Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SE-C6000 du fabricant Casio
Aller à la page of 134
CASIO COMPUTER CO ., L TD . 6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome Shibuya-ku, T okyo 151-8543, Japan.
2 E Introd uction & Co ntents Do not locate the cash register where it will be subjected to direct sunlight, high humidity , splashing with water or other liquids , or high temperature (such as near a heater). Ne v er tr y to open the cash register or attempt your own repairs.
Introduction & Contents 3 E Congratulatio ns on y our sel ection o f a CAS I O SE-S600 0/ SE-C60 00 electronic cash re gister . Th is ECR is the product o f the w or ld 's m ost ad vanced e lectronic technol o gy , for ou tstanding v ersatility and reliability .
4 E Safety Precautions • T o use this product safely and correctly , read this manual thoroughly and operate as instructed. After reading this guide, keep it close at hand for easy reference. Please keep all informations for future reference. • Always observe the warnings and cautions indicated on the product.
Introduction & Contents 5 E W arning! Make sure th e power plug is inserted as far as it will go. Loose plugs create th e danger of elec tric shock, o verheating, and fi re. • Do not u se the regi ster if the p lu g is damaged . Ne ver co nnect to a po w er ou tle t that is l oose .
Introd uction & Co ntents 6 E Introduction & Contents ........................................................................................... 2 Getting Star ted ..............................................................................
Introduction & Contents 7 E Programming depar tment / fl at-P L U ke ys ..................................................................................... 39 T o pro gram a unit pric e for each dep artm ent/ fl at-PLU ........................
Introd uction & Co ntents 8 E Coupon transact ion ............................................................................................................ ......... 65 Coupon registration usin g <COUPON > (coup on ke y) .................
Introduction & Contents 9 E Mixed food stamp / c ash change ................................................................................................ .. 95 Electronic benefi ts transfer .....................................................
10 E Getti ng Sta rte d Step 1 Remove the pr inter cover . Step 2 Open the platen arm. Step 3 Ens uring the paper is bei ng fed f rom the botto m of the roll, low er the roll into the space behi nd the printer . Co m p l e t e Replace th e printer cover , passing the lea ding end of the paper th r ough the cutter slot.
11 E Getting Started T o instal l journa l paper Step 1 Remove the pr inter cover . Step 2 Open the platen arm. Step 3 Ens uring the paper is bei ng fed f rom the botto m of the roll, low er the roll into the space behi nd the printer . Step 4 Put the lea ding end of the paper over the pr inter .
12 E Getti ng Sta rte d Be sure to check the sticker (rating plate) on the side of the cash register to make sure that its voltage matches that of the power sup- ply in your area. 2. Plug the cash regist er int o a w all outlet. 3. Inser t the mode key mark ed “PGM” i nt o the mode switch.
13 E Getting Started 7 . Set the time. 1. Enter current time in 24 hour system, and press the <X/DA TE TIME> Example: 08:30 a.m. 2 0830 X (09:45 p.m. 2 2145 X ) 2. Press <C> key . Example: C Th is cash re gis ter is capabl e of a utomati cal l y calculating up to ten differen t sales taxes .
14 E Getti ng Sta rte d 8 -2. Programmi ng special rounding fo r Asian, Oceania and other countries Bes ides cu t off , round off and round up , you can also specif y “ special rounding” f or su btotals a nd to ta ls or c hanges .
15 E Getting Started and ; 1 T ax symbol (*) is printed. 2 T axable amount is skipped. 3 “GST INCLUDED” is set to the TX1 descriptor . 4 “T AXABLE AMT” is set to the T A1 descriptor . 5 T otal line is printed even in direct (cash) sale. 6 Australian rounding is set.
16 E Getti ng Sta rte d 8. T ax table programmin g (continued) 8 - 4. Programmi ng U tables Be fo re y ou can program a U .S . ta x tabl e , y ou m ust fi rst calc ulate the program dat a . The par tial t ax table s ho wn bel o w is f or a tax rate of 6 % .
17 E Getting Started Import ant! Be sur e you u se the f ederal sales tax data with you r provinci al sales tax data. E ve n if you r provi nce use the same tax rate as anot her provi nce , inputting the wrong da ta will res ult incorr ect tax c alcul ations .
18 E Getti ng Sta rte d 9. D epar tment unit price programmin g 1 0. PL U unit price programming After business hours, issue daily reset report. Refer to page 58. Maximum 6-digit unit price can be set to the department. Refer to page 39. T ax calculation status can be set to the department.
19 E Getting Started Single item cash sales .........................................61 Premium .............................................................63 Coupon ...............................................................65 Currency exchange function.
20 E Introd uci ng the Register P op-up displa y ( Customer displa y) Main displa y Mode s witch Antimicrobial K e yboard (SIAA - ISO22196) Com por t connector cov er Multi pur pose T ra y Rol l pa pe r Y ou can use the roll paper to pri nt recei pts and a journa l (pag e 1 0, 1 1 ) .
21 Introducing the Register E X REG OFF RF PGM Z X2/Z2 How to set the m enu sheet ( F or SE- C60 00 only) 1 . P ull t he s heet co v er up and rem o v e the ol d menu s heet .
22 Introd uci ng the Register E Displa y Display panel Main di sp l a y Customer display 1"34 3 ST •123.45 PRETZEL 1"34 RPT AMOUNT T1 T2 T3 T4 TOT AL CHANGE R-OFF.
23 Introducing the Register E 1 Item count and subtotal This par t of the di sp la y sho ws i tem s o ld co unt and su bto tal. M ode descrip tor is als o disp l a y ed here . 2 Item / Ke y / Change descriptor When y ou re gister an ite m or k e y , the i tem / k e y / chan ge des cr i ptor a ppea rs here .
24 Introd uci ng the Register E 2nd @ 1 Pa per feed k ey f , j Hol d th is ke y do wn to feed paper f rom the pr inter . 2 Recei pt on / off k ey Q Use this key twice to change the status “re ceipt iss ue” or “no receip t. ” 3 Post receipt k e y < Use this key to produce a post - fi nal ization receipt.
25 Introducing the Register E K V A T key V Use this key to print a V A T breakdo wn. L Ne w chec k k ey N Use this key in a check tracki ng s ystem to input a ne w check number in order to open a new check under that num ber.
26 Introd uci ng the Register E AGE 2nd @ K eyboard SE-S60 0 0 for US and Canada 1 Pa per feed k ey f , j Hol d th is ke y do wn to feed paper f rom the pr inter . 2 Receipt o n / off ke y Q Use this key twice to change the status “re ceipt iss ue” or “no receip t.
27 Introducing the Register E CR1 CR2 TRANS J Sign off ke y Å Use this key to s ign cl erk off the register . K T ax shi ft 1 k ey t Use this key wi thout a numeric entr y to change the T a xabl e 1 stat us o f the next item. L T ax shift 2 ke y T Use this key wi thout a numeric entr y to change the T a xabl e 2 stat us o f the next item.
28 Introd uci ng the Register E 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 71 6 14 22 30 38 46 54 62 70 5 13 21 29 37 45 53 61 69 4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60 68 3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59 67 2 10 18 26 34 42 50 58 66 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 00 .
29 Introducing the Register E 0001 000 2 2nd @ I Old ch eck k ey O Use this key in a check tracki ng s ystem to input the number of an existing check (pre vi ously created by the new c heck ke y ) whose deta ils ar e stored in the check tr acki ng memory .
30 Introd uci ng the Register E 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 71 6 14 22 30 38 46 54 62 70 5 13 21 29 37 45 53 61 69 4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60 68 3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59 67 2 10 18 26 34 42 50 58 66 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 00 .
31 Introducing the Register E I Old ch eck k e y O Use this key in a check tracki ng s ystem to input the number of an existing check (pre vi ously created by the Ne w check ke y ) which detai ls are stored i n the check tr acki ng memory .
32 Introd uci ng the Register E Allocatable functions Y ou can t ailor a keyboard t o suit y our pa rt icular t ype of busi- ness. Ad d check Use this key in a che ck track ing system to combi ne the det ail s of more tha n one check into a single che ck.
33 Introducing the Register E Pre vio us bal an c e Use this key to regist er the previous negativ e / positive balance at the b eginn ing of or dur ing a tra nsaction. P revious ba la nce subtota l Use this key to obt ain subtot al exc luding t he add-on t ax a mount and cu rr ent balanc e .
34 E • The jour nal and receipts are records of all t ransactions and operations . • The conten ts pr inted on recei pts and jour nal are a lmost i den tical.
Basic Operations and Setups 35 E BEFORE bus in es s ho urs… DURING BUSIN ESS HOURS… AFTER B USINESS HOURS … The fo llo wing describes the ge neral procedu re y ou s houl d use in order to get the mos t ou t of y o ur cash regis ter . • Check to make sure that the cash register is plugged in securely .
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 36 E Assigning a clerk Y ou can assi gn clerks b y usin g cl erk button or b y c lerk secret number . The method y ou o f assi gni n g cl erk depends o n the program ming of y our cash re gister .
37 E Basic Operations and Setups Displayi ng the time and date Y ou can sho w the time or date on the displa y o f the cash regi ster whe ne v er there is no regi stration be ing made .
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 38 E Unit price Flat-PLU Amount tendered Registeri ng depar tment / fl at-PL U ke ys The fo llo wing e xampl es sh o w ho w y ou can use the depar tment / fl at-P L U ke ys in v a riou s typ es o f re gistratio ns .
39 E Basic Operations and Setups Quantity being purchased (4-digit integer / 3-digit decimal) Package quantity (4-digit integer / 3-digit decimal) Package price Quantity (4-digit integer / 3-digit decimal) 6 1 s 6 : : : : : : 6 6 s Unit price Different setting Same setting Mode switch PGM Department Flat-PLU 12 PLU0001 •12.
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 40 E 6 3 s 6 0366 s 6 : : 6 6 s To another department/flat-PLU Same program D 2 D 1 Mode switch PGM Department Flat-PLU Programming procedure Description Choice Program .
41 E Basic Operations and Setups T o program high amount limit for each departm ent / fl at- PL U Programming procedure 6 3 s 6 1566 s 6 : ~ : 6 6 s To another department/flat-PLU Same program D 6 ~ D 1 Mode switch PGM Department Flat-PLU Description Choice Program code High amount limit for entering unit price manually .
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 42 E Mode switch REG ERROR ALARM (Exceeding high amount) 5 DEPT03 T1 •10.00 1 DEPT04 T2 •2.00 TA1 •10.00 TX1 •0.40 TA2 •2.00 TX2 •0.20 TL •12.60 CASH •20.00 CG •7.40 1 DEPT02 •1.00 TL •1.00 CASH •1.
43 E Basic Operations and Setups Th is section describes ho w to prep a re and use PL U s . 6 3 s 6 0366 s 6 PLU No . + 6 : : 6 a 6 s T o new (not sequencial) PLU D 2 D 1 Different program to the next PLU Same program Mode switch PGM T o program ta x calculation status for each PL U 6 1 s 6 PLU No .
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 44 E Description Choice Program code for the U.S. Food stamp T axable 1 status a T axable 2 status b T axable 3 status c for Canada Donuts status Non tax = 0 T axable 3 .
45 E Basic Operations and Setups PLU code Mode switch REG — PLU No. / unit price 1 PLU0014 •2.50 TL •2.50 CASH •3.00 CG •0.50 1 PLU0014 •2.50 1 PLU0014 •2.50 1 PLU0014 •2.50 TL •7.50 CASH •10.00 CG •2.50 10 PLU0007 •20.00 10 @1/ 2.
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 46 E Unit price Repeat Quantity being purchased (4-digit integer / 3-digit decimal) Package quantity (4-digit integer / 3-digit decimal) 3 PLU0028 •12.00 3 @5/ 20.00 PLU0028 •12.00 TL •12.00 CASH •15.00 CG •3.00 — Quantity / result or — Quantity / unit q’ty / @ — Result 1 PLU0030 •32.
47 E Basic Operations and Setups Applies the preset discount rate to the last item registered. The input value takes priority of the preset value. 6 1 s 6 : : : : 6 p 6 s Mode switch PGM Preset rate Example: 10% 2 10 5 . 5% 2 5^5 12 . 34% 2 12^34 Mode switch REG Th is section describes ho w to prepa re and regi ster discounts .
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 48 E 6 1 s 6 : : : : : : 6 m 6 s Unit price Mode switch PGM Th is section describes ho w to prepa re and regis ter reductions . Programmi ng for reductions Y ou can use the m key to reduce single item or subtotal amounts.
49 E Basic Operations and Setups Reduction for subtotal OPERA TI ON RECEIPT 3- ! 4- " s 75 m s 7- F Reduces the subtotal by the value input here. 1 DEPT01 T1 •3.00 1 DEPT02 T2 •4.00 - -0.75 TA1 •3.00 TX1 •0.12 TA2 •4.00 TX2 •0.20 TL •6.
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 50 E Mode switch REG 1 DEPT01 •11.00 TL •11.00 CHECK •20.00 CG •9.00 1 DEPT04 •15.00 #/NS 1234 TL •15.00 CHARGE •15.00 — Reference No. 1 DEPT04 •55.00 TL •55.00 CHECK •30.00 CASH •5.00 CHARGE •20.
51 E Basic Operations and Setups The fo llo wing e xa mp les s ho w ho w to use t he RF mode to regis ter goods retur ned b y custome rs. Normal refund transaction OPERA TI ON RECEIPT 150 ! ! 6 | 2 + F Mode switch RF Press R before the item you want to return.
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 52 E Reduction of amounts paid on refund OPERA TI ON RECEIPT 4- # 15 m 2 + p s F Rec eived amo unt $70 0.0 0 Mode switch REG Mode switch REG RC •700.00 PD •1.50 1 DEPT03 •4.00 - -0.15 1 PLU0002 •1.20 5% %- -0.06 TL •4.
53 E Basic Operations and Setups There a re th ree techniques y ou can use to make corre ctio ns in a registratio n . • T o corre ct an item that y ou input bu t not y et registered . • T o corre ct the last item y ou input and regi stered. • T o cancel al l i tems in a t ransaction .
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 54 E T o correct an item yo u input and registered OPERA TIO N RECEIPT 1- ! 2- " " e 2 + e 5 + 15 + 6- : e 15 + 10- : 8 | 4- $ e 6 | 4- $ s 50 p e s 5 p R 2- " e R 220 " s 20- F e 15- F h — — — Clearance — — Correction of PLU No.
55 E Basic Operations and Setups To cancel all items in a transaction OPERA TI ON RECEIPT 1- ! 2- " 3- # 4- $ s e Pre ss ing s k ey is necessa ry to ca ncel the trans ac ti on . Mode switch REG #/NS ••••••••• 1 DEPT01 •1.00 1 DEPT02 •2.
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 56 E Pre ss ing t changes the ta x stat us from Nonta xable to T a xable 1 Pre ss ing T changes the ta x stat us from T axable 1 to T axable 1 , 2 Pre ss ing T changes the ta x stat us from T axable 2 to Nonta xable Mode switch REG 1 DEPT01 T2 $4.
57 E Basic Operations and Setups Th is report sho ws dai l y sales totals. OPERA TI ON REPORT 8 F Mode switch Z — Date / time — Clerk name / mc No.
Basic Ope rations a nd Setu ps 58 E RC No 4 •810.00 PD No 5 •520.00 •5.00 CORR No 14 •39.55 VLD No 19 RCT No 3 NS No 5 ------------------------ Z DEPT 0001 0001015 DEPT01 203.25 •1,108.54 DEPT02 183 •1,362.26 DEPT08 5 •17.22 ------------------------ TL 421.
59 E Basic Operations and Setups.
60 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s Th is ch apter describes more sop histicated operations that y ou can use to suit the needs of y our retail environment . There a re tw o typ es o f cl erk interr upt function , illustrated by P R OCED U RE 1 and PR OCEDURE 2 b e lo w .
Adv anced Operations 61 E Clerk 1 Clerk 2 Sign on Sign on Sign on Sign on Sign on Registration A Post receipt A Finalization A Finalization B Registration B <NEW BALANCE> <NEW BALANCE> <.
62 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s Ad dit ion (p lus ) Exam ple OPERA TI ON RECEIPT 1- ! 10 B 3 | 2- ! 3 | B F The t ransa ction is imme diately fi nal ized. The t ran saction is not fi nal ized. Because a nother item is register ed before the single item sales depa r tment.
Adv anced Operations 63 E 1 DEPT01 •1.00 10% %+ •0.10 3 DEPT01 •6.00 ST •7.10 15% %+ •1.07 TL •8.17 CASH •8.17 Ite m 1 D ep t. 1 $1 . 0 0 Quanti t y 1 Pre mi um 1 0% Ite m 2 D ep t. 1 $2. 0 0 Quanti t y 3 Subt ota l P r em ium ( 15 % ) Payment Ca sh $8 .
64 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s TRA Y TOT A L TRA Y TOT A L 1 DEPT01 •1.00 1 DEPT03 •2.00 TRAY TL •3.00 5% %- -0.15 1 DEPT03 •3.00 1 DEPT04 •4.00 TRAY TL •7.00 10% %- -0.70 TL •9.15 CASH •9.15 1 DEPT01 •1.00 1 DEPT03 •2.00 TRAY TL •3.
Adv anced Operations 65 E CPN2 CPN2 2 DEPT01 •6.00 COUPON -1.00 1 DEPT03 •4.00 COUPON -1.00 TL •8.00 CASH •8.00 1 DEPT01 •15.00 CPN2 •••••••• 1 DEPT01 -1.50 1 PLU0010 •5.00 CPN2 •••••••• 1 PLU0050 -0.50 TL •18.
66 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s Mode switch REG LOAN •10.00 LOAN •25.00 CASH •35.00 The preset amount is tendered. An error occurs by manual input 1 DEPT01 •8.00 TL •8.00 CASH •10.00 CG •2.00 1 DEPT01 •15.00 TL •15.00 CHECK •5.00 CASH •10.
Adv anced Operations 67 E Mode switch REG P.UP •5.00 P.UP •0.50 CASH •5.50 Mode switch REG MEDIA CHG ••••••••• CHECK •10.00 CASH •8.00 CHARGE •2.00 Re giste ring pick up amou nts Ch anging media in d rawer Pic k up Coin $0 .
68 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s BR BR Y ou can l in k PL U to a P LU . Exam ple OPERA TI ON RECEIPT 1 + 3 | 2 + 30- F Bott le returns Bottle return key Y ou can use the li nked bottle retu rn ke y to regis ter a bottle retur n.
Adv anced Operations 69 E When yo u regis ter a set men u , its total amount is added to the PL U total izer and counter . T he price o f each set men u item i s also added to each respectiv e PLU totalizer a nd coun ter . Exam ple OPERA TI ON RECEIPT 35 + F 1 PLU0001 •8.
70 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s (5,000) 10- ! 20- " Es 50- E a T enders in a foreign currency c an be registered using the a and k only . Other fi nali ze ke ys cannot be use d. OPERA TION DISPLA Y RECEIPT 5 Enter the u nit price a nd press the applicable depar tment ke y .
Adv anced Operations 71 E Partial tender in a foreign currency can be registered using a and k only . Other fi nalizat ion ke ys cannot be use d , but the remaining tender can be fi n alized using any fi nalize key . OPERA TION DISPLA Y RECEIPT 5 Enter the u nit price a nd press the applicable depar tment ke y .
72 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s TIP Exam ple OPERA TI ON RECEIPT 3- ! 5- " s 80 B 10- F 1 DEPT01 •3.00 1 DEPT02 •5.00 TIP •0.80 TL •8.80 CASH •10.00 CG •1.20 Tips Item 1 Uni t price $ 3 . 00 Dept . 1 Item 2 Uni t price $ 5 . 00 Dept .
Adv anced Operations 73 E CST CST CST CST CST CT 2 1 DEPT01 •15.00 1 DEPT02 •5.00 TL •20.00 CASH •20.00 CT 3 1 DEPT01 •15.00 1 DEPT02 •5.00 CT 5 TL •20.00 CASH •20.00 CT 3 1 DEPT01 •15.00 1 DEPT02 •5.00 CT 2 TL •20.00 CASH •20.
74 E Te x t r e c a l l T emporari ly relea sin g compu lsi on Adva nce d O p er ati on s OPEN 2 Va l i d a t i o n c o m p u l s o r y OPEN 2 Input customer No. compulsor y Compulsor y is tempor ar ily released. TEXT RECALL TEXT RECALL 1 DEPT01 •10.
75 E Adv anced Operations Prin ting slip T o per f orm batch printing on the slip pr inter , you m ust fi rs t use the memory a llocati on operation ( see progra m 5 mode in the dea ler ’ s ma n ual) to reserve s lip buffer me mory .
76 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s Check tracking s y st ems Check tracking sy stem Wi th the check tracki ng s ys tem , the a mo unt, c heck n umber , number of s lip pri nt lines , sto re number , date / t ime and regi stration de ta il data a re st ored in two fi le s ( check tracki n g index fi le and check tracking detail fi le ) .
77 E Adv anced Operations NEW CHECK T ABLE # OLD CHECK CHECK No. 1234 TBL# 000033 1 DEPT01 •10.00 1 DEPT01 •10.00 1 DEPT02 •20.00 1 DEPT02 •20.00 1 DEPT03 •30.00 + •0.50 SRVC TL •90.50 TABLE No.000033 CT 1 CHECK No. 1234 ST •90.50 1 DEPT01 •30.
78 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s GUEST RECEIPT OLD CHECK Input the number of check you want. TABLE No.000033 CT 1 CHECK No. 1234 1 DEPT01 •10.00 1 DEPT01 •10.00 1 DEPT02 •20.00 1 DEPT02 •20.00 1 DEPT03 •30.00 + •0.50 1 DEPT01 •30.00 1 DEPT02 •10.
79 E Adv anced Operations SLIP REG 18-06-2010 17:05 C 01 MC#01 000150 TABLE No.000033 CT 1 CHECK No. 1234 1 DEPT01 •10.00 1 DEPT01 •10.00 1 DEPT02 •20.00 1 DEPT02 •20.00 1 DEPT03 •30.00 + •0.50 #12 SRVC TL •90.50 1 DEPT01 •30.00 1 DEPT02 •10.
80 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s Origin al check Check# 1 234 Item 1 Dept 1 $ 10 .0 0 Quanti t y 1 Item 2 Dept 2 $ 20 .0 0 Quanti t y 2 Tr a g e t C h e c k # 12 3 4 I t em 1 P L U000 1 $ 1 5 .00 Quanti t y 1 I t e m 2 P L U000 2 $ 1 7 .5 0 Quanti t y 1 T ABLE# 0001 0002 TBL NO.
81 E Adv anced Operations NEW CHECK OLD CHECK ADD CHECK NEW CHECK T ABLE # Check No. : 1234 Check No. : 3456 CHECK No. 1234 TBL# 000033 1 DEPT01 •10.00 1 DEPT02 •20.00 + •0.50 SRVC TL •30.50 CHECK No. 3456 1 DEPT01 •30.00 + •0.50 SRVC TL •30.
82 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s Separa te c heck Th is operati on makes it pos si bl e to sp lit a s ingle c heck into separate chec ks. Exam ple Th is input of a tempora r y check number ca n be skipp ed. Af ter <SEP CH K> , this item is separate d.
83 E Adv anced Operations Condi ment / pr eparation PL Us Re gi st ering main P L U . No condi ment registr ation occu rs an er ror cond ition . Re gi st ering main P L U . 1 PLU0001 •10.00 PLU0011 •0.10 PLU0012 •0.20 PLU0013 •0.30 TL •10.60 CASH •10.
84 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s V A T break do wn pri nt in g 1 DEPT01 T1 •1.00 1 PLU0001 T2 •2.00 TA1 •0.90 TX1 •0.10 TA2 •1.90 TX2 •0.10 TL •3.00 CASH •3.00 Item 1 Dept 1 $ 1 .0 0 Ta x a b l e 1 Ite m 2 PLU 1 ( $2. 0 0) Ta x a b l e 2 Payment Ca sh $3 .
85 E Adv anced Operations DEPOSIT - DEPOSIT + DEPOSIT •50.00 TL •50.00 CASH •50.00 1 DEPT01 •10.00 1 DEPT02 •20.00 DEPOSIT -20.00 TL •10.00 CASH •10.00 Deposit regi strat ion s Depos i t Cas h $50 .0 0 Item 1 Dept 1 $10. 0 0 Item 2 Dept 2 $20.
86 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s BILL COPY Exam ple T o issue a cop y o f a bill dated June 1 8, 20 1 0 in the a mo unt of $ 3 5 .0 0 cash . OPERA TI ON RECEIPT 18062010 B 35- F Enter date by date order .
87 E Adv anced Operations PRICE INQ PRICE INQ STOCK INQ Ac tu al stock qu antit y inquir y Actual stock quantity are appeared. Unit pr ice inqui r y Wi th th is operation , y ou ca n recall t he actual stock quantity f or PL U s and sho w it on the displ a y of the cash re gister .
88 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s REVIEW Revie w the item to b e corr ecte d. Pr ess < V OID> to cor rec t. Y ou can cor rect the previ ous ly re gis tered item ( s ) i n the same t ransaction b y using <REV IEW> ( revie w ke y ) . Exam ple OPERA TI ON DISPLA Y 1 ST •2.
89 E Adv anced Operations Scan ning-PLU code and OBR k ey OBR NLU One touch N LU Does not exist i n the scan ni ng PLU fi le Input pr ice and pr ess the li nked depar tment k ey . Regi ste r nor m al ly . 1 Scan-PLU01 •2.35 #49012347 1 Scan-PLU02 •2.
90 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s Shi fti ng f oo d stamp stat us , press K key . Pre ss J , at the top of the food st amp t ender . AG E AGE 05-03-1991 1 DEPT01 $1.00 TL $1.00 CASH $1.00 Er ror “PLEASE EN TER BI RT H DA T E” o cc u rs. Enter bi rt hdate by “M M-DD- YYYY” o rd er .
91 E Adv anced Operations 1 DEPT01 T1 F $2.00 TA1 $2.00 TX1 $0.08 TL $2.08 FSST $2.08 FSTD $5.00 FSCG $2.00 CG $0.92 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.00 1 DEPT02 T2 F $2.00 1 DEPT03 F $3.00 TA1 $1.00 TX1 $0.04 TA2 $2.00 TX2 $0.10 TL $6.14 FSST $6.14 FSTD $7.00 CG $0.
92 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.00 1 DEPT02 T2 $2.00 1 DEPT03 $3.00 TA1 $1.00 TX1 $0.04 TA2 $2.00 TX2 $0.10 TL $6.14 FSST $1.04 FSTD $5.00 FSCG $3.00 CASH $4.14 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.00 1 DEPT04 $0.50 TA1 $2.00 TX1 $0.08 TL $2.58 FSST $2.08 FSTD $5.
93 E Adv anced Operations 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.00 1 DEPT01 T1 F $2.00 1 DEPT04 F $3.00 FSST $6.00 FSTD $6.00 1 DEPT01 T1 F $2.00 1 DEPT01 T1 F $3.00 1 DEPT04 T1 F $4.00 FSST $9.00 FSTD $5.00 TA1 $4.00 TX1 $0.16 CASH $4.16 Ite m 1 D ep t. 1 $1 . 0 0 T axabl e 1 , F/ S Ite m 2 D ep t.
94 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s 1 DEPT01 T1 F $2.00 1 DEPT02 T2 F $3.00 FSST $5.00 FSTD $1.00 TA1 $1.00 TX1 $0.04 TA2 $3.00 TX2 $0.15 CASH $4.19 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.00 1 DEPT02 T2 F $5.00 FSST $6.00 FSTD $4.00 TA2 $2.00 TX2 $0.10 CASH $2.10 Ite m 1 D ep t.
95 E Adv anced Operations 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.50 1 DEPT01 T1 F $2.00 1 DEPT04 F $3.00 FSST $6.50 FSTD $10.00 FSCG $3.00 CG $0.50 1 DEPT01 T1 F $2.00 FSST $2.00 FSTD $5.00 FSCG $3.00 Item 1 Dept . 1 $1. 5 0 T axabl e 1 , F/ S Item 2 Dept . 1 $2.0 0 T axabl e 1 , F/ S Item 3 Dept .
96 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s 1 DEPT01 T1 F $2.00 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.20 1 DEPT03 T1 $0.30 TA1 $0.30 TX1 $0.01 FSST $3.20 FSTD $5.00 FSCG $1.00 CG $0.49 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.00 1 DEPT01 T1 F $2.50 1 DEPT03 $5.00 FSST $3.50 FSTD $5.00 FSCG $1.00 CASH $4.50 Ite m 1 D ep t.
97 E Adv anced Operations EBT 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.00 1 DEPT02 T2 F $2.00 1 DEPT03 F $2.00 TL $6.00 FSST $6.00 EBTTD $6.00 Item 1 Dept . 1 $1. 0 0 T axabl e 1 , F/ S Item 2 Dept . 2 $2.0 0 T axabl e 2, F/ S Item 3 Dept . 3 $3 . 0 0 Ta x a b l e F / S Payment EBT $6.
98 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s EBT EBT 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.00 1 DEPT02 T1 F $2.00 1 DEPT03 T1 $3.00 FSST $3.00 EBTTD $5.00 TA1 $3.00 TX1 $0.12 CASH $1.12 1 DEPT01 T1 F $1.00 1 DEPT02 T1 F $1.20 1 DEPT03 T1 $0.30 TA1 $0.30 TX1 $0.01 FSST $2.20 EBTTD $5.00 CG $2.
99 E Adv anced Operations Y ou can program up to 4- digi t ass igning number ( cl erk n umber ) , t rainee stat us o f cl erk ( i .e . tra ining cashier ) a nd comm iss io n rate f or each c lerk . Programmin g clerk number 6 3 s 6 { } 07 s 6 : : : : a 6 s Clerk number T o other clerk Rec.
100 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s The fo llo wing descriptors and messag es can be program med; • M essa ges ( L og o , commercial a nd bottom messag e ) • Clerk na me • P L U item descriptor • Dep ar tment ke y descriptor • Machine num ber Programmi ng receipt message, machine No.
101 E Adv anced Operations Add re ss Contents In itial cha racter Y our s code 0 1 32 1 st line of logo messag e YO U R R ECEI PT 0232 2nd l ine of lo go message TH AN K Y OU 03 3 2 3rd line of log o .
102 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s 6 2 s 6 Characters 6 6 s See “Entering characters” section. T o another department/transaction key Mode switch PGM Department key T ransaction key Programmi ng dep.
103 E Adv anced Operations Contents In itial cha racter Y ou rs Cash / A mount tende red CASH Charge CHARGE Check CHECK Cred i t 1 CREDIT1 Cred i t 2 CREDIT2 Received on accou nt RC Paid out PD Coupon.
104 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s SE- C60 00 for Asia, Oceania and other countries Contents In itial cha racter Y ou rs Cash / A mount tende red CASH Charge CHARGE Check CHECK Received on accou nt RC P.
105 E Adv anced Operations 1 Nu meri c keys Press t his key s to input numbers. 2 Clear k e y Press t his key to c lear a ll input character s in the progra mm ing . 3 Cha racter fi xed ke y Press t his key to en ter when the alphabetic entr y for a descriptor , name or message has be en comp leted.
106 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s 1 Clear k e y Press t his key to c lear 2 Cha racter fi xed k e y Press t his key to en ter when the alphabet ic e ntr y for a descr iptor , name or message has b een compl eted. 3 Backs pace / Character cod e fi xed ke y Press t his key to re gister one character with code (2 or 3 digit ).
107 E Adv anced Operations Entering characte rs by code E v ery t ime y ou en ter a character , ch oose character codes by the ch a racter code list (bel o w ) a nd pres s the ^ ke y to settle it . After you co mp lete en teri ng c haracters, pres s the - ke y to fi x them .
108 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s INS/ OV R * * LENON LE N ON LE N ON LEM O N “ * ” means “OVR” mode. 1 2 3 4 * * l emon Soda l emon Soda l emon Soda L e mon 1 2 3 4 L ENON LE N ON LEM N ON LEM.
109 E Adv anced Operations After you finish to select items, press s to terminate. Mode switch X • Specifying a department ! , " , # ~ • Specifying a PLU 1 + ~ • Daily sales read report ( �.
110 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s T o print the fi nancial read repo rt Th is report sho w s gross sales , net sales , cash in d ra w er and check in draw er .
111 E Adv anced Operations Mode switch X/Z (read/reset) Money declaration *1 • Main currency: (Cash in drawer amount b , N or n ) T o print the daily sales read / reset report Th is repo r t sh o w s sales e x cept f or P L Us . OPERA TIO N REPORT ------------------------ Z BATCH 01 ------------------------ Z FIX 0001 0001011 DECLA •6,919.
112 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s *1 Money decla r ation: Co unt ho w m uch cas h is in the d ra w er and input this amount ( up to 1 0 digi ts ) . The cash re gis ter wil l au tomatically com pare t he inpu t wi th t he cas h in d ra w er in the memory a nd print the dif f erence be tween these tw o amounts .
113 E Adv anced Operations Mode switch X/Z (read/reset) T o print the PL U read / reset repor t Th is report sho ws sales f or PL U s . OPERA TIO N REPORT Mode switch X/Z (read/reset) T o print the hourly sales read / reset report Th is report sho w s hourl y breakdo wns of s ales .
114 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s T o print the monthly sales read / reset report Th is report sho w s mon thly breakdo wns of sales . OPERA TIO N REPORT Mode switch X/Z (read/reset) Mode switch X/Z (read/reset) T o print the group read / reset report Th is report sho w s PL U / depart men t group totals.
115 E Adv anced Operations • Periodic sales read report ( “ X2” mode ) Y ou can pr int read reports at any time dur ing the busines s day wi thout affecting the data stored in t he cash regist er's memor y . • Peri odic sales reset report ( “Z2” mode) Y ou sh ould print reset reports at the end of the bus iness da y .
116 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s *1 Z ero totalled depar tments / functions ( the a moun t and item n umbers are bot h zero ) a re not printed. *2 T hese i tems can be skipped by program ming .
117 E Adv anced Operations T o prin t other sales read / reset reports The fo llo wing reports ca n be iss ued. Proc ed ure 6 Money declaration 6 : : ~ : : a Mode switch X/Z X2/Z2 (read/reset) Command.
118 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s 8 1 s 8 s Mode switch PGM T o print unit pr ice / rate program (ex cept PL U / sc anning P L U) OPERA TIO N REPORT P 01.................... CHECK @1.00 CASH @100.00 - @1.00 % 10% DEPT01 0001-05 1.2 @1.00 DEPT02 0002-05 1 @2.
119 E Adv anced Operations 8 2 s 8 s Mode switch PGM T o prin t ke y descript or , nam e, message program (ex cept P L U and Scanning P L U) OPERA TIO N REPORT P 02 .
120 E Adva nce d O p er ati on s T o print the P L U program OPERA TIO N REPORT 8 6 s 8 104 s 304 s 8 : : : : : : 8 F 8 : : : : : : 8 F 8 F PLU start No. PLU end No. If skipped, starts from PLU1. If skipped, ends the last PLU. Mode switch PGM (PLU unit price read) (PLU program read) P 01 .
121 E Adv anced Operations.
122 E Error code Mes sage Mean ing Action E001 Wro ng m ode Mode sw itch position cha nged b ef ore fi nal izat ion. Ret ur n the mo de switch to its or igi nal set ting a nd fi nali ze the oper ati on . E00 3 Wr ong o perator Cler k button pr essed before fi nal izat ion of a registr ation bei ng perfor med u nder anot her clerk butt on.
123 E Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g T roub leshooting Error code Mes sage Mean ing Action E051 CHK/TBL No . is occup i ed Att empt to made u se <New Che ck> to op en a new check using a nu mber th at is al ready u sed for an exi sting che ck in che ck tra cking m emory .
124 E If yo u make a m is ta ke in operatio n, the cas h regis ter may l ock u p to a v oi d damage to programs and preset data. Sh ould i t happens , y ou can use the fo llo wing procedure to clear the lock u p withou t los ing any data. 1 P o w er off the regi ster .
125 E If the pow er su ppl y to the cash re gister is c ut b y a po w er f ai l ure or any other reason , simpl y wai t fo r po w er to be restored . The deta ils o f any on- go ing transaction as w ell as all sa l es data i n mem ory a re protected by the memory back up batt er ies .
126 E User M ain t en an ce and O ptions Step 2 Pre s s j to feed about 20 cm of paper . Step 3 Cut the jou rna l paper at the point where nothi ng is pri n ted. Step 4 Remo v e the jou rna l ta ke-up reel from its holder . Step 5 Remo v e the paper g uide from the t ake-up reel .
127 E User M ain t en an ce and O ptions User Maintenance and Options P- 58 80 T roll p ap er W T - 89 ( F or SE-S 600 0 ) wetproof co v er W T -9 0 (For SE- C60 00 ) wetproof co ver SP- 1 300 Slip printer UP-370 Rem ote printer The optional wetproof cover protects the keyboard from moisture damage.
128 E * Speci fi cations and design are subject to change without notice. Input method Entry: 10-key system, buffer memory 16 keys (2-key roll over) Department: Full key system Display Main: Amount 10 digits (zero suppression); No. of repeats, total, change, transaction indicator Descriptor 16 digits × 2 lines; item descriptor , No.
129 E Appendi x Appendix – – – – – – – – = = = = = = = = = TA X (6%) Price range Min. break point Max. break point $ .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .
130 E Appendi x X1 Z1 X2/Z2 REG2 REG1 OFF RF PGM Mode Switch 0125 0225 0325 T ax table 1 = T ax table 2 = T ax table 3 = T ax rate (2-digit for integer + 4-digit for decimal) T ax table maximum value (“0” means unlimited).
131 E Index A add check 32, 81 adding to a check 77 addition (+) 62 alphabet key 105, 106 arrangement 32, 69, 122 assigning a clerk 36 Australian rounding 14, 15 B backspace key 105, 106 bill copy 32,.
132 E M machine No. 34, 36, 100 main display 20, 22, 23 Malaysia rounding 14 media change 32 menu shift 28, 30 merchandise subtotal 32 message 34, 86, 100, 108, 1 19 minus 24, 26, 28, 30, 103, 104 mix.
133 E T table number 33, 77, 80, 122 take-up reel 1 1, 20, 126 takeout 33 tax exempt 33 tax shift 27, 30, 56, 103, 104 tax table programming 13-17, 129, 130 text print 33 text recall 33, 74 time displ.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Casio SE-C6000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Casio SE-C6000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Casio SE-C6000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Casio SE-C6000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Casio SE-C6000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Casio SE-C6000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Casio SE-C6000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Casio SE-C6000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.