Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit CKD2328 du fabricant Emerson
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O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L CKD 2328 ( W i t hou t R e m o t e C on t r o l ) CKD 2 330 ( W i t h R e m o t e C on t r o l ) V i s i t ou r w eb s i t e a t w ww .
2 T h a n k y o u … … … … … … f o r pu r c ha s i ng t h i s E m e r s o n s t e r eo c l o ck r ad i o w i t h CD p l a y e r and P o w e r P a n e l CD l o ad i n g sy s t e m .
3 I M P OR T AN T NO T E S • O p e r a t e c o n t r o l s an d s w i t c h e s a s de sc r i bed i n t he m a nua l . • B e f o r e t u r n i ng ‘ O n ’ t he po w e r , m a k e c e r t a i n t h a t po w e r c o r d i s p r ope r l y i n s t a ll ed .
4 P R E P AR A T I ON F OR U S E UN PACKING AND SETUP • Carefully remove the main unit and the accessories from the display carton. Remove all the packing material from the unit and verify that you have the following items: Main unit, external AM antenna, and remote control (for model CKD2330 only).
5 External AM Antenna This unit utilizes an external AM loop antenna instead of a built in ferrite bar antenna. 1.) Insert the small white plug from the AM loop antenna into the AM antenna jack on the back of the radio. The plug can only be inserted one wa y.
6 3.) Adjust the angle of the loop antenna until you find the position that provides the best AM reception. Note: If you find that AM reception is still unsatisfactory you can remove the loop antenna from the antenna mounting bracket and attach it to the wall with a thumbtack or small nail through the “ keyhole ” opening on the antenna frame.
7 Battery Back Up System This model includes a battery back up circuit that will maintain the clock and alarm settings in the event of a temporary power interruption. The battery back up system requires two “ AA ” batteries, not included. The battery compartment is located on the bottom of the cabinet.
8 Remote Control (Model CKD2330 Only) Model CKD2330 includes a credit card size 10-button remote control that allows you to operate the CD player, control the volume, and switch the system ‘ On ’ and ‘ Off ’ from across the room. The remote control operates on one, button-style lithium battery (Type CR2032 or equivalent), included.
9 IMPOR TANT B A TTERY PRECAUTIONS: • Do not leave the exhausted battery lying around where a child or pet might play with or swallow it. • If the battery is swallowed contact a physician immediately. • Do not attempt to open the battery and do not dispose of the battery in a fire.
1 0 AC Plug AC Outlet POWER SOURCE This radio is designed to operate on 120V 60Hz AC onl y . Attempting to operate this radio on any other power source could cause damage to the unit and such damage is not covered by your warranty. Make sure the radio is connected to an AC outlet that is always “ live ” .
1 1 L OCA T I ON O F CON T R O LS A ND I ND I C A T OR S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 1 4 15 1 6 17 23 2 2 2 1 20 1 9 27 2 8 29 3 0 26 25 24 31 32 9 35 3 6 34 BA CK P AN E L F R O N T P AN E L R I G H T S I D E P AN E L 33 18 CKD2328_2330_B091103.
1 2 1 . ) CD P o w e r P a ne l ( F l a s h i ng B l ue L i gh t W hen O pen i ng ) . 2 . ) M u t e I nd i c a t o r ( R ed ) . 3 . ) A L A R M SE T B u t t on . 4 . ) S noo z e S en s o r . 5 . ) C L O CK SE T B u t t on . 6 . ) D i s p l a y A U T O D I MM E R .
1 3 R E M O T E C O N T R O L ( M o d e l CKD 2 3 3 0 O n l y ) 1 . ) V O L U M E – B u tt on . 2 . ) M U T E B u tt on . 3 . ) R e v e r s e S K I P / SE A RCH B u tt on . 4 . ) S T O P B u tt on . 5 . ) S T ANDB Y / O N B u tt on . 6 . ) P L A Y / P AU SE B u tt on .
1 4 O PE R A T I NG I N S T RUC T I ON S • Make sure you have installed the back up batteries in the battery compartment. • Make sure you have installed the AM loop antenna and extended the FM lead wire antenna to its full length. • Make sure you have removed the remote control battery spacer from the remote handset (Model CKD2330 only).
1 5 SETTING THE WA KE-UP TIME 1.) Depress and hold the ALARM SET button. The display will change from clock time to wake-up time and show “ 7:00 ” . Repeatedly press the HOUR button to adjust the display to the correct wake-up hou r, AM or PM . 2.
1 6 LISTENING TO THE RADIO 1.) Slide the CD/RADIO selector switch, located on the top cabinet, to the RADIO position. 2.) Press the STANDBY/ON button on the front panel or the remote control (model CKD2330 only) to turn the system ‘ On ’ . The Standby indicator goes off and an AM or FM radio frequency appears on the displa y.
1 7 Hints For Better Reception FM – Adjust the position and direction of the FM lead wire antenna until you find the position and direction that provides the best reception. AM – Adjust the direction of the AM loop antenna that you connected to the back of the radio.
1 8 P L A Y I N G C O M P AC T D I S C S N O T E : A l t hough t h i s CD p l a y e r c a n r ea d CD - R a nd CD - R W d i scs , i n a dd i t i on t o no r m a l CD s , t he p l a y a b ili t y o f C.
1 9 4.) The Power Panel will rotate 90 degrees to allow you to load your disc in the CD player. Before loading your own disc be sure to remove the dummy CD transit card from the player and discard it. 5.) Place your disc on the center spindle with the printed label side facing you.
2 0 7.) Press the PL AY/PAUSE button on the front panel or on the remote control (Model CKD2330 only). Playback begins on track 1 and the PL AY indicator appears in the display.
2 1 PAUSE Control To pause momentarily during CD playback press the PL A Y/ PA USE button on the front panel or on the remote control (Model CKD2330 only) again. The sound stops and the PL AY indicator flashes but the disc continues to spin. Press the PL A Y/ PA USE button again to cancel the Pause mode and resume normal playback.
2 2 SPECIAL PL AYBACK MODES REPE AT Playback Y ou can program the player to continuously repeat a single track or the entire disc. The Repeat mode can be selected while the disc is playing or while the disc is stopped. Single Track Repeat Select the track to be repeated and then press the REPE AT button on the front panel once.
2 3 RANDOM Playback (Model CKD2330 Only) When the Random Playback mode is selected all the tracks on the disc will be played in random order. Random Playback mode can be selected while the disc is playing or while the disc is stopped. Press the RANDOM button on the remote control (Model CKD2330 Only).
2 4 PROGRAMMED PL AYBACK Use the Programmed Playback feature to play up to 20 tracks on a disc in any desired orde r . You may also program a particular track to play several times within a programmed sequence if desired. NOTES: (A.) You cannot program a disc while it is playing.
2 5 3.) Press the SKIP Forward or SKIP Reverse buttons to select the first track number to be programmed. Example: Track number 7 . When the desired track number appears in the display press the PROGRAM button again. Track 7 is now entered in Program Memory number “ 01 ” .
2 6 6.) When the program is completed the player stops and the display again shows the total tracks on the disc. However the PROGRAM indicator remains in the display and the player remains in the Programmed Playback mode. If you press the PL A Y/ PA USE button the programmed sequence will play again.
2 7 ALARM Function Y ou can use the alarm function to wake you to an electronic buzzer tone, the radio, or your favorite CD. First press the ALARM SET button on the front panel to check the Wake Up time setting. Adjust the Wake Up time if necessar y .
2 8 Wake To CD Load the desired CD, begin playback and adjust the volume to the desired level. Press the STANDBY/ON button to put the system in the Standby (Power ‘ Off ’) mode. Set the MUSIC / BUZZER switch on the top panel to the MUSIC position.
2 9 SNOOZE Function After the alarm turns on in the morning you can use the Snooze function to grab a few more minutes sleep before the alarm sounds again. To activate the Snooze function you can press the SNOOZE button on the top cabinet, or you can simply wave your hand in front of the Snooze Sensor on the front panel.
3 0 SLEEP TIMER (Front Panel Only) This system includes a programmable Sleep Timer that allows you to fall asleep from 59 minutes of music and then shuts the power ‘ Off ’ automaticall y. To Operate The Sleep Timer: 1.) Turn the system ‘ On ’ and operate either the Radio or CD function as usual.
3 1 NOTES: • Y ou can shut the unit off manually before the Sleep Timer counts down to “ 00” by pressing the STANDBY/ON button at any time. Or just cancel the Sleep Timer by pressing the SNOOZE button.
3 2 MUTE Function (Model CKD2330 Only) To stop the sound from the speakers temporarily press the MUTE button on the remote control handset. The Mute indicator light (red) comes on. The sound stops but the unit remains ‘ On ’ . Press the MUTE button again to cancel Mute function and restore the sound.
3 3 C O M P AC T D I S C CA R E • T o r e m o v e a d i sc f r o m i t s s t o r age c a s e , p r e ss do w n on t he c en t e r o f t he c a s e and li ft t he d i sc ou t, ho l d i ng i t c a r e f u ll y b y t he edge s .
3 4 L I M I T E D W AR RAN T Y E m e r s o n R a d i o C o r p. w a rr a n t s m a n u f a c t u r i n g d e f ec t s i n o r i g i n a l m a t e r i a l , i n c l ud i n g o r i g i n a l p a r t s a.
E M E R S O N P a r t N o . : 16 - 291 1 B 309 - 01 P r i n t e d i n C h i n a R CKD2328_2330_B091103.p65 11/9/2003, 14:52 35.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Emerson CKD2328 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Emerson CKD2328 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Emerson CKD2328, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Emerson CKD2328 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Emerson CKD2328, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Emerson CKD2328.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Emerson CKD2328. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Emerson CKD2328 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.