Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SE-S3000 du fabricant Casio
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User's Manual PCR-T2300 PCR-T2400 SE-S3000 Electronic Cash Register (M s ize d rawe r).
E-2 Introduc tion Thank y ou very much for purchasing this CAS IO electronic c ash regist er . ST ART - UP is QUICK and E A SY ! For the b asic settings of y our cash regist er , please see “Quick Star t G uide” . IMPORT ANT F or prog ram min g assi stan ce plea se vis it htt p :// c asio4 business.
E- 3 T o use the cash register safely ........................................................................ E- 4 T o use the cash register ’ s basic fu nction ....................................................... E- 9 Get ting star ted ........
E- 4 T o use the cash register sa fely • C ongratula tions upon your selection of this C ASIO product. Be sure t o read the following sa fety precau- tions before usi ng it for the rst time. After reading this g uide , k eep it close at hand for eas y re ference.
E- 5 T o use the cash register sa fely * Warning Po wer plug and AC outl et + + + - • Use only a proper AC electric outlet. Use of an ou tlet with a different vol tage from the rating creat es the danger of ma lfunction, re, and electric shock. Overloading an electric outlet creat es the danger of o v erheating and re .
E- 6 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function * Caution Only use t he sp eci ed bat t eri es. - • D o not disassemb le, modify or shor t-c ircuit them. • D o not put them in re or w at er or heat them . • D o not mix new a nd old batteries or dif ferent types of batteries.
E-7 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function When the ca sh drawer does not open ! In case of power fa ilure or the machin e is in malfunction, the cash drawer does no t open automa tically . Ev en in these cases, you can open the cash drawer b y pul ling draw er release le v er ( s ee below ) .
E- 8 Man ufa ct urer :CA SIO C OM PU TER C O., L TD. 6 -2, H o n- m ach i 1- ch om e, Shi buya - ku, T okyo 15 1-8 5 4 3, J apan Resp ons ibl e wi thi n the Eur op ean U nio n:CASI O EURO PE G mbH CASI O - Plat z 1, 228 4 8 N ord er sted t, G er many Please k eep all in formation for future reference.
E- 9 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Getting sta r ted ............................................................................. .......................................... E- 10 Loading memor y protection bat ter ies .
E -10 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Get ting star ted This chapter s hows how t o setup the cash regis ter and ge t it ready t o operate .
E - 11 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Inst alling p ape r roll Cautio n (in handling th e the rma l pap er) • N ev er touch the print er head and the pla ten . • Unpack the ther mal paper jus t before y our use . • Avoid hea t and direct su nlight.
E - 12 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function T o install journal paper 1 By the same procedure of se tting rec eipt paper , set journal paper on the journal printer . 2 Using j k e y , feed the paper abou t 20 cm 3 Remo v e the paper guide o f the tak e -up reel.
E - 13 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Sett ing date, time, and ta x t able 1 Plug i n the power sock et in to a w all outle t. Be sure to check the rating pla te on the side of the cash register to m ak e sure tha t its vol tage matches that of the po wer suppl y in you r area.
E - 14 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Get ting to know y ou r cash register General guid e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Dr awer 6 Cust omer displa y 2 SD card slot cov er 7 Main display 3 Pr.
E - 15 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Mo d e keys There are two t ypes of mode ke ys : the program k e y ( marked “PG M ”) and the operator k e y ( marked “OP ”). The program k e y can be used to set the mode swit ch to an y position, whi le the operator k e y can select the REG and OF F position.
E -16 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Displa y Main display During a registration CLERK001 REG 000011 1 PLU001 $1.00 3 DEPT001 $6.00 SUBTOTAL $7.00 QT 4 6.00 1 2 3 4 Af ter n aliz ati on CLERK001 REG 000011 1 PLU001 $1.00 3 DEPT001 $6.
E - 17 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function K eyboard POST RECEIPT 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 00 . T/S 1 PLU/ S.DEPT RF #/ NS C — % – RECEIPT ON/OFF ↓ HELP SUBTOT AL CA/AMT TEND RA PO CR ENTER CHK CH SIGN OFF TA X PGM DEPT SHIFT/ DEPT# ERR.
E -18 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function 17 T Use this k e y without a nu meric entr y to change the ta xable 2 statu s of the followin g item. 18 DEPT SHIFT/ DEPT# Depar tment no . Use this k e y to in put department numbers. Depar tment shift: Use this k ey t o shift the depar tment number from 1 through 30 to 3 1 throu gh 60.
E -19 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function How to read the printouts • The jour nal/receip ts are records of al l transactions and opera tions. • T he contents print ed on receipts and journal are almost iden tical. • Y ou can c hoose the journal skip function.
E-20 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function How to use y our c ash register The following describes the general procedure you shou ld use in order to ge t the most out o f your cash register .
E- 21 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Before op ening y our store Checki ng the tim e and date Y ou c an check the time or date on the displa y whene v er there is no registration being made. Step Op eration Display 1 Pres s x k e y to show the da te and time on the displa y .
E-22 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Registering items in depar tm ents The following e xa mples show how y ou can use the depart ment k e ys in v arious types of registrations .
E-23 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Repeat registration Sample Operat ion Item Unit Price $1. 5 0 Same priced multiple items are sold. Quantit y 3 Dept . 1 Pay me nt C ash $10 . 0 0 Step Op eration Printout 1 En ter the un it price.
E-24 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Split sales of packaged items Sample Operat ion Item Unit Price 4 for $1 0.00 Three p iec es of an item t hats pr ic e is $1 0.00 for fou r pieces are sold. Quantit y 3 Dept . 1 Pay me nt C ash $10 .
E-25 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Depar tment number entr y Without using Department ke y , y ou can register departments manually . Sample Operat ion Item Unit Price $13 . 0 0 Register ing an item in D ept. 31 without using Depar tm ent k ey .
E-26 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Basic setups and registrations T o program basic settings Y ou c an program basic settings in the PGM mode of the Mode switch. Step Display 1 By turning the Mo de switch t o PGM position, the displa y indicates the programming t op menu .
E-27 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function To p m e n u Sub menu Wha t is t o be se t [Message Setting] 01 Logo 1 Sets lo go, com merc ial, and bot tom m es - sages o n rec eipts.
E-28 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Pr ogramming depar tm ents This section explain s how yo u can set unit prices, ta xable status es, and ite m groups.
E-29 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function The di spl ay retu rn s to th e previ ous sc ree n by pre ssing o k e y. Registering depar tment s’ prese t data The following e xa mples e xplain the operations usi ng preset dep ar tment data programmed in the pre vious section.
E- 3 0 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Using preset tax statuses Sample Operat ion Item 1 Unit Price $2.0 0 • Dept. 03 p resets: Unit p ric e $2.0 0, T a x st atus 1 ( 4 %) . • Dept. 0 4 pre sets: Unit pr ic e $2.0 0, T a x status 2 (1 0 %) .
E - 31 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Pr ogramming P L U s Lik e departments, you can program unit price, taxable status, and l inking ite m group in a PL U ( Price Look Up ). Using PL U s allow y ou to regist er item s quickly and accurately .
E- 32 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function The di spl ay retu rn s to th e previ ous sc ree n by pre ssing o k e y. Registering P L Us ’ preset data The following e xa mples e xplain the operations usi ng preset P L U data pro - grammed in the pre vious section.
E- 33 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function P LU re peat registrat ion Sample Operat ion Item Unit Price $2.5 0 Three p iec es of PLU number 14 ( preset unit p ri ce $2.5 0) is sold. Quantit y 3 PLU No. 14 Pay me nt C ash $10 .
E- 3 4 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Split sales of packaged P L U item Sample Operat ion Item Unit Price 5 for $20 Selling t hree pi ec es of an item th at is pr ice d $20.0 0 for ve pie ce s. Quantit y 3 PLU No. 28 Pay me nt C ash $15 .
E- 35 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function O p e n PLU Although unit price is preset in a PL U , y ou can enter price manually if the PL U is program med as “Open PL U” . T o program open PL U , see page E -26. Sample Operat ion Item 1 Unit Price $32.
E- 36 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Other regi strations Discount The following e xa mple shows how y ou can use the p k e y for discount registra - tions. Discounts on items and subtotals Sample Operat ion Item 1 D e pt . 01 $5.0 0 Five perce nt (preset in p k ey) disc ount on PLU number 16 (preset unit pr ic e $ 1 0.
E- 37 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Reduction Using the reduction fea ture , you can sub tract a cer tain amount from an i tem ’ s unit pric e or from a subt otal amount. Sample Operat ion Item 1 D e pt . 01 $5.0 0 • Reducing $0.
E- 38 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Register ing various payment met hods Other than cash paymen ts, you can regist er transactions made b y checks, charges, credits, or e ven m ixed t endering. Check sale Sample Operat ion Item Unit Price $ 11 .
E- 39 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Credit sale Sample Operat ion Item D ept. 0 3 $10 . 0 0 A purch ased item is pa id by a credit c ard. Quantit y 1 Pay me nt Credit $1 0 . 0 0 Step Op eration Printout 1 Regis ter the it em purchased and press o k e y.
E- 4 0 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Ta x s h i f t By using t or T ke ys , you can change the taxable status. The t ke y s witches on and off of programmed ta xable status 1 a nd T key changes the ta xable statu s 2. The following table e xplai ns how tax statuses change b y t or T k e y.
E - 41 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Registering returned goods Registering returned goods in the REG mode The following e xa mple shows how t o operat e for regist ering goods returned by customer in the RE G mode .
E- 42 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Registering returned goods in the RF mod e When a customer re turns goods af ter the transaction has been completed , use RF mode for the refu nd operation . Sample Operat ion Refunded Item 1 Dept .
E- 4 3 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Registrations without transactions The followings are the opera tions other than normal sales transactions.
E- 4 4 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function Correc tions There are three wa ys t o cor rect erroneous operations that are ; • C or recting er roneous item not registered • C or recting e.
E- 4 5 Basic funct ion Correct ing items immediat ely af ter the regist ration Step Op eration Printout 1 Registe ri ng a n ite m. 1 ' ! 1 DEPT001 $1.00 1 DEPT002 $2.00 1 DEPT002 $2.00 CORR −2.00 1 PLU0002 $2.00 CORR −2.00 1 PLU0005 $1.50 1 PLU0015 $6.
E- 4 6 V oiding an item which has b een already registered Step Display 1 During a reg istration . 2 Using ? or > k e ys, select the item y ou ha v e mis- registered.
E- 47 Basic funct ion Daily sales repor t s At the end of the bu siness da y , you can print categorized and summ arized results of the da y . Rese t repor t (Z) clear s all the sales data whereas the d ata remains i n memor y by R ead repor t (X ). Pleas e do not p er for m t he Re set re po r t (Z ) pr int in g whil e your sto re is o pe n.
E- 4 8 Print out of daily sales repor t Z 20−06−2013 17:00 0001 000231 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− Z DAILY Z −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− Z DEPT 0001 0001015 DEPT001 203.
E- 4 9 Basic funct ion T o use the cash register ’ s basic function TA1 $2,369.69 TX1 $128.86 TA2 $2,172.96 TX2 $217.33 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− GT $00000000125478.96 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− Z TRANS 0001 0001012 CASH No 362 $1,638.
E- 5 0 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Adv anced registrat ions......................................................................................................... E - 51 Enabling cl er k assign ment ...................................
E - 51 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Adv anced registrations Enabling clerk assignment By assignin g a clerk, c lerk number or name will be printed on receipts. The f ol- lowing operation enables the regis ter t o use the clerk assignment.
E- 52 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Registrations with cl erk assignment By signing a clerk on, the clerk name will be printed on receipts and sales re- por ts. Step Op eration Printout 1 En ter the clerk number and press o k e y. 1o * commercial message * REG 20−06−2013 11:58 C01 0001 000123 1 DEPT01 T1 $1.
E- 5 3 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Single item cash sales A depar tment k e y or a PL U programmed as s ingle item sal e status nali zes the transaction as soon as it is regist ered. This f eatur e can be used only in cash sales.
E- 5 4 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Sampl e ope rat ion 3: Single ite m sale wi th an othe r ite m Item 1 Dept . 03 $2.0 0 Dept. 0 3 is a nor mal de par t ment whil e dept. 01 is prog rammed a s unit pr ic e $ 1 .00 and sin gle item sale st atus.
E- 5 5 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Character set tings This chapter e xpla ins how y ou can program depar tment or PL U descriptions, s tore messages, k e y de - scriptions, repor t title, total descriptions ( such as gross total, ne t total e tc.
E- 5 6 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Using ten k e y pad T o set characters by us ing ten k e y , y ou need to press one of the t en k ey r epeated ly until d esired charac- ter appears on the displa y . Mult i t yping keyboard 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 00 .
E- 57 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations 2 Double si ze le tt er key Assigns the ne xt input character to be double si zed . Af ter setting a double siz ed character , press this k e y again for normal siz e. 3 Sp ac e key Sets a space .
E- 5 8 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Set t ing charac te rs The following e xplana tion shows how y ou can set a name in a P L U . Y ou c an also set names t o depart ments, function k e ys ( p , m ) , and clerks by the sa me method. Sample Operat ion T o set “ MILK ” to PL U0 001 b y using t en k e y pad .
E- 5 9 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Sett ing pop messages on receipt s Y ou c an set pop messages printed on receipts. New Year Sale 1st Anniversary 10% OFF 5 4 3 2 1 1 Pop mes sag e 1 st. line 2 Pop mes sag e 2nd. line 3 Pop mes sag e 3rd.
E- 60 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations T o set pop illustration Step Display 1 T urn t he Mode switch to PGM position and select [POP Set- ting] then press F k e y. 2 Select [All Graphic] and press F k e y . The printer prints preset pop illustratio ns.
E- 61 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Set ting symbol character s Y ou c an change the symbols or titles of sales reports for example , printing “CASH IN DRW ” on the sales repor ts instea d of “CAID” for cash amount in d rawer .
E- 62 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Sales repor t symbols Memor y No. Program code C onte nts D efault char acter Memo for your settings 01 01 Gro ss tot al GRO SS 02 Net to ta l NET 03 C.
E- 63 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Other symbols Numbers in ( ) are digits to be u sed. Memor y No. Program code C onte nts D efault char acter 01 23 main cur ren cy symbol (2 ), @ ( 2 ) , No.( 2 ) , split pri cing (2 ), not used ( 4 ) , sub cur rency symb ol (2) • @No/ ** 02 No.
E- 6 4 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Adv anced programmings This section explain s how yo u can program detail settings of the regist er such as setting regist er ’ s s pe - cic numb.
E- 65 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Programmin g det ail set ting s T o program the detail settings of the register , please follow the operations shown below . Step Op eration 1 T urn t he Mode switch to PGM position and select [Syst em Setting] then press F k e y.
E- 66 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Set cod e 04 ( T a x system ) Description Selection Program co de Default value Canadian r ounding system Roundings L ast digit: 0 to 2 → 0, 3 to 7 �.
E- 67 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Set code 06 (C alculation and operation methods ) Description Selection Program co de Default value Succ ee ds the t axa ble stat us and c ommis sio n status of pr evi - ous item wh en +/ - operati on is pe r fo rm ed.
E- 68 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Set cod e 08 ( Fixed total print cont rol) Description Selection Program co de Default value Print gro ss sal es total (GROSS) on xed total re por t. a Y es = 0 No = 1 B (a + b + c) D10 º (a + b + c) D10 Print net sal es total (N ET ) on xed total rep or t .
E- 69 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Example : • O n the xed total report, not printing gross sales total ( a = 1 ), not printing ne t sales to tal (b = 2 ), not printing cash in draw er . ( c = 4 ) : D 1 0 = 7 ( 1 + 2 +4 ).
E-70 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Set cod e 1 5 (P rintin g metho ds of sal es repo r t s ) Description Selection Program co de Default value Depar tment zero s kip (De par t ments of sa les amo unt zero are not pr inted on sal es repo r t s.
E - 71 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Set cod e 1 7 (Dat e/ tim e pr inting on j ourna ls/rece ipts) Description Selection Program co de Default value Print date on jo urn al. a Y es = 0 No = 2 B (a + b) D 4 º (a + b) D 4 Print consecutiv e numbe r on receipt/ journal.
E-72 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Set cod e 27 (C lerk o per atio n selec tio ns ) Description Selection Program co de Default value All ow cle rk f unct ions.
E-73 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Pr ogramming functions of depar t ments and PL Us in a l ump There are two methods to set functions of d epar tments or PL Us which are programmin g at once and progr amming indivi dual func tions.
E - 74 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Depa r t ment a nd PL U lump set cod e Description Selection Program co de Default value Single item sales: Nor mal item = 0, S ingle item = 3 0 or 3 .
E -75 Useful f eat ure s Pr ogramming P L U functions in a lump This method programs functions of a PL U a t one time. Step Op eration 1 T urn t he Mode switch to PGM position and select [Syst em Setting] then press F k e y. > ▪▪▪▪▪ >F 2 Enter 3 and press o k e y to se t the registe r in the programming mode.
E-76 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Pr ogramming functions of depar t ments and PL Us indiv idually Pr ogramming funct ions of depa r t ment s individually This par t expl ains programming me thods of each function of departments indi - vidually .
E-7 7 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Set cod e ta ble Set c o de Description Selection Program co de 03 T axab le statu s T axab le status fo r USA A l way s “ 0 ” 0.
E-78 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Pr ogramming funct ions of PL Us i ndividually This par t expl ains programming me thods of each function of PL U s individual ly . Step Op eration 1 T urn t he Mode switch to PGM position and select [Syst em Setting] then press F k e y.
E-7 9 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Pr ogramming funct ions of tra nsaction key s This section explain s how yo u can program functio ns in each transaction k e ys such as F , h or m k e ys. F or e xa mple, programm ing F k e y to force entr y of tendered amount.
E- 80 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Pr ogram code for RA and ] keys Description Selection Program co de Ma ximum amount. e.g. ) $ 1 0,00 0; D 4 = 1 , D3 = 4. Ma ximum value (0 ~ 9) BB D4 D3 Number of zer os (0 ~ 9 ) Must be “ 0 0 ” 00 ºº D2 D1 Example : T o set ] k e y no t allowing t o ent er more than $90 0.
E- 81 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Pr ogram code for p key Description Selection Program co de T axab le statu s T axab le status fo r USA A l way s “ 0 ” 0 º D8 .
E- 82 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Pr ogram code for x key Description Selection Program co de Multiplication procedure ! Quantit y × A mo unt, @ Am ount × Quantity ! = 0 @ = 1 B D6 Ro.
E- 83 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Pr ogramming fur t her clerk func tions This section explain s how yo u can set fur ther programming for clerks such as setting the register in trai ning mode or setting commission rates giv en to clerks.
E- 84 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Printing programmed data Af ter programs ha ve been se t, you can print the programmed da ta. T o print programmed unit pric e or percentag e ( o ther than PL U ) Step 1 T urn t he Mode switch to PGM position and select [Syst em Setting] then press F k e y.
E- 85 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations T o print programmed charact ers ( e x cept P L Us ) Step 1 T urn t he Mode switch to PGM position and select [Syst em Setting] then press F k e y. 2 Enter 2 and press o k e y. 3 Pres s o k ey a gain.
E- 86 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations T o print general programming ( e x cept P L Us ) Step 1 T urn t he Mode switch to PGM position and select [Syst em Setting] then press F k e y. 2 Enter 3 and press o k e y. 3 Pres s o k ey a gain. The prin ter star ts to print preset d ata.
E- 87 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Printout 0001− 30 NET 0001 − 01 0020 − 01 0001 − 38 000001 REG1 204 − 000 1 001 − 000 2 002 − 000 DEPT001 026 − 051 .
E- 88 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations T o print preset characters of PL U Step Printout 1 T urn t he Mode switch to PGM position and select [Syst em Setting] then press F k e y.
E- 89 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Printing v arious sales repor ts Y ou c an print categorized sales repor ts such as PLU sa les repor t, item group sales repor t, hourly sales repor t etc.
E- 9 0 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations P LU s ales repor t X PLU 0000014 PLU0001 17 0.53% $17.00 #0001 PLU0100 42 4.03% $69.00 #0100 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− TL 188.
E- 91 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Monthly sales repo r t X MONTHLY 0000020 1...... GROSS 1236.76 $12,202.57 NET No 214 $12,202.57 31...... GROSS 2132 $14,187.57 NET No 205 $13,398.76 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− TL GROSS 9746.
E- 92 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Elect ronic journal X E−JOURNAL 0000058 REG 06−20−2013 11:58 C 01 0001 000123 1 DEP0T01 T1 $ 1.00 1 DEPT002 T1 $ 2.00 5 DEPT003 $ 5.00 7 No TA1 $ 3.00 TX1 $ 0.15 TX1 $ 0.10 TL $ 8.10 CASH $ 10.
E- 93 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Periodic sales repor t Apar t f rom daily report , you can obtain periodic sales repor t. The register prints total sales da ta from the last periodic repor t. N amely , if you do this opera tion monthly , y ou can obtain monthly sales report s.
E- 9 4 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ZZ1 PERIODIC 1Z −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ZZ1 DEPT 0001 0001115 DEPT001 38 8.13% $ 257.
E- 95 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ZZ1 TRANS 0001 0001112 CASH No 362 $1,638.04 CHARGE No 56 $1,174.85 RC No 4 $810.00 PD No 5 $5.00 CORR No 14 $39.
E- 9 6 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Using an S D card Y ou c an store sales da ta or program data to an SD card or you can restore the data from SD card to your cash register . The following table e xplains wh at yo u can do with an SD c ard.
E- 97 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Step Display 4 Select [ Y ES ] and press F k e y. The register s tar ts to format the SD c ard. 5 Now the SD card is format ted and you can use it f or storing cash register da ta in it.
E- 9 8 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Step Display 4 Select [ Y ES ] and press F k e y. 5 Af ter for a while , the displa y in dicates “Backup co mplet e” .
E- 9 9 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Before y ou consider it as a problem Error code table Error code Mess age Me aning Ac ti on E0 01 Wro ng mo d e M ode switc h pos ition c hang ed before nalization. Return the m ode sw itch to its ori ginal set ti ng and na lize the operation.
E -10 0 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Error code Mess age Me aning Ac ti on E050 DET AIL memory full Chec k trac king det ail mem or y f ull.
E -10 1 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations When “EJ FUL L ” sign appears on the display When the register sho ws this sign , issue electronic journal read repor t (if necessar y ) a nd reset the memory immediately .
E -10 2 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations About the low bat ter y indicator If this indicator ap pears when you swit ch the cash register on, it can mean one of three things : • N o memor y backup batteries are loaded in the cash regis- t e r.
E -10 3 Useful f eat ure s Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations Specicat ions Entr y 10 -key system, buf fer memo r y 8 keys ( 2-ke y roll over) Depar t ment F ull ke y system Main display 26 cha racter s x 10 lines, Dept. nam e, PLU name, T ot al, T rans acti on name s, Change Customer di splay 20 c harac ters x 1 lin e.
E -10 4 Adv an ced programmings and reg istrations.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Casio SE-S3000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Casio SE-S3000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Casio SE-S3000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Casio SE-S3000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Casio SE-S3000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Casio SE-S3000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Casio SE-S3000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Casio SE-S3000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.