxy server , note t hat all DC C-conn ected ONS 15 454s o n the same Ether net segmen t must have the same gateway set ting.
13-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.8 IP Scen ario 8: Dual GN Es on a Su bnet Figur e 13 -14 IP Scenar io 8: Dual GNEs on the Sam e Subnet Figure 13- 15 shows a network with dual GNEs on dif ferent subnets.
13-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2.9 IP Scen ario 9: IP Add ressi ng with Secure Mode Ena bled Figur e 13 -15 IP Scenar io 8: Dual GNEs on Di ff eren t Subnets 13.
13-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.9 IP Scenario 9: IP Addressing with S ecure Mode Enabled enabled, the IP addresses pro.
13-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.2.9 IP Scen ario 9: IP Add ressi ng with Secure Mode Ena bled Figur e 13 -16 IP Scena.
13-23 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.2.9 IP Scenario 9: IP Addressing with S ecure Mode Enabled Figur e 13 -1 7 IP Scen ar io 9: O NS 1545 4 GNE an d ENEs on Dif f erent Subn ets wit h Secur e Mode Enabled 13.
13-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.3 Routing Ta ble 13.3 Routin g Table ONS 15454 ro uting i nforma tion ap pears on th e Maint enanc e > Routin g T able tab.
13-25 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.4 External Firewalls • Mask (2 55.255 .255.255 ) is a 32 bit ma sk, m eaning that on ly th e 172 .20.2 14.92 ad dress is a destination. • Gate wa y (127.
13-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.4 E xternal Firewa lls The fo llowing A CL example shows a fire wall configuration wh en the SOCKS pro xy server gateway setting is not enabled .
13-27 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.5 Open GNE access-list 100 remark *** allows initial contact with the 15454 using http (port 80) *** access-list 100 remark access-list 100 permit tcp host 192.
13-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.5 Open GNE Figur e 13 -18 Pro xy and Fir ew all T unnels fo r Fo r eign T er minations Figure 13- 19 shows a remote nod e conne cted to an ENE Ethe rnet port.
13-29 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6 TCP/IP and OSI Netw orki ng Figur e 13 -19 For eign Node Connec tion t o an ENE Ether ne t P or t 13.6 TCP/I P and OSI Networking ONS 15454 DCN comm unication is based on the TC P/IP protocol sui te.
13-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.1 Point-to-Point Protocol 13.6.1 Point-to-Point Protocol PPP is a data link (Layer 2) encapsulation protocol th at transports datagram s ov er point-to-point links.
13-31 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.2 Link Access Pro tocol on the D C hannel 13.6.2 Link Access Protoc ol on the D Channel LAP-D i s a d ata link protoc ol us ed in the OS I pro tocol st ack.
13-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.3 OSI Conne ctionless Net work Service CLNP uses networ k servic e access poin ts (NSAPs) to id entify net work devices. The CLNP source and destination add resses are NSAPs.
13-33 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.3 OSI Connectionless Network Service Figure 13- 20 shows th e ISO-DCC NS AP address with the def ault v alues deli vered with the ONS 1 5454.
13-34 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.4 OSI Routing Figu re 13-21 OS I Ma in Se tup This add ress is also the Route r 1 primary manual are a addr ess, whic h is vie wed and edite d on the Provisioning > O SI > Route rs subtab.
13-35 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.4 OSI Routing In OSI networki ng, disc overy is based on annou ncemen ts. An ES uses th e ES-IS pro tocol end syst em hello (ESH) me ssage to an nounce i ts presence to ISs and ESs conne cted to the sam e network.
13-36 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.4 OSI Routing • Interm ediate System Lev el 1/L ev el 2— The ONS 154 54 perf orms I S func tions. I t co mmunic ates with IS and ES nodes that reside within its OSI area.
13-37 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.5 TARP 13.6.5 TARP T A RP is used when TL1 tar get identif iers (TID s) must be translated to NSAP addresses.
13-38 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.5 TARP TARP Processing A T ARP data cac he (TDC) i s crea ted at each NE to f acilita te T ARP processing. I n CTC, the TDC is displaye d and man aged on t he node view Mai ntenance > OSI > TD C subta b .
13-39 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.5 TARP TARP Loop Detection Buffer The T ARP loop det ection buffer (LDB) can be ena bled to prev ent dupl icate T ARP PDUs fr om enter ing the TDC .
13-40 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.6 TCP/IP and O SI Mediat ion Figur e 13 -23 Manual T ARP Adj acencies Manual TID to NSAP Provisioning TIDs can be manually link ed to NSAPs and added to the TDC.
13-41 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.7 OSI Virtual Rout ers Figur e 13 -24 T–TD Pro toc ol Flo w • FT–TD—Pe rforms an FT P con v ersion be tween FT AM and FTP .
13-42 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.7 OSI Virtual Routers Figur e 13 -26 Pro vision ing OSI Rout er s Each router has an edit able ma nual ar ea a ddress and a unique NSAP Sy stem I D that is set to the no de MA C address + n .
13-43 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13 .6.8 I P-o ver -CLNS Tunn els Each O SI vi rtual rout er has a pri mar y manua l are a addr ess. Y o u can a lso creat e two ad dit ional ma nual area addre sse s.
13-44 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.8 IP-over- CLNS Tunnels Figu re 13-27 IP -over -CLNS T un nel Flow Provisioning IP-over-CLNS Tunnels IP-over -CLNS tunne ls must be carefu lly plann ed to prevent nodes from losin g visibi lity or con nectivity .
13-45 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13 .6.8 I P-o ver -CLNS Tunn els If you are provisioni ng a n IP-over-CLNS tun nel on a Cisc o rou ter , always f ollow proce dures provided in the Cisco IOS docum entati on for the router y ou are provisioni ng.
13-46 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.8 IP-over- CLNS Tunnels Figu re 13-28 IP -over -C LNS T un nel S cenario 1: ONS NE to Othe r V ende r GNE 13.
13-47 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13 .6.8 I P-o ver -CLNS Tunn els clns routing interf ace c tunnel 102 ip add ress 10.1 0.30. 30 255.2 55.255 .0 ctunne l destina tion 39.840F .
13-48 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.8 IP-over- CLNS Tunnels ONS NE 1 IP-over -CLNS tunne l provisioning: • Destinat ion: R outer 2 I P add ress • Mask: 255.2 55.255 .
13-49 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.9 OSI/IP Networking Scenarios Figu re 13-30 IP -over -CLNS T unne l S cenario 3: ONS Node to Router Across an OS I DCN 13.
13-50 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.9 OSI/IP Net working Sc enarios • All ONS 15454 NEs participating in an OSI netw ork run OSI ov er PPP between themselv es.
13-51 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.9 OSI/IP Networking Scenarios Figur e 13 -32 OSI/IP Scenar io 2: IP OSS , IP DCN, ON S.
13-52 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.9 OSI/IP Net working Sc enarios OSS-initiated software down loads consi st of two part s: the OSS to destinati on NE TL1 do wnload request and the f ile transfer .
13-53 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.9 OSI/IP Networking Scenarios Figur e 13 -33 OSI/IP Scenar io 3: IP OSS , IP DCN, Ot h.
13-54 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.9 OSI/IP Net working Sc enarios Figur e 13 -34 OSI/IP Scenar io 3 with OS I/IP -ov er - CLNS T unnel Endp oint at the G NE 13.
13-55 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.9 OSI/IP Networking Scenarios Figur e 13 -35 OSI/IP Scenar io 4: Multiple ONS DCC Ar eas 13.
13-56 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.9 OSI/IP Net working Sc enarios Figur e 13 -36 OSI/IP Scenar io 5: GNE Witho ut an OSI DCC Connec tion 13.
13-57 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.9 OSI/IP Networking Scenarios Figur e 13 -37 OSI/IP Scenar io 6: IP OSS , OSI DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, and Other V endor ENE 13.
13-58 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.9 OSI/IP Net working Sc enarios Figur e 13 -38 OSI/IP Scenar io 7: OSI OSS , OSI DCN, O ther V e nder GNE, OSI DCC, and ON S NEs In Euro pean network s: • CTC and CTM a re used for ma nageme nt only .
13-59 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.9 OSI/IP Networking Scenarios • TL1 mana gement is not requir ed. • FTP f ile tra nsfer is not requ ired. • TL1 and FT AM to FTP media tion is not requ ired .
13-60 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.6.9 OSI/IP Net working Sc enarios Figur e 13 -39 OSI/IP Scenar io 8: OSI OSS , OSI DCN, ONS GN E, OSI DCC, and Other V ender NEs 1 The O NS NEs are mana ged by CTC/ CTM on ly (TL 1/FT P is n ot us ed).
13-61 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 3 Manageme nt Network Con nectivi ty 13.6.10 Provisioning OSI in CTC 13.6.10 Provisioning OSI in CTC T able 13-15 s hows the OSI ac tions tha t are pe rforme d from the nod e view Provisioning tab .
13-62 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Cha pter 13 M ana gem ent Netw or k Co nnec tiv ity 13.7 IPv6 Net work Com pat ibil ity 13.
CH A P T E R 14-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 14 Alarm Monitoring an d Management This c hapter d escrib es Cisco Transport Con troller ( CTC) alarm manage ment. T o trou bleshoo t specific alarm s, refe r to th e Cisco O NS 15454 T r oub leshooti ng Guide .
14-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 14 Al arm M onit orin g an d M anage men t 14.3 Ala rm Information The ONS 154 54 has a one-button updat e for some comm only viewed alarm coun ts.
14-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 4 Alarm Monitoring and Mana gement 14.3 Alarm Information Note When an entity is put in the OOS,MT administrati v e state, the ONS 15454 suppresses all standin g alarms on that entity .
14-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 14 Al arm M onit orin g an d M anage men t 14.3.1 Vie wing Alarms Wit h Each Node’s Time Z one 14.3.1 Viewing Alarms With Each No de’s T ime Zo ne By def ault, ala rms and cond itions are displayed with the tim e stamp of the CTC w orkstatio n where you are vi ewing them .
14-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 4 Alarm Monitoring and Mana gement 14.3.4 Viewing Alarm-Affect ed Circuits 14.3.4 Viewing Alar m-Affected Circuits A user can view which ONS 1545 4 circuit s are affecte d by a specific alarm by positioning t he cur sor ov er the alarm in the Alarm windo w and right-clic king.
14-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 14 Al arm M onit orin g an d M anage men t 14.3 .6 Co ntr oll ing th e C ond itio ns Di sp lay 14.3.6 Controlling the Conditions Display Y ou ca n control t he display of the condi tions on the Con ditio ns window .
14-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 4 Alarm Monitoring and Mana gement 14.3.7 Viewing History Filtering Conditions The co ndition displ ay can be filtered to prevent display of cond itions (i ncluding a larms) w ith cert ain se veri ties or that occurred between certa in dates.
14-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 14 Al arm M onit orin g an d M anage men t 14.3.7 Viewing H istory If you chec k the Hist ory wind ow Alarms chec k box, you disp lay the node history of alarm s. If you ch eck the Events check box , you display the node history of Not Alarmed and transient e vents (conditions).
14-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 4 Alarm Monitoring and Mana gement 14.3.8 Alarm History and Log Buffer Capacities on the card in the History > Ca rd window , or a hist ory of ala rms, co nditions, and transie nts that hav e occurred d uring your login sessi on in the History > Se ssion windo w .
14-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 14 Al arm M onit orin g an d M anage men t 14.5.1 Creating and Modify ing Alarm Profiles CTC can sto re up to t en active alarm profiles at any time to apply to the n ode. C ustom pro files can ta ke eight of these act i ve pr ofile positions.
14-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 4 Alarm Monitoring and Mana gement 14.5.2 Alarm Profile Butt ons Note Up to 10 profiles, i ncludin g th e two rese rved profiles (Inhe rited a nd D efault) c an be stored in CTC.
14-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 14 Al arm M onit orin g an d M anage men t 14.5.3 Al arm Profile Editing 14.5.3 Alarm Profile Editing T able 14-8 li sts and d escribes the fiv e pro file-editin g opti ons available wh en yo u right -cli ck an alarm item in the p rofil e co lumn.
14-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 4 Alarm Monitoring and Mana gement 14.5.6 Applying Alarm Profiles 14.5.6 Applying Alar m Profiles In CTC node vi e w , th e Alarm Beh avior window displays ala rm profiles for the node.
14-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 14 Al arm M onit orin g an d M anage men t 14.6.2 Al arms Suppressed by User Command While the f ac ility is in the OOS, MT state, .
14-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 4 Alarm Monitoring and Mana gement 14.7.2 User Defined Alarm T ypes • Raised When—Open means tha t the normal condition is t.
14-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapt er 14 Al arm M onit orin g an d M anage men t 14.7.3 External Controls.
CH A P T E R 15-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 15 Performance Monitoring Performan ce monitoring (PM) parameters are use d by service provider s to gather , store, set thresholds for, and rep ort pe rform ance data for early det ection of p rob lems.
15-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.1 Threshol d Performa nce Mon itoring 15.1 Th reshold Performanc e Monitorin g Thresholds are use d to set e rror le v els for each PM parameter .
15-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.2 Intermediate Path Performance Mo nitoring Due to m emory limita tions and the num ber of TCAs g enerated by d if ferent p latforms, you can ma nually add/modify the f ollo wing two properties to the platf orm property f ile (CTC.
15-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.3 Pointer Just ification Co unt Performa nce Moni toring ONS 15454 Sof tware R3.0 and hig her allows L T E car ds to monitor ne ar-end PM data on individual synchrono us transpo rt signal (STS ) payloads by enabling IPPM .
15-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.4 Perfo rmanc e Monito ring Pa ramet er Def initi ons 15.4 Perfo rmance Monitoring Parame ter Definitions T able 15-3 gives def inition s for eac h type of PM par ameter fo und in thi s chapte r .
15-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.4 Perfor mance Monitoring Parameter Defi nitions CVP-P Code V iolation Path (CVP-P) is a code vio lation pa rameter for M23 applicati ons. CVP-P is a count of P-bit pari ty errors occurri ng in the accumu lati on period .
15-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.4 Perfo rmanc e Monito ring Pa ramet er Def initi ons ESR-SM Secti on Monitorin g Errored Seconds Ratio (ESR-SM) indicates the errore d seconds ratio rec orded i n the O TN section d uring the PM tim e inte rval.
15-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.4 Perfor mance Monitoring Parameter Defi nitions LOFC Loss of Frame Cou nt (LOFC) LOSS-L Line Loss of Signal (LOSS-L) is a count of one-seco nd interv als co ntain ing on e or mo re LOS de fe cts.
15-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.4 Perfo rmanc e Monito ring Pa ramet er Def initi ons PPJC-PGEN-P P ositi ve Poin ter Justif ication.
15-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.4 Perfor mance Monitoring Parameter Defi nitions PSD-R In a four-f iber BLSR, Protec tion Switchin g Duration-Ring (PSD-R) is a coun t of the secon ds that th e pr otectio n line w as u sed to ca rry s ervice.
15-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.4 Perfo rmanc e Monito ring Pa ramet er Def initi ons SES-SM Section Monitoring Seve rely Errored Seconds ( SES-SM) indicates the se ver ely er rored second s recorded in the O TN section during th e PM tim e inte rval.
15-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.5 Performa nce Monit oring for Elect rical Card s 15.
15-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.5.1 EC1-12 Card Performanc e Monitor ing Paramet ers Note Th e XX in Figu re 15-2 represents all PMs listed in T able 15-4 wi th th e given prefix and/o r suffix.
15-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.5.2 DS1/E1 -56 Card Perf ormance Monitori ng Parameters Note If the CV -L(NE and FE) f alls in the range 5 1-61 f or EC1,then , the user might se e discre panc y in th e SES and th e UAS-L value s.
15-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.5.2 DS1/E1-56 Card Performanc e Monitori ng Paramet ers Figur e 15 -5 PM Read P oints on the DS1/ E1 -56 Card Tx/Rx LIU Ultramapper ASIC Stingra y ASIC DS-1 P ath Side E-1 Path Side This group of PMs are receiv ed from the f ar end.
15-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.5.3 DS1-14 and DS1N-1 4 Card Perfor mance Mo nitoring Parameters T able 15-5 lists the PM parameter s for the DS1/E1-56 card.
15-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.5.3 DS1-14 and DS1N-14 C ard Perform ance Monitor ing Paramet ers Figu re 15-7 P M Read Points on the D S1-14 and D S1N- 14 C ards T able 15-6 descri bes th e PM para met ers for the D S1-1 4 and DS1 N-14 car ds.
15-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.5.4 DS3-12 and DS3N-1 2 Card Perfor mance Mo nitoring Parameters 15.
15-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.5.5 DS3-12E a nd DS3N-12E Card Performanc e Monitori ng Paramet ers Figu re 15-9 P M Re ad Points on th e DS3 -12 a nd DS 3N- 12 C ards The PM para mete rs for the DS3- 12 and DS3N -12 cards ar e descri bed in T able 15-7 .
15-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.5.5 DS3- 12E and DS3 N-12E Car d Performa nce Mon itoring Par ameters Figur e 15 -1 0 Monit or ed S.
15-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.5 .6 DS3i-N- 12 Card Pe rfo rmance Mon itori ng Param eters 15.5.6 DS3i-N- 12 Card Performan ce Mon itoring Para meters Figure 15- 12 shows the signal type s that support near-end and far-end PMs.
15-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.5.6 DS3i-N-12 Card Performan ce Monito ring Parameters Figu re 15-13 PM R ead Points on the D S3i -N- 12 Card s T able 15-9 d escrib es the PM p aramete rs fo r the DS3 i-N-1 2 card.
15-23 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.5.7 DS3XM-6 C ard Perform ance Monitor ing Param eters 15.5.7 DS3XM-6 Card Perfor mance M onito ring Parame ters Figure 15- 14 shows the signal type s that support near-end and far-end PMs.
15-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.5.7 DS3XM-6 Card Pe rformance M onitoring Paramete rs Figu re 15-15 PM R ead Points on the D S3X M-6 C ard T able 15-10 lists the PM parameters for the DS3XM-6 cards.
15-25 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15. 5.8 DS3XM- 12 Card Pe rform ance Mon itori ng Param eters 15.5.8 DS 3XM- 12 Card Performa nc e Monitoring Parameters Figure 15- 16 shows the signal type s that support near-end and far-end PMs.
15-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.5.8 DS3XM-12 Ca rd Perform ance Monitori ng Parame ters Figu re 15-17 PM R ead Points on the D S3X M-12 Card T able 15-11 lists the PM parameters f or the D S3XM-12 cards.
15-27 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.5.9 DS3/EC1-48 C ard Perform ance Monitor ing Paramet ers 15.5.9 DS3/EC1-48 Card Perfo rma nce Monitoring Parameters Figure 15- 18 shows the signal type s that support near-end and far-end PMs.
15-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.5.9 DS3/E C1-48 Card Performance Monitoring Parame ters Figu re 15-19 PM R ead Points on the D S3/ EC1 -48 Card T able 15-12 lists the PM parameters f or the D S3/EC1-48 ca rds.
15-29 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.6 Perfor mance Moni tori ng for Et herne t Cards Note If the CV -L(NE and FE) f alls in th e range 5 1-61 for DS3,then, th e user mig ht see disc repa nc y in the SES and th e UAS-L values.
15-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.6.1 E-Series Ethernet Car d Performance Monitori ng Parameters etherStatsUnder sizePkts Th e total .
15-31 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.6.1 E- Serie s Ethern et Card Perfo rmance Mon itor ing Pa rameters 15.
15-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.6.2 G-Series Ethernet Card Per formanc e Moni toring Parame ters 15.
15-33 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.6.2 G-Se ries Ethern et Card Pe rfo rmance Mon itori ng Param eters Note D o not use the HDLC erro .
15-34 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.6.3 ML-Series E thernet Card P erformance M onitoring Para meters G-Series Ethernet History Window The Ethernet H istory windo w lists p ast Ethernet sta tistics for the pre v ious time inte rv als.
15-35 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.6 .3 ML-Se ries Ethe rnet Card Pe rform ance Mon itori ng Param eters dot3Stat sAlignmen tError s A cou nt of frames recei ved on a par ticul ar inte rface that are n ot an integ ral number o f octet s in le ngth an d do not pa ss the FC S check .
15-36 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.6.3 ML-Series E thernet Card P erformance M onitoring Para meters 15.
15-37 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.6 .3 ML-Se ries Ethe rnet Card Pe rform ance Mon itori ng Param eters ML-Series Card Ether Ports History Window The Et hernet Ethe r Por ts History window li sts past Ethe rnet sta tistic s for the p revious time i ntervals.
15-38 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.6.3 ML-Series E thernet Card P erformance M onitoring Para meters ML-Series RPR Span Window The param eters th at appear in the ML-Ser ies RPR Spa n windo w are the ma ndator y attrib utes of the 802.
15-39 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.6 .3 ML-Se ries Ethe rnet Card Pe rform ance Mon itori ng Param eters gfpSta tsRxT ype In v alid N umber of re ceive packets dropped due to Clie nt Data Frame UPI error s.
15-40 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.6.3 ML-Series E thernet Card P erformance M onitoring Para meters rprSpanS tatsIn OamOr gFram es Number of recei ved (PH Y to MA C) O AM O r g fram es p rocesse d b y this MA C.
15-41 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.6 .3 ML-Se ries Ethe rnet Card Pe rform ance Mon itori ng Param eters rprS panStatsO utCtr lFrames T he num ber of tr ansmit ted (MAC to PHY) cont rol frame s gene rated by this MA C.
15-42 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.6.3 ML-Series E thernet Card P erformance M onitoring Para meters rprClientStat sInUcastClassA Octets Number of MA C t o client c lassA unic ast octets.
15-43 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.6.4 CE-Se ries Ethe rnet C ard Pe rformanc e Monit oring Paramet ers 15.
15-44 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.6.4 CE-Series Etherne t Card Performance Monitoring Pa rameters CE-Series Card Ether Port Statistics Window The Etherne t Ether Po rts Statistics windo w li sts Ethernet parameters at the li ne le v el.
15-45 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.6.4 CE-Se ries Ethe rnet C ard Pe rformanc e Monit oring Paramet ers dot3StatsSingle Collision Frames 2 A count of successfully transmitted frames on a pa rticular interf ace for which tr ansmission is inhibited by exac tly on co llision.
15-46 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.6.4 CE-Series Etherne t Card Performance Monitoring Pa rameters 15.
15-47 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.6.4 CE-Se ries Ethe rnet C ard Pe rformanc e Monit oring Paramet ers Note Line util ization numbe rs e xpre ss the a ver age of ingr ess a nd e gres s traf fic as a per centage of ca pacity .
15-48 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.7 Performa nce Monit oring for Opt ical Cards CE-Series Card POS Por ts Utilizati on Window The POS Ports Utilization win dow sho ws the perc entage of Tx an d Rx line ba ndwidth used b y the POS ports du ring co nsecu tiv e time segments.
15-49 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.7 Perfor mance Mon itoring f or Optica l Cards Figur e 15 -20 Monitor ed Signal T ypes f or the OC-.
15-50 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.7 Performa nce Monit oring for Opt ical Cards T able 15-25 lists t he PM param eters fo r OC-12, OC-48, OC- 192, an d OC-19 2-XFP cards. T able 15-23 OC-3 Car d PMs Section (NE ) Line (NE) STS P ath (NE) Line (FE) STS Path (FE) 1 1.
15-51 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.8 Performance Monitoring for Optical Multirate Cards Note If the CV -L(NE and FE) falls in a specif ic range, the n, the user mi ght see di screpa nc y in the SES and the U AS-L valu es.
15-52 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.9 Performance Monitori ng for Storag e Access Networking Cards Figu re 15-22 PM R ead Points for t he M RC-12 and t he M RC-2 .5G-4 Cards T able 15-27 lists the PM parameters for MRC-12 and MRC-4 cards.
15-53 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.9.1 FC_MR-4 Statistics Wi ndow CTC provide s FC_MR-4 performance infor mation, including li ne-le vel para meters, port band width consumpt ion, a nd h istorica l stat istics.
15-54 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.9.2 FC_MR-4 U tilizatio n Window 15.9.2 FC_MR-4 Utilization Window The Utilizatio n windo w sho ws the percentage of Tx and Rx line bandwidth used b y the ports during consec uti v e time se gmen ts.
15-55 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 1 5 Performance Mo nitoring 15.9.3 FC_MR-4 History Window Note Line util ization numbe rs e xpre ss the a ver age of ingr ess a nd e gres s traf fic as a per centage of ca pacity . 15.
15-56 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapte r 15 Perfor mance Mon itor ing 15.9. 3 FC_ MR-4 Histor y Wind ow.
CH A P T E R 16-1 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 16 SNMP This cha pter explains Sim ple Netwo rk Manage ment Proto col (SNMP) as i mplement ed by the Cisco ONS 1545 4. For SNMP setu p infor mat ion, refe r to the Ci sco ONS 15454 P r ocedur e Guid e .
16-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.2 Basic SNMP Components Note It i s recom mended t hat t he SNM P Manage r tim eout value be set to 60 secon ds. Un der cert ain co nditions, if this v alue is lo wer than the rec ommended time, the TCC card can reset.
16-3 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.2 Basic SNMP Compone nts Figur e 16 -2 Examp le of the P r imary SNMP Compon ents An age nt (suc h as SNMP) r esidin g o.
16-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.3 SNMP Ext ernal Interf ace Requireme nt 16.3 SNMP Ex ternal Interfac e Requireme nt Since all SNMP requests com e from a .
16-5 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.6 SNMP Managemen t Information Bases 16.6 SNMP Man agement Information Bases A manage d obje ct, some times ca lled a MIB obj ect, is one o f many spec ific characteri stics of a man aged de vic e.
16-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.6. 2 P ropr ietar y ONS 154 54 MI Bs 16.6.2 Proprietary ONS 1545 4 MIBs Each ON S 15454 is shippe d wit h a softwar e CD con taining applica ble pro prietar y MIBs . T able 16-3 lists the propri etary MIBs fo r the ONS 15454.
16-7 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.6.3 Generi c Thresho ld and Per formance M onitori ng MIBs 16.6.3 Generic Threshold and P erformance Mo nitoring MIB s A.
16-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.6.3 Generi c Threshol d and Performan ce Moni toring MIB s synt ax of cerent Gener icPmStat sCur rentInde x is type cere ntLo catio n, def ined in CER ENT -TC.mib . The syntax of cer entGene ricPmSt atsCurr ent MonT ype is type cerentM onitor, def ined in CERE NT -TC.
16-9 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.7 SNMP Trap Cont ent 16.7 SNMP Trap Conte nt The ONS 15454 uses SNMP tr aps to ge nera te all ala rms and e vents, su ch as rais es and cle ars.
16-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.7.2 Variable Trap Bindings 16.7.2 Variable Trap Bindings Each SNMP tr ap cont ains v aria ble bi nding s that are used to cr eate the MIB table s. ONS 15454 traps an d variable bindings a re liste d in Ta b l e 1 6 - 8 .
16-11 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.7.2 Variable Trap Bindings B (con t.) (4) cer ent454Al armStat e The alarm severity and servi ce-af fe cting st atus. Severitie s ar e Min or, Major , and Critical . Service- af fecting statuses ar e Service- Af fectin g and Non- Servic e Affecting.
16-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.7.2 Variable Trap Bindings D1 (con t.) (5) alarmRising Threshold When the c urrent sampled v alue is great er than o r equal to t his thr eshol d, and th e value at th e last sampling inter va l was le ss than this threshol d, a single e vent is generate d.
16-13 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.7.2 Variable Trap Bindings D2 (con t.) (7) cer ent454Al armStat e The alarm severity and servi ce-af fe cting st atus. Severitie s ar e Min or, Major , and Critical . Service- af fecting statuses ar e Service- Af fectin g and Non- Servic e Affecting.
16-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.7.2 Variable Trap Bindings E (con t.) (9) ceren t454AlarmAd ditionalInf o Additional i nformation for the alar m obje ct. I n th e cu rrent vers ion of t he MIB, this o bject contai ns provisioned des cription for ala rms that are e xterna l to the NE.
16-15 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.7.2 Variable Trap Bindings F (con t.) (10) cerent4 54Thre shol dLocat ion Indi cates w hethe r the event occurr ed at the nea r or far end. (11) cerent4 54Thresh oldPeri od I ndicates the sam pling i nterval peri od.
16-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.8 SNMP Community Names 16.8 S NMP Community Na mes Communi ty names are us ed t o group SNMP trap d estinations. All O NS 1 5454 tr ap dest inations c an be provisio ned as part of SNM P communitie s in CTC.
16-17 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.10.1 64-Bit RMON Monitoring ov er DCC ONS 15454 syste m RMON is based on the IETF-stan dard MIB RFC 2819 and includes the fo llowing fi v e grou ps fro m the standa rd MIB: Ethe rnet Statist ics, Hi story Co ntrol, Etherne t Hist ory , A larm , and Event.
16-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.10.2 HC-RMON- MIB Suppor t Row Creation in cMediaIndependentHistoryCo ntrolTable SNMP ro w creation and de letion for the cMedia IndependentHisto ryControlT able follow s the sam e processe s as for the Me diaInd epen dentT ab le; only the variables differ .
16-19 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.10.4 History Contr ol RMON Group Get Requests and GetNext Requests Get requests an d getNe xt requests for th.
16-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.10.5 Ethernet History RMO N Grou p T o create a SetR eque st PDU for the hist oryCon trolT able, the following values are.
16-21 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.10.6 Alarm RMON Group Alarm Table The N MS uses the alarm T able to deter mine and p rovision network perfo rmance alar mable thresh olds.
16-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.10.6 A larm RMON Group Get Requests and GetNext Requests These PDUs are not re stri cted. Row Deletion in al armTable T o del ete a ro w from the table, the SetReque st PDU should c ontain an a larmStatu s v alue of 4 (in v alid).
16-23 Cisco ONS 15 454 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.10.7 Event RMON Gro up 16.10. 7 Event R MON Group The Ev ent gr oup contr ols e ve nt gener ation and notif icatio n.
16-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Chapter 16 SNMP 16.10.7 Event RMON G roup.
A- 1 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 APPENDIX A Hardware Specifications Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature. These t erms do not refer t o using Cisc o ONS 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path sw itched ring configuratio n.
A- 2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.1.2 Configurations A.1.2 Configurations The ONS 15454 can be configured as follows: • T wo-fiber path .
A-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.1.7 A larm Int erfac e • Hardw are fl o w cont rol • TCC2/TC C2P: EIA/ TIA-2 32 DB-9 type con necto r A.
A- 4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.1.12 Fa n Tr ay – Nominal: –48 VDC – Input V oltage Ran ge: –4 0.
A-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.2 S FP, XFP, and GBIC Specif icati ons A.2 SFP, XFP, and GBIC Specificati ons Ta b l e A - 2 lists the spec ifications for the av ailable Small Form-factor Plugga bles (SFPs), 10 Gbps Pluggable s (XFPs) and GBIC s.
A- 6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.2 SFP, XFP, and GBIC Specifi cations ONS-SC-GE-SX= GE –9.
A-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.3 Genera l Ca rd Speci ficati ons A.3 General Card Spe cifications This se ction provide s power s pecificat ions an d temp erat ure ranges for a ll O NS 1 5454 ca rds.
A- 8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.3.1 Powe r T able A -3 Individual Car d Po w er Requir emen ts Card T ype Card Na me Watt s Ampe res BTU/Hr . Contro l Cards TCC2 19.20 0.4 66.8 TCC2P 27.00 0.
A-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.3.1 Power Optic al Card s OC3 I R 4 19.20 0.40 65.56 OC3 I R 4/STM 1 SH 131 0 19. 20 0.40 65. 56 OC3 I R 4/STM 1SH 1 310-8 26.00 0.4 8 78. 5 OC12 IR 131 0 10.
A-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.3.2 Temperature A.3.2 T emper ature Ta b l e A - 4 provides tem perature range s and prod uct name s for ONS 15 454 c ards. Note The I-T emp symbol is displayed on the facep late of an I-T emp complian t card.
A-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.3.2 Temp era ture Optica l OC3 I R 4/STM 1 SH 131 0 1545 4-OC34I R1310 154 54-OC 34I13-T OC3 I R/STM.
A-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.4 Common Control Card Spe cifications A.4 Co mmon Contro l Card Specificatio ns This sec tion pro vides spec ific ations fo r the TC C2, TCC2P , XCVT , XC10G, XC-VXC- 10G, and AIC-I card s.
A-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.4.2 TCC2P Card Specif icati ons – Refere nce: Ex tern al BITS , line, in tern al • Supply v oltage monitoring – Both supply v o ltage inputs ar e monitored.
A-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.4.3 XCVT Card Specifications • Dimensions – Height : 12.65 0 in. ( 321.3 mm) – W idth: 0.716 in . (18.2 mm) – Depth: 9.000 in. ( 228.6 mm) – Dept h with back plan e conn ect or: 9.
A-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.4.5 XC-VXC- 10G Card Specif ications A.4.5 XC-VXC-10G Card Specifications The XC-V XC-1 0G card has .
A-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.4.7 AEP Specifica tions – Orderwi re part y line – Dual tone mu ltifrequ ency (DT MF) signali ng • User data chann el (UDC) – Bit rate : 64 kb ps, bid irectiona l – ITU-T G.
A-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.5 Elect rical Ca rd Sp ecifi cations – T ermin ation: 50 -pin AMP cham p connecto r • Alarm o ut.
A-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.5.2 DS1-14 and D S1N-14 Card Specif ications – Bit ra te: 51.
A-19 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.5.3 DS1/E1-56 Card Specificati ons • Output – Bit rate : 1.
A-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.5.4 DS3/ EC1-48 Card Specifica tions – T ermin ation: Bala nced , twist ed p air , #22/24 A WG – Inp.
A-21 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.5.5 DS3-12 and DS3N- 12 Card Specif ications – Line co de: B3ZS – T ermin ation: Unb alanced coa.
A-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.5.5 DS3-12 and D S3N-12 Card Specif ications – Frame format : DS-3 AN SI T1 .
A-23 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.5.6 DS3 i-N-12 Ca rd Speci ficati ons A.5.6 DS3i-N-12 Card Specifications The DS 3i-N-1 2 card has the fol lowing specification s: • Input – Bit rat e: 44 .
A-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.5.7 DS3-12E and DS 3N-12E Card Specifi cations – Dept h with back plan e conn ect or: 9. 250 i n. (235 mm) – W eight not inc luding c lam shell: 1. 9 lb (0.
A-25 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.5.8 DS3 XM-12 Ca rd Sp ecificat ions • Power consump tion: 2 6.80 W , 0.56 A, 91. 51 BTU /hr • Dimensions – Height : 12.65 0 in. ( 321.3 mm) – W idth: 0.
A-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.5. 9 DS3X M-6 C ar d Spe cific at ions Note T he I-T emp sym bol is disp layed o n the fac eplate of an I-T emp com pliant car d. A card without this symbol is C-T emp compliant.
A-27 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.5.10 FILLER Card Specif ications – C-T emp (15454-D S3XM-6 ): 0 to 131 degree s Fahrenheit (0 t o .
A-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.6.1 OC 3 IR 4/ STM1 SH 1310 Card Speci fica tions A.6.1 OC 3 IR 4/STM1 SH 1310 C ard Specifications The OC3 IR 4/ STM1 SH 1310 car d has the following specificat ions: • Line – Bit rate: 15 5.
A-29 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.6.2 OC3 IR/STM 1SH 1310-8 Card Specif ications A.6.2 OC3 IR/STM1SH 1310-8 Card Specifications The OC3 IR/ STM1S H 1310-8 card ha s the following specification s: • Line – Bit rate: 15 5.
A-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.6.3 OC12 IR/STM 4 SH 13 10 Car d Spec ific ations A.6.3 OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310 Card Specifications The OC12 IR /STM 4 SH 1310 card has th e following specification s: • Line – Bit rate: 62 2.
A-31 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.6.4 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1310 Card Specif ications A.6.4 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1310 Card Specifications The OC12 LR /STM 4 LH 1310 card has the foll owing specifications: • Line – Bit rate: 62 2.
A-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.6.5 OC12 LR/ST M4 LH 15 50 C ard Sp ecifi cat ions A.6.5 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1550 Card Specifications The OC12 LR /STM 4 LH 1550 card has the foll owing specifications: • Line – Bit rate: 62 2.
A-33 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.6.6 OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310- 4 Specificati ons A.6.6 OC12 IR/STM4 SH 13 10-4 Specifications The OC12 IR /STM4 SH 131 0-4 card ha s the following specifications: • Line – Bit rate: 62 2.
A-34 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.6.7 OC48 IR 1 310 Car d Speci fic ation s Note Minimum transmit po wer , minimum recei ve po wer, and link loss budg et might excee d standard specif ication s.
A-35 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.6.8 OC48 LR 1550 Card Sp ecificati ons A.6.8 OC48 LR 1550 Card Specifications The OC48 LR 1550 car d has the foll owing specifications: • Line – Bit rate: 2.
A-36 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.6.10 OC48 LR/ STM16 LH AS 1 550 Car d Spec ific ation s – Code: Scrambled NRZ – Fiber: 1 310-nm single- mode – Loopb ack modes : T ermi nal and faci lity – Connectors: SC – Complian ce: T e lcordia GR- 253-CORE , ITU- T G.
A-37 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.6.11 OC48 ELR/STM 16 EH 100 GHz Card Specificati ons – Connectors: SC – Complian ce: T elcordia G R-253-CO RE, ITU-T G.
A-38 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.6.12 OC48 ELR 2 00 GHz Card S pecif icati ons • T ransmitter – Maximum transmitter out put power: 0 dBm – Minimum transm itter output p ower: –2 dB m – Cent er w a ve leng th accu rac y: +/ – 0.
A-39 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.6.13 OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 Card Specificati ons – T ransmitte r: Electro-absorpti on laser – Di.
A-40 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.6.14 OC19 2 IR /STM64 S H 15 50 Card Spec ifi catio ns – Maximum receiver le vel: –1 dBm at BER 1 * .
A-41 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.6.15 OC192 LR/ST M64 LH 1550 Card Specificati ons – Nominal wa velength: 1550 n m – T ransm itte.
A-42 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.6.1 6 OC192 LR/ STM64 LH ITU 1 5xx.xx Car d Specif ication s – Minimum tr ansmitter output powe r: +7 .
A-43 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.6.16 OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.x x Card Specificati ons In deployment s with a disp ersion co mpensat ion unit (D CU): +/– 100 0 ps/nm, wit h optical signal-to- noise rati on (OSN R) of 1 9 dB (0.
A-44 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.6.17 15 454_M RC-12 Card S peci ficat ions – 1535.82 +/ – 0.040 nm, OC192 LR/ STM64 LH IT U 1 535.82 – 1536.61 +/ – 0.040 nm, OC192 LR/ STM64 LH IT U 1 536.
A-45 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.6.18 M RC-2.5 G-4 Card S pecification s – Maximum rece i ver le vel: Depe nds on SFP (see A.2 SFP , XFP , and GBIC Specificati ons, page A-5 ) – Minimum recei ver le v el: Depends on SFP (se e A.
A-46 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.6.18 MRC-2.5G-4 Card Spe cifications – Complian ce: T el cordia G R-253-CO RE • T ransmitter – Maximum transmitter outpu t pow er: Depen ds on SFP (see A.
A-47 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.6.19 OC192SR1/STM64IO Short R each Card Specif ications A.6.19 OC192SR1/STM 64IO Short Reach Card Specifications Note Th e OC192SR1/ STM6 4IO Short Reac h card is desi gnated as OC1 92-XF P in CTC.
A-48 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.7 Etherne t Card Spec ifications – Connectors: LC duple x connec tor for the XFPs – Complian ce: T el cordia G R-253-CO RE • T ransmitter – Maximum transmitter outpu t pow er: Depen ds on SFP (see A.
A-49 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.7.2 E100T-G Card Specif ications – Height : 12.65 0 in. ( 321.3 mm) – W idth: 0.716 in . (18.2 mm) – Depth: 9.000 in. ( 228.6 mm) – Card weigh t: 2.
A-50 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.7.5 CE-1000-4 Card Spe cifications C-T emp (1545 4-E10 00-2-G) : 32 t o 131 degrees Fahre nheit (0 to +55 degrees Ce lsius) – Operatin g humi dity : 5 to 95 p ercent, noncond ensi ng – Power consump tion: 5 3.
A-51 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.7. 7 CE-MR- 10 Ca rd Sp ecifi cati ons A.7.7 CE-MR-10 Card Specificatio ns The CE- MR-10 card has th.
A-52 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.7.10 ML 1000- 2 Card Spec ific ation s – W idth: 0.716 in . (18.2 mm) – Depth: 9.000 in. ( 228.6 mm) – Dept h with back plan e conn ect or: 9. 250 i n.
A-53 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix A Hardwar e Specific ations A.8 Stora ge Access Networ king Ca rd Speci ficati ons – Operatin g humi dity : 5 to 95 p ercent, noncond ensi ng – Power consumptio n: 100 W • Dimensions – Height : 12.
A-54 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix A Hardware Specifications A.8 Storage A ccess Ne tworkin g Card Specifi cations – Card weigh t: 2.
B-1 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 APPENDIX B Administrative and Service States This a ppend ix descri bes ad minist rative and s ervice s tates for Cisco O NS 1 5454 c ards, p orts, a nd cross-connect s. For circu it state information, refer to Chapter 11, “Ci rcuits and Tunnels.
B-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendi x B Administr ative an d Servic e State s B.2 Admini strativ e States B.2 Admin istrative States Admini stra ti ve s tates are used to ma nage service states. Admini strati ve stat es consist o f a PST and an SST .
B-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix B Adminis trative and Service States B.3 Servi ce State Transiti ons B.3 Service Stat e Transitions This sect ion descri bes the t ransiti on from one s ervice stat e to the next for ca rds, por ts, and cross-connect s.
B-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendi x B Administr ative an d Servic e State s B.3.1 Card Serv ice State Trans itions OOS-A U,AINS & SWDL Restart comp leted. IS-NR Remo v e the card. OOS-A U,AINS & UEQ OOS-A U,AINS & UEQ Insert a v alid ca rd.
B-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix B Adminis trative and Service States B.3. 2 Por t an d Cros s-Co nne ct S ervic e Sta te Tr ans ition s B.3.2 Port and Cross- Connect Service State Transitions Ta b l e B - 5 lists the port and cross-connect servic e state transition s.
B-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendi x B Administr ative an d Servic e State s B.3.2 Port and Cross-Conne ct Service St ate Trans itions T o change this b ehavior so that you canno t put a port in O OS-MA,D SBLD if any of these cond itions exi st, set the NODE.
B-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix B Adminis trative and Service States B.3. 2 Por t an d Cros s-Co nne ct S ervic e Sta te Tr ans ition s OOS-A U,AINS & FL T Alar m/conditio n is cleared . OOS-A U,AINS Put th e por t or cr oss-c onnect in the IS administrati ve state.
B-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendi x B Administr ative an d Servic e State s B.3.2 Port and Cross-Conne ct Service St ate Trans itions OOS-A U,FL T & OOG Alarm/conditio n is cleared . IS-NR o r OOS-MA,MT • If an In Grou p me mber i s IS-NR o r OOS-A U,AINS, the member tran sitions to IS-NR.
B-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix B Adminis trative and Service States B.3. 2 Por t an d Cros s-Co nne ct S ervic e Sta te Tr ans ition s OOS-A UMA,FL T & MT & OOG Alar m/cond ition is cl eared. OOS-M A,MT & OOG Put the VCA T cross-connect in the IS administrati ve state.
B-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendi x B Administr ative an d Servic e State s B.3.3 Plugga ble Equipm ent Se rvice St ate Transitio ns B.
B-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix B Adminis trative and Service States B.3.3 Plug gable Eq uipment Servi ce State Tra nsiti ons OOS-A U,AINS & UEQ Insert v al id plu ggable e quipmen t. IS- NR Insert pluggable equip ment wi th th e incorre ct rate .
B-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendi x B Administr ative an d Servic e State s B.3.3 Plugga ble Equipm ent Se rvice St ate Transitio ns.
C-1 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 APPENDIX C Network Element Defaults Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature. These t erms do not refer t o using Cisc o ONS 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path sw itched ring configuratio n.
C-2 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2 Card Default Settings Changes that are ma de manually to most nod e-le ve l defau lt settings o v erride the curren t settings, whether defau lt or pr ovisioned.
C-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.2 Thresho ld Defaults Note MRC-12 and MRC-2. 5G-4 l ine configur ation d efaults are de fined on a per OC -N r ate basis. • SONET STS—(O C-N and EC1- 12 cards) SONET STS-lev el configuration sett ings.
C-4 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card • Physical L ayer threshol ds—(O C3-8, OC-192, OC- 192XFP , MRC-2.5G -4, and MRC-12 card s) Expressed in percentage s; includes o ptics thresholds.
C-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card thresho lds.line .farend. 1day .E S 648 (se conds) 0 - 86400 thresho lds.line .nearend .15min. CV 13340 (BPV cou nt) 0 - 13887 00 DS1.
C-6 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card thresho lds.p ath.nea rend.1da y .ES 648 (second s) 0 - 8 6400 thresho lds.p ath.nea rend.1da y .FC 0 (count) 0 - 8640 DS1.
C-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.2 DS1/E1-56 Card Default Setti ngs Ta b l e C - 2 lists the DS1/E1-56 card defaul t settings. thresho lds.v t.neare nd.
C-8 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS1-E1-56.DS1-POR T .confi g.sonet.AdminSSMIn STU PRS, STU, ST2, ST 3, SMC, ST4, DUS, RES when //./ /.//.//.NOD E.timi ng.gene ral.SSMMessa geSet Genera tion 1; PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SM C, ST4, DUS, RES when //.
C-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS1-E1 -56.D S1-POR T .pmthres th.farend. 15min. ESN E 65 (seco nds) 0 - 900 DS1-E1 -56.D S1-POR T .pmthreshol th.farend.
C-10 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS1 -E1-56.D S1-PO R T .pmt hreshol arend.1 5min .ES 65 (seco nds) 0 - 900 DS1-E1 -56.D S1-PO R T .pmt hreshol th.
C-11 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS1-E1 -56.D S1-POR T .pmthres holds.vt .farend.1d ay . ES 100 (second s) 0 - 8 6400 DS1-E1 -56.D S1-POR T .pmthreshol ds.vt. farend.
C-12 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS1-E 1-56. E1-PO R T .conf ig.Sync MsgIn F ALSE F ALSE , TR UE DS1-E1- 56.E1-PO R T .co nf ig.T reatLOF AsDefect TR UE F ALSE, TR UE DS1-E1 -56.
C-13 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.3 DS-3 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 3 lists the DS-3 card default settin gs. DS1-E1 -56.E 1-POR T .pmthresh s.
C-14 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.4 DS3/EC1-48 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 4 lists the DS3/EC1-48 card default sett ings. thresho ne.neare nd.
C-15 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS3-EC 1-48.DS3 -POR T . config.LineT ype UNFRAME D UNFRAMED, M13, C BIT , AU T O P R OV I S I O N F M T DS3 -EC1-4 8.DS3-PO R T .
C-16 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS3-EC 1-48. DS3-POR T .pmthresho lds.line .nearend .1day .CV 3865 ( BPV count) 0 - 37152 00 DS3-EC 1-48. DS3-POR T .pmthresho ne.
C-17 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS3-E C1- 48.D S3-PO R T .pmt hre shol ds. sts.n eare nd. 15mi n.U AS 10 (secon ds) 0 - 900 DS3-EC 1-48. DS3-POR T .pmthresho lds.
C-18 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS3-EC 1-48. EC1-PO R T .pm thresho lds.line .neare nd.1d ay .CV 13120 (B2 count) 0 - 13219 200 DS3-EC 1-48. EC1-PO R T .pm thresho lds.
C-19 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.5 DS3E Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 5 lists the DS3E card default settings. DS3-EC 1-48. EC1-POR T .pmthresho lds.sts1.
C-20 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS3 E.config.SDBE R 1.00E-0 7 1E-5, 1E -6, 1E-7, 1 E-8, 1E-9 DS3E.c onf i g.Se ndAIS OnF acil ity Loopb ack TR UE TR UE, F AL SE DS3E.
C-21 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.6 DS3I Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 6 lists the DS3I card default settin gs. DS3 E.pmthre sholds. pbitpat h.near end.
C-22 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card T able C-6 DS3I Card Def ault Settin gs Default Name Default V alue Default Domain DS3I.c onfig.AINSSoakTime 08:00 (hours:m ins) 00:00, 00:15 , 00:30 .
C-23 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS3I.p mthresh olds.l ine.nearen d.1day .ES 250 (sec onds) 0 - 8 6400 DS3I.p mthresh olds.l ine.nearen d.1day .LOSS 10 (seco nds) 0 - 86400 DS3I.
C-24 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.7 DS3XM-6 Card De fault Settings Ta b l e C - 7 lists the DS3XM-6 card default setti ngs. T able C-7 DS3XM-6 Card Def ault Set tings Default Name Default V alue Default Domain DS3XM .
C-25 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS3XM .pmthres holds.ds1 arend.15 min.UAS 10 (seconds) 0 - 9 00 DS3XM .pmthr esholds.ds1 arend. 1day . AISS 10 (seconds) 0 - 8 6400 DS3XM .
C-26 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.8 DS3XM-12 Card Defau lt Settings Ta b l e C - 8 lists the DS3XM-12 card defa ult settings. DS3XM .pmthr esholds. sts.n earend .
C-27 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS3 XM12.c onfig.SDBER 1.00E- 07 1E- 5, 1E -6, 1E-7, 1 E-8, 1E-9 DS3XM12.con fig .SendAISOnF acility Loopback TR UE TR UE, F ALSE DS3 XM12.
C-28 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS3XM 12.pmthre sholds.d s1path. farend.15mi n.SEFS 25 (seconds) 0 - 900 DS3XM 12.pmt hreshol ds.ds1path. farend.15 min.SES 10 (seconds) 0 - 900 DS3XM12 .
C-29 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card DS3 thresho lds.line .near end.1 5min.CV 387 (B PV count) 0 - 38700 DS3 thresho lds.line .near end.1 5min .ES 25 (seconds) 0 - 900 DS3XM 12.
C-30 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.9 EC1-12 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 9 lists the EC1-12 card default sett ings. DS3XM 12.pmt hresholds.s ts.nea rend.1da y .
C-31 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card thresho ne.farend. 15min. ES 87 (seconds) 0 - 900 thresho ne.fare nd.15mi n.FC 10 (coun t) 0 - 72 EC1 .
C-32 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.10 FC_MR-4 Card Default Settings T a ble C -10 lists the FC_MR-4 card default settings. thresho lds.sts 1.faren d.1day .
C-33 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.11 Ethernet Card De fault Settings T a ble C -11 lists the G1000 (G1 K-4), ML10 00, ML1 00T , ML-1 00X-8, ML-M R-10, C E-100 0-4, CE-1 00T -8, an d CE- MR-10 card de fau lt se tti ngs.
C-34 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card T able C-1 1 Eth er net Car d Def ault Settings Default Name Default V alue Default Domain CE-100 0-4.c onfig.AINSSoakTime 08:00 (hours:mi ns) 00:00 , 00:15, 00: 30 .
C-35 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.12 OC-3 Card Default Set tings T a ble C -12 lists the OC-3 (OC3 IR 4/STM1 SH 1310) card default settings. T able C-12 OC-3 Card Def ault Setting s Default Name Default V alue Default Domain OC3.
C-36 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC3.p mthresh olds.lin e.farend .1day . U AS 10 (seconds) 0 - 86400 OC3.p mthr esholds.lin aren d.15m in.CV 1312 ( B2 co unt) 0 - 13770 0 OC3.
C-37 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC3.p mthreshol ds.sts1.n earend .1day . ES 100 (second s) 0 - 8 6400 OC3.p mthresh olds.sts 1.neare nd.1day .FC 10 (coun t) 0 - 6912 OC3.
C-38 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.13 OC3-8 Card Def ault Settings T a ble C -13 lists the e ight-port OC3-8 (OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1 310-8) card default set tings. T able C-13 OC3-8 Card Def ault Settin gs Default Name Default V alue Default Domain OC3-8.
C-39 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC3-8. physicalth resholds .alar m.OPR-H IGH 200 (%) OPR-LOW , O PR-LOW + 1, OPR -LO W + 2 .. 255 OC3-8. physica lthresholds .alar m.
C-40 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC3-8. pmthresho lds.line .nearend .15min. PSD 300 (second s) 0 - 9 00 OC3-8. pmthre sholds .line.n earend .15min. SES 1 ( secon ds) 0 - 9 00 OC3-8.
C-41 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.14 OC-12 Card Def ault Settings T a ble C -14 lists the OC-12 (OC1 2 IR/STM 4 SH 1310, OC12 LR/STM 4 LH 131 0, and OC12 LR/ STM4 LH 1 550) ca rd de f ault set ti ngs.
C-42 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card T able C-14 OC-12 Card Def ault Settin gs Default Name Default V alue Default Domain OC12.c onf i g.l ine. AINS SoakT ime 08:0 0 (hours:m ins) 00:00, 00:15 , 00:30 .
C-43 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC12. pmthre sholds.l ine.faren d.1da y .U AS 10 (seco nds) 0 - 8 6400 OC12. pmthre sholds.l ine.nea rend.15m in.C V 5315 (B2 count ) 0 - 55260 0 OC12.
C-44 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC12. pmthre s1.near end.1 5min.PPJC- PDET 60 (coun t) 0 - 72000 00 OC12. pmthre s1.near end.1 5min.PPJC- PGEN 60 (count) 0 - 72000 00 OC12.
C-45 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.15 OC12-4 Card Default Setting s T a ble C -15 lists the four-po rt OC12-4 (OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310-4) card default setti ngs.
C-46 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC12-4 .con fig.line.SD BER 1.0 0E-07 1 E-5, 1E -6, 1E-7, 1 E-8, 1E-9 OC12-4 .con fig.line.sdh.Adm inSSMIn STU G811, STU, G812T , G8 12L, SETS , DUS OC12-4.
C-47 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC12- thre shol ds.l ine .nea rend .15mi n. ES 87 (sec onds ) 0 - 900 OC12-4 .pmt hresho lds.lin e.nearen d.15m in.FC 10 (count) 0 - 7 2 OC12- 4.
C-48 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC12-4 .pmt hresh olds.sts 1.neare nd.15 min.UAS 10 (seconds) 0 - 900 OC12-4 .pmt hresho lds.sts1.n eare nd.1d ay .CV 125 (B3 cou nt) 0 - 20736 0000 OC12-4 .
C-49 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.16 OC-48 Card Def ault Settings T a ble C -16 lists the OC-48 (OC48 IR 1.
C-50 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC48. config.line .AlsRe coveryPulseDura tion 2.0 (sec onds) 2.0, 2.1 , 2.2 .. 100.0 when AlsMod e Disabled , Auto Rest art, Manual Restart ; 80.
C-51 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC48. pmthre ne.faren d.1day .ES 864 (sec onds) 0 - 86400 OC48. pmthre ne.faren d.1day .FC 40 (count) 0 - 6 912 OC48.
C-52 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC48. pmthres holds.secti on.nea rend.1day .SEFS 5000 ( secon ds) 0 - 86400 OC48. pmthre arend.1da y .SES 5000 ( secon ds) 0 - 86400 OC48.
C-53 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC48. pmthr esholds. sts12c- 48c.n earend .15mi n.SES 3 (s econds) 0 - 900 OC48. pmthre sholds.s ts12c- 48c.nea rend .15min. U AS 10 (seco nds) 0 - 9 00 OC48.
C-54 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.17 OC-192 Card Default Setting s T a ble C -17 lists the OC-1 92 (O C192 SR/ST M64 IO 1 310, O C192 LR/STM6 4 LH IT U 15x x.xx, O C192 IR/STM6 4 SH 155 0, and OC192 LR/STM 64 L H 1550) card default se ttings.
C-55 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192.c onfig.line.sonet.Adm inSSMIn ST U PRS, ST U, ST2, ST3, SM C, ST4, DUS, RES when //. //. //. //. NO DE. tim in g.g ener al.
C-56 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192. physica lthresholds. warning .1day . OPR-L O W 50 (%) -1, 0, 1 .. OPR-HIGH OC192. physicalth resholds. warning.1 day . OPT -HIGH 120 (%) OPT -LO W , OPT -LOW + 1, OPT -LOW + 2 .
C-57 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192. pmthre ne.neare nd.1day .PSD-R 600 (se conds) 0 - 8 6400 OC192. pmthre ne.neare nd.1day .PSD-S 600 (second s) 0 - 86400 OC192.
C-58 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192. pmthre s1.nea rend.1da y .SES 7 (seconds) 0 - 86400 OC192. pmthre s1.nea rend.1day .U AS 10 (seconds) 0 - 8 6400 OC192.
C-59 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.18 OC192-XFP Default Settings T a ble C -18 lists the OC192-XFP def ault settings. OC192. pmthre sholds .sts3c- 9c.nea rend.
C-60 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192- XFP . config.line .sdh.Sync MsgIn TR UE F ALSE, T R UE OC192-XFP .config.line.SendAISOnFacilityLoopback TR UE TR UE, F AL SE OC192- XFP .
C-61 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192- XFP . physicalt hreshol ds.warning .1day .LBC-HIGH 200 (%) LBC -LOW , LBC-L OW + 1, LBC- LO W + 2 .. 255 OC192- XFP . physicalt hres holds.
C-62 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192- XFP . pmthre sholds .line.n earend.1d ay . FC 40 (coun t) 0 - 6912 OC192- XFP . pmthre ne.neare nd.1d ay .PSC 5 ( count) 0 - 5 7600 OC192- XFP .
C-63 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192- XFP .pm threshol ds.sts1. neare nd.15mi n.PJCS-PDET 100 (second s) 0 - 9 00 OC192- XFP .pm threshol ds.sts1. neare nd.15mi n.
C-64 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192- XFP . pmthre s12c- aren d.15min .PJCS-PGEN 100 (second s) 0 - 9 00 OC192- XFP . pmthre sholds .sts12c- 192c.
C-65 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.19 MRC-12 Card Default Se ttings T a ble C -19 lists the MRC-12 card default setting s. OC192- XFP . pmthre s3c-9c.
C-66 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC12-PO R T .c onfig.line.sdh. Send<FF>Do NotUse F ALSE F ALSE w hen SendDoNotUse TR UE; F ALS E, TR UE when SendDoNotUse F ALSE MRC-12 .
C-67 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC12 -POR T .physicalthreshol ds.warnin g.1da y .OPR-H IGH 200 (%) OPR -LO W , OPR-LOW + 1, OPR-LOW + 2 .. 255 MRC-12 .OC12 -POR T .
C-68 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC12 -POR T .pmthreshold s.sectio n.nearend .15min. CV 1000 0 (B1 count) 0 - 5535 00 MRC-12 .OC12 -POR T .pm thresho lds.sec tion.
C-69 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC12 -POR T .pm thresho lds.sts1 .neare nd.1day .ES 100 (sec onds) 0 - 8 6400 MRC-12 .OC12 -POR T .pmthreshold arend.
C-70 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC12 -POR T .pm thresho lds.sts1 2c.nea rend.1da y .CV 750 (B3 count) 0 - 2073 60000 MRC-12 .OC12-PO R T .pm thresho lds.sts1 2c.
C-71 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC12 -POR T .pmthreshold s.sts3c- 9c.nea rend.15 min.UAS 10 (seco nds) 0 - 900 MRC-12 .OC12 -POR T .pmthresho lds.sts3 c-9c.
C-72 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC3-PO R T .co nfig.line.sone t.Send<FF>Do NotUse F ALSE F ALSE whe n SendDoNotUse TR UE; F ALS E, TR UE when SendDoNotUse F ALSE MRC-12 .
C-73 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC -12.OC3- POR T .pmthreshol ne.faren d.15min .SES 1 (seconds) 0 - 900 MRC -12.OC3- POR T .pmthreshol ne.faren d.15m in.
C-74 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC3- POR T .pmthresholds .sts1. farend.15 min.ES 12 (se conds) 0 - 9 00 MRC -12.OC3- POR T .pmthresholds .sts1. farend.15 min.
C-75 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC3- POR T .pmthresholds .sts3c.fa rend.15m in.CV 25 (B3 coun t) 0 - 2 160000 MRC-12 .OC3- POR T .pmthresholds .sts3c.fa rend.
C-76 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC -12.OC3- POR T .pmthreshol ds.sts 3c.nea rend.1 day . U AS 10 (seco nds) 0 - 8640 0 MRC-12 .OC48 -POR T .config.line.AINSSoa kTi me 08:00 (hours:m ins) 00:00, 00:15 , 00:30 .
C-77 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC48-PO R T .phy sicalth resholds .alarm.OPT -HIGH 120 (%) OPT -LO W , OPT - LO W + 1, OPT -LOW + 2 .. 255 MRC-12 .OC48 -POR T .
C-78 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC48 -POR T .pmthreshold s.line.n earend.1 5min.PSC-S 1 (co unt) 0 - 6 00 MRC-12 .OC48 -POR T .pmthreshold s.line.n earend.1 5min.
C-79 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC -12.OC48 -POR T .pmthresho lds.sts1 .farend.1 5min .SES 3 (seconds) 0 - 900 MRC-12 .OC48 -POR T .pmthresho lds.sts1 .farend.1 5min .
C-80 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC-12 .OC48 -POR T .pm thresho lds.sts1 2c-48c. farend.15mi n.FC 10 (c ount) 0 - 7 2 MRC-12 .OC48 -POR T .pmthreshold s.sts12c -48c.
C-81 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC -12.OC48 -POR T .pmthresho lds.sts3 c-9c.far end.1 5min.E S 20 (seco nds) 0 - 900 MRC-12 .OC48 -POR T .pmthresho lds.sts3 c-9c.
C-82 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.20 MRC-2.5G-4 Card Defau lt Settings T a ble C -20 lists the MRC-2.5G-4 card default setting s. T able C-20 MRC-2.5G-4 Card Def au lt Sett ings Default Name Default V alue Default Domain MRC25G -4.
C-83 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC25G -4.OC1 2-POR T .physicalth reshold s.warning.1 5min .LBC-HIG H 200 (%) LBC -LOW , LBC-LOW + 1, LBC-LOW + 2 .. 255 MRC 25G-4.
C-84 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC25G -4.O C12-POR T .pmthres aren d.15min .PSD-W 300 (seconds) 0 - 900 MRC 25G-4.O C12-POR T .pmthre sholds.l ine. nearen d.
C-85 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC 25G-4.O C12-POR T .pmthres holds.s ts1.faren d.1da y .CV 125 (B 3 count) 0 - 2073 60000 MRC 25G-4.O C12-POR T .pmthre sholds.
C-86 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC 25G-4.O C12-POR T .pmthres holds.s ts12c.far end. 15min.CV 75 (B3 count) 0 - 2160 000 MRC 25G-4.O C12-POR T .pmthre sholds.s ts12c.
C-87 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC25G -4.OC1 2-POR T .pmthresho lds.sts1 2c.nea rend.1d ay .PJCS-PG EN 9600 (seconds) 0 - 8640 0 MRC25G -4.OC1 2-POR T .pmthresho lds.
C-88 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC 25G-4.O C12-POR T .pmthres holds.s ts3c-9c .nea rend.1d ay . NPJC-PDET 5760 (count ) 0 - 6912 00000 MRC 25G-4.O C12-POR T .pmthres holds.
C-89 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC25G -4.O C3-POR T .physicalthre sholds.a larm.L BC-LOW 20 (%) 0, 1, 2 .. LBC- HIGH MRC25G -4.OC3 -POR T .physicalthre sholds.alarm .
C-90 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC25G -4.O C3-POR T .pmthreshold s.line .neare nd.15mi n.CV 1312 ( B2 count) 0 - 1377 00 MRC25G -4.O C3-POR T .pmthreshol ne.
C-91 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC25G -4.O C3-POR T .pmthreshol ds.sts1. farend.1 5min.UAS 10 (seconds) 0 - 9 00 MRC25G -4.O C3-POR T .pmthreshold s.sts1. farend.
C-92 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC25G -4.OC3 -POR T .pmthreshold s.sts3c .farend.15 min.CV 25 (B3 count) 0 - 2160 000 MRC25G -4.O C3-POR T .pmthreshold s.sts3c .farend.
C-93 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC25G -4.OC3 -POR T .pmthreshold s.sts3c. nearen d.1day . PJCS-PGEN 9600 (seconds) 0 - 8640 0 MRC25G -4.OC3 -POR T .pmthreshold s.
C-94 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC25G -4.O C48-POR T .physical thresho lds.alar m.OPT -HIG H 120 (%) OPT -LO W , OPT -LOW + 1, OP T -LO W + 2 . . 255 MRC 25G-4.O C48-POR T .
C-95 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC 25G-4.O C48-POR T .pmthres aren d.15min .PSC-R 1 (count) 0 - 600 MRC 25G-4.O C48-POR T .pmthres aren d.
C-96 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC 25G-4.O C48-POR T .pmthre sholds.s ectio n.near end.1 day .CV 100000 (B 1 count) 0 - 2065 82400 MRC 25G-4.O C48-POR T .pmthre sholds.
C-97 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC 25G-4.O C48-POR T .pmthre sholds.s ts1.n earend .1day .ES 100 (seconds) 0 - 8640 0 MRC25G -4.O C48-POR T .pmthresho lds.s ts1.
C-98 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.2.3 Defaults by Card MRC25G -4.OC4 8-POR T .pmthresho lds.sts1 2c-48c. nearend. 15min.PPJC -PGEN 60 (count) 0 - 7200000 MRC25G -4.OC4 8-POR T .pmthresho lds.
C-99 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Settings C.3 Node Default Setting s T able C-21 on page C-101 lis ts the node- lev el default se ttings for th e Cisco ONS 154 54.
C-100 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.3 Node Defaul t Settings to be disabled when the y are prov iding service s (when the default is set .
C-101 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Settings • Securi ty Policy sett ings—Se t the al lowable failed logi ns be for.
C-102 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.3 Node Defaul t Settings NODE.circ uits.pathp rotection .SwitchOn PDIP F ALSE TR UE, F ALSE NODE.circ uits.path prote ction.VT_SD BER 1.00E- 05 1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8 NODE.
C-103 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Settings NODE.lmp.controlChannel.HelloInt erva l 500 (ms) maximu m_of(30 0,MinHe lloInt erv al), maximu m_of(30 0,MinHe lloInt erv al) + 1, maximu m_of(30 0,MinHe lloInt erv al) + 2 .
C-104 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.3 Node Defaul t Settings NODE.lmp.controlChannel.MinHelloDead Interval 2000 (ms) maximum_o f(20 00,sum_of (MinH ello Inte rv al ,1)), maximu m_of(2 0 00,sum_of (MinH ello Inte rv al ,1)) + 1, maximu m_of(2 0 00,sum_of (MinH ello Inte rv al ,1)) + 2 .
C-105 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Settings NODE.netw ork.gen eral.Gate waySettings None Leav eAsIs, None , ENE , GNE , ProxyOnlyN ode NODE.netw ork.g eneral.Lcd Setting Allo w Conf iguratio n Allo w Configuration, Disp lay Onl y , Suppress Displ ay NODE.
C-106 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.3 Node Defaul t Settings NODE.osi.t arp.LDBF lush 5 (min) 0 - 1440 NODE.osi.t arp.PDUsL1Pr opagatio n TR UE F ALSE, TR UE NODE.osi.t arp.PDUsL2Pr opagatio n TR UE F ALSE, TR UE NODE.
C-107 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Settings .dataComm.Ct cBackplan eIpDisplay Suppression TR UE F ALSE, TR UE when isSecur eModeSu pported OnCon tro lCar d T R UE; (NO T SUPPOR TED) when isSecur eModeSu pported OnCon tro lCar d F A LS E NODE.
C-108 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.3 Node Defaul t Settings NODE.secur ity .data Comm.Secu reModeOn (May reboo t node) F ALSE F ALSE, TR UE when isSecur eModeSu pported OnCon tro lCar d T R UE; (NO T SUPPOR TED) when isSecur eModeSu pported OnCon tro lCar d F A LS E NODE.
C-109 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Settings .legalDiscla imer .LoginW arningMessage <ht ml><cent er><b> W AR NIN G</b ></ cente r>Th is system is restrict ed to auth oriz ed users for b usiness purposes.
C-110 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.3 Node Defaul t Settings .passwordChange.Ne wPasswordM ustDif ferFromOld ByNCharacter s 1 (chara cters) 1 - 5 .passwordChange.
C-111 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Settings NODE.soft ware.D efa ultDelay edUpgrad es F ALSE F ALSE , TR UE when AllowDelayedUp grades TR UE ; FA L S E w h e n AllowDelayedUp grades F ALSE NODE.
C-112 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.3 Node Defaul t Settings NODE.timing .bits-1.Codin g B8ZS B8ZS, AMI when F acilityT ype DS1; HDB3, AMI wh en F acilityT ype E1; N/A when F acilityT ype 2MHz; A MI when F acilityT ype 64kHz+8kH z NODE.
C-113 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Settings NODE.timing .bits-1.F raming ESF ESF , D4 when F acilityT ype DS1 ; F AS+ CRC , F AS+CAS, F AS+CAS+CRC, F AS, Un framed when F acilityT ype E1; N/A when F acilityT ype 2MHz; N/A when F acilityT ype 64kHz+8kH z NODE.
C-114 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.3 Node Defaul t Settings NODE.timing .bits-2.AdminSSMIn STU PRS, STU, ST2 , ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, RES when //.gen eral .SSMM essageSet Generat ion 1; PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, D US, RES when //.
C-115 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Settings NODE.timing .bits-2.Codin gOut B8ZS B8ZS, AMI when F acilityT ypeOut DS1; HDB3, AMI whe n F acilityT ypeOut E1; N/ A when F acilityT ypeOut 2MHz; A MI when F acilityT ypeOut 6MHz NODE.
C-116 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.3 Node Defaul t Settings NODE.timing .bits-2.Fra mingOu t ESF ESF , D4 when F acilityT ypeOut DS1; F AS+CRC, F AS+CAS, F AS+CAS+CRC, F AS, Un framed when F acilityT ypeOut E1; N/ A when F acilityT ypeOut 2MHz; N/A when F acilityT ypeOut 6MHz NODE.
C-117 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3.1 Time Zo nes C.3.1 Time Zone s T a ble C -22 lists the time zones that apply for node time zone defaults.
C-118 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.3.1 Time Zo nes T able C-22 Time Zones T ime Zone (GM T +/– Ho urs) D efau lt V alue GMT -11:00 (GM.
C-119 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.3.1 Time Zo nes GMT +02:00 (GMT +02:00 ) Amman GMT +02:00 (GMT +02:00 ) Athens , Buchare st, Istan.
C-120 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.4 CTC Default Settings C.4 CTC Default Settings T able C-23 on page C-121 lists the CTC-le v el defau lt settings for the Cisco ONS 15454.
C-121 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Append ix C Network Elem ent Defaul ts C.4 CTC D efault Setting s Note Th e CTC.n etwork.Loc alDo mainCr eationA ndV i ewing NE default has been rem oved. Y ou can pr ovision this setti ng in the CTC Preferences page.
C-122 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 Appendix C Network E lement Defaults C.4 CTC Default Settings.
IN-1 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 INDEX Numerics 1+1 optica l port pro tect ion creat ing li near ADMs 12-31 descript ion 7-13 1:1 e lectric al ca rd pr otecti on cards suppo.
Index IN-2 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 deleting 14-11 descript ion 14-9 editing 14-12 list by node 14-11 loading 14-11 row display opt ions 14-12 saving 14-11 seve rit y de.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 BBE-PM param eter 15-5 BBER-PM para meter 15-5 BBER-SM para meter 15-5 BBE-SM param eter 15-5 bidirec tional li ne switched ring .
Index IN-4 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 specifi cation s A -50 SW-LCAS 5-31 VCAT dif ferent ial delay 5-3 2 See also Ethe rnet cards CE-100 T-8 card circuit typ es 5-28 cros.
Inde x IN-5 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 port c olors a nd servi ce st ates 8-10 port state 11-11 comm on contro l cards See AIC- I card See TC C2 card See TC C2P card See XC.
Index IN-6 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 consoli dating co nnec tions 8-15 icon 8-15 pin assignme nts 2-33 termination on TCC2 car d 2-7 termination o n TCC2P card 2-11 viewi.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 facto ry defaul ts C-4 illustration 3-9 perform ance m onitor ing 15-16 port statu s 3-10 slot compat ibility 3-8 specifi cation s A-.
Index IN-8 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 facto ry defaul ts C-19 illustration 3-24 perform ance m onitor ing 15-19 port-leve l LEDs 3-25 slot compat ibility 3-22 specifi cati.
Inde x IN-9 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 LEDs 5-6 port statu s 5-6 slot compat ibility 5-5 specifi cation s A-48 See also Ethe rnet cards E100T -G card cross-connect compatib.
Index IN- 10 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 proxy tunn el an d firewal l tunne l requir eme nt 13-27 SOCK S proxy serv er scen ario 13-12 enter pris e L AN.
Inde x IN- 11 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 four-fi ber BLSR s 12-6 four-nod e pa th prot ection conf igurati on 12-15 four-she lf node (fibe r-optic bus) 12-33 GNE in a multi.
Index IN- 12 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 LEDs 6-3 modes 6-4 path trace ca pability 11-25 perform ance m onitor ing 15-52 ports, lin e rates, and connec tors 1-74 power requ.
Inde x IN- 13 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 avail able t ypes 5-37 CE-1000- 4 card 5-31 compatible ca rds 4-53 CWDM and DWDM 5-39 descript ion 5-38 FC_MR-4 ca rd 6-8 G1000-4 card 5-14 G1K-4 card 5-16 overvi ew 5-36 getNext re quests.
Index IN- 14 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 circuit disp lay 11-23 ML-Serie s card perf ormanc e monito ring 15-38 perform ance m onitor ing 15-38 to 15-43 IEEE 8 02.
Inde x IN- 15 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 JRE requir ement 8-4 software compati bility 8-5 jump er sla ck s torag e re els 1-53 K K byte 12-4 L label, front door 1-11 LAN in.
Index IN- 16 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 descript ion 5-23 LEDs 5-24 port statu s 5-25 slot compat ibility 5-25 specifi cation s A-52 See also Ethe rnet cards ML100T -12 c .
Inde x IN- 17 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 port statu s 4-49 SFP compatibility 4-53 specifi cation s A-45 topolo gies 4-46 See also optic al card s See also SFPs MT seconda ry state, definition B-2 multiple drops 11-18 N NE defaul ts.
Index IN- 18 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 port statu s 4-11 slot compat ibility 4-10 specifi cation s A-30 topolo gies 4-10 See also optic al card s OC12 LR /STM4 LH 1310 ca.
Inde x IN- 19 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 J0 section trace 11-24 LEDs 4-52 perform ance m onitor ing 15-50 port statu s 4-52 slot compat ibility 4-50 specifi cation s A-47 X.
Index IN- 20 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 OC48 LR /STM16 LH AS 1550 ca rd descript ion 4-23 facto ry defaul ts C-49 illustration 4-24 LEDs 4-24 perform ance m onitor ing 15-.
Inde x IN- 21 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 OSPF alternativ e to static routes 13-7 common scen arios 13-2 definition 13-10 in OSI routing scenarios 13-50 P passwords 9-7 patch pa nel too l 1-20, 1-27 path-p rotecte d mesh netwo rk.
Index IN- 22 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 and spa n upgrad es 12-37 provisi oning 4-56 service sta te transitio ns B-10, B-10 to B-1 1 See also SFPs See also XFPs preprovisi.
Inde x IN- 23 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 RG-179 ca ble. See co ax ial c abl e RG59 (735A ) cable. See coaxial cable RIB 13-3 4 rings maximu m per node 12-2 subtended 12-29 .
Index IN- 24 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 S SAPI 13-31 SASCP-P parameter 15-10 SASP parameter 15-10 SASP-P parameter 15-10 saving al arm prof iles 14-11 SCSI connectors See UB IC-H EIA See UB IC-V EIA SDCC.
Inde x IN- 25 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 comp onents 16-2 external interf aces 16-4 message typ es 16-4 MIBs 16-5 overvi ew 16-1 RMON 16-16 traps.
Index IN- 26 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 alarms for maintenance 14-13 SWDL secondary state, d efinition B-2 SW-LCAS 11-36 synchroniz ation sta tus me ssaging.
Inde x IN- 27 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 TCP/I P and OSI mediation 13-40 DCN commu nicati on 13-29 TCC2 P acce ss 2-12 TDM 11-12 TEI 13-31 Telco rdia alarm severitie s 14-1.
Index IN- 28 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 UAS-V par ameter 15-12 UBIC-H ca bles connec tor pins 1-46 descript ion 1-45 DS-1 pin assig nments 1-41, 1-47 DS-3/E C-1 pin assign.
Inde x IN- 29 Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Man ual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01 VT1.5 signal s BLSR exam ple 11-14 cross- conne ct car d ban dwidt h 11-12 CTC matrices 11-15 DS-1 tran sport 3-7, 3-9 DS3XM- 12 ca.
Index IN- 30 Cisco ONS 154 54 Referenc e Manual, R8. 5.x 78-18106-01.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems 15454-FTF2 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems 15454-FTF2 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems 15454-FTF2, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems 15454-FTF2 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems 15454-FTF2, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems 15454-FTF2.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems 15454-FTF2. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems 15454-FTF2 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.