Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 15454 SDH du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisco System s, Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95134 -1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco ONS 1 5454 SDH Reference Manual Pr oduct and Documenta tion Release 5.
iii Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 CONTENTS About t his Guid e xxix Revisi on Hist ory xxix Docume nt Obje ctiv es xxx Audienc e xxx Document Organi zation xxx Relat ed Do cum.
Cont ent s iv Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 CHAPTER 2 Common C ontrol Cards 2-1 2.1 Common Contr ol Card Overvi ew 2-1 2.1. 1 C ard S umma ry 2-1 2.1. 2 C ard C ompatib ilit y 2-2 2.1. 3 C ross- Conne ct Ca rd Co mpatibi lity 2-3 2.
Content s v Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 3.3 E1-42 Ca rd 3-6 3.3. 1 E 1-42 C ard F uncti ona lity 3-7 3.3. 2 E 1-42 C ard-L evel Indi cators 3-8 3.3. 3 E 1-42 P ort-L eve l Indic ators 3-8 3.4 E3-12 Ca rd 3-8 3.4. 1 E 3-12 C ard F uncti ona lity 3-9 3.
Cont ent s vi Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 4.1. 1 C ard S umma ry 4-2 4.1. 2 C ard C ompatib ilit y 4-3 4.2 OC3 IR 4/STM1 SH 13 10 Card 4-4 4.2.1 OC3 IR 4/ STM1 SH 1310 Func tion ality 4-6 4.2.2 OC3 IR 4/ STM1 SH 1310 Card -Leve l Indica tors 4-7 4.
Content s vii Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 4.12 OC192 I R/STM64 SH 1550 Car d 4-32 4.12. 1 OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1 550 Card Fun ctional ity 4-34 4.12. 2 OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1 550 Card-Lev el Ind icator s 4-35 4.12. 3 OC192 IR/ STM64 SH 1 550 Port-Le vel In dicator s 4-35 4.
Cont ent s viii Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 5.7. 2 ML 100 0-2 P ort-Le vel Indica tor s 5-14 5.7. 3 ML 1000 -2 Slo t Com patib ility 5-14 5.8 GBICs a nd SF Ps 5-14 5.8. 1 C ompa tibilit y by Card 5-15 5.8. 2 G BIC D escri ption 5-15 5.
Content s ix Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 8.2 CTC In stalla tion Overvi ew 8-3 8.3 PC an d UN IX W orkst atio n Req uire ments 8-3 8.4 ONS 15454 SDH C onnecti on 8-5 8.5 CTC Windo w 8-6 8.5.1 Node Vi ew 8-7 8.5. 1.1 CTC Ca rd Colo rs 8-7 8.
Cont ent s x Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 10.7 SNCP Circ uits 10-12 10.7. 1 Open-Ended S NCP Ci rcuits 10-13 10.7.2 G o-and-R eturn SNC P Rou ting 10-13 10.8 MS-SPRin g Prote ction Cha nnel Acces s Circ uits 10-14 10.9 Path Trac e 10-15 10.
Content s xi Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 11.9. 1 Span Upgrade Wiza rd 11 -32 11.9.2 M anua l Span Upgr ades 11 -32 CHAPTER 12 CTC Netw ork Connec tivity 12-1 12.1 IP Networ king Over view 12-1 12.2 IP Addre ssing Scenario s 12-2 12.
Cont ent s xii Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 13.6 Ala rm Pr ofiles 13 -10 13.6.1 Cr eatin g and Modifyin g Alarm Prof iles 13-11 13.6.2 A larm Pr ofile Butt ons 13-12 13.6.3 A larm Pr ofile Editi ng 13-12 13.6.4 A larm S ever ity Op tions 13 -12 13.
Content s xiii Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 14.3. 6.3 E-Series Span ning Tr ee Par ameters 14-18 14.3. 6.4 E-Seri es Span ning Tree C onfig uratio n 14-18 14.4 G-Seri es Circui t Config uration s 14-19 14.4. 1 G-Series Point- to-P oint E thernet Cir cuits 14-19 14.
Cont ent s xiv Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 A.5.2 E1-42 Card Specif icati ons A-13 A.5.3 E3-12 Card Specif icati ons A-14 A.5.4 DS3 i-N-12 Card Spec ificat ions A-15 A.5.5 STM1E-1 2 Card Speci fication s A-1 6 A.5.6 BLANK C ard A-17 A.
Content s xv Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 APPENDI X B Administ rative and Ser vice States B-1 B.1 Service States B-1 B.2 Admin istr ative St ates B-2 B.3 Service State Tran sition s B-3 B.3.1 Card Se rvice Sta te Tran sition s B-3 B.
Cont ent s xvi Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008.
FIG U R ES xvii Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Figu re 1-1 ONS 15454 SDH Di mensio ns 1-3 Figu re 1-2 The ONS 15454 SDH Fro nt Door 1-4 Figu re 1-3 Removing the ON S 154 54 SD.
Figures xviii Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Figu re 3-12 E1-75/ 120 Impe dance Conve rsion Panel Fac eplate 3-26 Figu re 3-13 E1-75/ 120 with Opt ional Rac kmount Brac kets 3.
Figures xix Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Figu re 5-4 G1K-4 Fac eplate an d Block Diagram 5-9 Figu re 5-5 ML100T-1 2 Facepl ate 5-11 Figu re 5-6 ML1000-2 Face plate 5-13 Figu.
Figures xx Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Figu re 11-4 Four-No de, Four- Fiber MS- SPRing 11-6 Figu re 11-5 Four-F iber MS-SPRing Spa n Switch 11-7 Figu re 11-6 Four-F iber MS.
Figures xxi Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Figu re 12-9 Scen ario 6: OSPF Not Enable d 12-11 Figu re 12-1 0 Proxy Serv er Ga teway Sett ings 12-13 Figu re 12-1 1 Scenari o 7: .
Figures xxi i Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Figur e 14-21 Hu b-and-Sp oke E thernet Circu it 14-23.
TABLES xxiii Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ta b l e 1 Cisco ONS 15 454 SDH Refere nce Manua l Chapter s xxx Ta b l e 1 - 1 Slot and FMEC Symbols 1-8 Ta b l e 1 - 2 FMEC, Port.
Tables xxiv Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ta b l e 3 - 7 STM1E-12 Ca rd-L evel Indi cators 3-14 Ta b l e 3 - 8 E-1 Int erface Pi nout s on Ports 1 to 7 3-17 Ta b l e 3 - 9 E-.
Tables xxv Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ta b l e 5 - 1 1 ML100T-1 2 Card- Level In dicator s 5-12 Ta b l e 5 - 1 2 ML100T-1 2 Port- Level I ndicato rs 5-12 Ta b l e 5 - 1 3 .
Tables xxvi Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 T a ble 10-11 Bidir ectiona l Low-Orde r Tunne ls 10 -21 T a ble 10-12 ONS 15454 SDH Car d VCAT Circui t Rates and Members 10-24 T a.
Tables xxvii Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ta b l e B - 5 ONS 15454 SDH Por t and Cross -Conn ect Servi ce State Trans itions B-5 Ta b l e C - 1 E1 Card Def ault Sett ings C-.
Tables xxvii i Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008.
xxix Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2009 About this Guide Note The terms “Unidirectio nal Path Switched Ring” and “UPSR” may appear in Cisco literat ure. These terms do not refer t o using Cisco ONS 15xxx produc ts in a unidirec tional path sw itched ring configuration.
xxx Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2009 About this Guide Document Objectives This m anual provides ref erence in formatio n for t he Cisco ONS 15 454 SDH .
xxxi Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2009 About th is Guid e Related Documentation Use the Cisco ON S 15454 S DH Ref er ence Manua l with the follo wing refer enced publication s: • Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Procedure Guide —Provides pr ocedures to install, turn up, p rovision, and maintain a Cisco ONS 15454 SDH no de and ne twork.
xxxii Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2009 About this Guide Note Means r eader ta ke no te . Notes co ntain helpful suggest ions or references to material not cov ered in the documen t.
xxxii i Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2009 About th is Guid e War ni ng IMPORT ANT SAFE TY INSTRUC TIONS This warning symbol means danger .
xxxiv Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2009 About this Guide Avvertenza IMPOR T ANTI ISTRU ZIONI SUL LA SICUREZ ZA Questo simbolo di avvertenza i ndica un pericolo.
xxxv Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2009 About th is Guid e.
xxxvi Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2009 About this Guide Avi s o INSTR UÇÕES IM PORT ANTES DE SEGU RANÇA Este símbolo de aviso signi fica perigo.
xxxvi i Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2009 About th is Guid e.
xxxvii i Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2009 About this Guide Obtaining Optical Networking Information This sec tion contain s inform ation that is specif ic to optical n etworki ng products. F o r i nformation that pertain s to all o f Cisco, re fer to th e Obtaining Do cumentation and Su bmitting a Servic e Request sect ion.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 1 Shelf and FMEC Hardware This c hapter p rovides a descri ption of Cisco ON S 1 5454 S DH shel f and backpl ane hard ware.
1-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.1 O verview docume ntation. If yo u are unsure about the re quiremen ts or s pecif icatio ns for a fu se and alarm p anel, consult the user do cument ation for the rela ted equi pment.
1-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC H ardware 1.2 Front Door Figure 1-1 provide s the dimen sions of the ONS 15454 SDH.
1-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.2 Fr ont Door Figur e 1 -2 The ONS 15 454 SDH F ro nt Door Door lock Door button Viewholes f or Cr itic.
1-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC H ardware 1.2 Front Door Y ou can remove the front door of the O NS 154 54 SDH to provide un restrict ed acc ess to the front of th e shelf assembly ( Fi gure 1-3 ).
1-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.2 Fr ont Door An erasa ble label i s pasted on the i nside of the fr ont door ( Fi gure 1-4 ). Y ou can use the label to r ecord slot assi gnments, port a ssignmen ts, card types, node I D, ra ck ID, and seri al numbe r fo r the ONS 15454 SDH.
1-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC H ardware 1.3 Front Mo unt Elec trical Connect ion Figur e 1 -5 Laser W ar ning o n the Fr ont-Door Label 1.
1-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.3 Front Mount Elec trical Connect ion • FMEC Sl ot 20 su pports an electri cal ca rd in Slot 3. • FMEC Sl ot 21 su pports an electri cal ca rd in Slot 4.
1-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC H ardware 1.4 E1-75/1 20 Conversion Pa nel Note Th e E1-120NP FM EC can only be used in Slots 18– 21 and Slots 26–29. The STM1E 1:1 FME C can only be used in Slo ts 18 and 19, 20 and 21, 26 and 27, or 28 and 29.
1-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.5 Coax ial Cable Figur e 1 -6 Mounting the E1 -75/120 Con vers ion P anel in a Rac k 1.5 Coaxial Cab le Cautio n Always use th e suppl ied ESD wristba nd when working with a powered ONS 1545 4 SDH.
1-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC H ardware 1.7 Cabl e Routing a nd Manag ement All E- 1 interfa ces th at ar e liste d in T able 1 -2 on page 1-8 with DB-37 or with Mole x 96-pin LFH connect ors mu st be co nnected using a 1 20-ohm twisted- pair ba lanced ca ble.
1-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.8 Fiber Mana gement 1.8 Fiber Management The j umper r outing fins are desig ned to r oute fiber jumpers ou t of b oth sid es of the shelf . Slots 1 to 6 exi t to the left, and Slots 12 to 17 exit to the right.
1-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC H ardware 1.9 Fan-T ray As semb ly 1.9 Fan-Tray Assembly The fan-tr ay assembly is located at the botto m of the ONS 15454 SDH.
1-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.9.1 Fan Spee d 1.9.1 Fan Spe ed If one or m ore fans fail on the fan-tra y assem bly , repl ace the ent ire asse mbly . Y o u cannot repl ace indi vidua l fans.
1-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC H ardware 1.12 Cards and Sl ots 1.12 Cards and Slots ONS 15454 SDH cards ha ve e lectri cal plug s at the ba ck that p lug into el ectrical co nnector s on the sh elf assem bly ba ckpl ane.
1-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.12.1 Card Sl ot Requirem ents Shelf assembly slots ha ve symb ols indicating the type of cards that you can install in them. Eac h ONS 154 54 SDH car d has a corr espondin g symbol.
1-17 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC H ardware 1.12.1 Ca rd Slot Require ments E100T -G 12 100 M bps RJ-45 F acepla te E1000- 2-G 2 1 Gbp s SC (GBIC) F.
1-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.12.2 Card Re placeme nt 1.12.2 Card Replacemen t T o replac e an ONS 15454 SDH ca rd wit h anothe r card of the sa me type , you do not n eed to make any changes to the databas e; remo ve the o ld card and rep lace it with a ne w card .
1-19 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC H ardware 1.13 Software and Hardware Com patibility Ta b l e 1 - 7 shows ONS 15454 SDH so ftware and hardware compat ibility for syst ems co nfi gured with XC10G an d XC-VXL-1 0G cards for Rel eases 3.
1-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.13 Sof tware and Hardware Compatib ility E1N-14 Fully Compatible, Slots 1 to 5, 13 to 17 Fully Compati.
1-21 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC H ardware 1.13 Software and Hardware Com patibility If an upgrade is required for compatibility , go to the Cisco T echnical Assistance Center (Cisco T A C) website at ht tp://www .
1-22 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 Shelf and FMEC Hard ware 1.13 Sof tware and Hardware Compatib ility.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 2 Common Cont rol Cards This c hapter d escribes the Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH common contro l card f unctions. It inc ludes descri ptions, har dware speci f icati ons, an d block diag rams for each c ard.
2-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.1.2 Ca rd Compatib ility 2.1.2 Card Compatibility Ta b l e 2 - 2 lists the Cisco T ransp ort Controller (CTC) softw are release co mpatibility for eac h comm on-cont rol card.
2-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.1.3 Cross-Connect Card Com patibility 2.1.3 Cross-Connect Card Compatibility The fol lo wing table s list the comp atibl e cross-co nnect car ds for each Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH comm on-cont rol card.
2-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.2 TCC2 Card Ta b l e 2 - 5 lists the cross-connec t card compatibility for each optical card. Ta b l e 2 - 6 lists the cross-connec t card compatibility for each Etherne t card.
2-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.2 T CC2 Card Note The LAN inter faces of th e TCC2 c ard meet th e standard E thernet spec ific ations b y suppor ting a cab le length of 100 m (328 ft.) at temp eratu res from 0 to 65 degrees Celsi us (32 t o 149 degre es Fahrenh eit).
2-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.2.1 TCC2 Card Funct ional ity 2.2.1 TCC2 Card Functionality The TCC2 ca rd suppor ts m ultichan nel, hi gh-level data link c ontrol (HDLC) process ing f or the DCC/GCC.
2-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.2.3 N etwork-Level Indicators 2.2.3 Network-L evel Ind icators Ta b l e 2 - 8 describes the si x network-level LEDs on the TC C2 card face plate. 2.3 TCC2P Card The TCC2P c ard, wh ich require s Software R4.
2-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.3.1 TCC2P Fu nctionality Figure 2-2 sh ows the facepl ate an d bloc k diagr am for the TCC2 P . Figur e 2-2 TCC2P F aceplat e and Block Diagr am 2.3.1 TCC2P Functionality The TCC2P card suppor ts multichannel, HD LC processing for the DCC.
2-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.3.2 TCC2P Card- Level Indi cators The node database, I P address, and system so ftware a re stored in TCC2P non volatile memory , which allo ws quick rec ov ery in the e vent o f a powe r or card failur e.
2-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.3.3 Ne twork-Lev el Indicator s 2.3.3 Network-L evel Ind icators Ta b l e 2 - 1 0 describes th e six netw ork-le vel LEDs on th e TCC2P f aceplate. 2.4 XC10G Card The X C10G ca rd cro ss connec ts STM-1, STM-4, STM-16 , and ST M-64 sign al ra tes.
2-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.4 XC10G Card Figure 2-3 sh ows the XC10G card faceplate a nd bloc k diagra m. Figur e 2-3 X C1 0G Card F aceplat e and Bloc k Di agr am Figure 2-4 sh o ws the XC10G car d cross-c onnect matrix .
2-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.4.1 XC1 0G Functio nality 2.4.1 XC10G Functionality The XC10G card manag es up to 192 bidirec tional STM- 1 cross-con nects. The TCC2 /TCC2P card assigns ba ndwidth to each slot on a per STM-1 basis.
2-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.5 X C-VXL -10 G Card Figure 2-5 shows the XC -VXL-1 0G facepl ate and bl ock dia gram. Figu re 2-5 X C-VXL -10G F acepla te and Bl ock Dia gram Figure 2-6 shows the XC-VXL -10G cr oss-conn ect mat rix.
2-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.5.1 XC-VXL-1 0G Funct ionality 2.5.1 XC-VXL-10G Functionality The XC-V XL-10G ca rd manag es up to 192 bidirec tional STM- 1 cross-con nects, 192 bidirectio nal E-3 or DS-3 cross-c onnects, or 100 8 bidirec tional E-1 cross-c onnects.
2-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.6 XC-VXL-2.5G Card Figure 2-7 shows th e XC-VXL-2. 5G card f acep late and blo ck di agram. Figur e 2-7 X C-VXL -2.5G Fac eplate and Bloc k Diagr am Figure 2-8 sh ows the XC-VXL-2.
2-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.6.1 XC-VXL-2.5G Card F unctionality 2.6.1 XC-VXL-2.5G Ca rd Functionality The XC-VXL -2.
2-17 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.7.1 AIC-I Card-Level Ind icators Figure 2-9 shows the AIC-I card f acepl ate and a blo ck diagr am of the car d. Figur e 2-9 AIC-I F acep late an d Bloc k Diagr am 2.
2-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.7.2 Ex ternal Alarm s and Cont rols 2.7.2 External Alarms an d Controls The AIC-I card pr ovides in put/outp ut al arm co ntact closu res. Y ou c an d efine up to 16 exter nal a larm inputs and fou r external ala rm inputs /outputs (u ser configurabl e).
2-19 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.7.3 Ord erwire • V irtual wire entiti es: Y ou can prov ision any en vironmental alarm input to raise a signal on any virtual wire on extern al out puts 1 through 4 wh en th e alarm inp ut is an event.
2-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.7.4 Power Moni tori ng Ta b l e 2 - 1 5 descr ibes the order wire pi n assi gnmen ts. When provisioni ng the order wire subnet work, make sure tha t an orderwire loop does not exist.
2-21 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 Common Control Cards 2.7.6 Data Com municatio ns Channel 2.7. 6 Data Communic ations Ch annel The DCC fe atures a dedic ated dat a channel of 576 kbps (D4 to D12 bytes) bet ween two nodes in an ONS 15454 SDH network.
2-22 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 2 C ommon Co ntrol Cards 2.7.6 D ata Communic ations Cha nnel.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 3 Electrical Cards This cha pter describ es the Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH elect rical car d feature s and function s. It incl udes descri ptions, har dware speci f icati ons, an d block diag rams for each c ard.
3-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.1.1 Card Summary Note Each card is mark ed with a symbol that cor respon ds to a slot (o r slot s) on the ONS 15454 shelf a ssembly . The cards are then installed into slots displaying the same symbols.
3-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.1.1 Card Summ ary FMEC E1-120PR O A Prov ides electrical co nnection into the system for 42 pairs of 120-o hm balanc ed E-1 p orts fro m the E 1-42 ca rd. It is for 1:3 prote ction f rom th e A si de (lef t side of t he shelf ).
3-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.1.2 Ca rd Compatib ility 3.1.2 Card Compatibility Ta b l e 3 - 2 lists the CTC software compatibility for each e lectrical card. S ee T a ble 2-4 on page 2- 3 for a list of cro ss-conn ect cards tha t are compatible with each electr ical card.
3-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.2.1 E1-N-14 Card Functionality Figur e 3-1 E1 -N-14 F acepl ate an d Block Diagr am 3.2.1 E1-N-14 Ca rd Functionality Each E1- N-14 port fe atures IT U-T G.703 c ompliant out puts and inpu ts support ing cable losses of up to 6 dB at 1024 k Hz.
3-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.2.2 E1 -N-14 Card -Level In dicators Note The lowest le vel cross-connect wit h the XC10G card is STM-1. Lo wer le vel signals, such as E-1, DS-3, or E-3, c an be dr opped.
3-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.3.1 E1-42 Card Functionality Figur e 3-2 E1 -42 F acep lat e and Bloc k Dia gra m 3.3.1 E1-42 Ca rd Functionality Each E1- 42 port feature s ITU-T G.70 3 compli ant outputs an d inputs suppo rting cab le losses of up to 6 dB at 1024 k Hz.
3-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.3.2 E1-4 2 Card-Level I ndicators 3.3.2 E1-42 Ca rd-Level Indic ators Ta b l e 3 - 4 des cribes t he thr ee LEDs on the E1-42 card f ace plate.
3-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.4.1 E3-12 Card Functionality Figur e 3-3 E3-12 Car d F aceplat e and Blo ck Dia gram 3.4.1 E3-12 Ca rd Functionality Y ou can instal l the E3-12 card in Slots 1 to 5 and 14 to 17 on the ONS 15454 SD H.
3-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.4.2 E3-1 2 Card-Level I ndicators 3.4.2 E3-12 Ca rd-Level Indic ators Ta b l e 3 - 5 des cribes t he thr ee LEDs on the E3-12 card f ace plate.
3-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.5.1 DS3i-N-12 Card Functionality Figur e 3-4 DS3i-N- 12 F aceplate and Bloc k Diagr am 3.5.1 DS3i-N-12 Ca rd Functionality The DS3i-N-1 2 can detect se v eral dif ferent er rored logic bi ts within a DS-3 frame.
3-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.5.2 D S3i-N-12 Card-Leve l Indicators • C-bi t p arit y mo nitor ing • X-bit monitorin g • M-bit monito.
3-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.6 STM1E-12 Card 3.6 STM1E-12 Card The 12- port O NS 1 5454 SDH ST M1E-12 card provid es 12 I TU-comp liant, G. 703 STM- 1 ports per c ard. Ports 9 to 12 can each be e ither E-4 or ST M-1.
3-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.6.2 STM 1E-1 2 Card-Leve l Indicators Note Whe n a prot ection s witch moves tr aff ic fro m the STM 1E-1 2 working/ active card to the STM1E- 12 protec t/stand by card, ports on the n ow active/standby card can not be t aken out of ser vice.
3-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.8 FMEC-E1 Ca rd Figur e 3-6 FILLE R F aceplat e 3.8 FMEC-E1 Card The ON S 15 454 SD H FMEC-E 1 card pr ovides front mount ele ctrical c onnecti on for 14 ITU -compl iant, G.
3-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.9 FME C-DS1/ E1 Ca rd Figur e 3-7 FMEC-E1 F aceplat e and Blo ck Dia gram Y o u can i nstall the FM EC-E1 card in any Electrical Fa cility Connec tion Assembly (EFCA) slot fr om Slot 1 8 to 22 or Slot 25 to 29 o n the ONS 154 54 SDH.
3-17 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.9.1 FMEC-DS1/E 1 Card Connec tor Pinout Y ou can install the FMEC-DS1 /E1 card in any EFCA slo t from Slot 18 to 22 or Slot 25 to 29 on the ONS 15454 SD H.
3-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.10 FMEC E1-120 NP Card 3.10 FMEC E1-120NP Card The ONS 154 54 SDH FMEC E1 -120NP card pr ovides front mount electri cal connec tion for 42 ITU-c ompliant , G.703 E-1 por ts.
3-19 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.10.1 FMEC E 1-120NP Connec tor Pinout Figur e 3-9 FMEC E1 -120N P F aceplat e and Block Diagr am Y ou can instal l the FMEC E1 -120NP car d in any EFCA slot from Slot 18 to 22 or Sl ot 25 to 29 on the ONS 154 54 SDH.
3-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.10.1 FMEC E1 -120NP Connec tor Pinout Use Ta b l e 3 - 1 1 to ma ke the conne ction fr om the E -1 96-pin c onnect or for Port s 22 to 42 to the externa l bala nced 120- ohm E -1 inter fac es.
3-21 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.11 F MEC E1-1 20P ROA Card 3.11 FMEC E1-120PROA Card The ON S 15 454 SD H FMEC E1- 120PR O A card provid es front mo unt electr ical con nection for 126 ITU comp liant, G.
3-22 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.11.1 FMEC E1 -120PROA Connec tor Pinout Use Ta b l e 3 - 1 3 to ma ke the conne ction fr om the E -1 96-pin c onnect or for Port s 22 to 42 to the externa l bala nced 120- ohm E -1 inter fac es.
3-23 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.12 F MEC E1-1 20P ROB Card 3.12 FMEC E1-120PROB Card The ONS 154 54 SDH FMEC E1 -120PR OB card provides front mount electri cal conne ction for 126 ITU-com pliant , G.
3-24 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.12.1 FMEC E1 -120PROB Connec tor Pinout Figur e 3-1 1 FMEC E1 -120PR OB F aceplat e and Bloc k Diagr a m Y ou can install the FMEC E1 -120PR OB card in EFCA Slots 26 to 29 on the ONS 15454 SD H.
3-25 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.12.1 FMEC E1-120P ROB Connector Pin out Use Ta b l e 3 - 1 5 to ma ke the conne ction fr om the E -1 96-pin c onnect or for Port s 22 to 42 to the externa l balan ced 120-oh m E-1 interfa ces.
3-26 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.13 E 1-75/120 Impe dance Co nversion P anel 3.13 E1-75/120 Impedance Conv ersion Panel The ONS 154 54 SDH E1-7 5/120 imp edance conv ersio n panel provide s front mount el ectrica l connec tion for 42 I TU-compl iant, G.
3-27 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.13 E1-75/12 0 Impedance Conver sion Panel Figure 3-13 shows the E1-75 /120 with optional rac kmount brac kets installed.
3-28 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.13.1 E1-75/1 20 Impeda nce Conversio n Panel Func tionality 3.13.1 E1-75/120 Impedance Co nversion Pane l Functionality Y ou can install the E1- 75/120 conv ersion panel i n the rack c ontaining the O NS 1 5454 SDH sh elf or in a nearby rack .
3-29 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.15 FMEC STM1E 1:1 Card – Up to 24 m ( 79 ft) RG179 3.15 FMEC STM1E 1:1 Card The ONS 154 54 SDH FMEC STM1E 1:1 card provides fron t mount elec trical connection fo r 2 x 12 ITU-co mpliant, G.
3-30 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.17 MI C-A/P F MEC Figur e 3-1 7 FMEC-BLANK F a ceplat e 3.17 MIC-A/P FMEC The MI C-A/P FM EC provide s conne ction for the B A TTER Y B inpu t, one of the two possible r edundan t power supply inpu ts.
3-31 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.17.1 MIC-A/P Connector Pinouts Note For prop er system op eration , both the MIC-A/P an d the MIC-C /T/P FMECs must b e installed in th e ONS 15454 SDH shel f.
3-32 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.17.1 MI C-A/P Connec tor Pinouts 23 EXAL M5 P External custo mer al arm 6 B lue /black 24 EXAL M6 N Extern al.
3-33 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 3 Elec tri cal Card s 3.18 MIC-C/T/P FMEC 3.18 MIC-C/T/P FMEC The M IC-C/T/P FM EC provides connec tion for the BA T TER Y A input, one of the two possible redunda nt power suppl y inputs.
3-34 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 3 Elec trical Cards 3.18.1 MI C-C/T/P Port-Lev el Indicators 3.18 .1 MI C-C/T/P Port-L evel In dicator s The M IC-C/T/P FM EC has one pair o f LEDs l ocated on the RJ-45 LAN con nector .
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 4 Opti cal Card s This c hapter d escribes t he Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH opt ical, t ranspond er , and mu xponder card fea tures and fun ctions . It inc ludes descript ions, har dware spe cifications , and b lock d iagrams for e ach car d.
4-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.1.1 Card Summary 4.1.1 Card Summary Ta b l e 4 - 1 lists t he ON S 15454 S DH opti cal ca rds. T able 4-1 Optical Cards for the ONS 15454 SDH Card Description For Additional Informa tion.
4-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.1.2 Card Compatibility Note Th e Cisco OC3 IR/S TM1 SH 1310-8, O C12 IR/STM 4 SH 1310, and OC48 IR/S TM16 SH AS 1310 interf ace optics, all working on 1310 nm, ar e optimi zed for th e most wi dely us ed SMF-28 fib er , a v ailab le from many suppliers.
4-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.2 OC3 I R 4/S TM1 SH 13 10 Card 4.2 OC3 IR 4/STM1 SH 1310 Card The OC3 IR 4/ STM1 SH 1310 car d provides four inter mediate or shor t range SDH STM- 1 ports comp liant wit h ITU- T G.
4-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.2 OC3 IR 4/STM1 SH 1310 Card Figure 4-1 sh ows the OC3 I R 4/STM 1 SH 131 0 faceplat e.
4-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.2.1 OC3 IR 4/ST M1 SH 131 0 Func tiona lity Figure 4-2 shows a bloc k diag ram of the four -port OC -3 car d. Figur e 4-2 OC3 IR 4/S TM1 SH 131 0 Bloc k Diag ram 4.2.
4-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.2.2 OC3 IR 4/STM1 SH 131 0 Card-Level Ind icators 4.2.2 OC3 IR 4/ST M1 SH 1310 C ard-Level Indicato rs Ta b l e 4 - 3 describe s the t hree car d-lev el LE D indi cators on the OC3 IR 4 /STM1 SH 1310 ca rd.
4-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.3 OC 3 IR/S TM1 SH 1310-8 C ard Figur e 4-3 OC3 IR/S TM1 SH 131 0-8 F aceplat e 33678 12931 83642 FAIL ACT SF OC3I.
4-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.3 OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1310- 8 Card Figure 4-4 shows a bloc k diag ram of the OC3 IR/STM 1 SH 131 0-8 c ard. Figur e 4-4 OC3 IR/S TM1 SH 1 31 0-8 Block Diagr am Y ou can install the OC3IR/ST M1 SH 1310-8 ca rd in Slots 1 to 4 and 14 to 17.
4-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.3.1 OC3 I R/STM1 S H 1310-8 Card-L evel Indicat ors 4.3.1 OC3 IR/STM 1 SH 13 10-8 Card-Le vel Indicato rs Ta b l e 4 - 4 describes the t hree card- le vel LED indica tors for th e OC3IR/STM 1 SH 1310-8 card.
4-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.4 OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310 Card 4.4 OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310 Card The OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310 card pr ovides one inter mediate or short rang e SDH STM-4 port compl iant with ITU -T G.
4-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.4.1 O C12 IR/STM 4 SH 1310 Card-Leve l Indicators The OC12 IR/STM 4 SH 1310 card interface features a 1310-nm laser and conta ins a transm it and rece iv e connect or (l abeled) on th e card f acepla te.
4-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.5 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1310 Card Figur e 4-6 OC12 LR/S TM4 LH 131 0 F aceplat e FAIL ACT SF 61223 1 33678 12931 Tx Rx .
4-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.5.1 OC12 LR/ST M4 LH 13 10 Car d-Leve l In dicat ors Figure 4-7 shows a bloc k diag ram of t he card .
4-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.5.2 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1310 Port- Level Indi cators 4.5.2 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1310 Port-Level In dicators Y ou can find the sta tus of t he OC1 2 LR/ST M4 LH 1310 ca rd port s using the LCD scree n on th e ONS 15454 SDH fan-tra y assembly .
4-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.6.1 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1550 Card Fu nction ality Figure 4-8 sh ows the OC12 LR/STM4 LH 15 50 faceplat e and a block diagram of the card. Figur e 4-8 OC12 LR/ S TM4 LH 1550 F acep late and Bloc k Diag ram 4.
4-17 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.6.2 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1550 Card-Level Ind icators The OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1550 card det ects LOS, LOF , LO P , MS-AIS, and MS -FERF condit ions. Refer to the Cisco ONS 1545 4 S DH T roubleshooting Guide for a des cript ion of these condi tions.
4-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.7 OC 12 IR/ STM4 SH 1310-4 Card Figur e 4-9 OC12 IR/ST M4 SH 131 0-4 F aceplat e 1 33678 12931 Tx Rx 2 Tx Rx 4 Tx.
4-19 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.7.1 OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310-4 Card Functionality Figure 4-10 shows a block di agram of the card.
4-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.7.2 O C12 IR/STM 4 SH 1310-4 Card-Level Indicators Note If you e v er ex pect t o upgrad e an OC-12 /STM- 4 ring to a high er bit rate, yo u shou ld not put an OC12 IR/ST M4 SH 131 0-4 car d in that ri ng.
4-21 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.8 OC4 8 IR/ STM1 6 SH AS 13 10 Ca rd Figur e 4-1 1 OC48 IR/ST M16 SH A S 131 0 Facep late FAIL ACT SF TX 1 RX OC4.
4-22 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.8.1 OC48 IR/ST M16 SH AS 1310 C ard Fu nctio nality Figure 4-12 shows a block di agram of the card.
4-23 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.8.3 OC48 IR/STM16 SH AS 1310 Port- Level Indicat ors 4.8.3 OC48 IR/STM16 SH AS 1310 Port-Leve l Indicato rs Y ou can find the stat us of t he OC4 8 IR/STM 16 SH A S 1310 c ard po rts usi ng the LCD sc reen o n the ONS 15454 SDH fan-tra y assembly .
4-24 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.9 OC 48 LR/STM16 LH AS 1550 Card Figur e 4-1 3 OC48 LR/S TM16 LH AS 15 50 F aceplate FAIL ACT SF TX 1 RX OC48LR S.
4-25 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.9.1 OC 48 LR/STM16 LH AS 1550 Card Func tionality Figure 4-14 shows a block di agram of the card.
4-26 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.9.3 OC48 LR/ST M16 LH AS 1550 Port-L evel Indic ator s 4.9.3 OC48 LR /STM16 LH AS 1550 Po rt-Level Ind icators Y ou can find the sta tus of t he OC4 8 LR/ST M16 LH AS 1 550 card ports using th e LCD screen on the ONS 15454 SDH fan-tray a ssembly .
4-27 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.10 OC48 ELR/STM16 EH 100 GHz Cards Figur e 4-1 5 OC48 ELR/S TM16 EH 1 0 0 GHz F aceplat e 63106 FAIL ACT/STBY SF TX 1 RX OC48ELR STM16EH 15XX.
4-28 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.10. 1 OC48 ELR/ST M16 E H 100 GH z Card Func tiona lity Figure 4-16 shows a block di agram of the card. Figu re 4-16 OC4 8 ELR /STM16 E H 1 0 0 GH z Block D iagram 4.
4-29 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.10.2 OC48 ELR/STM16 EH 100 GHz Card- Level Indicat ors The O C48 EL R/STM16 E H 100 GHz p ort fe atures a 1550 -nm ran ge laser and contains a tran smit a nd recei ve con nector ( labeled) on t he card fac eplat e.
4-30 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.11 OC 192 SR/ STM64 IO 1310 Card Figur e 4-1 7 OC1 92 SR/S TM64 I O 131 0 F aceplat e FAIL ACT SF 83644 1 33678 1.
4-31 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.11.1 OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 Card Func tionality Figure 4-18 shows a block di agram of the card.
4-32 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.11. 3 OC192 SR/STM64 IO 131 0 Port-L evel Indicat ors 4.11.3 OC192 SR/ST M64 IO 1310 Por t-Level In dicators Y ou can find the status of the OC192 SR/STM 64 IO 1310 ca rd ports usi ng the LCD scre en on the ONS 15454 SDH fan-tra y assembly .
4-33 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.12 OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 Card Figure 4-19 shows the O C192 IR/ STM64 SH 1550 faceplate .
4-34 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.12. 1 OC192 I R/STM6 4 SH 155 0 Card Functio nalit y Figure 4-20 shows a block di agram of the card.
4-35 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.12.2 OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 Card- Level Indicat ors 4.12.2 OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1 550 Card-Level Indicators Ta b l e 4 - 1 3 descr ibes the three ca rd-level LED indi cators o n the OC192 I R/STM64 SH 1550 card.
4-36 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.13 OC19 2 LR/S TM64 LH 1 550 Ca rd Figur e 4-2 1 OC1 92 LR/S TM64 LH 1550 F aceplat e and Blo ck Dia gra m Demux .
4-37 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.13.1 OC192 LR/STM64 LH 1550 Card Functionality Figur e 4-2 2 Enlar g ed Sectio n of the OC 192 LR/ST M64 LH 1 550 F a ceplat e 4.13.1 OC192 LR/STM64 LH 1550 Card Functionality Y ou can ins tall OC192 L R/STM64 LH 1550 ca rds in Slot 5, 6, 12, or 13 .
4-38 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.13. 2 OC192 LR/ST M64 LH 1550 C ard-Le vel Indicat ors The OC192 L R/STM64 LH 1550 card d etects SF , LOS, or LOF condit ions on the optical f acility . Refer to the Cisco ONS 1545 4 S DH T roubleshooting Guide for a des cript ion of these condi tions.
4-39 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.14 OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx. xx Card 4.14 OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.xx Card Sixteen dist inct STM-64 IT U 100 GHz DWDM cards com prise the ONS 154 54 SDH D WDM cha nnel plan.
4-40 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.14. 1 OC192 LR/ST M64 LH ITU 15 xx.xx Card Functi onalit y Figur e 4-2 4 OC1 92 LR/S TM64 LH ITU 15x x.xx Bloc k Dia gra m 4.14.1 OC192 LR/STM64 LH IT U 15xx.xx Card Functionality Y ou can in stall OC19 2 LR/S TM64 LH ITU 15 xx.
4-41 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.14.2 OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15x x.xx Card-Leve l Indicators 4.14.2 OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx .xx Card -Level In dicators Ta b l e 4 - 1 5 descr ibes the three c ard-level LED indicator s on th e OC192 LR/S TM64 L H ITU 15 xx.
4-42 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 4 Optical Cards 4.14. 3 OC192 LR/S TM64 L H ITU 15xx.x x Por t-Le vel I ndica tors.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 5 Ethernet Cards Note The terms “Unidirectio nal Path Switched Ring” and “UPSR” may appear in Cisco literat ure. These terms do not refer t o using Cisco ONS 15xxx produc ts in a unidirec tional path sw itched ring configuration.
5-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 5 Ether net C ards 5.1.1 Cards Summar y 5.1.1 Cards Su mmary Ta b l e 5 - 1 lists the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Ethern et cards. 5.1.2 Card Compatibility Ta b l e 5 - 2 lists the CTC software compatibility for each Eth ernet card.
5-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 5 Ethe rn et Ca rds 5.2 E100T-G Card The ports au toconf igure to operate at eit her half or fu ll duple x and determ ine whether to enable or disable f low control. Y o u can also configur e Ethern et ports ma nually .
5-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 5 Ether net C ards 5.2.1 E100T-G S lot C ompati bilit y 5.2.1 E100T-G Slot Compatibility Y ou can instal l the E100T -G car d in Slots 1 to 6 and 12 to 17. Multip le E-Serie s Ethern et cards insta lled in an ONS 15454 SDH ca n act independ ently or as a sing le Ethe rnet swit ch.
5-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 5 Ethe rn et Ca rds 5.3 E1000-2-G Card The E 1000-2 -G card uses GBIC mo dular recept acles f or the optica l int erfac es. F or d etails, see th e “5.8 GBICs and SFPs” section on page 5-14 .
5-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 5 Ether net C ards 5.3.1 E1000-2-G C ompati bility Each E 1000-2-G card supports standard s-based, Layer 2 Etherne t switch ing betw een it s Etherne t interf aces and SDH i nterf aces on the ONS 1 5454 SDH.
5-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 5 Ethe rn et Ca rds 5.4 G1000-4 Card 5.4 G1000-4 Card The ONS 154 54 SDH uses G1 000-4 car ds for Gigabit Et hernet (1000 Mbps) . The G1000 -4 card provides f our ports o f IEEE -complia nt, 1000- Mbps i nterfaces.
5-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 5 Ether net C ards 5.4.1 G 1000-4 Card- Level Indic ators 5.4.1 G1000-4 Card -Level Indica tors The G100 0-4 card face plate ha s two card-level LED indic ators ( Ta b l e 5 - 7 ). 5.
5-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 5 Ethe rn et Ca rds 5.5.1 G1K-4 Compatibility Figure 5-4 shows th e card fa ceplate an d the bl ock diag ram of the card.
5-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 5 Ether net C ards 5.5.2 G1K- 4 Card-Leve l Indicators 5.5.2 G1K-4 Card-Level Indicators The G1K -4 card facepl ate has two card -level LED indica tors, describe d in Ta b l e 5 - 9 .
5-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 5 Ethe rn et Ca rds 5.6.1 ML100T-1 2 Card-Level Ind icators Figur e 5-5 ML1 00T -1 2 F acepla te ML-Ser ies card s featur e two SDH vir tual port s with a maxim um combin ed band width of VC4-16c.
5-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 5 Ether net C ards 5.6.2 ML100T-12 Por t-Le vel Indi cator s 5.6.2 ML100 T-12 Port-L evel Indica tors The ML1 00T -12 card prov ides a pair o f LEDs for eac h Fas t Ethe rnet port: an amber LED for acti vity (A CT) and a gree n LED for LI NK.
5-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 5 Ethe rn et Ca rds 5.7.1 ML1000-2 Card-Leve l Indicat ors Figure 5-6 shows th e ML1000- 2 card f aceplate . Figur e 5-6 ML1 00 0-2 F a ceplat e ML-Ser ies card s featur e two SDH vir tual port s with a maxim um combin ed band width of VC4-16c.
5-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 5 Ether net C ards 5.7.2 ML1000-2 Port -Leve l Indi cat ors 5.7.2 ML100 0-2 Port-Leve l Indicators The ML1 000-2 ca rd has two LED s for eac h of the two G igabit Eth ernet port s. The po rt-level indicato rs are desc ribed in Ta b l e 5 - 1 4 .
5-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 5 Ethe rn et Ca rds 5.8.1 Compatibility by Card 5.8.1 Compatibility by Card Ta b l e 5 - 1 5 lists Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Ethernet cards with their compatible GBICs and SFPs. Cautio n Only use GBICs and SFPs certified for use in Cisco Optical Networki ng Systems.
5-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 5 Ether net C ards 5.8.2 GBIC Descr iptio n GBIC dim ensions ar e: • Height 0.39 i n.
5-17 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 5 Ethe rn et Ca rds 5.8.2 GBIC Descript ion The ONS 154 54-suppor ted D WDM GBI Cs reach up to 100 t o 120 km ov er single -mode fiber and support 32 different wav elengt hs in the red an d blue bands.
5-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 5 Ether net C ards 5.8.3 SFP Descrip tion Exampl e of CWDM or DWDM GBIC Applic ation A G-Seri es card equ ipped with CWDM or DWDM GBICs su pports t he deliv ery of u nprotec ted Gigabit Ether net servi ce over Metro DWDM ( Figure 5- 9 ).
5-19 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chap ter 5 Ethe rn et Ca rds 5.8.3 SFP Description Figur e 5-1 1 A ctua tor/But ton SFP Figu re 5-12 Bai l Cl asp SF P 63066 63067.
5-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 5 Ether net C ards 5.8.3 SFP Descrip tion.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 6 Storage Access Networking Cards The FC_M R-4 ca rd is a 1 .0625- o r 2.125- Gbps Fibre C hannel /Fiber Conne ctivity (FICON) c ard tha t integrates non-SD H frame d protocols i nto an SDH t ime-division mult iplexing (TDM) platform thr ough virtuall y conca tenated payloa ds.
6-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 6 Storage Ac cess Netw orking Ca rds 6.1.1 FC_MR- 4 Card-Level I ndicators • High-orde r SONET /SDH VC A T support ( STS1-xv/V C-3 and STS3c-xv /VC-4) Figure 6-1 shows th e FC_MR-4 f acepla te and bloc k diagra m.
6-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 6 Storage Acces s Networking Card s 6.1.2 FC _MR -4 Por t-Lev el In dicato rs 6.1.2 FC_MR-4 Por t-Level In dicators Each FC _MR-4 po rt has a corresp onding A CT/LNK LE D.
6-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 6 Storage Ac cess Netw orking Ca rds 6.2.2 En hanced Ca rd Mode 6.2.2 Enhanc ed Card Mo de Featur es av ailable in en hanced card mode are gi ven in this secti on.
6-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 6 Storage Acces s Networking Card s 6.2.4 Interoper abili ty Featur es (Enhanced Mode Only) • Insulation for FC switches from an y SONET switchov ers. No FC fabric recon vergence s for SONET failur es of less than or equal to 60 ms.
6-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 6 Storage Ac cess Netw orking Ca rds 6.3 FC_MR-4 Card Application The FC_M R-4 p ayloads can b e transpo rted over the following pro.
C HAPTER 7-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 7 Card Protection This c hapter expl ains th e Cisco O NS 1545 4 SDH c ard pr otection configurati ons. T o p rovision c ard protec tion, r efer to the Ci sco ONS 1 5454 S DH Procedur e Guide .
7-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.1.2 1:N Protection Figur e 7 -1 ONS 15454 SDH Car ds in a 1:1 Pr ote ction Configur ation 7.1.2 1:N Protection 1:N prot ection a llows a single ca rd to pro tect several working ca rds.
7-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 7 Card Pro tection 7.1.2 1:N Prot ection Figur e 7 -2 ONS 15454 SDH Car ds in a 1:N Pr otec tion Configur ation Revertive Switching 1:N protectio n supports re vert iv e switchi ng.
7-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.2 STM- N Card Protectio n The ONS 15454 SDH au tomatically detects and i dentif ies a 1:N protect card when the card is installed in Slot 3 or Slot 15.
7-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 7 Card Pro tection 7.4 E xter nal Sw itch ing Comm and s Figur e 7 -3 ONS 15 454 SDH Car ds in a n Unpr ot ected Configur ation 7.4 External Switc hing Commands The extern al switchin g comma nds on the ONS 15454 SDH are Manua l, Force, and Loc k out.
7-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 7 C ard Protection 7.4 Extern al Switchin g Commands.
C HAPTER 8-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 8 Cisco Transp ort Controller Op eration Thi s chapte r desc ribe s Cisc o T ran sport Contro lle r (CTC), the Ci sco soft w are inte rf ace for t he Cisc o ONS 154 54 SDH. For CTC set up and login informati on, refer to the Cisc o ONS 15 454 SDH Pr ocedur e Guide .
8-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope ration 8.1.1 CTC So ftware Installe d on the TCC2/ TCC2P Card Figur e 8-1 CTC Sof tw ar e V ersi.
8-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller Opera tion 8.1.2 CTC Software Installed on the PC or UNIX Workstation 8.
8-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope ration 8.3 PC and UNI X Workstat ion Requirement s Note T o av oid networ k performanc e issues, Cisc o recomme nds manag ing a maximu m of 50 nodes concurrently with CTC.
8-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller Opera tion 8.4 ONS 15454 SDH Connect ion 8.4 ONS 15454 SDH Con nection Y o u can c onnect to the ON S 15454 SDH in multiple ways.
8-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope ration 8.5 CTC Windo w SDH. Y ou can conn ect to the ON S 1545 4 SDH th rough a LAN or mod em, and you can estab lish TL1 connec tions fro m a PC or TL1 termi nal.
8-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller Opera tion 8.5.1 Node View Figur e 8-3 Node V iew ( Def ault Login V iew) 8.5. 1 Node Vie w Node view , shown in Fi gure 8- 3 , is the first vie w open af ter you log int o an ONS 15454 SDH .
8-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope ration 8.5.1 Node Vi ew The color s of the Front Moun t Electr ical Connectio n (FMEC) c ards refle ct the rea l-time statu s of the physical FME C card s.
8-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller Opera tion 8.5.1 Node View Figur e 8-4 T er minal L oopbac k Indicat or Figur e 8-5 F acility Loopbac k Indicat or The word ing on a lower-shelf card in node vie w shows the status of a card (Ac ti ve, Standby , Lo ading, or Not Provisio ned).
8-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope ration 8.5.1 Node Vi ew The g raphics on a port in n ode view show the state of a port (d iagonal li nes or l oop graph ics). Ta b l e 8 - 8 lists the port g raphic a nd thei r descr iption.
8-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller Opera tion 8.5.2 Network View 8.5.2 Network V iew Network view allows you t o view and man age ONS 154 54 SDHs tha t have DCC connect ions to the n ode that you log ged into and any login nod e groups you selected ( Figur e 8-6 ).
8-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope ration 8.5.2 Network View The grap hic are a displ ays a back ground im age with colore d ONS 15454 SDH icons. A Su peruser can set up the logica l networ k view featur e, whic h enabl es each user to see the sa me net work view .
8-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller Opera tion 8.5.3 C ard View 8.5.3 Card Vi ew Card view provides i nformati on about i ndividual ONS 154 54 SDH car ds ( Figure 8-7 ). Use this wind o w to per form ca rd-spec if ic m aintena nce and provisionin g.
8-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope ration 8.5.3 Card View Note For T XP , MXP a nd D WDM card info rmatio n, re fer t o the Cisco ONS 1545 4 D W DM Installati on and Ope ratio ns Gu ide .
8-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 8 Cisco Transpor t Controller Opera tion 8.6 T CC2/ TCC2 P Card Reset 8.6 TCC2/TCC2P Card Reset Y ou can reset t he ONS 15454 SDH TCC2/TCC2P card by using CT C (a soft reset) or by physically reseating a TCC2/TCC2P card (a hard re set).
8-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 8 Cisco Tr ansport Contr oller Ope ration 8.8 Sof tware R evert T o perfor m a suppor ted (no n-servi ce-affecting) reve rt fr om Soft ware R5.0 , the re lease you want to revert to must have been workin g at th e tim e you first activ ated Soft ware R5 .
C HAPTER 9-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 9 Security and Timing This chapte r provides information about Cisco ONS 15454 S DH users and SDH timing. T o provision security and timin g, refer to the Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH P r ocedur e Guid e .
9-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 9 Se curity and Timin g 9.1.1 Sec urity Require ments T able 9-1 ONS 15454 SDH Secur ity Lev els—Nod e Vi ew CTC T ab S ubtab [S u.
9-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 9 Security and Ti ming 9.1.1 Security Requirements Provisioni ng Comm Channels SDCC : Create/Edit/Dele te — — X X LDCC: Cr eate/.
9-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 9 Se curity and Timin g 9.1.1 Sec urity Require ments Ta b l e 9 - 2 sho ws the actions that each user pri vile ge le vel can perform in networ k view .
9-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 9 Security and Ti ming 9.1.2 Security Policies 9.1.2 Security Policies Users with Superuser security pri vile ge can pro vision securit y policies on the ONS 154 54 SDH.
9-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 9 Se curity and Timin g 9.1.2 Sec urity Policies User Password, Login, and Access Policies Superuser s can view real-tim e lists of users who ar e logged into CT C or TL1 by node.
9-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 9 Security and Ti ming 9.2 Node Ti ming 9.2 Node Timing SDH timing pa rameters must be set for each ONS 1 5454 SDH.
9-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 9 Se curity and Timin g 9.2.2 Sy nchronizatio n Status Mess aging Figur e 9-1 ONS 15454 SDH Timing Exam ple 9.
9-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 9 Security and Ti ming 9.2.2 S ynchronization Status Messaging G812L 4 Local no de clock tracea ble SETS 5 Synchrono us equi pment D.
9-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 9 Se curity and Timin g 9.2.2 Sy nchronizatio n Status Mess aging.
C HAPTER 10-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 10 Circuits and Tunnels This c hapter expl ains C isco ON S 15454 SDH high-o rder a nd low-order circuit s; low-order, data comm unication chan nel (DCC) , and IP- encapsul ated t unnels; a nd virtua l conc atenat ed (VCA T) circu its.
10-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.2 Circuit Pr operties • Enab le port gr ouping on low-order path t unnels.
10-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10.2 Circuit Properties to the Cisco ONS 15 454 D WDM Install ation and Operations G uide for more inform ation . Low-order VCA T circuits are VC3. For inform ation on the number of sup ported memb ers for each car d, see T able 1 0-12 .
10-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.2.1 Circuit Status Figur e 1 0-1 ONS 15 454 SDH Circ uit Windo w in N etwor k View 10.2.1 Circuit Status The cir cuit statuse s that ap pear in the Circuit wind o w Status co lumn are gene rated by CTC based on conditi ons alo ng the circuit path.
10-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10.2.2 Circuit States 10.2.2 Circuit States The circ uit service state is a n aggre gate o f the cr oss-connect states withi n the cir cuit.
10-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.2.2 Circuit States • If all c ross- connec ts in a cir cuit ar e in th e Locked -enabl ed,mai nten ance ; Unlock ed-disa bled,auto maticIn Service; or Locked -enabled ,disable d service st ate, the cir cuit servic e stat e is Locked .
10-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10.2.3 Circ uit Protecti on Types 10.2.3 Circuit Prote ction Types The Prot ection c olumn on the Circu it window shows the card (l ine) and SD H topolo gy (path) pro tection used f or the entire c ircuit p ath.
10-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.2.4 Circ uit Information in the Ed it Circuit Windo w • The cir cuit source and desti nation poi nt.
10-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10.3 Cross-Conne ct Card Bandwidth Figur e 1 0-2 T ermin al Loopbac k in the Edit Cir cuits Windo w Move t.
10-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.4 DCC Tun nels The XC -VXL-10G and XC-V XL-2.5 G card suppo rt both low-or der and hig h-order c ircuits (E -1, E-3, DS-3, STM -1, STM -4, STM-16, and STM- 64 signal rates).
10-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10.4.2 IP-En capsulated Tunnel s Note A DCC doe s not function on a mixed network of O NS 15454 SDH node s and ONS 15454 nodes. DCC tunneli ng is require d for ONS 15454 SDH nodes tran sporting data through ONS 154 54 nodes .
10-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.5 Mul tiple Dest inati ons fo r Un idire ction al Ci rcuit s 10.5 Multiple Destinations for Unidirectio nal Circuits Unidirect ional circuits c an ha ve multipl e destinations f or use in broadc ast circuit schem es.
10-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10.7.1 Open -Ended SNCP Cir cuits In the SN CP Switch Counts su btab, you can : • Perform main tenance switch es on the c ircuit selec tor . • V iew switc h counts for the selectors.
10-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.8 MS-SPRing Pro tection Chann el Access Circuits Figur e 1 0-5 SNCP Go-a nd-Retur n Routing 10.
10-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10.9 Pa th Tr ace 10.9 Path Trace SDH J1 an d J2 path tr ace are re peate d, f ix ed-len gth str ings co mposed of 64 co nsecut i ve b ytes. Y ou ca n use the strings to monitor interruptions or ch anges to circuit traf f ic.
10-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.1 1 Aut omat ic C irc uit Rout ing If a circuit is pr ovi sioned using a terminating card, the terminatin g card pro vides th e C2 b yte.
10-17 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10.11.1 Bandwidth Allocation and Routing • If the ne twork has a mixture of low-order-capabl e nodes and low-order-incapable n odes, CTC might automa tically c reate a low -or der tunnel .
10-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.12 Ma nual Circuit Routing • For point-to- point (str aight) E thernet c ircuits, only VC end points can b e speci fied as multip le sources or drops.
10-19 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10. 12 Manual Ci rcuit Rout ing Figur e 1 0-8 Mixing 1+1 or MS-SPRing Pr ote cted L inks with a n SNCP • Choose the links of multic ard EtherSwitch circuits in a shared packe t ring to route from source to desti nation back to source ( F igur e 10-9 ).
10-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.12 Ma nual Circuit Routing Figur e 1 0-1 0 Ether net and SNCP • Low-order tunne ls cannot be t he endpoint of a n SNCP segment. A SNCP segment endpoint is wh ere the SNCP selector resides.
10-21 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10. 12 Manual Ci rcuit Rout ing Although virtua l SNCP segments are po ssible in low-order tunnels, lo w-order tu nnels are still conside red unpr otected.
10-22 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.13 Cons traint-Base d Circuit Routing 10.13 Constraint-Based Circuit Routi ng When you crea te circ uits, yo u ca n choose Fully Pro tect ed Path to protec t the circuit from source t o destination.
10-23 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10.14.2 Software-Link Capacity Adjustment constra ints for individual mem bers; w ith ma nual routi ng, you can se lect different sp ans f or different member s.
10-24 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.15 Merge C ircui ts Use the Member s tab on the Edit Circuit windo w to add or delete members from a VCA T circu it.
10-25 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 0 Circuits and Tunnels 10.1 6 Reconfigur e Circ uits • Circu it sizes must be identi cal. • VLAN assignments must be identic al. • Circuit end points must send or recei ve the same framing forma t.
10-26 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 10 Circui ts and Tun nels 10.16 Reco nfigure Circui ts.
C HAPTER 11-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 11 SDH Topologies and Up grades This c hapter expla ins Cisco ONS 1 5454 SDH topologi es and upg rades. T o p rovision to pologies, refer to the Cisco ONS 1 5454 S DH Procedur e Guide .
11-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.2 Mul tiplex Section-Share d Protection Rin gs 11.2 Multiplex Section-Shared Protection Rings There are two types o f MS-SPRings: two-fiber an d four-fiber .
11-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.2.1 Two-Fiber M S-SPRings Figur e 1 1 -1 Fou r -Node, T wo- Fiber MS-SPRing The SDH K1, K2, and K3 b ytes carr y the informat ion that go vern s MS-SPRing protectio n switches.
11-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.2.1 Two-F iber MS-SPRings Figure 11-2 shows a sa mple traf fic pattern on a fo ur-no de, two-f iber MS-SPRing.
11-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.2.1 Two-Fiber M S-SPRings Figure 11-3 sho ws ho w traff ic is rer outed after a lin e break betwee n No de 0 and No de 3.
11-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.2.2 Four-Fiber MS- SPRings 11.2.2 Four-Fiber MS-SPRin gs Four-f iber MS- SPRings doubl e the b andwidth of two-fiber MS- SPRings.
11-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.2.2 Four-Fib er MS-SPRings Four-f iber MS-SPRings pr ovide span and ring swit ching. Span sw itching o ccurs wh en a w orking span fails ( Figure 11-5 ).
11-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.2.3 MS-SPRing B andwidth Ring switch ing oc curs when a s pan swi tch c annot reco ver tra ff i c ( Figure 11-6 ), such as when b oth the wor king and protect fibers f ail on the same spa n.
11-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.2.3 MS-SP Ring Ban dwidth T able 11-3 shows the bidirectio nal bandwidt h capacit ies of four-fiber MS-SPRings. Figure 11-7 shows an example of MS-SPRing ban dwidth reuse .
11-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.2.4 MS-SPRing Application Sample 11.2.4 MS-SPR ing Ap plication Sample Figure 11-8 shows a sample two-f iber MS-SPRing im plement ation with f iv e nodes.
11-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.2.4 MS-SPRing A pplication Sample Figure 11-9 shows the shelf assembly layout for No de 0, which has one free slot.
11-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.2.5 MS-SPRing Fiber Con nections 11.2.5 MS -SPRing F iber C onnection s Plan yo ur fiber con nections and use t he sam e plan f or all MS-SPRing nodes.
11-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.2.6 Two-Fiber MS-SPRing to Four-Fiber MS-SPRing Conversion Figur e 1 1 -12 Connecting Fibe r to a F our -Node, Four -Fiber MS-SPRing 11.
11-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.3 Subne twork C onnection Protectio n CTC auto mates ring configu ration. SNCP r ing network traffic is defined within the O NS 15454 SD H on a circui t-by-circu it basis.
11-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.3 Sub netw ork Co nnec tion Pr otec tion The same signal is also sent on the protec t traff ic path t hrough Nod e D.
11-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.3 Subne twork C onnection Protectio n Figure 11-15 shows a common SNCP ring ap plication. STM-1 path circ uits provide remot e switch connect ivi ty to a host V5.
11-17 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.3 Sub netw ork Co nnec tion Pr otec tion Figur e 1 1 -16 Card Set up of Node A in the S TM-1 SNCP Ring Example In Figure 11-15 on page 11-16 , Nodes B through D each contain t wo E1-14 c ards and two STM-1 cards.
11-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.4 Dua l Ring Interconnec t 11.4 Dual Ring Interconnect Dual ri ng int erconnec t (D RI) top ology provide s an extra level of path protec tion for circui ts on interconn ected rin gs.
11-19 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.4.1 MS-SP Ring DRI Figure 11-18 shows ONS 15454 SDHs in a traditio nal MS-SPRing DRI topology with same-side routin g. In Rin g 1, Nodes 3 a nd 4 are the interc onnect nodes, and in R ing 2 , Nodes 8 and 9 are the interco nnect node s.
11-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.4.1 MS-SPRing D RI Figure 11-19 shows ONS 15454 SDHs in a traditio nal MS-SPRing DRI topology with opposit e-side routin g. In Rin g 1, Nodes 3 and 4 are t he inte rconnect nodes, and i n Ring 2 , Node s 8 and 9 are the interco nnect node s.
11-21 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.4.1 MS-SP Ring DRI Figure 11-20 shows ONS 15454 SDHs in an integra ted MS-SPRin g DRI topology . The same drop-and -conti nue traffic routing occurs at t wo nodes, ra ther than four .
11-22 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.4.2 SNCP Dual Ring Interconnect 11.4.2 SNCP Du al Ring Intercon nect The SNCP dua l ring interc onnect top ology (SNCP DRI) provides an extra lev el of path protection betwee n intercon necte d SNCP rings.
11-23 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.4.2 SNCP Dual R ing Inte rconnect Figur e 1 1 -21 ONS 15454 T radi tional SDH Dual Ring Inte rc onnect Figure 11-22 shows ONS 154 54 SDHs in an integrat ed DRI topology .
11-24 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.4.2 SNCP Dual Ring Interconnect Figur e 1 1 -22 ONS 15454 SDH Int egr at ed Dual Rin g Int erc.
11-25 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.4.3 SNCP/MS-SPRing DRI Handoff Configurations 11.4.3 SNCP/MS-SPRing D RI Handoff Configurations SNCPs and M S-SPRings c an also be intercon nected.
11-26 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.5 Subte nding Ring s Figure 11-24 shows an exa mple of an SNCP t o MS-SPRi ng integra ted DRI handoff. Figur e 1 1 -24 ONS 15454 SDH SNCP t o MS-SP Ring Int egra ted DRI Handof f 11.
11-27 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.5 S ubt endi ng Rin gs Figur e 1 1 -25 ONS 15454 SDH with Multiple S ubtendin g Rings Figure 11-26 shows an SNCP ri ng subten ding from an MS-SPRing.
11-28 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.6 Lin ear ADM Configur ations Figure 11-27 shows two MS-SPRings shar ed by one ONS 1545 4 SDH. Ring 1 runs o n Nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4. Ring 2 r uns on Nodes 4, 5, 6, and 7.
11-29 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.7 Extended SNCP Mesh Networks Figur e 1 1 -28 Linear (P oint -to-P oint) ADM Configur ation 11.
11-30 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.7 Extende d SNCP Mesh Net works Figur e 1 1 -29 Exten ded SNCP Mesh Netwo r k Extended SNCP rings also allo w spans with dif ferent SDH speeds to be mixed toget her in “virtual rings.
11-31 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 1 SDH Topologies an d Upgrades 11.8 Four No de Configu rations 11.8 Four Node Configurati ons Y o u can link multiple ONS 15454 .
11-32 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 11 SDH Topologies and Upgrade s 11.9.1 Span Upgrade Wizard 11.9.1 Span U pgrade Wi zard The Span Up grade W izard au tomates a ll steps in the manu al span upgra de proced ure (MS-SPRin g, SNCP ring, and 1+1) .
C HAPTER 12-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 12 CTC Network Connectivity This chapt er provides nine scena rios sho wing Cisco ONS 15454 SDH nodes i n common IP network conf i.
12-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.2 IP Addressing Scenarios • The ONS 1 5454 SDH p roxy serv er can co ntrol th e visibility and acc essibility be tween CTC comp uters and ONS 15 454 SD H elem ent no des.
12-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.2.2 Scenario 2: CTC and ONS 15454 SDH No des Connected to a Router Figur e 12 -1 Scenar io 1: CTC and ONS 15 454 SDH Nodes o n the Same Subnet 12.
12-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.2.3 Scen ario 3: Using Pro xy ARP to Enable an ONS 15454 SDH Gateway Figur e 12 -2 Scenar io 2: CTC and ONS 15 454 SDH Node s Connect ed t o Router 12.
12-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.2.3 Scenari o 3: Using Proxy ARP to Enable an ONS 15454 SDH Gateway Scenario 3 is si milar to Scena rio 1, but only one ONS 1 5454 SDH (#1) co nnects to the L AN ( Figure 12 -3 ).
12-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.2.4 Scen ario 4: Defa ult Gateway on CTC Computer In Figure 12-4 , ONS 15454 SDH #1 announces to ON S 15454 SDH #2 and #3 t hat it can reac h the CTC host.
12-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.2.5 Scenario 5: Using Static Routes to Conne ct to LANs Figur e 12- 5 Scenar io 4: Def ault Gate w ay on a CTC Comput er 12.
12-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.2.5 Scen ario 5: Using St atic Routes to Conn ect to LANs Figur e 12 -6 Scenar io 5: Static Ro.
12-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.2.6 Scenario 6: Using OSPF Figur e 12- 7 Scenar io 5: Static Route Wi th Multiple LAN Destinatio ns 12.2.6 Scena rio 6: Using OSP F Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link state Internet routing protocol.
12-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.2.6 Scen ario 6: Using O SPF ONS 15454 SDH no des use the OSPF protocol in inte rn al ONS 15454 SDH networks for node discov ery , circuit routing, and node manage ment.
12-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.2.7 Scenar io 7: Provisioni ng the ONS 15454 S DH Proxy Server Figure 12-9 sh o ws the sam e network as Figure 12- 8 on pag e 12- 10 without OSPF .
12-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.2.7 Scen ario 7: Provi sioning the ONS 1 5454 SDH Proxy Server network e lemen ts (EN Es).
12-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.2.7 Scenar io 7: Provisioni ng the ONS 15454 S DH Proxy Server Figur e 12 -1 0 Pr o xy Server G atew ay Set tings Figure 12-11 shows an ONS 15454 SDH pro xy server impleme ntation.
12-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.2.7 Scen ario 7: Provi sioning the ONS 1 5454 SDH Proxy Server Figur e 12- 1 1 Scenar io 7: S.
12-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.2.7 Scenar io 7: Provisioni ng the ONS 15454 S DH Proxy Server Figur e 12 -12 Scena r io 7: ONS 15454 SDH Pr oxy Serv er with GN E and ENEs on Dif f er ent Sub nets Remote CTC 10.
12-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.2.7 Scen ario 7: Provi sioning the ONS 1 5454 SDH Proxy Server Figure 12-13 shows t he implementa tion with ONS 15454 SDH ENEs in multip le rings.
12-17 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.2.8 Scenario 8 : Dual GNEs on a Sub net If the pack et is addressed to the ONS 15454 SDH, additional rules sho wn in Ta b l e 1 2 - 4 apply . Rej ected pack ets are sile ntly di scarded .
12-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.2.8 Scenario 8: Dual GNEs on a Subnet Figur e 12 -14 Scenar io 8: Dual GNEs on the Same Subnet 115275 Remote CTC 10.10.
12-19 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.2.9 Scenario 9: IP Ad dressing with Secure Mode Enabled Figure 12-15 shows a network with dua l GNEs on different subnets. Figu re 12-15 S cenario 8: D ual G NEs o n Diff erent S ubne ts 12.
12-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.2.9 Scenario 9: IP Addressi ng with Secure Mode Ena bled Figure 12-16 shows an example of ONS 15454 SDH nod es on the same subn et with secur e mode enab led.
12-21 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.3 Provisionable Patchcords Figure 12-17 shows an example of ONS 154 54 nodes co nnected t o a router with sec ure mode en abled. In the exam ple, TCC2P p ort addresse s are on a differen t subnet fro m the nod e MIC-C/T /P IP addre sses.
12-22 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.3 Provi sionable Patchc ords Provisiona ble pa tchcords are re quired on b oth en ds of a physical link . The provisionin g at e ach end include s a local patchco rd ID, slot/ port infor mation, re mote IP addre ss, and remo te patchcor d ID.
12-23 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.4 Routing Ta ble T able 12-7 lists th e supported ca rd combi nations for trunk-to-t runk ports in a patchcord.
12-24 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.4 Routing Table • Interf ace—Sho ws the ONS 15454 SDH inter face u sed to access the destin ation.
12-25 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.5 External Firewalls • Gate way ( means the destination host is direct ly attached to the nod e. • Interf ace (pdcc0) indicates that a SD H SDCC interf ace is used to reach the desti nation host.
12-26 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.5 Exte rnal Firew all s The fo llowing access c ontrol list (ACL) example shows a fi rewall configurat ion w hen the proxy ser ver gateway settin g is not enab led.
12-27 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.6 Open GNE access-list 101 remark access-list 101 permit tcp host 10.
12-28 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.6 Open GNE Figur e 12-1 8 Pro xy and Fire wall T unnels for Fo r eign T er minations Remote CTC Interface 0/0 10.
12-29 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 2 CTC Network Connecti vity 12.6 Open GNE Figure 12-19 shows a remote node co nnected t o an ENE Ethe rnet port . Proxy and firew all tun nels are useful in this example be cause the GNE would othe rwise b lock I P access b etween the PC and for eign node.
12-30 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Ch apter 1 2 CTC N etwor k Conn ecti vity 12.6 Open GNE.
C HAPTER 13-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 13 Alarm Monitoring an d Management This c hapter expl ains how to ma nage al arms w ith Cisco T ranspor t Contro ller (CT C). T o tro ublesho ot spec ific alarms, ref er to the Cisco ONS 1 5454 SDH T r ouble shooting Guide .
13-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 13 Alarm Monitor ing and Ma nagement 13.3 Viewin g Alarm Coun ts on the LCD for a No de, Slot, or Port Whether you choose to pri n.
13-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 3 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent 13.4 Viewing Alarms Figu re 13-1 S helf LCD Panel 13.4 Viewing Alarms In the card-, node-, or network- lev el CTC vie w , click the Alarms tab to display the alar ms for that card, node, or network.
13-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 13 Alarm Monitor ing and Ma nagement 13.4 Viewin g Alarms T able 13-2 lists the color codes for alarm and condi tion sev erities. Th e inherited (I) an d unset (U) se veri ties are only listed i n the network vie w Provisio ning > Alarm Prof iles tab .
13-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 3 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent 13.4.1 Viewing Ala rms With Each No de’s Time Zone 13.4.1 Viewin g Alarms With Ea ch Node’s T ime Zone By def ault, alarm s and conditio ns are displayed with t he time stamp of the CTC workst ation where you are vi ewing them .
13-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 13 Alarm Monitor ing and Ma nagement 13.4. 4 Vie wing Alarm -Affe cted Cir cuits 13.
13-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 3 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent 13.4.5 Conditions Tab 13.4.5 Conditions Tab The Conditions windo w displays retrie ved fault conditio ns. A condition is a fault or status detecte d by ONS 15454 SDH hardwa re or sof tware.
13-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 13 Alarm Monitor ing and Ma nagement 13.4.7 Viewi ng History Conditions Column Descripti ons T able 13-6 lists the Conditions windo w column headings and the infor mation recorde d in each column.
13-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 3 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent 13.4.7 Viewing History Note In the Preference dialog General tab, the Maximum History Entries v alue only applie s to the Session windo w .
13-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 13 Alarm Monitor ing and Ma nagement 13.5 Alarm Severit ies Retrieving and Di splaying Alarm and Condition Histor y Y ou.
13-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 3 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent 13.6.1 Creating and Modifying Alarm Profiles If one or m ore ala rm profiles hav e bee n stor.
13-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 13 Alarm Monitor ing and Ma nagement 13.6.2 Alarm Pro file Buttons 13.6.2 Alarm Profile Buttons The Alarm Prof iles windo w d isplays six b uttons at the b ottom. T a ble 13-8 lists and descr ibes each of t he alarm pro file b uttons and th eir functio ns.
13-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 3 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent 13.6.5 Row Display Options • Use Def ault • T ran sien t (T) T ransien t and Use D efault severity alarms onl y appear in alarm profiles. They do not appear w hen you view alarms, hist ory , or co nditions.
13-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 13 Alarm Monitor ing and Ma nagement 13.7 Suppre ssing Alarms Figur e 13 -4 Card V iew P ort Alar m Pr ofile for an OPT -BS T Car d 13.
13-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 3 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent 13.8 Provisi oning Ext ernal Al arms and Cont rols 13.
13-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 13 Alarm Monitor ing and Ma nagement 13.9 Audit Trai l – V irtual wire entities—Y ou can prov ision an alarm that is input to a virtual w ire to trigger an external co ntrol out put.
13-17 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 3 Alarm Monitoring and Managem ent 13.9.2 Audit Trail Capacities When t he log ser ver reaches a m aximum capacity of 640 en tries an d be gins o v erwritin g recor ds that wer e not arc hi ved, an A UD-LOG-L OSS condition i s raised and logged .
13-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapte r 13 Alarm Monitor ing and Ma nagement 13.9.2 Audit Tra il Capacities.
CH A P T E R REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-1 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 14 Ethernet Operation The Ci sco ONS 15454 SD H integrat es Et hernet int o an SD H tim e-division multi plexing (T DM) plat form. The ONS 15454 SDH suppor ts E-Se ries, G-Se ries , and ML-Se ries Ethern et cards .
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.1. 1 G1K- 4 and G1000- 4 Compa rison The G-Ser ies card s allo w an Ethern et pri v ate line service to be pr ovi sioned an d manage d v ery much li ke a traditio nal SDH or SONET line.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-3 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.1.3 IEEE 802.3z Flow Control and Frame Buffer ing The G- Series card d iscar ds cer tain ty pes of erron eous E thernet fra mes rath er tha n tran sport th em o ve r SDH.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.1.4 Eth ernet Link Integ rity Support 14.1.4 Etherne t Link Integrity S upport The G-Series suppo rts end-to-end Ethernet lin k integrity ( Figure 14- 2 ).
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-5 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.2 G-Serie s Gigabit Et hernet Transponde r Mode Figur e 14- 3 G-Ser .
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.2 G-Ser ies Gigabi t Ethernet Tran sponde r Mode Figur e 14 -4 Card.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-7 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.2.1 Two-Port Bidir ectiona l Transp onder In tra nspond er mo de, th.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.2.2 One-Por t Bidirection al Transpo nder 14.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-9 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.2.4 G-Ser ies Transpon der Mode Char acteri stics Figur e 14-8 T wo-P ort Unidir ectio nal T rans ponder 14.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.3 E-Seri es Ap plication The ope ration o f a G- Series c ard in t.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-11 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.3.1 E-Ser ies Modes Figur e 14-9 Multicard EtherS witc h Configur a.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.3.2 E-Ser ies IEEE 802. 3z Flow Contro l because the E1000- 2-G has a m aximum ba ndwidth of VC4-4c. Ethernet frame si zes up to 152 2 bytes are also suppo rted, w hich all o ws tra nsport of IE EE 802.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-13 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.3. 3 E- Serie s VLAN Supp ort Note T o enable fl ow control bet ween an E -Series in po rt-mapped mod e and a Smar tBits test set, manually set bit 5 of the MII re gister to 0 on the SmartBits test set.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.3.4 E-Series Q- Tagging (IEE E 802.1Q) Figur e 14-12 Q-T ag Moving th rough VL AN The ON S 15454 SDH uses the Q-tag a ttache d by the externa l Ethern et devices th at suppo rt IEEE 80 2.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-15 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.3.5 E-Series Priority Queuing (IEEE 802.1Q) 14.3.5 E-Series Priority Queuing (IE EE 802.1Q ) Networks witho ut priority queuing han dle all packets on a FIFO basis.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.3.6 E-Ser ies Spanni ng Tree (IEEE 80 2.1D) Note IE EE 802. 1Q was for merly IEEE 8 02.1P . Note E- Series cards in port-m apped m ode and G- Series ca rds d o not su pport p riority queing (IEEE 8021.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-17 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.3.6 E-Series Spann ing Tree (IEEE 802.1 D) Figur e 14 -15 Spannin g T r ee Map on the Cir cuit Windo w Note G reen repr esents forwardi ng span s and pu rple r epresen ts blocked (prote ct) sp ans.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.3.6 E-Ser ies Spanni ng Tree (IEEE 80 2.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-19 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.4 G-Series Circuit Configurations 14.4 G-Series Circu it Configurations This se ction expl ains G -Series point- to-point circuit s and ma nual cross-con nects.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.5 E-Seri es Circ uit Config urations Note In this chapter , “cro.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-21 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.5.2 E-Series Point-to-Point Ethernet Circuits 14.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-22 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.5.3 E-Ser ies Shared Packet Ring Ethernet Circuits 14.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-23 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.5.5 E-Se ries Ethern et Manua l Cross- Connects Figur e 14-21 Hub -and-Spok e Etherne t Circuit 14.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-24 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.6 Rem ote Monitoring Sp ecification A larm Thresh olds T able 14-4.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-25 Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapter 1 4 Ethernet Operat ion 14.6 Remote Monitor ing Specif icati on Alarm Thr esholds dot3Stat sFr.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL 14-26 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Chapt er 14 Ethern et Opera tion 14.6 Rem ote Monitoring Sp ecification A larm Thresh olds rece iv ePk.
A- 1 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 APPEND IX A Hardware Specifications This a ppendix c ontains hardware a nd soft ware specification s for the ON S 15454 SD H.
A- 2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.1.3 C isco Tra nsport Cont roller • Re gene rat or mod e • W av elength multip lexe r A.
A-3 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.1.8 System T iming A.1.8 Sys tem Timing The ONS 154 54 SDH has the foll o wing system timing spec ifications: • Stratum 3E , per ITU-T G. 813 • Free running accuracy: +/– 4.
A- 4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.3 Ge neral Card Spe cifications A.3 General Card Specifications This se ction provides po wer c onsum ption an d temp erature ranges for al l ONS 15454 SD H cards .
A-5 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.3.1 Power Consumpt ion T able A -2 Individual Card P ow er Requir emen ts Card T ype Card Name Wat ts Amph eres BTU/Hr Contro l Cards TCC2 26.00 0.54 (0.
A- 6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.3.2 Te mperat ure Ranges A.3.2 Tempe rature Rang es Ta b l e A - 3 provides temperat ure range s and produc t names f or ONS 15 454 SDH cards. Note The I-T emp symbol is displayed on the facep late of an I-T emp complian t card.
A-7 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.3.2 Temperat ure Ranges FMEC E 1-120PRO A 1545 4E-FMEC E1-120PRO A — FMEC E 1-120PRO B 15454E-FM E.
A- 8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.4 Commo n Control Card Specifications A.4 C ommo n Control Card Specif ications This sec tion pro vides spec ific ations for the common c ontrol car ds.
A-9 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.4.3 XC10G Card Specif ications • CTC software – Inte rface: EIA /TIA -232 (loc al craf t acce ss.
A-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.4.4 XC-VXL-10G Card Specifications – Dept h with backpl ane con nec tor: 23 5 mm (9. 250 in .) – W e ight not inc luding clam shell: 0.6 kg (1.5 lb) A.
A-11 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.4.6 AIC-I Specifications – Se verity custom er provisionable – Common 32-V output fo r all alar.
A-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.5 Elect rical Card and FM EC Specifi cations – W idth: 1 8.2 mm (0.716 in.) – Depth: 228.6 m m (9. 000 in. ) – Card w eight: 1. 8 lb ( 0.82 kg) A.
A-13 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.5.2 E1-42 Card Sp ecificati ons • Dimensions – Heigh t: 321.3 mm ( 12.650 i n.) – W idth: 1 8.2 m m (0.71 6 in.) – Depth: 228.6 m m (9. 000 in.
A-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.5. 3 E3- 12 Ca rd Spe cific ation s – Dept h with backpl ane con nec tor: 23 5 mm (9. 250 in .) – W e ight not inclu ding clam shell : 0.8 kg (1.9 lb) A.
A-15 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.5. 4 DS3i-N- 12 Ca rd Sp ecific ations A.5.4 DS3i-N-12 Card Specifications The DS 3i-N-12 ca rd has the following specifications: • DS3i-N -12 input – Bit rat e: 44.
A-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.5.5 S TM1E-1 2 Card Specific ations – W e ight not inclu ding clam shell : 0.8 kg (1.9 lb) A.5.5 STM1E-12 Car d Specifications The ST M1E-12 card h as the follo wing specif ica tions: • STM1E-1 2 input – Bit rate: 15 5.
A-17 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.5.6 BLANK Card A.5.6 BLANK Card The BLA NK card has the follo wing specif icatio ns: • En vironm .
A-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.5.8 F MEC-DS 1/E1 Card Speci fications – Dept h with back plane c onnec tor: 98 mm (3. 87 in.) – W e ight not inclu ding clam shell : 0.3 kg (0.7 lb) A.
A-19 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.5.10 FMEC E1-120PROA Card Sp ecificati ons – T erminati on: Balanced twisted-p air cable – Input im pedanc e: 120 ohms +/–5 % – Cable loss: Up to 6 dB at 1024 kHz • FMEC E1-1 20NP outp ut – Bit rate : 2.
A-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.5.1 1 FMEC E1-1 20PROB Car d Specificatio ns – Pulse amplit ude: ITU- T G.
A-21 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.5.12 E1-75/120 Imped ance Conversio n Panel Specificati ons – W idth: 3 2 mm (1 .25 in .) – Depth : 92 m m (3.62 in.) – Dept h with back plane c onnec tor: 98 mm (3.
A-22 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.5.1 3 FMEC -E3/DS 3 Card Specifica tions • FMEC-E3 /DS3 ou tput (for E3 signa ls) – Bit rat e: 34.
A-23 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.5.14 FMEC STM1E 1:1 Card Specificati ons A.5.14 FMEC STM1E 1: 1 Card Specifications The FM EC STM1E 1:1 card has the fo llo wing sp ecif icatio ns: • FMEC STM1E 1: 1 inpu t – Bit rat e: 155.
A-24 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.5.15 FMEC-BL ANK Card Speci fications – Depth : 92 m m (3.62 in.) – Dept h with back plane c onnec tor: 98 mm (3. 87 in.) – W e ight not inclu ding clam shell : 0.
A-25 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.5.17 MIC-C/ T/P Card S pecifica tions – W idth: 3 2 mm (1 .25 in .) – Depth : 92 m m (3.62 in.) – Dept h with back plane c onnec tor: 98 mm (3. 87 in.
A-26 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.6 Optical Card Specifica tions – W e ight not inc luding clam shell: 0.2 kg (0.5 lb) A.6 Optical Card Specif ications This section pro vides specif icatio ns for the optical car ds.
A-27 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.6.2 OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1310- 8 Card Specificati ons – Heigh t: 321.3 mm ( 12.650 i n.) – W idth: 1 8.2 m m (0.71 6 in.) – Depth: 228.6 m m (9. 000 in.
A-28 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.6.3 OC12 IR/STM 4 SH 13 10 Card Specif ications – Depth: 228.6 m m (9. 000 in. ) – Dept h with backpl ane con nec tor: 23 5 mm (9. 250 in .) – W e ight not inclu ding clam shell : 0.
A-29 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.6.4 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1310 Card Specificati ons – W e ight not inc luding clam shell: 0.6 kg (1.4 lb) A.6.4 OC12 LR/STM4 LH 13 10 Card Specifications The OC12 LR /STM 4 LH 1310 card ha s the following specifications: • Line – Bit rate: 62 2.
A-30 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.6.6 O C12 IR/STM 4 SH 1310 -4 Card Specifi cations • Line – Bit rate: 62 2.08 Mbps – Code: Scrambled NRZ – Fiber: 1 550-nm sing le-mode – Loopb ack modes : T ermina l and facility – Connectors: SC – Comp lian ce: ITU -T G.
A-31 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.6.7 OC48 IR/STM16 SH AS 1310 Card Specificati ons – Chromati c dispersio n allowance: 74 ps/nm fo.
A-32 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.6.8 O C48 LR/STM 16 LH A S 1550 Card Speci fications – Maximum transmitter outpu t power: 0 dBm –.
A-33 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.6.9 OC48 ELR/STM16 EH 100 GHz Card Specif ications • Rece iver – Maximum receiv er level: –8 .
A-34 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.6.10 OC192 SR/ST M64 IO 1310 Car d Spec ificatio ns – Recei ve r input wa velength range: 1520 to 1.
A-35 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.6.11 OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 Card Specifications – Code: Scrambled NRZ – Fiber: 1 310-nm si ngle-mod e – Maximu m chrom atic disp ersio n allo wanc e: 6.
A-36 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.6.12 OC192 LR/ STM64 LH 1550 Card Speci ficat ions – Loopb ack modes : T ermina l and facility Note Y o u must use a 3 to 15 dB fiber attenua tor (5 dB reco mmende d) when workin g with the OC192 I R/STM64 SH 1550 card in a loo pback.
A-37 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.6.12 OC192 LR/STM64 LH 1550 Card Specifications – Fiber: 1 550-nm si ngle-mod e – Maximum chrom.
A-38 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.6.13 OC192 LR/ STM64 LH ITU 15x x.x x Card S pecif icati ons – W e ight not inc luding clam shell: 1.3 kg (3.1 lb) A.6.13 OC192 LR/STM64 LH IT U 15xx.
A-39 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.7 Ethernet Card Specifications – Heigh t: 321.3 mm ( 12.650 i n.) – W idth: 1 8.2 m m (0.71 6 in.) – Depth: 228.6 m m (9. 000 in. ) – Dept h with backpl ane con nec tor: 23 5 mm (9.
A-40 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.7.2 E1000-2-G Card Speci ficat ions – Power consumpt ion: 65 W , 1. 35 A, 221 .93 B TU/hr • Dimensions – Heigh t: 321.3 mm (12. 650 in .) – W idth: 1 8.
A-41 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix A Hardwar e Specificati ons A.7. 4 G1K-4 Ca rd Sp ecifi cations – W idth: 1 8.
A-42 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix A Hardware S pecifications A.7. 6 ML1 000-2 C ard Spec ific ation s A.7.6 ML1000-2 Card Specifications The ML10 00-2 card has the .
B-1 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 APPEND IX B Administrative and Service States This appe ndix describe s the admini strative and service state s for Cisco ONS 1545 4 SDH card s, ports, and cros s-conn ects. F or circuit s tate info rmation, s ee Chapte r 10, “C ircu its and Tunnels.
B-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix B Adm inistrati ve and Se rvice St ates B.2 Adm inis trati ve Stat es B.2 Administrative States Admini stra tiv e stat es are used to mana ge serv ice states . Admini stra tiv e stat es consis t of a PST and an SST .
B-3 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix B Administra tive and Se rvice States B.3 Service S tate Transit ions B.3 Service State Transitions This sect ion descri bes the transi tion from one service state to the next for ca rds, port s, and cross-connect s.
B-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix B Adm inistrati ve and Se rvice St ates B.3.1 C ard Service Sta te Transi tions Unlo cked-disabl ed,notIn stalle d Inse rt a v alid card. Unlocked-d isabled,s oftwareDownload Insert an inv alid car d.
B-5 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix B Administra tive and Se rvice States B.3.2 Por t and Cross- Conne ct Ser vice St ate Tr ansi tions B.3.2 Port and Cros s-Connect Servic e State Transitions Ta b l e B - 5 lists the port and cross-co nnect service state tran sitions.
B-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix B Adm inistrati ve and Se rvice St ates B.3.2 Por t and Cross- Connect Serv ice State Trans itions Lock ed-ena bled,d isabled Put the por t or cr oss-c onnect in the Unlock ed admin istrati ve sta te .
C-1 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 APPEND IX C Network Element Defaults This appe ndix descri bes the factory -configured (default) ne twork elemen t (NE) sett ings for the Ci sco ONS 15454 SDH. It include s descripti ons of card, n ode, and CTC defaul t settings.
C-2 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2 Card De fault Settings • Line Coding (E1 -42 cards) defines the E -1 tra nsmission coding type that is use d. • Line Le ngth (D S3i) def ine s the dist ance (i n feet) from the FME C connec tion to the n e xt terminat ion point.
C-3 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.1 E1 Card Default Settings C.2.1 E1 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 1 lists the E1 Card def ault settings. T able C-1 E1 Card Def ault Settin gs Default Name Default V alue Minimum Maximum E1.
C-4 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.2 E 1-42 C ard Defaul t Sett ings C.2.2 E1-42 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 2 lists the E1-42 card def ault settings. threshold s.vclo.fare nd.
C-5 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.2 E1-42 Card Default Settings E1_42. pmthreshol ds.line .nearend. 15min.SES 10 0 900 E1_42. pmthre ne.nearend. 1day . CV 90 0 133 315200 E1_42.
C-6 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.3 E3 Ca rd Default Settings C.2.3 E3 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 3 lists the E3 card defa ult settings. E1_42. pmthre lo.near end.15mi n.
C-7 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.3 E3 Card Default Settings threshold s.vc4.farend .15min. ES 12 0 900 E3.pmt hresh olds. vc4.f arend.15m in.SES 3 0 900 E3.pmt hresh olds .vc4 .
C-8 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.4 FC_M R-4 Card Default Se ttings C.2.4 FC_MR-4 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 4 lists the FC_MR-4 (fib re channel) card defau lt settings. C.2.5 DS3I Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 5 lists the DS3I card def ault settings.
C-9 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.5 DS3I Card De fault Settings DS3 I.pmthresh olds.cp bitpa th.farend. 15min.E S 25 0 900 DS3 I.pmthresh olds.cp bitpath .farend.15m in.SAS 2 0 900 DS3 I.
C-10 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.5 DS3I Car d Default Settings DS3 I.pmthresh olds.pbi tpath. nearen d.1day .U A S 10 0 864 00 DS3I.p mthresh olds.vc4. farend.15mi n.BBE 25 0 2159100 DS3I.
C-11 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.6 Data Ca rd Default Settings C.2.6 Data Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 6 lists t he G10 00-4, M L100T - 12, and ML1000- 2 card default setting s.
C-12 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.7 STM1 Card Def ault Settings STM1.p mthreshol .15min.U AS 3 0 900 STM1.p mthreshol .1day .BBE 13120 0 13219200 STM1.p mthresh olds.
C-13 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.8 STM1-8 Card De fault Settings C.2.8 STM1-8 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 8 lists the STM1-8 card def ault settings. STM1.p mthres holds.path.
C-14 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.8 S TM1 -8 Car d Def ault S ettin gs STM 1-8.c onfig.lin e.Al sRecovery PulseD ura tion 2 STM1-8 .config.line. AlsRecoveryPul seInte rv al 100 60 300 STM1-8 .
C-15 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.8 STM1-8 Card De fault Settings STM1-8 .pmthr esholds. path.far end.15 min.ES 12 0 900 STM1-8 .pmthr esholds. path.far end.15m in.SES 3 0 900 STM1-8 .
C-16 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.9 STM1 E-12 Card Default Setting s C.2.9 STM1E-12 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 9 lists the STM1E-12 ca rd default settings . STM1-8 .pmthres holds.
C-17 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.9 STM1E-12 Card Default Settings STM1E -12.pmt hreshol rend.15 m1.ES 87 0 900 STM1E -12.pmthre sholds.m s.neare nd.15 min.stm1 .SES 1 0 900 STM1E -12.
C-18 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.10 STM4 Card Defa ult Settings C.2.10 STM4 Card D efault Settings Ta b l e C - 1 0 lists the STM4 card default settings. STM1E -12.pmt hreshol
C-19 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.10 STM4 Card De fault Settings STM4.p mthres nearen d.15min.E S 87 0 900 STM4.p mthres arend. 15min.PSC 1 0 600 STM4.p mthres holds.
C-20 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.11 STM4-4 Car d Default Settings C.2.11 STM4-4 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 1 1 lists the STM4-4 card default setting s. STM4.p mthresh olds.path.
C-21 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.11 STM4- 4 Card Default Settings STM4-4 .pmthr farend.1day .ES 864 0 86400 STM4-4 .pmthr farend.1d ay .SES 4 0 864 00 STM4-4 .
C-22 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.12 STM16 Card Default Settings C.2.12 STM16 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 1 2 lists the STM16 card default settings. STM4-4 .pmthresh olds.path .
C-23 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.12 STM16 Card Default Settings STM16.config.vc4.IPPMEnabled F ALSE STM16. pmthreshol end.15m in.BBE 21260 0 2212200 STM16. pmthreshol
C-24 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.12 STM16 Card Default Settings STM16. pmthreshol arend.1d ay .UAS 10 0 864 00 STM16. pmthreshol ds.path. nearen d.15m in.BBE 25 0 2159100 STM16.
C-25 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.13 STM64 Card Default Settings C.2.13 STM64 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 1 3 lists the STM64 card default settings. T able C-13 S TM64 Car d Def a ult Set tings Default Name Default V alue Minimum Maximum STM64.
C-26 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.13 STM64 Card Default Settings STM64. pmthreshold rend.15mi n.PSD-S 300 0 900 STM64. pmthreshold rend.15mi n.PSD-W 300 0 900 STM64.
C-27 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.14 MXP_2.5G_10G Card Defa ult Settings C.2.14 MXP_2.5G_10G Card Default S ettings Ta b l e C - 1 4 lists the MXP_2.5G_10G card default settings. STM64.
C-28 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.14 MXP_2.5G _10G Card Default Settin gs MXP-2_5G-10G. opticalthreshol arm.HighRxPo w er 3 MXP-2_5G-10G. opticalthreshol arm.
C-29 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.14 MXP_2.5G_10G Card Defa ult Settings MXP-2 _5G-10G.o tn.g709 threshol rend.15m in.SES 1 0 900 MXP-2 _5G-10G .otn.g 709threshol .farend.
C-30 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.14 MXP_2.5G _10G Card Default Settin gs MXP-2 _5G-10G.o tn.g709 threshol arend.1d ay .UAS 5000 0 86400 MXP-2 _5G-10G .otn.o tnLines. FEC Standar d MXP-2 _5G-10G .
C-31 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.15 MXP_2.5G _10E Card Default Setti ngs C.2.15 MXP_2.5G_10E C ard Default Settings Ta b l e C - 1 5 lists the MXP_2.5G_10E card default settin gs. MXP-2 _5G-10G.
C-32 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.15 MXP_2.5G _10E Card Default Settings T able C-15 MXP -2.5G-1 0E Card De f ault Set tings Default Name Default V alue Min imum Maximum MXP-2 _5G-10E .
C-33 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.15 MXP_2.5G _10E Card Default Setti ngs MXP-2 _5G-10E .optical threshold s.trunk. warning.15mi n.HighLa serBias 95 MXP-2 _5G-10E .optical thresholds .
C-34 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.15 MXP_2.5G _10E Card Default Settings MXP-2 _5G-10E .otn.g709t hreshol rend.15 min.U AS 3 0 900 MXP-2 _5G-10E .otn.g709t hreshol rend.
C-35 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.16 MX P_MR_2 .5G Card D efault Setting s C.2.16 MXP_MR_2.5G Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 1 6 lists the MXP_MR_2.5G card default setti ngs. MXP-2 _5G-10E .
C-36 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.16 MXP_MR _2.5G Card Default Setting s MXP-MR- 2_5G.config.fc .distanceExte nsion.Autoa djustGFPBufferThr eshold TR UE MXP-MR- 2_5G.config.fc .distanceExt ension.
C-37 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.16 MX P_MR_2 .5G Card D efault Setting s MXP-MR -2_5G.op ticalthr esholds.trun k.warning. 15min.H ighRxPower -7.5 MXP-M R-2_5G.op ticalthr esholds. trunk.
C-38 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.17 MXPP_MR _2.5G Card Default Settings C.2.17 MXPP_MR_2.5G C ard Default Settings Ta b l e C - 1 7 lists the MXPP_MR_2.5G card default setti ngs. MXP-MR -2_5G.
C-39 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.17 MXPP_MR_2.5G C ard Default Setti ngs MXPP-MR -2_5G.opt icalthr esholds.clie nt.warning. 15min.H ighR xPo we r 2 MXPP-MR -2_5G.opt icalthr esholds.
C-40 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.17 MXPP_MR _2.5G Card Default Settings MXPP-MR -2_5G.opti calthr esholds.trun k.warning. 1day .LowTxP owe r -40 MXPP-MR threshold s.trunk. ms.
C-41 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.18 TXP_MR_10E Card Default Settings C.2.18 TXP_MR_10E Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 1 8 lists the TXP_MR_10E card default setting s. T able C-1 8 TXP_MR_1 0E Car d Def ault Setting s Default Name Default V alue Minimum Maximum TXP-M R-10E.
C-42 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.18 TXP_MR_10 E Card Default Settings TXP-M R-10E.op tical threshold s.clien t.warning. 1day .HighTxP ower 1.5 TXP-M R-10E.op ticalth resholds.c lient.
C-43 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.18 TXP_MR_10E Card Default Settings TXP-MR -10E.otn .g709thr .farend.1da y .FC 40 0 6912 TXP-MR -10E.otn .g709thr .farend.1da y .
C-44 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.18 TXP_MR_10 E Card Default Settings TXP-M R-10E.ot n.otn Lines.G7 09O TN TR UE TXP-M R-10E.otn .otnLi nes.SDBER 1e- 007 TXP-M thresh olds.cli ent.
C-45 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.19 TXP_MR_10G Card Default Settings C.2.19 TXP_MR_10G Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 1 9 lists the TXP_MR_10G card default settings . TXP-M R-10E.
C-46 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.19 TXP_MR_10G Card Default Settings TXP-M R-10G.con fig.client.Als RecoveryPulseInt erval 100 100 300 TXP-MR -10G.con fig.client.mrPo rtAssignmen t UN ASSIGNE D TXP-M R-10G.
C-47 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.19 TXP_MR_10G Card Default Settings TXP-M R-10G.o pticalt hreshold s.trunk .warning.1 day .Hi ghLaserB ias 85.5 TXP-M R-10G.o pticalt hreshold s.trunk .
C-48 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.19 TXP_MR_10G Card Default Settings TXP-M R-10G.o tn.g709 threshold d.1day .BB E 100000 0 8496576 00 TXP-M R-10G.o tn.g709 threshold
C-49 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.19 TXP_MR_10G Card Default Settings TXP-M R-10G.p mthresh olds.clie earend .1day . SES 4 0 864 00 TXP-M R-10G.p mthresh olds.clie earend.
C-50 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.20 TXP_MR_2.5G Car d Default Settings C.2.20 TXP_MR_2.5G Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 2 0 lists the TXP_MR_2.5G card default settings. TXP-M R-10G.
C-51 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.2 0 TXP_ MR_2.5 G Card D efault Se ttings TXP-M R-2_5G.opt icalthr esholds.cli ent.warnin g.15min.L owRxPo wer -20 TXP-M R-2_5G.opt icalthr esholds.
C-52 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.20 TXP_MR_2.5G Car d Default Settings TXP-M R-2_5G.ot n.fecthr esholds.2g f ibercha nnel.15m in.Uncor rectable Wo r d s 1 0 4724697 600 TXP-MR -2_5G.
C-53 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.2 0 TXP_ MR_2.5 G Card D efault Se ttings TXP-M R-2_5G.ot n.g709thre sholds.p m.nearen d.15min .FC 10 0 72 TXP-M R-2_5G.ot n.g709thre sholds.p m.nearen d.
C-54 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.20 TXP_MR_2.5G Car d Default Settings TXP-M R-2_5G. pmthreshol ds.stm1 .ms.faren d.1day .BBE 1312 0 0 1321920 0 TXP-M R-2_5G. pmthres holds.stm1 .ms.
C-55 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.2 0 TXP_ MR_2.5 G Card D efault Se ttings TXP-M threshold s.stm1 end.15 min.EB 21260 0 2212200 TXP-M threshol ds.stm1 6.
C-56 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.21 TXPP_MR_10G Card Default Settings C.2.21 TXPP_MR_10G Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 2 1 lists the TXPP_MR_10G card default settings . TXP-M R-2_5G.
C-57 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.21 TXP P_MR_ 10G Card Defaul t Setting s TXPP-MR-2 unk.SDBER 1e -007 TXPP-MR nfig.trunk.SFBER 0.0 001 TXPP-MR -2_5G.opt icalthr esholds.
C-58 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.21 TXPP_MR_10G Card Default Settings TXPP-M R-2_5G.ot n.fecthre sholds.1g f ibercha nnel.1da y .BitErro rsCorrec ted 8640000 0 8672276938 75200 TXPP-MR -2_5G.
C-59 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.21 TXP P_MR_ 10G Card Defaul t Setting s TXPP-M R-2_5G. otn.fecthr m4.15min. Uncorr ectableW or ds 1 0 4724697 600 TXPP-M R-2_5G.ot n.fecthr esholds.
C-60 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.21 TXPP_MR_10G Card Default Settings TXPP-M R-2_5G. otn.g709t hreshol rend.1 5min.FC 10 0 72 TXPP-M R-2_5G. otn.g709t hreshol rend.
C-61 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.21 TXP P_MR_ 10G Card Defaul t Setting s TXPP-M R-2_5G.pmt hresholds .stm1.r s.nearend. 1day . BBE 10000 0 133 05600 TXPP-M R-2_5G.pmt hreshol ds.stm1 .
C-62 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.21 TXPP_MR_10G Card Default Settings TXPP-M R-2_5G. pmthres holds.stm4 .ms.far end.15m in.EB 5315 0 552 600 TXPP-M R-2_5G. pmthres holds.stm4 .ms.far end.
C-63 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.2.22 OSCM Card De fault Settings C.2.22 OSCM Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 2 2 lists the OSCM card default settings. T able C-22 OSCM Car d Def ault Settings Default Name Default V alue Minimum Maximum OSCM.
C-64 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.2.23 OSC-CSM Card D efault Settings C.2.23 OSC-CSM Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 2 3 lists the OSC_CSM card default settings. T able C-23 OSC-CSM Car d Def ault Setting s Default Name Default V alue Minimum Maximum OSC_CSM .
C-65 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.3 Node Default Settings C.3 Node Default Settings Ta b l e C - 2 4 lists th e Cisco ONS 1545 4 SD H node-l e vel default setting s for the Ci sco ONS 15454 SD H.
C-66 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.3 Node Def ault Settings NODE.circ uits.sncp.R ev ert iv e F ALSE NODE.circ uits.State unlock ed, auto maticInSe rvice NODE.gener al.Def aultsDescr iption Fact ory Def aults NODE.
C-67 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.3 Node Default Settings . idleUserT imeou t.Pro visioning 0.0208333 33333 .idleUserT imeout.Retr ie ve 0 . idleUserT imeou t.
C-68 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.4 CTC Default Settings C.4 CTC Default Settings Ta b l e C - 2 5 lists the CTC-lev el default sett ings for the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH. Cisco provides the fol lo win g ty pes o f set tin gs pr epro visioned for CTC.
C-69 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Append ix C Network Elemen t Defaults C.4 CTC Default Settings T able C-25 CTC Def ault Sett ings Default Name Default V alue CTC.c ircuits.Aut oRoute TRUE rcuits .Create LikeT L1 F ALSE CTC.
C-70 Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Refer ence Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 Appendix C Network Elem ent Defaults C.4 CTC Default Settings.
IN-1 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 INDE X Numerics 1+1 optica l card protec tion creat ing lin ear AD Ms 11-28 descript ion 7-4 1:1 e lectric al card prot ection 7-1 1:N electrica l card protec tion 7-2 802.3 ad link aggre gation.
Index IN-2 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 retrievi ng history 13-10 RMON ala rm threshol ds 14-23 severities 13-9, 13-10 suppressing 13-14 synchroniz ing 13-5 table c olumns 1.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 shared packe t ring 10-21 shar ed pac ket ri ng Et hernet circ uit 14-22 status 10-4 types of 10-1 unidirect ional 10-21 unidirectio nal with multiple drop s 10-12 user-d efined names for 10-1 VCAT 10-22 circu it st ates 10-5 Cisco Transp ort Contr oller.
Index IN-4 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 defined 10-10 definition 10-10 load balancin g 10-10 SDH 10-10 tunneling 10-10 viewin g connec tions 8-12 DCC/GCC 2-7 DCS 11-27 destination host 12-4 rou tin g tab le 12-23 seconda ry sources and de stinations 10-17 DHCP 12-3 digital cross connect systems.
Inde x IN-5 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 descript ion 3-26 facepl ate 3-26 functionality 3-28 mounting 3-27 mounti ng in a rack 1-10 physical descriptio n 1-9 specifi cation.
Index IN-6 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 exten ded SNCP 11-29 MS-SPRing band width reus e 11-9 MS-SPRing subtend ing MS-SPRing 11-28 network timin g 9-7 optical card prot ect.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 FMEC E1-120PROB c ard block diag ram 3-24 connec tor pinout 3-24 descript ion 3-23 facepl ate 3-24 specifi cations A- 20 temper atur.
Index IN-8 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 GNE. See proxy serv er GNE load bala ncing 12-17 go-and-r eturn SNCP routi ng 10-13 groundi ng 1-14 G-Serie s default SDH mode (diagr.
Inde x IN-9 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 line ti ming 9-7 link aggr egati on 14-4 lin k inte gr ity 14-4 load balancin g 10-10 local cr aft pin co nnectio ns 1-14 Locked,dis.
Index IN- 10 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 rin g swit chi ng 11-8 span switching 11-7 sub tendi ng from an MS-S PRin g 11-28 two-fiber descrip tion 11-2 two- fibe r ring examp le 11-10 multicard EtherSwitch 14-10 multicas t 14-1 multiple drops 10-12 multiple x secti on-shared p rotectio n ring.
Inde x IN- 11 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 specifi cations A- 35 OC192 L R/STM 64 LH 1550 ca rd block diag ram 4-36 descript ion 4-35 facepl ate 4-36, 4-37 functionality 4-37 LEDs 4-38 port statu s 4-38 software compati bility 4-4 specifi cations A- 36 OC192 L R/STM 64 LH ITU 1 5xx.
Index IN- 12 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 alternativ e to static routes 12-7 definition 12-9 to 12-11 enab led (figur e) 12-10 not enab led (fi gure) 12-11 outOfGr oup seco ndary se rvice sta te B-2 P partial se rvice state 10-6 path signal label 10-15 path trace 10-15 PC.
Inde x IN- 13 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 RJ-45 port. See TCC2 card or TCC2P card RMON Ether net alarm thresholds 14-23 rou tin g tab le 12-23 S safet y infor matio n 1-xxxii to ?? SAN card.
Index IN- 14 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 SST B-1 ST3 clock 9-7 state administrative B-2 card state transiti ons B-3 cross- conne ct stat e tran sition s B-5 port stat e tra.
Inde x IN- 15 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 installed sof tware 8-1 LEDs 2-9 ports 12-25 soft reset 8-15 software compati bility 2-2 specifi cations A- 8 temper ature ra nge A- 6 third- party equi pment 1-1, 10-10 thr esh olds MIBs 14-23 timing BITS.
Index IN- 16 Cisco ONS 154 54 SDH Reference Manua l, R5.0 April 2008 card view 8-13 cross-connect compatibilit y 2-3 cross- conne ct matrix 2-11 describe d 10-9 descript ion 2-10 facepl ate 2-11 LEDs .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems 15454 SDH c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems 15454 SDH - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems 15454 SDH, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems 15454 SDH va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems 15454 SDH, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems 15454 SDH.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems 15454 SDH. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems 15454 SDH ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.